oral presentations program · pregnancies complicated by intrauterine growth restriction 1089...

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12th September 2019, Thursday 14:00 – 15:30 FREE COMMUNICATIONS 1

Paper No Time Abstract Title

1001 14:00-14:05 Necrotizing enterocolitis in a preterm infant newborn & role of feeding ... An update ( a clinical case review )

1002 14:05-14:10 Comparison between nitroglycerin dermal patch and nifedipine for treatment of preterm labor, a randomized clinical trial

1003 14:10-14:15 Does vitamin k deficiency aggravate osteopenia in preterm infants: Case report and literature review

1005 14:15-14:20 Risk based approach versus culture-based screening for identification of group b streptococci in laboring women

1006 14:20-14:25 Natural conception and successful live birth in a woman after unilateral oophorectomy for ovarian cancer: A rare case

1007 14:25-14:30 Interstitial pregnancy after in vitro fertilization/embryo transfer and bilateral proximal tubal occlusion: Case report and review of literature

1009 14:30-14:35 Maternal obesity and pierre robin sequence: About two clinical cases

1011 14:35-14:40 Association between gestational weight gain and pregnancy outcomes

1012 14:40-14:45 Genital warts in pregnancy-diagnosis and treatment the most common cause of laryngeal paillomatosis

1015 14:45-14:50 Serum maternal concentration of ferritrin, zinc and hemoglobin during early second half of normal pregnancy not influence birth weight in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia

1016 14:50-14:55 Effects of a high fat diet exposure in utero on the metabolic syndrome-like phenomenon in mouse offspring through epigenetic changes in adipocytokine gene expressions

1018 14:55-15:00 The etiology and pathophysiology of preeclampsia

1019 15:00-15:05 Origin of maternal hypervolemia

1104 15:05-15:10 Early thrombolytic therapy saves live in amniotic fluid embolism

1024 15:10-15:15 Comparison of the efficacy of iron amino acid chelate and ferrous sulfate in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia among pregnant women seen at out-patient department of a tertiary hospital

15:15-15:30 Discussion


Paper No Time Abstract Title

1029 14:00-14:05 Fetal adrenal gland biometric measurement in predicting preterm birth

1031 14:05-14:10

An analysis of the high caesarean section rates with Robson Classification in Turkey according to sectors: How to reduce?

1032 14:10-14:15

Urinary beta-2-microglobulin in the assessment of renal function in full term newborns following perinatal asphyxia

1033 14:15-14:20

Imipenem monotherapy of multiple brain abscesses caused by serratia marcescens in preterm newborn

1034 14:20-14:25 An evaluation of first 1000 menstrual regulation procedures

1035 14:25-14:30

Single loading dose versus standard 24-hour magnesium sulfate in women with severe preeclampsia and eclampsia: A systematic review and metaanalysis

1040 14:30-14:35

Maternal and neonatal adverse outcomes following induced labor in advanced maternal age in single institution

1044 14:35-14:40

Multiple pregnancies and the contribution of assisted reproductive techniques to multiple pregnancies

1045 14:40-14:45 Infection in pregnant women with epilepsy

1047 14:45-14:50 Causal analysis of maternal deaths in multiple gestations

1048 14:50-14:55

A preliminary study: acupuncture as an alternative technique in establishing uterine contractions in contraction stress test- a randomized controlled trial

1051 14:55-15:00

Accuracy of cerebrospinal fluid white blood cell count, glucose and protein for rapid diagnosis of meningitis in neonates and young infants <90 days old: a systematic review and meta-analysis

1055 15:00-15:05 Distribution frequency of preeclampsia within the year

1056 15:05-15:10 Effectiveness of systemic inflammatory indexes in preeclampsia

1058 15:10-15:15 Gut dysbiosis can affect hyperemesis gravidarum

15:15-15:30 Discussion


1061 14:00-14:05

The prenatal diagnosis of long QT syndrome

1064 14:05-14:10

Pierre Robin Sequence (PRS): Prenatal diagnostic limitation leading to management challenges after birth

1066 14:10-14:15

A case of fetal potter sequence that was difficult to diagnose the primary disease because of delay of first visit of mother

