organic agriculture a future trend for better health and environment

Post on 21-Dec-2015






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Organic Agriculture

A Future Trend For Better Health And Environment

“The birthright of all living things is health. This law

is true for soil, plant, animal and man: the health of

these four is one connected chain. Any weakness

or defect in the health of any earlier link is passed

onto the next and succeeding link, until it reaches

the last, namely, the man.”

Sir Albert Howard, 1945

Organic food is one of


What Is Organic Food? Organic food is grown by organic

agriculture in soil rich in organic matter called humus- the living part of the soil.

Humus contains billions of bacteria, fungi and other minute organisms that provide tremendous amount of minerals and other nutrients to the plants.

Organic agriculture It is a sustainable farming system that

produces healthy crops and livestock without damaging the environment.

It avoids the use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides and, relying instead on developing a healthy and fertile soil and growing a mixture of crops.

Human Health Difficult to assess the effect an organic diet

has on a person’s health. Small number of studies suggest the health

effect of organic food. On the contrary, abundant studies have

shown negative effects of non-organic food and conventional farming.

Pesticide Carcinogenic ( such as DDT that was

banned in 1973 in the US). Over 400 chemicals are being regularly

used in conventional farming to kill weeds, insects and other pests that feed on crops.

Some crops are being sprayed up to 16 times with 36 different pesticides.

Organophosphates The most dangerous pesticides. The most widely used- account for about

half of the pesticides used in the US. Cheap cost and broad spectrum of uses. 60 million pounds are applied annually. 17 millions pounds –non-agricultural


Organophosphates- continues Very poisonous and were used in the

World War II as nerve agents. Reduce the ability of cholinesterase to

regulate a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine.

Symptoms Of Cholinesterase Depression Headache Dizziness Muscle twitches Nausea

and weakness Stomach Pain Shortness of breath Anxiety Diarrhea Pinpoint pupils Convulsion Coma

Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDC) Also known as “gender benders.” They may affect genes in a way similar to

estrogen. Small dose can affect the sexual

characteristics of animals.

Food Additives- Food Colorings Food colorings cause a range of health

problems including: Allergic reaction Headaches Asthma Growth retardation Hyperactivity in children Small risk of cancer and tumor is associated

with Red No. 3.

Better Nutrition Organic food is grown by organic farming

that retains organic matter in the soil that provides the nutrients plants and crops need.

The conventional food lacks substantive nutrition. Speedy growth with agrochemicals Largely water filled

Comparison of Organic and Non-Organic Produce Dry matter +26% Protein +12% Potassium +13% Manganese +28% Calcium +56% Nitrates +69% Magnesium +49% Phosphorous +6% Iron +290% Copper +34% Essential amino acids +35%

Reduce Heart Attacks Salicylic acid is responsible for the anti-

inflammatory action of aspirin and helps combat hardening of the arteries and bowel cancer.

Salicylic acid is produced naturally in plants as a defense against stress and disease.

Average level of salicylic acid in organic food is 117 nanograms per gram compare to 20 nanograms per gram in non-organic food.

The Environmental Impacts Prevent climate change

Less CO2 is produced with organic food because of the use of organic fertilizer instead of commercial fertilizer.

Less CO2 with organic food because it uses less energy than conventional farming.

Development of soil as a major carbon sink.

Water And Air Pollution Groundwater supplies about 51% of the

drinking water in the US. About 25% of groundwater is

contaminated. Less than 2% of pesticides applied to crop

reach the target crops by aerial spraying.

In Conclusion

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