open thinking sales mastery

Post on 06-Jul-2015






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World Class Academy of Excellence presents: Kung Fu Sales Mastery

An Attitudinal Approach to Generating Revenue Through People

Don’t Miss This Powerful Event Workshop In Dubai if you or your team will be aiming for more in 2013!

‘Transform your Sales Potential in these Two Action Packed Days’


Sales Mastery: The Martial Art of Communication

Join us for this powerful workshop on the best of sales communication practices around the globe. If you are considering boosting your qualifications and career in selling to other people, this is the bulls-eye workshop. You will discover what hundreds of thousands of sales people and managers and have known for years, the best practices in communications can help you become the best sales master. We will explore the wisdom of the Shaolin Monks who developed Kung Fu as a martial art, and learn how to break the bricks that keep you from connecting to others as a leader in sales. Transform the adversity that life sends us and flip it on its back, and

transform them into opportunities. We then marry the ancient wisdom with today. . Your attendance will expose you a vast array of topics, including Measuring your Sales ‘IQ’, Communication for a purpose, attracting more cooperation from your team, arousing engagement in the work place, Kung Fu Listening, Closing the Big deals though polishing your presentation skills, introduction to world famous sales models, including this Micro-Class to enrich your understanding of how climb the ten rings of the dragon, the keys to selling anything.

“Results are always the product of action, we move our delegates toward the most positive action strategy”

Winners do not simply have targets and goals…

‘They Have Big Dreams!’


Partnering as a delegate in this workshop will elevate your selling

skills instantly to take you from where you are now, to unstoppable.

Kung Fu Sales Leadership Workshops The objective of any company today is creating more value for their clients and in doing so, to enjoy a return to their own bottom line. How companies achieve this is through their positioning and strategy so that a transaction can take place. Although on line sales are growing worldwide, 90% of revenues that companies depend upon are through a customer facing representative being trusted by the client to exchange the goods of their company with the money of the client. No matter what words we use, this is selling. We are all selling everyday. Not only in the front lines, but we are using selling techniques to get things done in our every day lives both in business and in our personal lives.

“There is power in taking any action to move you closer to your goals. Professionals realize that no one is coming to their rescue, and therefore take initiatives to sharpen their skills. Kung Fu Sales Mastery provides a synthesis of techniques and attitudes from that have sold millions.” Facilitator, Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Advisor and Chief Inspirational Officer of, Michael J. Tolan, shares his 25 years

of experience in building successful sales teams in 15 countries around the world. You will be exposed to the most compelling reasons to achieve more success than ever before, and receive the tools to reach your targets and have the courage to ‘Dream Bigger’ than ever before.


The art of persuasion can be mastered, just as the ancient art of Kung Fu can be mastered through dedication, focus, training for particular techniques, and practice. Persuasive communication, or selling, is a process that can be learned, repeated and polished. The process starts with the right mind set, a belief that possibilities can be influenced by our attitudes that drive our behaviors, which in turn, light the next step of the way, available just when we need it.


It would be virtually impossible to light a campfire with wet matches. Think of attitude in this way. When we can experience this frustration of trying to light the wood, which will cook our food, although we may be very motivated to eat, our resource or spark is not available when we need it. Now let us experience an attitude transformed and ready. Ready to strike, like a warrior in waiting, ready to seize victory. Who will be successful? The one who is not prepared, who has not protected their matches from the cold, the damp, or life’s circumstances? In Kung Fu, preparation is king. This is why years of training and re-training for readiness pay off at that one single moment where attitude combined with skill and practice emerges victoriously for the master.

‘Dare to Dream’ Kung Fu Communications will Strengthen competencies in all facets of selling anything.

Climb the master ladder of success during this workshop to master:

Lead Generation Meeting and Rapport Building Listening Skills Discovering the Clients Real

Needs Presenting with Passion and

Purpose Empathy for your Customer Using Sales Mastery IQ Overcoming Hurdles and

Objections Closing the Sale with Ease Out Thinking the Competition Adding Value & Referrals

These are some of the many elements of the process that are mastered in Kung Fu Selling. Discover the secret steps to slay the Dragon Just as Kung Fu Masters use tools, weaponry to assist them in battle, so too must the communicator of today be trained in using tools to achieve success in the battlefield every day. The Kung Fu master must overcome warriors who disagree or attack, the communicator of today must use the techniques of word construction to overcome objections and rebuild the road to positive results. This powerful workshop is an effective refresher for seasoned professionals and well structured tutorial for the newly initiated. Join us on the journey; take advantage of challenging the Kung Fu skill that lies dormant within each of us. Sales Leadership is a much-used term today to describe a variety of concepts, however Kung Fu Communications for Leaders blends the best practices for inspirational selling. T h e w o r k s h o p s h a r e s i t s c o r e p r a c t i c e s w i t h e a c h p a r t i c i p a n t i n a f a s t m o v i n g , i n t e r a c t i v e , i n t e n s i v e a c c e l e r a t e d w o r k s h o p . I f y o u h a v e d e c i d e d t o a t t e n d K u n g F u S a l e s M a s t e r y , y o u h a v e d e c i d e d t o r a i s e y o u r o w n b a r o f e x c e l l e n c e a n d e x c e l i n y o u r c a r e e r t h r o u g h b e c o m i n g t h e e x a m p l e o f a g r e a t l e a d e r i n t h e s a l e s i n d u s t r y .

World Class Academy of Excellence@OpenThinking LLC

Building 19, S08, Dubai Knowledge Village,

Dubai , UAE Visit:


Events Hotline

+91 9035273477 +447024066849

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