1073 14:15-14:20

Successful pregnancy outcome in patient with cardiac transplantation

1075 14:20-14:25

Effects of probiotics on neonates with hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy after therapeutic hypothermia

1083 14:25-14:30

Early development of human ganglionic eminences assessed in vitro by using 7.04 tesla micro-MRI

1086 14:30-14:35

The role of exclusive breastfeeding in improving OGTT results of patients with gestational diabetes mellitus at six to twelve weeks postpartum

1088 14:35-14:40

DNA methylation profiles of genes associated with anginonesis in pregnancies complicated by intrauterine growth restriction

1089 14:40-14:45

Low placental growth capacity and distal villous immaturity are constellation of severe respiratory placental insufficiency with adverse perinatal outcome at term pregnancy

1090 14:45-14:50

The value of high-resolution chromosomal microarray in fetuses with normal karyotype and increased nuchal translucency

1095 14:50-14:55

Extreme prematurity – clinical, ethical or social problem?

1098 14:55-15:00

Comparison of the sonographic umbilical cord coiling index and doppler parameters with the histopathological findings

1102 15:00-15:05

Antibiotic prophylaxis in elective cesarean section: cefazolin vs ceftriaxone

1021 15:05-15:10

Monitoring and management of congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation of the lung from prenatal to postpartum, a retrospective analysis of 182 cases lasting 12 years

1105 15:10-15:15

A new “sarem plication suture” technique to control hemorrhage during cesarean delivery complicated by placenta previa




Paper No Time Abstract Title

1106 16:00-16:05

The effect of perinatal hypoxia on electrolites in term newborns

1107 16:05-16:10

Impact of human cytomegalovirus infection on trophoblast transcriptome

1298 16:10-16:15

Neurofibromatosis type 1 and pregnancy: case report and review of the literature

1110 16:15-16:20

Periconceptional multivitamin intake is associated with a decreased risk of congenital heart disease – a prospective cohort study

1113 16:20-16:25

Systemic lupus erytomatozus and postpartum serebrovascular attack

1114 16:25-16:30

Prediction of breech presentation at delivery based on the transition of fetal presentation in prenatal visits

1116 16:30-16:35

Early postoperative small bowel obstruction (EPSBO)

1118 16:35-16:40

Fibular aplasia, tibial campomelia and oligosyndactily which are associated with transitor supraventricular tachicardia

1120 16:40-16:45

Incidence of health care-associated infections in neonatal intensive care unit of UCCK-KOSOVO

1121 16:45-16:50

Is there a relationship between lamellar body count and cord blood vitamin d level in term and late preterm infants?

1122 16:50-16:55

Nosocomial infections in neonatal intensive care unit – incidence, etiology and risk factors

1124 16:55-17:00

Administration of antenatal magnesium sulphate for prevention of cerebral palsy and death in preterm infants– a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, multicentre trial

1127 17:00-17:05

Body mass index in children born between 23 and 28 weeks of gestational age

1128 17:05-17:10

Features of congenital infections in modern conditions

1133 17:10-17:15

Pessary use in patients diagnosed with short cervix and cervical insufficiency




Paper No Time Abstract Title

1138 16:00-16:05

An audit on neuroprotective measures in preterm infants

1148 16:05-16:10

Clinical characteristics and risk factors of twin pregnancies with single fetal malformation: a multi-center analysis

1149 16:10-16:15

Thoraco-omphalopagus twins: A simulator that helped to perform this difficult fetal extraction at cesarean delivery

1154 16:15-16:20

The place of erythropoietin in prevention of premature anemia in Tunisia about 160 cases

1155 16:20-16:25

Respiratory support in premature infants with congenital infections

1157 16:25-16:30

Correlates of neutrophil/lymphocyte, platelet/lymphocyte, and platelet/ neutrophil ratios of women between with or without premature rupture of membrane at labor

1158 16:30-16:35

Minimally invasive transvaginal approach to cervical pregnancy by intracavitary methotrexate injection

1160 16:35-16:40

Early-onset neonatal sepsis and risk factors in the preterm newborn infants

1163 16:40-16:45

The role of prenatal ultrasonography in the diagnosis of antenatal viral infection - what is the real contribution?

