oracle bi ee architecture deploymentv6

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  • 8/18/2019 Oracle BI EE Architecture Deploymentv6



     An Oracle White PaperFebruary 2016

    Oracle BI EE Architectural Deployment:Capacity Planning  

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    Oracle BI EE Architectural Deployment: Capacity Planning  


    Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 3 Oracle BI EE Components .............................................................................................................................. 4 Oracle BI EE Server Environment ................................................................................................................. 4 

    BI Sizing Assumptions .............................................................................................................................. 4 1) Small Size Oracle BI EE implementation ......................................................................................... 6 

    2) Medium Size Oracle BI EE implementation .................................................................................... 6 

    3) Large Size Oracle BI EE implementation ......................................................................................... 8 

    Network Requirements ................................................................................................................................. 9 Clustering, Load Balancing, and Fail over in Oracle Business Intelligence .............................................. 9 

    Backup and Disaster Recovery .................................................................................................................. 10 Logical Partitioning, Virtualization & HW resources partitioning ....................................................... 10 

     Appendix A: Useful metrics to monitor ....................................................................................................... 11 Key BI Metrics ......................................................................................................................................... 11 Operating System Server Resources Utilization Statistics ................................................................. 11 Network data ............................................................................................................................................ 11 Database Server ....................................................................................................................................... 12  Web Servers and Application Server .................................................................................................... 12 

     Appendix B: BI Sizing Spreadsheet............................................................................................................... 14 

    11g Sizing Spreadsheet ............................................................................................................................ 14 Concurrent Users ..................................................................................................................................... 14 

     Appendix C: Processing a Capacity Plan ...................................................................................................... 16 Locate and Resolve Over-Utilized Resources ..................................................................................... 16 Resolve High-Latency Transactions ..................................................................................................... 16  Address Under-Utilized Resources ....................................................................................................... 17 Final Analysis ........................................................................................................................................... 17 

     Appendix D: Oracle BI 12c ............................................................................................................................ 19 REFERENCE:............................................................................................................................................. 21 

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    Oracle BI EE Architectural Deployment: Capacity Planning  


    Oracle BI EE Architectural Deployment: CapacityPlanning


    The objective of this paper is providing performance sizing information for Oracle Business IntelligenceEnterprise Edition (OBIEE) 11g ( The February 2016 version of the document added an

     Appendix D and an Oracle BI 12c (12.2.1) sizing spreadsheet. Some of the hyperlinks included in thedocument were for It is advisable to look at the documentation for the version of OBIEE beingused:


    Business Intelligence (BI) Systems are usually complex and read intensive. Performance in a BI system ismeasured in a number of areas; the response time navigating from reports, to and from dashboards, andphysical query response time. User-centric BI has moved information systems from the hands ofdevelopers into the hands of the masses making BI a mission critical system where reliability, availabilityand serviceability are the only consideration in capacity planning.In general there are two forms of capacity planning:

      Performance Sizing (Pre-configuration/Pre-Installation)  Deployment (Post-configuration)

    Performance sizing or pre-configuration capacity planning, involves determining the hardware required toprocess a given workload. A reliable benchmark is used as the baseline for a given workload on asystem. This produces performance statistics that display expected results of the workload’s impact on asystem on the same or similar hardware.

    Deployment capacity planning is a complex and ongoing performance study of hardware and softwareresource consumption on a deployed system. These studies are primarily established to provide capacitydata to the system administrator, DBA, and other stakeholders about the utilization of the system.

    There are a number of factors that impacts performance in a BI system. Those areas include:

      Physical hardware  Database Performance  Network  Database and BI model  BI system configuration  Application Server Performance  Deployment architecture and topology

    The performance test that BI sizing is based upon tries to represent a customer scenario where the userpopulation is divided between administrative users and business users. The typical workload scenariosdemonstrate 95% of business users viewing reports and navigating within dashboards. The remaining 5%of the concurrent users are categorized as administrative users or users performing application

    development. The mix of reports include varying business user roles utilizing a mix of dashboards, charts,tables, drill-downs, and pivot tables that return a number of rows (anywhere from 5-500) of aggregateddata. Administrative users include users performing concurrent application development and ad-hocreporting; i.e. navigating catalogs, creating new reports, modifying existing reports, and saving reports.Sizing will take into consideration the user population, concurrent users, users using formatted reports,and Scorecard.

