origem da internet no brasil

Post on 29-Oct-2014






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21 years of Internet in Brazil: where are we?

In early 1991 Brazil began receiving the first data transferred via the Internet. Learn more about how it came about and how the internet was at that time!

If you were born after 1994, believe me: there was a time when we had no internet. Or rather, the internet up there, but access to it was restricted to military personnel and researchers. Worse, beginning in the worldwide network of computers served primarily to exchange emails since the web pages had not been invented.

In such a network was developed in an academic environment, but with the funding of a military body specially built for this purpose in 1958: the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), which was directly linked to the Department of Defense.

The first demonstration of the ARPANET, which we consider to be the mother of the Internet, held in August 5, 1968. On the internet you can find maps showing the points connected by the ARPANET. In December 1969, for example, the network was comprised of only four points. Very different from the vision we have in March 1977, when dozens of hosts are interconnected.

With the passage of time and growth of the ARPANET, the network began to be used also for universities and, in the 80s, adopted the TCP / IP protocol currently in use on the internet as standard technology for communication.

Coupled with the popularization of personal computer (PC) and TCP / IP, another "character" that helped to converge all of these technologies for the creation of the Internet was the NSFnet, a network created by the National Science Foundation in order to interconnect other networks.

The arrival of large network to Brazil

What made possible the advent of the Internet in Brazil was another predecessor of the network: BITNET, a network of universities founded in 1981 and linking the City University of New York (CUNY) to Yale University in Connecticut.

On Brazilian soil, the Bitnet connected the Foundation for Research Support of São Paulo (FAPESP) to the Fermilab physics laboratory specializing in the study of atomic particles, which was in Illinois, USA. FERMILAB

In 1990 he was created a National Research Network (RNP), the Ministry of Science and Technology, in order to deploy an infrastructure with national coverage for internet services. And since the internet is popularizava between the academic community of the United States, Fermilab also decided to adopt the new technology. However, without abandoning the use of BITNET. Therefore, over time the connection between FAPESP and Fermilab turned out the only exit route data from Brazil to the world and the main connection to the internet tupiniquim in early 1991. The Foundation was also responsible for administering the dominio. "Br" and the distribution of IPs to Brazil.

Another novelty was in the national network expansion within the country. A new connection interconnected FAPESP National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (LNCC), in Rio de Janeiro. Later, Internet connections were also extended to other institutions in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul and Minas Gerais. These connections were using private lines that operated in the range 2400 to 9600 bits per second (bps).

The connection itself between FAPESP and operated at Fermilab September 4800 bps to 1990, when it came to travel on data at 9600 bps. This value is much lower than we have today in our homes, with connections up to 10 megabits per second (Mbps), for example. Today, the current connection from FAPESP operates in the range of 10 Gigabits per second (Gbps).

In 1992 the RNP had already implemented a nationwide network, connecting 11 state capitals through a mesh of 9600 bps. Since the connections between Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Porto Alegre had links to 64,000 bps.

Another novelty in the same year was the emergence of organizations that look and act locally, statewide. The River Network, for example, connected schools in Rio de Janeiro using links of 64,000 bps. Later the institution was called the California Education and Research Federation Network) at the Computer Center of San Diego, United States.

In São Paulo emerged Academic Network at São Paulo (ANSP), which has linked the University of São Paulo (USP), State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), and IPT, Institute of Technological Research State of Sao Paulo.

During this period the connection linking the Fermilab FAPESP also won an upgrade, from travel on the data at 64 kilobits per second (Kbps, 64000 bps). In addition, state networks have also emerged in Minas Gerais, Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Sul and the Federal District.

The internet starts getting even more interesting with the emergence of the World Wide Web (WWW) in 1990. The person responsible for writing the HTTP protocol that enables the transfer of web pages to browsers, was Timothy Berners-Lee, who recently participated as a speaker at Campus Party Brazil.

In 1993 researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign created Mosaic, the first browser to work on Windows, which also favored a greater popularity of the web.

In 1994, the Internet finally leaves the academic niche and begins to be marketed to the general public. In Brazil, Embratel launches Internet Service Commercial, experimentally and with international connection of 256 Kbps. Five thousand users were chosen to test the service.

In May 1995 the service began to operate in a definitive way and to avoid the state monopoly of Internet in Brazil, the Ministry of Communications has made public its position in favor of commercial exploitation of the global network in the country.

The internet has become the cover of magazines and even the subject of the novel, is increasingly popular, growing so amazing. In 1996 was launched major portals and ISPs connection to the network in Brazil and in 1998, the country already occupied the 19th place in number of hosts in the world and led the podium in South America in the American continent was second only to the States U.S. and Canada.

Consolidated was the use of Internet in Brazil. Nearly ten years later, in 2007, Brazil moved about 114 billion dollars in commerce and had a base of 40 million computers in the country. According to Ibope / NetRatings, we had about 18 million residential Internet users.

According to Ibope NetRatings, we are now 79.9 million Internet users tupiniquins, Brazil is the 5th most wired country. According to Fecomércio-RJ/Ipsos, the percentage of Brazilians connected to the Internet increased from 27% to 48% between 2007 and 2011. The main site access is the Internet café (31%), followed by home (27%) and the home of relatives of friends, with 25% (April 2010). Brazil is the 5th country with the largest number of Internet connections.

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