1164 16:45-16:50

Study of ovarian damage in piglets in an experimental model of neonatal asphyxia

1165 16:50-16:55

Wound dehiscence post cesarean section in a thalassemia major patient complicated with anemia and thrombocytopenia

1167 16:55-17:00

The impact of the application of nursing care plan in the minimum manipulation in the neonatal intensive care unit

1169 17:00-17:05

Pareto diagram for maternal deaths conceived with assisted reproductive technology procedures

1171 17:05-17:10

The effect of maternal age on cesarean section rate and maternal and neonatal morbidity following induced labor

1173 17:10-17:15

Cerebroplacental ratio and fetal cranial biometry: Preliminary results



13th September 2019, Friday 14:00 – 15:30 FREE COMMUNICATIONS 6

Paper No Time Abstract Title

1205 14:00-14:05

A case of fetal imperforate hymen mimicking persistent cloaca in the intrauterine period

1299 14:05-14:10

First-trimester prenatal diagnosis of cantrell’s pentalogy with anencephalia

1249 14:10-14:15

A case of a Galen’s vein aneurysm with early antenatal diagnosis

1185 14:15-14:20

Maternal and neonatal outcomes of pregnancies with previable premature preterm rupture of membranes

1187 14:20-14:25

Ex vivo assessment of the fetal brain: a comparison of 7 tesla MRI and stereo-microscopic autopsy

1190 14:25-14:30

Neu-laxova syndrome

1193 14:30-14:35

Intrauterine transfusions in rhesus hemolytic disease of the newborn: the last chance for missed opportunities

1196 14:35-14:40

Diagnostic study of first trimester hepcidin, ferritin and soluble transferrin receptor to predict anemia in the third trimester: result from a cohort study in Indonesia

1197 14:40-14:45

Impact of delivery method on extremely premature infants, vaginal delivery or cesarean section

1198 14:45-14:50

The role of matrix metalloproteinas -2 and -7 in preeclampsia

1199 14:50-14:55

Prognosis and treatment of preeclampsia: new insights

1200 14:55-15:00

Trial of labor after cesarean in preterm delivery and neonatal respiratory outcomes

1201 15:00-15:05

The plasma antithrombin level in patients with obstetric dic induced by placental abruption has a prognostic role in organ damage

1202 15:05-15:10

Middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity can be a parameter for fetal abnormal condition

1204 15:10-15:15

Vaginal birth after cesarean delivery – is it safe? 15 years of experience




Paper No Time Abstract Title

1177 14:00-14:05

Complex fetal cardiac malformation with atypical associations

1248 14:05-14:10

Neonatal outcomes after periviable premature rupture of membranes

1207 14:10-14:15

Collective utility of nipt zygosity determination and chorionicity assignment

1221 14:15-14:20

Investigation of the serum elabela levels in pregnants with neural tube defects

1227 14:20-14:25

The effect of maternal obesity and lipid profile on first trimester serum progesterone levels

1230 14:25-14:30

Diabetic ketoacidosis as the onset of diabetes mellitus in a young pregnant woman: a case report

1231 14:30-14:35

Treatment of cesarean scar pregnancy and abnormally invasive placenta in the first trimester of pregnancy: a single center experience

1232 14:35-14:40

Antibiotic regimen for preterm prelabour rupture of membranes &#8211; Is erythromycin still the first choice?

1233 14:40-14:45

Intrapartum measurement of uterine scar thickness during vaginal birth after caesarean section

1235 14:45-14:50

Functional study of the fetal heart in patients with cholestasis (PRCOL)

1237 14:50-14:55

Prediction of maternal and perinatal adverse outcomes in early-onset preeclampsia with the aid of angiogenic markers (sflt-1/plgf ratio)

1239 14:55-15:00

predictive value of extreme low papp-a, free &#946;hcg and extreme high mean uterine artery pulsatility index in the first trimester for fetal growth restriction

1242 15:00-15:05

Risk of obstetrical hysterectomy in cases at high risk of accreta spectrum disorders. Prediction based on ultrasound and mri findings

1245 15:05-15:10

Perinat outcomes among immigrants and refugees in comparison with Greek population in a ertiary university hospital in Greece

1246 15:10-15:15

Abstract: FMF




Paper No Time Abstract Title

1247 14:00-14:05

A 3-year clinical experience of prenatal diagnostic invasive procedure with 2543 patients at tepecik training and research hospital perinatology clinic