    The primary purpose of this paper is to present the OBIEE 11g Sizing Spreadsheet from pre-installationcapacity planning perspective. This paper will introduce topics that impacts performance with pointers tothe BI documentation where more detailed information is available. Finally, the paper will provide

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    Oracle BI EE Architectural Deployment: Capacity Planning  


    architectural examples of small, medium, and large BI systems for the purpose of demonstrating how a BISystem could be deployed.

    Oracle BI EE Components

    The Oracle Business Intelligence components consist of:

      Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Serviceso  Ad-hoc query and reporting, highly interactive dashboards for accessing business

    intelligence and applications   Oracle Business Intelligence Server

    o  Common enterprise business model and abstraction layer  Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher

    o  Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher generates highly-formatted, pixel-perfectenterprise reports

      Oracle Business Intelligence Javahosto  The Oracle Business Intelligence Javahost provides services to BI Presentation Services

    for Charts, Gauges and PDFs.  Fusion Middleware Control

    o  Fusion Middleware Control is the browser-based management tool used to manage,

    monitoring, and configure Oracle Business Intelligence components

    Oracle BI EE Server Environment

    Hardware resources have an impact on the overall deployment and performance optimization and sizingof the Oracle BI EE environment. The following section discusses some of the key HW characteristics thatshould be correctly measured and sized:

    CPU/CoresHardware vendors are required to list the following in the category of Number of CPU’s: 

      Chips  Cores  Cores/Chip

    For example: 1 Intel Xeon E5620, Quad-Core, 2.40 GHz configured as part of the Sun X2270 M2.

     A core is the equivalent to a CPU. Modern Server processors include 1 CPU that may include 2 or morecores.

    MultithreadingProcessors also have the ability to run multiple threads per core which results in performance gains.

    Clock SpeedMore powerful and modern CPUs support higher workloads. This correlates to the amount of memory in asystem which increases the amount of memory linearly.

     As an example a machine with 2CPUs/4Core @ 2.8GHz and 16GB RAM would provide higher capacity

    and utilization that a dual processor system.

    BI Sizing Assumptions

    This section contains BI Sizing assumptions to consider when using data based on the BI Sizing

    Spreadsheet. See Appendix B The Small, Medium, and Large Architectures are also based on this


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    Oracle BI EE Architectural Deployment: Capacity Planning  


    The users that place a load the OBIEE system are those who are actually performing processing. These

    users are termed concurrent users. The number of concurrent users is based on the total named user

    population and determining a percentage of concurrent users:

      Total named users

      This is the complete user population that will be utilizing the targeted hardware

      Concurrent users

      This is the maximum percent of users in the total user population that will be active at any

    one time

      We do not calculate active users or users logged into the system not actively demanding

    system resources.

      Deploying SSL will have a level of overhead on the overall performance

      Formatting of reports has overhead on the system verse executing HTML based reports only (i.e.


      In the case of single core chips, the recommendation is to deploy a minimum of 2 CPU's giventhe contention of all the OBI EE processes. For modern multi-core chips one CPU can be

    recommend, however, 1CPU should NOT be recommended for single-core chips

      Note: Multi-Core CPU’s are replacing single and dual core CPU’s in Server applications 

    making the availability of those processors rare in newer Servers.

      The hardware assumptions are based on capacity of the Oracle BI EE components only and NOTthe database. Recommended sizing for Essbase can be found in Chapter 4 of the following


      Upgrading the hardware of the Oracle BI EE environment will not necessarily make queries run

    faster. Good query performance generally assumes good DB design and/or aggregationstrategies.

      Scaling scenarios are performed against a chipset verses the operating system environment. As

    an example for an Intel P4 we size similarly for both Windows and Linux. This sizing data

    represents Windows and Linux.

