osh standards

Post on 18-Dec-2015






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Occupational Safety and Health Legislation and administration and enforcement


  • OSH Legislation and OSH Legislation and

    Administration and Administration and

    EnforcementEnforcementEnforcementEnforcementJefferson C. Palma


  • Republic of the Philippines

    Department of Labor and Employment


    Attainment of full, decent and productive

    employment for every Filipino worker.

    Promote gainful employment opportunities, Promote gainful employment opportunities,

    develop human resources, protect workers

    and promote their welfare and maintain

    industrial peace.

  • Eleven (11) Attached Agencies

    Employees Compensation Commission

    Institute for Labor Studies

    Maritime Training Council

    National Conciliation and Mediation Board

    National Labor Relations Commission National Labor Relations Commission

    National Maritime Polytechnic

    National Wages and Productivity Commission

    Occupational Safety and Health Center

    Overseas Workers Welfare Administration

    Philippine Overseas Employment Administration

    Technical Education and Skills Development Authority


    Labor and Employment Statistics

    Labor Relations

    Local Employment

    Rural Workers Rural Workers

    Women and Young Workers

    Working Conditions

  • What are the Occupational Safety and

    Health Standards? OSH Standards are mandatory

    rules and standards set and enforced to eliminate or reduce occupational safety and health hazards in the workplace.hazards in the workplace.

    Occupational health and safety

    is a cross-disciplinary area

    concerned with protecting the

    safety, health and welfare of

    people engaged in work or


  • Labor Code of the Philippines

    The OSH Standards are mandatory

    rules on occupational safety and

    health promulgated pursuant to

    Article 162, Book IV of the Labor

    Code of the Philippines, P.D. 442.Code of the Philippines, P.D. 442.

    Art. 162. Safety and health


    Art. 163. Research.

  • What does safety and health in the

    workplace mean?

    Safety refers to the physical or environmental

    conditions of work which comply with

    prescribed (OSH) Standards and which allow

    the workers to perform the job without or

    within acceptable exposure limit to hazards. within acceptable exposure limit to hazards.

    Health means a sound state of the body and

    mind of the workers that enables the worker

    or employee to perform the job normally.

  • What is the purpose of OSH


    OSH Standards aim to provide at least the

    minimum acceptable degree of protection

    that must be afforded to every worker in

    relation to the working conditions and relation to the working conditions and

    dangers of injury, sickness or death that may

    arise by reason of the worker's occupation.

  • What is the coverage by the General

    OSH Standards?

    All establishments, workplaces and other

    undertakings are covered, including

    agricultural enterprises whether operating for

    profit or not, except:profit or not, except:

    Residential places exclusively devoted to

    dwelling purposes.

    Mines which is under the Department lf

    Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).

  • What does right to safe and healthful

    conditions of work mean?

    It means that the worker shall be assured of

    effective protection against the danger of

    injury, sickness or death through safe and

    healthful working conditions.healthful working conditions.

  • What is the minimum standard on

    safety and health in the workplace?

    Appropriate seats, lighting and ventilation;

    Adequate passageways, exits and fire fighting


    Separate facilities for men and women; Separate facilities for men and women;

    Appropriate safety devices like protective gears,

    masks, helmets, safety boots, coats or first-aid


    Medicines, medical supplies or first-aid kits;

    Free medical and dental services and facilities.

  • What other safety requirements should employers

    provide their employees?

    Employers must provide their employees with the following

    instruments and/or working stations:

    Appropriate protective equipment and clothing

    A properly designed exhaust system and waste disposal,

    local exhaust or general ventilation to keep toxic fumes or local exhaust or general ventilation to keep toxic fumes or

    gases, away from workers' breathing zone;

    Adequate number of fire extinguishers in the workplace;

    Designated safe smoking and welding areas far from

    combustible, flammable or explosive materials, containers

    filled with explosives or flammable substances, and

    containers that have held explosives or flammable


  • What safety measures must be observed

    within the premises of establishments?

    Building premises shall have adequate fire,

    emergency or danger signs and safety instructions of

    standard colors and sizes visible at all times;

    Other visible signs that may be needed to direct the Other visible signs that may be needed to direct the

    driver of motorized vehicle such as STOP, YIELD, and

    DO NOT ENTER, properly positioned within the

    compound of the establishment shall be used to

    increase safety especially during the night;

  • What safety measures must be observed within

    the premises of establishments?

    Handicapped employees shall be restricted only to

    designated workplaces. As far as practicable and

    feasible they shall be provided with facilities for safe and

    convenient movement within the establishment;

    Good housekeeping shall be maintained at all times Good housekeeping shall be maintained at all times

    through cleanliness of building, yards, machines,

    equipment, regular waste disposal, and orderly

    arrangement of process operations, storage and filing


    Adequate dressing rooms, locker rooms, comfort rooms

    and lavatories separate for male and female workers

    shall be provided.