1206 14:05-14:10

The importance of assessing for triploidy beyond the first trimester of pregnancy

1183 14:10-14:15

Plasenta previa: Do not touch my uterus

1250 14:15-14:20

Relationship between three-dimensional ultrasound placental volume and fetal fraction in women screened with NIPT: Preliminary results

1259 14:20-14:25

Neonatal spontaneous descending aorta thrombosis

1262 14:25-14:30

Role of progesterone receptor gene variations in preterm birth

1263 14:30-14:35

Caffeine and gastric emptying time in very low birth weight neonates

1267 14:35-14:40

Outcomes of preterm infants born at 25-32 weeks of gestation according to the place of birth and perinatal interventions

1268 14:40-14:45

Surgical outcomes of placenta accreta spectrum (pas) disorders using prenatal MRI: A single center experience

1269 14:45-14:50

Pre-existing chronic liver diseases and intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy: a prospective cohort study

1272 14:50-14:55

Advanced genomics empower obstetricians ensure birth of healthy offspring

1273 14:55-15:00

The influence of maternal obesity on pregnancy complications and neonatal outcomes in diabetic and nondiabetic women

1278 15:00-15:05

Effect of safe individualized nipple-feeding competence (sinc) feeding protocol on weight gain, transition to oral feeding and the length of hospitalization in premature infants: randomized controlled study

1281 15:05-15:10

Interplay of epigenetics with fetal growth restriction

1284 15:10-15:15

A case of fetus with Walker- Warburg syndrome




Paper No Time Abstract Title

1286 16:00-16:05

Effects of giving mgso4 single dose on brain BDNF levels (experimental study on rattus norvegicus preterm model)

1288 16:05-16:10

Levels of syndecan -1, hyaluronan and soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 in different types of preeclampsia

1292 16:10-16:15

PHM1-41 cell line viability test on vitamin d administration for prevention of preterm labor

1295 16:15-16:20

Gestational diabetes – influence of metabolomics on the vascular health of the mother and her child pre- and postnatal

1300 16:20-16:25

Tracheomegaly among extremely preterm infants on prolonged mechanical ventilation

1304 16:25-16:30

Incidence and antimicrobial pattern of extended spectrum b-lactamase producing enterobacteriaceae isolated from the cases of neonatal septicemia

1305 16:30-16:35

Report a case of tangue cancer during pregnancy

1306 16:35-16:40

Surfactant use in late preterms and term infants: single centre experince in ten years

1311 16:40-16:45

Obligate anaerobe prevalence in vaginal microbiota of women with microscopic signs of aerobic vaginitis according to RT-PCR

1314 16:45-16:50

Evaluating the oxidative stress during delivery via thiol/disulphide balance. Does the type of delivery alter the thiol/disulphide balance?

1315 16:50-16:55

Ideal postnatal diet to achieve the best neurodevelopmental outcome in the fetal growth restriction model

1316 16:55-17:00

Prophylactic fucose can alleviate LPS induced cholestatic liver injury in neonatal rats?

1318 17:00-17:05

A new ultrasound prediction model for probability of vaginal delivery in induction of labour

1354 17:05-17:10

Prenatal diagnosis of left ventricular diverticulum

1326 17:10-17:15

The use of alpha-fetoprotein in current obstetrics; our hospital experiences and review of the literature



16:00 – 17:30 FREE COMMUNICATIONS 10

Paper No Time Abstract Title

1328 16:00-16:05

A rare preeclampsia condition: twin pregnancy with complete type hydatidiform mole and coexisting alive fetus, case report and review of the literature

1329 16:05-16:10

Evaluation of the effectiveness of structured information training in the decision of pregnant women to have diabetes screening tests

1330 16:10-16:15

Antenatal placental pathological assessment using superb micro-vascular imaging (SMI)

1332 16:15-16:20

Laparoscopic surgery for adnexal masses in pregnancy

1334 16:20-16:25

Telbivudine treatment during late pregnancy prevents mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis b virus: a retrospective study

1335 16:25-16:30

The results of administration of intravitreal anti-vgef in the treatment of retinopathy of prematurity

1336 16:30-16:35

Evaluation of the possible association between neonatal morbidities and amniotic fluid ph and electrolyte levels in infants of preeclamptic mothers

1338 16:35-16:40

Can intravenous paracetamol treatment be the first option for PDA closure in preterm infants?

