oster tech unit_outline

Post on 01-Jul-2015






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Technology Training with Steve Gibbs

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Technology Integration Unit Outline

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Name: Angela Oster

Project Title: Learning About Folktales

Project Subject: 30 proficient to advanced readers

Grade Level(s): Third or Fourth Grade

Essential Question: What are folktales?



Why were they written? What are the elements of a folktale?



After reading and viewing several Native American folktales,

students will be given instructions on writing their own


Approximate Length of Unit (days, weeks) I have my reading group four times a

week for 30 minutes (this changes with holidays, assemblies, fieldtrips, etc…). This

assignment will take about 5 to 6 weeks to complete.

Goals: Students will be able to write and publish their own folktales

Objectives: For students to understand what folktales are and how to write their


Lesson Plan Sequence of Events – give day-to-day details: Day 1, Review

information about Native Americans from social studies text and show a smart

lesson that ties in, but also adds information about folklore. Day 2 I read a Native

American folktale to the students and then each group reads one of their own. Day 3

Read another Native American Folktale to the students and show them folktales on

video. Day 4 Each group partner reads a folktale. Review and discuss as a class.

Start looking at why folktales were written. Day 5 Groups exchange folktales and

read, see another video about folktales (students are encouraged to bring in ones

that they find). Day 6 Discuss elements of a folktale, why were they written? Start

brainstorming ideas for their own folktale. Day 7 Begin the writing process. Days 8

and 9 finish up stories and begin editing (peer and teacher). Days 10 to 15 (as time

allows and openings in the computer lab) students begin typing their stories as a

slide show on the program Pixie. Students will then add their voice reading the

story. All stories will then be put together to share with parents at open house.

Key Websites Used: Discovery Education Streaming Native American folktales,

Smart Exchange Native American Unit, ThinkWrite,


Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction

Technology Training with Steve Gibbs

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