ot ·. witk of gen·eral merchan:...

Post on 22-Feb-2019






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Cl!b aM SJt~ lf•~ht.nsllo l.oa11s anti ba$'Coub.t!,

• ovel'(.l~tll, · Ileal Eatato, li'tlrnUur~ & Flxts.,

• \

' UAllltlfiES.

J>epo•l&q. Vue Other Banks, Rcaerve foe 'l'ase!, CApital tltot1k, Uudlvlded Profitt,

,. 1, Frank f. ~l![llr, Ouhlerof &h!lii'I!OYe na'(nJt , k ,

bank, 40 IOiemait, awear Lbllt tM abo\'e Ita(.. c. B. Hftiietd ""' ld from cbo genua true to ell,~~ o( ms lulowledgB ~all .J ic rlU•a kc ... tUrdlly. So ronnrtl' t.cller1 • · • ~· ··~ . ~ • .,--:

-, · raus J. s40aa, : evoryth,Wj· so tbat eoctt«-o as bay .. ceahler. iD'I! fl ;(t}tc1to huo· 8(t\9e"bat. do~d

EubliCFibed and &\'l'«<rll to before lne &hi& lit I b . · · , ••Y ot .Jut7 A. D., 1voo. .. . w t c:opp~r.

.ASD&&W IJ, ~UDBl'lin'.!J, ·~----. . .

lilotary habllo, (1&.\L)


-.._....~---· ' Tbo above reward "'"'.,• N111, · ll-*t9o. for •nY tuforni~tJ~n -.

bue)'n~IIS.. . ~~~ (8COYOty. 0( ua·.tpiQ "UIID. 11t';~~ .

i.U .• I'It pattqto 'llf.,._ ' ~ . ·'··.' "·'''·.!: weetAJ~g{f.

·op Jttlt.

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·ST. Mtlier tllb at the \ · OhtJrch rie•t

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•' eleve.- o'C,1ock. tepe." . At..<; oight

UTiho.. 'n'I\Ot , ;Tfa,lQ, ·Jn

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Jb. P. G. 'PeteriS, wife pa.saed tbrou~b hPro

liJl'Cittv en roUte frpm tbu •

to lhe~r bo~e oa·tbo UOt~itu. iaa town ?.Mre~ Pet.or• .

llOfl epjoyed. tb.,m·l~~ Rf~taoga witi

&lr. Peterj · llrt'b~l«o·c. of the ltock·of · Ito p'urob••ed from Zlejltr

A b•ck l"aci of uf


· Couaaty .«Jt;t,mataia•av <~r . .e. WJibor, Dr. Pildeia ~ ·t~d Pttul · Mayer oier·iitl'>tbt touot.f 1:eat on mat.-o -Jeri ol t.Utioeaa ~oday •

~ · •»G.- P•u& Ma;ter atol \h~

' 'Dt:ltteoNf•tlyaJJ.il'lt' tbtt · ·•· '. Most reaNonable pl'ice• ..


.. v, JULY 6. •oos. NUMBER 44. ·

' . 800 . . . . . . . .·. ~ ·~·····-············ .. ·····································•••r.t••••

·. Witk a. ~aera.l Ass~rtmeat of . ~· . . .


DISE That. We Are Selling At Low Prices.



ONE PRICE TO\ ALL. Pride of Denver flour, $.t • .as per aoo lbs.


left thi& visit to

homo lo . Her frieodll nelgbbors wlsb ber a , .. ,,.

'aJio acroea tho Atlantic, and •• soason uo tbe Emerald

• Nothle.

· 5 lbs. lard, sscts. ao lbs. " , $a.os


' 1t


We Car~y a Full Line of

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will be at our old .tltb Mr. S. c. Wienot,

1ere we will reeo1vo adcl ttay all 10ou1ots ootetanditg tb01e tbat

aodebtetl to '*'· Plt~atte ollll .zet statem~tit dl aoeooot,

•' ~ Aaricultural Implements, the Celebrated

ubligo, . ··· Zbdu'a Bltom&BJ,· Barton Broe. VIllage School Shoes

for Soya. Mlsaee and Children. ' .

.. '$ '}-....... ' • ~ ~""' JS.y. 1 • .

Wr--lead in qualitf. ~ ..... ·- =a'=·•=·:=j•=r•~~·~~;~·ij•'i*•P•,~·i;iilii='i;'~'=·:~-i=Ca~c~i•,;;iiiiiii' :~'t•+'•~=n:;r•·~;s;·;:l·~--= I LV 1. jj it I 6 -


Traoeaoll • Ge"eral Ban tuna Buelnoa•- Ieaue1 Drafl• on ~~~

Prlooipal Oe&lel of &be World-Ac:curda t.o Borrowers every.

. aooommoda&loo coo•l•teDt. wlLh aafet.J. Accoonu eohohed.



' 'j /obtJ H. Caan1D1, Pl'opl'letol'. I .

A Complete Une,.of Strictly HIOH•ORADB ,.