    User concurrency varies over the lifecycle of the deployment and is impacted by many factors. As a BI

    environment becomes more mature the system can grow from being low named users with a high

    percentage of concurrent users to higher named users and lower concurrency yet demanding more

    hardware capacity. Initial sizing helps in determining what is required and how to process demand over


    To determine the BI capacity requirements, collect the following information:

      BI users (Reporting, Dashboards, etc)

      The number of BI users you expect to have, and when you expect them to use OBIEE.

      Infrastructure, and Architecture complexity (SSL, BIP, etc)

      Assess the complexity of the processing that users will demand of BI and the design of

    the architecture and infrastructure.

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    Oracle BI EE Architectural Deployment: Capacity Planning  


    Capacity planning is an ongoing process. After deploying and implementing OBIEE the systems needs to

    be monitored to ensure the performance expectations are met.

    It is worth noting that sizing guidelines for the small, medium, and large implementation are for OBIEE components only

    and not for typical  implementation which could include BI Applications or other Oracle technology.

    1) Small Size Oracle BI EE implementation

    The estimated hardware for a small sized Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Editionimplementation can be utilized for a wide range of concurrent users. For a typical  implementation theestimated HW specifications required to support 100-200 total and 10-20 concurrent users couldtechnically meet the needs required to support < 3000 total users at 10% concurrency resulting in < 300concurrent users. A small sized system can be characterized as:

      x86 CPU 2-4 Cores with the recommended 2GB of RAM per Core  < 1200 Concurrent Users

    Figure 1: Example HW System Specs Description 

    1. Database Server: (Oracle 11g/IBM DB2/Microsoft SQL Server/Teradata database servers)2. Oracle BI Server OS (ex: Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.5)

    a. Oracle BI Serverb. Oracle BI Presentation Server

    c. Oracle BI Publisherd. Oracle WebLogic Server

    3. Web Server (Oracle HTTP Server)4. Identity Management Access Management Server

    2) Medium Size Oracle BI EE implementation

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    Oracle BI EE Architectural Deployment: Capacity Planning  


    Due to the scalability and performant nature of OBIEE a medium sized implementation covers a widerange and overlaps with the small sized system and large sized systems in regards to the kind ofhardware that can be used to accomplish the business need.

    While the HW specifications for a typical  medium sized OBIEE implementation can support 1000-5000total and 100-500 concurrent users, hardware sizing for medium sized implementations are characterizedas systems between 1200 and 5000 concurrent users:

      x86 CPU 4-16 Cores with the recommended 2GB of RAM per Core  1200 – 5000 Concurrent Users 

    BI Suites Components

    Example HW System Specs Description

    Figure 2: Medium Configuration displaying clustered BI Server components 

    1. Database Server: (Oracle 11g/IBM DB2/Microsoft SQL Server/Teradata database servers)- In amedium sized implementation database clustering and scalability is expected

    2. Oracle BI Server OS (ex: Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.5) -a. Oracle BI Server (OBIS+n)b. Oracle BI Presentation Server (OBIPS+n)c. Oracle BI Publisher

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    Oracle BI EE Architectural Deployment: Capacity Planning  


    d. Oracle WebLogic Server (WLS+n)3. Web Server (Oracle HTTP Server + Load Balancer)

    4.  Identity Management Access Management Server  

    3) Large Size Oracle BI EE implementation

     A large number of concurrent users can be deployed on the typical  large sized Oracle BI EE system. Theestimated HW for a large sized Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition that is capable ofsupporting 50,000 or more total and 5000 or more concurrent users are as follows:

      x86 CPU 16+ Cores with the recommended 2GB of RAM per Core  5000+ Concurrent Users

    BI Suites Components

    Example HW System Specs Description

    Clustered WLSClustered WLS



    Oracle 11g iDM





    Oracle 11g RAC

    Clustered HTTP Servers

    Load Balancer 




    Figure 3: Example of Large implementation 

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    Oracle BI EE Architectural Deployment: Capacity Planning  


