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Post on 29-May-2020






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Operational intelligence 5 eye-opening financial services scenarios

Ever-increasing transaction volumes, regulations, and customer expectations are putting financial operations teams under immense pressure to proactively identify and address emerging issues before they can have a negative impact.

Here are five ways operational intelligence can provide clear visibility and real-time insights that empower operations and propel your financial institution forward:

01 Enhance process performance to avoid missed payments cut-off02 Deliver a superior customer experience by being the first to know03 Monitor and measure business performance to sell the right financial product to the right customer04 Improve compliance and risk management to comply with FSA requirements05 Meet changing workforce requirements with on-demand workload balancing

01 Enhance process performance to avoid missed payments cut-off

Challenge Impact Operational intelligence benefits

A queue in the payments application that flags potential duplicate payments started to increase rapidly. This queue normally averages around 5-10 payments an hour that are then cleared very quickly. In this case, however, over 4,800 payments fell into the queue over a two-hour time span.

Credit transactions for 170 clients totaling $123M were delayed by one day, causing both financial and reputational risk for the bank.

• Identifies unusual and unexpected situations

• Assesses business impact

• Sends alerts to the right people at the right time, before customer and business impact

Where does Process Performance impact your organization?

Wherever missing time-based commitments will have financial and CX impacts.

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02Deliver a superior customer experience by being the first to know

Challenge Impact Operational intelligence benefits

A large bank normally receives three or four files from an important customer each day by 8:00 a.m. Today by 8:30 a.m., the bank has received none.

The customer knew about the irregularity before the bank. If the bank had noticed it first, they could have proactively called the customer to alert them and explain the corrective action. Instead, the customer had to call the bank to inquire about the files.

• Using machine learning techniques, automatically baseline what is “normal” vs. “abnormal”

• Trigger alert to bank operator to take proactive action and preserve a positive customer experience

Where does Client Performance impact your organization?

Any activity with a large revenue-producer client base and wherever quality of service is the differentiating factor.

03Monitor and measure business performance to sell the right financial product to the right customer

Challenge Impact Operational intelligence benefits

Some corporate clients are using the bank’s large amount of liquidity throughout the day and put money back at the end of the day — a high-risk practice that costs the bank money.

Without real-time monitoring and tracking, the bank can’t determine which customers are tapping into its liquidity throughout the day.

• Identify the biggest liquidity consumers

• Give the relationship managers this valuable information so they can sell the appropriate lending products and improve lending decisions in general

Where does Business Performance impact your organization?

When using client behavior to identify sales opportunities.

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04Improve compliance and risk management to comply with FSA requirements

Challenge Impact Operational intelligence benefits

A large bank headquartered in the UK needed to comply with the FSA requirement that the institution maintain the ability to monitor — in real time — its constantly shifting positions in sterling and euro. It had to be able to track and report the intraday credit limit policies as they apply to extending credit to its correspondent banks with collateral requirements, credit limit exposure, etc. It also needed real-time monitoring of top-end corporate and financial institution customers against payment settlement limits to effectively examine the bank’s exposure.

The Operational Intelligence solution delivers the real-time ability to track and report the bank’s liquidity position at any point in time for each of the clearing and settlement networks. It not only allows the bank to meet the FSA intraday liquidity reporting requirements, but also simplifies any investigation, FSA audit, or other regulatory inquiry.

• Comply with the FSA requirements

• Gain real-time insights and situational awareness

• Quickly respond to audits and inquiries

Where does Compliance and Risk impact your organization?

Any regulatory process that is time sensitive.


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05Meet changing workforce requirements with on-demand workload balancing

Challenge Impact Operational intelligence benefits

The site manager must go through multiple screens to figure out the required staff workload and balance it across multiple processing sites during the day to meet SLAs.

With an upcoming increase of processing volume of 160 percent, the bank will have to increase the size of the staff to meet demand, which will impact its profitability.

• Provides a single pane of glass for visibility into staff workload across all sites

• Automatically identifies unbalanced workload with predictive estimation of which SLAs are at risk

Where does Workforce Performance impact your organization?

Any non-STP workflow where manual tasks might put a customer SLA or critical cut-off at risk.


Make the leap from reactive and retrospective to proactive and predictive


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