1340 16:40-16:45

Pentalogy of cantrell:a rare form of pentalogy of cantrell with mesodermal dissociation abnormality

1347 16:45-16:50

Amniotic fluid concentrations of soluble endoglin and endothelial cell-specific molecule-1 in pregnancies complicated with neural tube defects

1348 16:50-16:55

Association between the postpartum perineal pain and the different incision angles of mediolateral episiotomy in primiparous women

1350 16:55-17:00

"Are we there yet?" "Not yet!" referral and transport processes taking way too long for the safety of jaundiced newborns' brains - what could be done?

1351 17:00-17:05

Trombophilia in mothers as a risk factor of neonatal thrombosis

1320 17:05-17:10

Phosphodiesterase inhibitor (sildenafil) use in the treatment of neonatal persistent pulmonary hypertension: 2 years of clinical experience

1363 17:10-17:15

Turkish national registry on treatment option and its timing in patent ductus arteriosus: interpda trial



14th September 2019, Saturday 14:00 – 15:30 FREE COMMUNICATIONS 11

Paper No Time Abstract Title

1049 14:00-14:05

Stroke in pregnancy. Is it safe to ct/meu in pregnancy? A case report and literature review?

1050 14:05-14:10

Peripartum dilated cardiomyopathy. Case series and literature review

1365 14:10-14:15

Evaluation of the effect of pentoxifylline treatment on mortality and morbidity in neonatal sepsis

1366 14:15-14:20

Opportunities for parents to bond with their preterm infants in nicus are highly insufficient in Turkey

1367 14:20-14:25

Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (pres) in a patient with hellp syndrome

1369 14:25-14:30

Retrospective evaluation and follow-up of the patients hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit for urinary tract infection

1370 14:30-14:35

The relationship between vitamin d levels in preterm delivery

1374 14:35-14:40

Ralstonia picketti outbreak in newborn intensive care unit

1381 14:40-14:45

Clinical features and antibiotic resistance of gram negative infections detected in the newborn unit

1382 14:45-14:50

Peripartum hysterectomies: clinical analysis of 5-year experience from a single institute

1385 14:50-14:55

Direct effect of caffeine on diaphragmatic muscles

1386 14:55-15:00

Community-acquired viral or bacterial pneumonia in a tertiary nicu

1387 15:00-15:05

Lung ultrasonography decreases radiation exposure in newborns with respiratory distress: a prospective observational study

1388 15:05-15:10

Tidal breathing parameters measured by structured light plethysmography in newborns: Is it feasible in nicu?

1390 15:10-15:15

Influence of intensive care unit light on premature infants on functional to brain maturation assessed by aeeg



14:00 – 15:30 FREE COMMUNICATIONS 12

Paper No Time Abstract Title

1391 14:00-14:05

The effects of progesterone treatment on nuchal translucency in women with threatened abortion,

1392 14:05-14:10

Comparison of the effects of different umbilical cord milking methods on hematological parameters in term infants: a randomized controlled study

1394 14:10-14:15

Maternal progesterone therapy induces myelination in the fetal brain

1399 14:15-14:20

Correlation of ultrasonographic fetal biometric parameters with birth weight

1401 14:20-14:25

Diagnostic utility of delta neutrophil index for gram negative late onset sepsis in newborns

1404 14:25-14:30

Comparison of 2014-2017 period to 1997-2000 period for preterm mortality and morbidities in a tertiary nicu

1405 14:30-14:35

Hemodynamics effects of midriatic eye-drops

1408 14:35-14:40

Efficacy of levetiracetam as first-line therapy for neonatal clinical seizures and its long-term outcome at 12 months of age

1409 14:40-14:45

Improving the predictive accuracy for preeclampsia by combining clinical risk factors with biochemical indicators

1410 14:45-14:50

Fetal surgery for sacrococcygeal teratoma: overcoming the barriers

1411 14:50-14:55

Serum glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) as a biomarker for preterm neonatal brain injury. A prospective longitudinal case-control study

1415 14:55-15:00

Neurological outcome of late preterm small for gestational age infants compared to appropriate for gestational age through first year of life: do they really differ?