    1. Database Server: (Oracle 11g/IBM DB2/Microsoft SQL Server/Teradata database servers)- In amedium sized implementation database clustering and scalability is expected

    2. Oracle BI Server OS (ex: Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.5) – the overall BI implementation should bedeployed in a highly available configuration. For a large configuration OBIEE is implemented intoan environment where maximum availability architecture (MAA) best practices are in place.

    a. Oracle BI Server (OBIS+n)b. Oracle BI Presentation Server (OBIPS+n)c. Oracle BI Publisherd. Oracle WebLogic Server (WLS+n)

    3. Web Server (Oracle HTTP Server + Load Balancer)

    4.  Identity Management Access Management Server  

    Network Requirements

    It is recommended to deploy the BI servers on a dedicated subnet using > 100 MBPS (1Gbit if possible)to reduce latency between each server.



    HTTP ResponseSize

    HTTP ResponseSize with



    (Kbytes) (KB) (%)

    Dashboard with 3Tables and 3 Charts

    297.5 39 86(each table has5~10rows, 3~5 cols)

    Dashboard with 1 Table(25rows , 10 columns) 210 28.5 86

    Dashboard with 1 LargeTable (300rows , 10columns) 938 79 91

    For the compression mentioned above the compression/decompression occurs between the clientbrowser and HTTP server (usually Oracle HTTP Server (based on Apache 2.2)). The compression isperformed by Apache 2.2 which has a compression module. Compression has minimal impact on theCPU of the HTTP server.

    Clustering, Load Balancing, and Fail over in Oracle Business Intelligence

    This document does not cover methods used to attain and maintain a required capacity, utilization, andavailability. In-depth documentation for Clustering and High Availability can be found in the followingdocuments:

    Configuring Business Intelligence for High Availability: 

    Scaling Your Deployment:

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    Oracle BI EE Architectural Deployment: Capacity Planning  


    Enterprise Deployment Guide for Oracle BI 

    Load Balancing HTTP Server 

    Backup and Disaster Recovery

    Database Data and Application DataBackup and Recovery of OBIEE Application data will include configuration data, Metadata repository,Web Catalog and other Application Configuration files. See: 

    Logical Partitioning, Virtualization & HW resources partitioning

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    Oracle BI EE Architectural Deployment: Capacity Planning  


     Appendix A: Useful metrics to monitor

    The OBIEE documentation contains key metrics and information about monitoring the BI performanceand health: 

    Key BI Metrics

    o  Request Processing Time (ms)o  SOA Request Processing Time (ms)o  Average Query Time (seconds)o  Active Sessionso  Requests (per minute)o  SOA Requests (per minute)o  Presentation Server Requests (per second)o  Server Queries (per second)o  Failed Querieso  Errors Reported (in the last hour)

    Operating System Server Resources Utilization Statistics

    o  % Privileged Time  The percentage of time the operating system was busy

    o  CPU data  % Processor Time

      The percentage of time the processor was busyo  Available memory in Bytes

      The amount of free space in memoryo  Memory datao  Page Faults per sec

      The number of page fault per sec.

      (Page faults are normal system occurrences that used to retrieve datafrom the disk. If the system needs certain code page and it is in memory,

    a logical I/O occurs. The data is read from the memory the transactionthat needs data is processed. If the code page or data page is not in thememory, the system performs a physical I/O to read the needed pagefrom the disk. This is accomplished through page faulting.)

    o  Pages/sec  The number of actual pages being moved from disk to memory or back to disk.

    Only data  pages are written back to disk when they are modified Code pages do not get


    Network data

    o  Current Network bandwidth  The current size of the line e.g. 10 Mbps or Gbit

    o  User Activity Server Sessions  The number of user sessions currently going on within the server

    o  Bytes Received/sec  The number of bytes received by this system per second, averaged over the

    interval periodo  Bytes Sent/sec

      The number of bytes sent by this system per second, averaged over time intervalo  Bytes Total/sec

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    Oracle BI EE Architectural Deployment: Capacity Planning  


      The total number of bytes sent and received by this system per second,averaged over time interval. It comprises of the sum of Bytes Received/sec andBytes Sent/sec

