online core java training | java core online training in usa, uk, canada, australia, dubai, india

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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A1 TrainingsOnline Core Java Training | Java Core Online Training in USA, UK, Canada,

Australia, Dubai, India

CORE JAVA Course Content

Features of JavaJava and InternetProgramming Environment of JavaJava Virtual MachineFundamental Programming Structures in

JavaA Simple Java ProgramCompiling Java ProgramsBytes CodesClassloaders

Where are classes storedHow are objects createdMemory Management in JavaGarbage CollectionTypes of Garbage CollectorsCommentsDatatypes and VariablesAssignments and Initializations

OperatorsStringsCompile Time String Runtime StringsControl FlowWorking with classesObject TechnologyThe Object ModelObjectObject class methods

How to Override equals,hashcode and toString

ClassCharacteristics of an ObjectArchitecture of an ObjectEncapsulationAbstractionInstance Variables/methodsStatic variables /methods

Pass by value/Pass by referenceScopes of variablesType casing of primitive typesMethod overloadingConstructorsGuaranteed initializationThis() and thisJava Arrays

Command line argumentsPackages, Inheritance, Interfaces ExceptionsPurpose of packages, importing packages, etcInheritanceConstructor calling chainSuperCastingOverridingType casting

PolymorphismAbstract ClassesPreventing InheritanceAccess modifiersObject: the Supermost classThe Class Class (Run-Time Type


Using an Abstract SuperclassUsing an InterfaceProperties of InterfacesThe Cloneable InterfaceInterfaces and CallbacksInner ClassesAnonymous Inner ClassesExploring some classes in java.lang package

Exception HandlingNeed for exception handlingThrowable Super classErrors in JavaCatching with try/catch/finallyImportance of throw,Importance of throws

Runtime and non runtime ExceptionsCustom exception creation.Introduction to multithreaded programmingWhat Are ThreadsThe Runnable Interface & The Thread class.Running and Starting Threads.Running Multiple Threads.Thread Properties.

Thread States.Moving Out of a Blocked State.Dead Threads.Interrupting Threads.Thread Priorities.Thread Groups.Synchronization TechniquesSynchronization.

Thread Communication Without Synchronization.

Synchronizing Access to Shared Resources.Object Locks.The Wait and Notify Methods.Deadlocks.Why the Stop , Resume , Destroy and

Suspend Methods Are Deprecated.Timers & Daemon Threads.Collections

Collection InterfacesWhen and how - List, Set and MapsConcrete CollectionsLinked ListsArray ListsHash SetsTree SetsMaps

Legacy CollectionsThe Hashtable ClassEnumerationsProperty SetsIntroduction to IOTypes of streamsStream class hierarchyControl flow of I/O operation using streams

Byte StreamsCharacter streamsBuffered StreamsStandard I/O StreamsObject StreamsSerializationNeed for SerializationSerializable Interface

Externalizable InterfacesMantainence with ExeternalizationIntroduction to Networking and

InternalizationNetworking with URLSNetworking by using SocketsNetworking using DatagramSocketsNeed for localization and how java supports


Java Database connectivityTypical Uses of JDBC.Different types of DriversBasic JDBC Programming Concepts.Querying with JDBC to databases.Advanced SQL Types. Javax.sql packageMetadata.Statement

Prepared statements.Callable statements.Introduction to distributed architecturesIntroduction to Remote Objects.The Roles of Client and Server.Remote Method Invocations.New JDK TopicsGenerics

AnnotationsEnhanced For LoopAutoBoxing/UnBoxingTypeSafe EnumsVar ArgsStatic ImportsScannerNew features in Collection frameworkConclusion

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