  • Who enforces OSH Standards?

    The Secretary of Labor and Employment,

    through the Regional Director or his other

    authorized representative, enforces the OSH

    Standards in the exercise of visitorial and Standards in the exercise of visitorial and

    enforcement powers.

  • What is visitorial power?

    refers to the authority to conduct inspections or investigations in the premises of an employer at any time of the day or night whenever work is being undertaken.

    necessary to determine violations or to enforce the rights of workers under the Labor Code.

    Under this power, the employer may be required to submit reports and other documents to determine any violation.

  • What is enforcement power?

    Refers to the authority of the Secretary or

    the Regional Director to order an erring

    employer, after due notice and hearing,

    to comply with labor standards and issue to comply with labor standards and issue

    a writ of execution in case of non-


  • How are these Standards enforced?

    Inspectorate system - every employer shall provide to the Secretary or to his/her duly authorized representative access to its premises or records at any time of the day or night whenever there is work to determine night whenever there is work to determine and effect compliance.

    Every establishment or workplace shall be inspected at least once a year.

  • If a worker or representative of workers or any

    concerned person believes that such a violation

    of the OSH Standards exists which threatens

    with physical harm or poses imminent danger

    to life, what shall he do to correct the danger?

    The said worker or workers representative shall

    request the RO for an inspection of their area

    by giving full particulars or details regarding

    such violation or danger.

  • What does the Regional Office do in

    such a case?

    The Regional Office evaluates the report and

    conducts a special inspection or investigation

    immediately in the subject establishment. The

    complainant is notified in writing of the complainant is notified in writing of the

    outcome of such investigation.

  • Rules of the Occupational Safety and Health Standards

    1000 General Provisions1010 Other Safety Rules1020 Registration1030 Training & Accreditation1040 Health & Safety Committee1050 Notification & Keeping of

    Occ. Illnesses & Injuries

    1160 Boiler1170 Unfired Pressure Vessels1180 Internal Combustion Engine*1200 Machine Guarding1210 Electrical Safety1220 Elevators & Related

    Occ. Illnesses & Injuries1060 Premises of Establishments1070 Environmental Control1080 Personal Protective Equipment1090 Hazardous Materials

    Equipment1230 Identification of Piping System1240 Power Piping Lines *1410 Construction Safety1420 Logging1940 Fire Protection & Control1950 Pesticides & Fertilizers1960 OH Services1970 Fees1980 Authority of LGUs1990 Final Provisions

    1100 Gas & Electric Welding & Cutting Operations

    1120 Hazardous Work Processes1140 Explosives1150 Materials Handling & Storage

  • What are the duties and responsibilities of the

    employers and the employees in relation to

    enforcement and compliance with OSH Standards in

    the workplace?


    Furnish his workers a place of employment free from hazardous conditions. from hazardous conditions.

    Comply with the requirements of the Standards.

    Give complete job safety instruction to all his workers

    Use only approved devices and equipment in his workplace.


    Adopt administrative policies on safety in

    accordance with the provisions of the


    Report to the Regional Director or his/her duly Report to the Regional Director or his/her duly

    authorized representative the policies

    adopted and the safety organization



    Submit reports to the Regional Director or

    his/her duly authorized representative once in

    every three months on the safety

    performance, safety committee meetings and performance, safety committee meetings and

    its recommendations and measures taken to

    implement the recommendation;

    Act on recommended safety measures;

    Provide access to appropriate authorities.


    Cooperate with the employer in carrying out

    the provisions of the Standards.

    Report any work hazard to his/her supervisor

    Follow all instructions by the employer in Follow all instructions by the employer in

    compliance with the OSHS provisions

    Make proper use of all safeguards and safety



    Follow safety policies;

    Report unsafe conditions and practices to the


    Serve as member of the Health and Safety Serve as member of the Health and Safety


    Cooperate with Health and Safety Committee;

    Assist government agencies in the conduct of

    safety and health inspection.

  • General Provisions (Rule 1010)


    Any person including builders or contractors,

    who visits, builds, innovates or installs devices

    in establishments or workplaces shall comply in establishments or workplaces shall comply

    with the provision of OSHS rules and all

    regulations issued by the employer in

    compliance with the Standards and other

    issuances of the Secretary.

  • Rule 1020 - Registration

    Every employer shall register his/her business with the Regional Labor Office or authorized representative to provide the DOLE with information as guide in its enforcement activities.activities.