    Database Server

      Disk I/O data

    o  % Disk Read Time  The percentage of time that the disk was busy performing a read function

    o  % Disk Write Time  The percentage of time that the disk was busy performing a write function

    o  % Disk Time  The percentage of time that the disk was busy performing read or write functions

    o  Avg. Disk Queue Length  The actual disk queue for read and write operations

    o  Disk sec/Read  The average time (in milliseconds) a read operation takes. This time is important

    because prolonged read and write operation indicate an over utilized disko  Disk sec/Write

      The average time (in milliseconds) a write operation takes. This time is important

    because prolonged read and write operation indicate an over utilized disk  Database Data

    o  Buffer Cache Hit Ratio  The percentage of time that a record was found in cache

    o  Database User Connections  The number of users connected to this database

    o  Query/sec  The number of transactions started for the database

    o  Percent Log Used  The percentage of the log that is used

    Web Servers and Application Server

      Web Servers

    o  Request Throughput  throughput requests per second and response times in seconds per request

    o  Current Connections  The number of current connections to the Web server

    o  Connection Attempts/sec  shows the number of attempts to connect the Web server

    o  Anonymous Users  count of users that established a connection with the Web Server since service

    startedo  Total Accesses 

      information on the total number of hits on the Apache HTTP Servero  Total Traffic 

      information about the total bytes sent and received by the Apache HTTP Servero

      CPU Load   information about the total CPU time consumed by the Apache HTTP Server 

      Application Serverso  % Processor Time

      The percentage of processor timeo  Elapsed Time

      The time, in seconds, that the process instance has been runningo  I/O Data Operations

      The number of read and write operations generated by the process instance

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    Oracle BI EE Architectural Deployment: Capacity Planning  


    o  Request Throughput  throughput requests per second and response times in seconds per request

    o  Server Response Time  Average response times and request rates

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    Oracle BI EE Architectural Deployment: Capacity Planning  


     Appendix B: BI Sizing Spreadsheet 

    11g Sizing Spreadsheet

    The 11g Sizing Spreadsheet as described in the BI Sizing Assumptions section of this paper.

    Figure 4

    Concurrent Users

    The following table is based on the spreadsheet in figure 4. It is based on the minimal  requirements. The

    total named users is set, SSL is not selected, Scorecard analysis is not considered, and user concurrency

    is determined to be 10%. The result is the Estimated CPU/CORE required.

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    Oracle BI EE Architectural Deployment: Capacity Planning  


  • 8/18/2019 Oracle BI EE Architecture Deploymentv6


    Oracle BI EE Architectural Deployment: Capacity Planning  


     Appendix C: Processing a Capacity Plan 

    This document does not intend to address actions to resolve production Capacity planning for OBIEE butit does present a generic roadmap:

    1. Resolve over-utilized resources.

    2. Address high-latency transitions.

    3. Address under-utilized resources.

    4. Present a final analysis.

    Locate and Resolve Over-Utilized Resources

    In the capacity planning processing over capacity or under utilization can occur when determining thesizing between small to medium and medium to large configurations. In all scenarios the Oracle expertservices team is recommended to provide in depth analysis. During the process some hardwareresources can be recognized as over-utilized. Resource over utilization causes performance issues byplacing unnecessary burdens on the OS to manage resources which in the end impacts the BI Applicationperformance. In this case it is important to determine the over-utilized resources and address how theproblems can be resolved. Some factors include:

      How much the resource is over-utilized

      Criticality of the transactions or roles on the over-utilized resource

      Expense of adding additional resources

    With the monitoring of OBIEE via FMW Control, OS management tools, and other management tools,some changes that might be considered include the following:

      Adding new resources to existing servers

    o  RAM, CPU, etc

      Adding new servers and assigning components to them

    o  Scale out/cluster OBIEE Components

      Changing application settings and usage profiles

    o  Utilize capabilities within OBIEE via the common management framework

     A trial and error process may be required to correct over utilization and repeating the process above untilutilization is optimal.