1420 15:00-15:05

The effect of nursing care on stress, prenatal adaptation, contraction, cortisol and birth week in threat of preterm birth

1422 15:05-15:10

The contribution of fetal echocardiography in the antenatal diagnosis of del22q11.2 (DI GEORGE and other syndromes)

1423 15:10-15:15

Assessment of prenatal exposure to endocrine disruptors and correlation with possible health impacts



16:00 – 17:30 FREE COMMUNICATIONS 13

Paper No Time Abstract Title

1424 16:00-16:05

Pretem delivery and retained placenta of an angular pregnancy: a case report

1426 16:05-16:10

Region-specific inhibition of apoptosis and tumor necrosis factor-alpha following magnesium sulfate administration in the endotoxin-exposed caprine preterm fetal brain

1465 16:10-16:15

Importance of the baby friendly hospital initiative for neonatal wards (NEO-BFHI)

1430 16:15-16:20

A scoping review on the neuroprotective efficacy of antenatal magnesium sulfate treatment in pregnancies with chorioamnionitis

1431 16:20-16:25

Vesicular ultrasound pattern of placenta and coexisting normal fetus; lessons learnt

1432 16:25-16:30

Assessment of renal volume by 3d vocal ultrasonography in late-onset growth-restricted fetuses

1434 16:30-16:35

Culture-proven late onset sepsis in preterm infants born before 32 weeks of gestation in a tertiary care hospital over 10 years: a retrospective study

1435 16:35-16:40

Termination rates of Down syndrome in turkey and other influential factors: a single centre prospective study

1437 16:40-16:45

Myomectomy during pregnancy: a feasible option for preterm labor prevention

1438 16:45-16:50

New tools for diagnosis of pas and management of high risk peripartum and postpartum hemorrhage: volume contrast imaging

1441 16:50-16:55

Neonatal follow-up program in Georgia – first experience

1446 16:55-17:00

Maternal anemia a risk factor for adverse pregnancy outcomes is associated with greater health disparities in African American women

1447 17:00-17:05

Non-invasive prenatal study for the detection of aneuploidies through free fetal DNA in maternal blood: incidence of our first 100 cases in Quito, Ecuador

1450 17:05-17:10

Subcapsular liver hematoma in HELLP syndrome: case report

1451 17:10-17:15

Prediction of large for gestational age neonates



16:00 – 17:30 FREE COMMUNICATIONS 14

Paper No Time Abstract Title

1456 16:00-16:05

Compliance with the oxygen saturation target range in very preterm infants and its consequences

1457 16:05-16:10

The relationship of low maternal PAPP-A at 11-13+6 weeks of gestation with small-for-gestational age newborns and stillbirths

1460 16:10-16:15

The effect of sex positions on female sexual function

1462 16:15-16:20

Clinical management of gestational diabetes (gdm) based on ultrasound measurements decreases the rate of macrosomia

1463 16:20-16:25

The role of 4-d ultrasonography for the in utero assessment of fetal neurobehaviour in pregnancies complicated by gestational diabetes mellitus

1429 16:25-16:30

Post-partum bell’s palsy in a woman with eclampsia and hellp syndrome

1471 16:30-16:35

A dizygotic twin gestation, discordant for vacterl association: a case report and literature review focusing on prenatal diagnosis

1473 16:35-16:40

Pulmonary atresia with right hypoplasic ventricle and persistence of ductus arteriosus options and innovations in the current treatment: case report

1474 16:40-16:45

School age outcome of extremely and very preterm children with perinatal risk factors analysis

1475 16:45-16:50

Comparison of transcuteneous and arterial blood gas partial co2 and o2 pressure measurements in neonatal intensive care patients

1477 16:50-16:55

Prenatally diagnosed cardiac rhabdomyomas : characteristics and outcome

1478 16:55-17:00

Cardiac axis measurement during the first-trimester screening ultrasound

1479 17:00-17:05

Characteristics and outcome in prenatally diagnosed encephalocele in a middle-eastern population

1480 17:05-17:10

Vaginal delivery of triplets: acceptance of patients

1481 17:10-17:15

Placenta percreta-induced uterine rupture with thrombosis in the right ovarian vein extending into the inferior vena cava



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