    Free of charge

    Valid for lifetime, except when there is change in name, location, ownership; opening after previous closing

  • A workplace is deemed hazardous if:

    The nature of the work exposes workers to dangerous environmental elements, contaminants or work conditions,

    The workers are engaged in construction work, logging, fire-fighting, mining, quarrying, blasting, stevedoring, dock work, deep-sea fishing and mechanized farmingdock work, deep-sea fishing and mechanized farming

    The workers use or are exposed to heavy or power-driven machinery or explosive powder-actuated equipment

    The workers are engaged in the manufacture or handling of explosives and other pyrotechnic products

    The workers use or are exposed to biological agents.

  • considered highly hazardous workplace" Petrochemical works and refineries;

    Chemical works and chemical production plants;

    LPG storage and materials;

    Stores and distribution center for toxic/hazardous


    Large fertilizer stores; Large fertilizer stores;

    Explosives factories;

    Works in which chlorine is used in bulk;

    Activities closely similar to the activities enumerated


    Activities as determined by the Bureau in accordance

    with existing issuances related to classification of


  • Rule 1030 - Training and Accreditation

    of Personnel in OSH

    Employer to appoint a safety officer on a full-time or part-time basis depending on the type of workplace (whether hazardous or non-hazardous) and number of workers in the workplace. workplace.

  • Rule 1030 - Training and Accreditation

    of Personnel in OSH

    All Safety Officers must complete the Bureau

    prescribed Training Course

    A full-time safety officer must be duly accredited

    by the BWC.by the BWC.



    Completion of Prescribed 40-Hour BOSH training

    from a DOLE accredited or recognized


    Relevant experience in OSHRelevant experience in OSH

    Three (3) years experience if applicant is duly licensed by


    Four (4) years experience if applicant is a graduate of any 4

    or 5 year college course without PRC license.

    Ten (10) years experience if applicant is a college


  • What are the requirements for What are the requirements for


    Duly accomplished Application Form (DOLE-BWC-AF-PCN-A1).

    Updated Original Certificate of employment

    Original actual functions/job description duly signed by the employer or authorized official of signed by the employer or authorized official of the company.

    Photo copy of previous employment certificate (if necessary)

    Photo copy of Certificate of Completion on the 40-Hour Bureau prescribed BOSH training course from DOLE-BWC Accredited STOs

  • What are the requirements for What are the requirements for


    Photo copy of Certificate of Attendance/ Participation to other OSH related trainings/ seminars from DOLE accredited / recognized organizations/institutions

    Photo copy of college diploma, transcript of Photo copy of college diploma, transcript of records and/or PRC license, if any

    Proof of applicants achievements/ accomplishments/participation on OSH

    ( i.e. awards/recognitions, reports, programs prepared and submitted)

  • Validity and Renewal of Accreditation

    Accreditation shall be valid for three (3) years

    and shall be renewed upon compliance with

    minimum requirements pursuant to D.O. 16,

    unless suspended, cancelled or revokedunless suspended, cancelled or revoked

    Accreditation shall be renewed within the

    prescriptive period of 30 calendar days prior

    to expiration thereof.

  • RULE 1040 - Health and Safety


    What is a Safety and Health Committee?

    is a group of employees or workers and

    management that plans and makes policies in management that plans and makes policies in

    all matters pertaining to safety and health in

    the workplace.

    All establishments are required to have a

    Safety and Health Committee.

  • When shall an establishment organize

    a Safety and Health Committee?

    In every workplace, a Safety and Health

    Committee shall be organized within sixty

    days after the Standards take effect, and for

    new establishments, within one month from new establishments, within one month from

    the date business starts operating. In both

    cases the Safety and Health Committee shall

    reorganize every January of the following year.

  • What are the types and composition

    of a Safety and Health Committee?

  • What are the duties of the Safety and

    Health Committee?

    Plan and develop accident prevention programs in the workplace;

    Inspect workplace to detect unsafe conditions;

    Review reports of inspection, results of accident investigations and implementation of accident

    Review reports of inspection, results of accident investigations and implementation of accident prevention program;

    Conduct safety meetings at least once a month;

    Submit reports to the manager/owner on its meetings and activities;

  • What are the duties of the Safety and

    Health Committee?

    Provide necessary assistance to government inspecting authorities in the proper conduct of activities relating to enforcement of the provisions of the Standards;

    Train workers in safe work habits and procedures; Train workers in safe work habits and procedures;

    Develop and maintain a disaster contingency plan and organize such emergency service units as may be necessary to handle disaster situations pursuant to the Emergency Preparedness Manual for Establishments of the Office of Civil Defense.


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