    Resolve High-Latency Transactions

    During the capacity planning process, system use, design and model design is usually an under-appreciated aspect of the planning. When planning, it is worthy to note transactions with high latency to

    be able to determine the order in which these problems will be addressed. Factors that influence thepriority of a particular latency issue might include the following:

      Significance of the transactions to the business

      How will users be impacted by high cost transactions and set plans to alleviate impact

      Pre-planning to counteract high-latency transactions can include acknowledging the

    importance of Report scheduling and user profiling/usage governance

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    Oracle BI EE Architectural Deployment: Capacity Planning  


    Resolution of high-latency transactions is a costly portion of capacity planning. Items that can impactlatency include the following for potential changes:

      Inquire about network bandwidth and the impact it may have on reducing transaction time

      Redistributing application components to other servers

      Changing application settings, such as BI caching 

    Address Under-Utilized Resources

     Another key in capacity planning is preparing for the potential of resources that can be identified asunder-utilized. The objective is to prepare for what could be deemed as excess resources that may ormay not impact utilization or transaction latencies.

    In many deployments and capacity planning exercises the prospect of under-utilized resources is not theprimary determining factor in the planning. Some items are crucial and impactful when considering thesmall to medium to large implementation without negative impact to the enterprise architecture some ofthose areas include:

      Security  Availability and Elasticity to handle peak volumes

      Future growth and Planned growth


    To plan the optimization of resources at a site, the following should be noted:

      Engage Expert Services

      Recognize the fine line between a small, medium, and large configurations

      The potential for hardware reuse or optimal hardware use exist

    To reduce and prevent under-utilized resources the direct path is to reduce the hardware sizing. In thiscase it would be difficult to determine if the overall performance would be impacted beyond an acceptablelevel.

    Final Analysis

    Whether dealing with a workload based on simple queries with a small dataset to complex queries withenormous datasets, optimal results that start with results obtained from the OBIEE Performance,Scalability and Reliability (PSR) team and ends with Professional Services can provide a scenario wherecapacity planning helps with the following:

      Maximize availability

      Optimize utilization

      Minimize the Total Cost Of Ownership

      Maximize Return on Investment

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    Oracle BI EE Architectural Deployment: Capacity Planning  


    Figure 4: Oracle BI 11g Architecture

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    Oracle BI EE Architectural Deployment: Capacity Planning  


     Appendix D: Oracle BI 12c 

    Oracle Business Intelligence 12c (12.2.1)

     As there are changes in the Architecture from 11g to 12c review the documentation for the following


      High Availability

      Scaling the Deployment

      Backup and Recovery  System Monitoring

     As has been stated in many instances it is as much art and science to performing sizing. Providing exact

    figures for RAM utilization for every customer and data scenario would be difficult due to vast variations in

    data shape, type of output, data-type, formatting, chart type etc. The number of combinations that exist

    makes providing a specific RAM target in a lab environment incredibly complex to capture in a single

    sizing document for a large product like OBIEE. The sizing spreadsheet includes memory considerations

    and generic sizing recommendations for RAM for Data Visualization (self-service Visual Analytics) and

    Visual Analyzer Mashup. The other functions do not take additional memory compared to any other

    dashboard and reports. As with Oracle BI 11g, memory requirement is heavy for BIP, complex charts, and

    large pivot tables.

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    Oracle BI EE Architectural Deployment: Capacity Planning  


    Oracle BIEE 12c Architecture

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    Oracle BI EE Architectural Deployment: Capacity Planning  


    Example of Oracle BIEE 12c Sizing Guide

    REFERENCE: (Support note

    OBIEE 11g Infrastructure Performance Tuning Guide Doc ID 1333049.1)

  • 8/18/2019 Oracle BI EE Architecture Deploymentv6


    Oracle BI EE Architectural Deployment: Capacity Planning  


    Oracle BI EE Architectural Deploymnet

    Capacity Planning

    February 2016

     Author: Gerald Bellot

    Contributing Authors: Deb Bhattacharjee,

    Manpreet Shahi

    Oracle Corporation

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