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Prince Hen17 of Prd••l• tblolr.t of eomlng to America· a&aln. Can JOO blame hl.m?

Tho man wbo denlca that .. woman" apeUa "angel .. dCNlln't dcaerve lbe hap­ploou of being marrled. •

Two or tho C~megle medal WIDDCrl wore of ~e tatr ses. Can a Jady prop­lrl)' be epoken ot u a "hero"!

' M:. Altrod At;tstln aay1 there arc no

ll'e&t women pocto, but BaYing 'You're another! ·• ta no argument.

Tbe Boston Transcript ts olrortiur !Good Advice to Graduates.'' For cold ttooded presumpuoo tbla win• tbe trl&e.

The aclcntlots have accompllnbed a IOod deal, but they hove not produced an onion with .ho fragrance ot a bed of mlnl

Somebody ln France boa foWl• •• •ow to make cloth out of wood. StUl. lhe wooden -overcoat bu been heard ot tor &gflll.

' lf Jtobf'rt Fulton hnd known Skip­

,.,, Barr ho probably would not ba'Ve ClOh&ldcrod It worth wbllo to Invent die eteamboat.

Tbo 8011ton Globe wants to know when lhc srl'nt A ml'rlcan novl'l will bo wrlrten. Oroat Jnmc11! lun't Bo• ton going w write ItT

A Cincinnati man has married tbe l'rlnoo11s Plcl<holl. American bolrollllOh will regard It a11 unfortunate that be muet remain p:aln "Mr."

• Eight of tho nino Carnegie medals

were awarclod for ~oocuoa ot drowning poraono. Tbo110 who aspire to be rec­ognized aa boroos abould learn tn IWim.

Oraftlr.s biUI olwaya boon & rtaky bunlncea, particularly when accompa­nied by Iring, from Uao d4ya ot Ana· olall and Sapphira down to the pr .. ant limo.

Prlni'('Hfl ('c•cllla wore a train four-• toon fNtl long wb<>o 11he wna mnrrlod, but nltlwugh t lwro wnu a large crowd pruiiNit everybody was careful not to atc•p on lt.


Count Uonl Do Calltollnne Ia report­ed to bo an:aloua to become Pret~ldent of Franco. Wo tnl1o ll for grantol. \bnt he hna no lntonllon of running on the labor Uokel

Mme. Patll'a caatlo In Wa\c• Ia Ul· nouncnd to bo Hold at a price "regard· loaa of ront or of ansoclntlona." Tbat'J tho WilY the ordlniU'y man usually hu to aell biJ houeo. ---------

Klnl Peter of Borvla Ia probablr t1te only monarch who lan't paylnt cloae attention to Kine Oacar'• truublea. Klnrr l'ctor, a• oveJ7bu4r knowt, hu ~ublol or hll own.

Accordlnr to Jfen17 Clow1, there are lour men In thla country who are wort b one tbouaand m lllloo doll an. Tbat Ia to aay, thoy ban one tbou· •nd million dollara.

A Ptttaburc man hu aent 'l'o10 a ~· of atol(lea u a token of frlencl> •llp and admiration. It may be 1 lucky thine tor Japan thnt To10 bat alrc•d7 dono bla duty.

lt IJO.IIlll there Ia a dlaputo between canada and UrunaJ. A club botweep tbese powcl'8 Dlllht ab&ko thla plan· ot '1 trolley o tl'. and It 11 hoped aorloul trouble will be &Yrtrlcd.

ft 11 to be feared that PbJJadelcmla sot cood too quick to romaln cood vorr looar. A mor" oxtencted expert. ~uoo at tbe "moull'llert' bench" probo ablJ would h&ve been better •



School T•acher Murdered. An Albuquerque dlspateb of June

26th 14DYB: News bas just reocbod hero of the to1.11 murder of Walter Lyon near Ramah, a small Mexican settlement l)ear Gallup, McKinley county.

Lyon W&IJ a school teacher and when tbo term closed for tbo aummer be drew ble money out of the bank at GaJlup and started overland for Farm· toston, New Me:rlco, on horseback.

While on tho way he CI\Ugbt up with two Moxlcana, wbo aald they were 1olng to the same place and all would travel together. Tho party rea.cbed Ramah one noon ancl left tb~&t Qlgbt for Ita deatlnatlon; Wblle In ftatn$h Lyon paid for aome .fOOd, and tho Moil· Ieana aaw that be bad a large amount or m\)ney. Tho next morning a boy aaw the man'a bat In tbe road a eliort dlatanco from Ramah ud upon tol· lowing tbo trail where tbo body bad boon draqecl round It In a clump ot buabea wltb a bullet tbrousb tbe bead. Inveallsatlon.ti'ovealed that Lyon bad boon abot wltb a 80.30 rUle. No trace baa boon secured or tho m IJrdoreta. 'rbey aoc::urcd tsoo.

New M1xtco Supreme Court.

Tbe Terrltorl&t Supreme Court;, In aoaalon at Santa Fo JUA.e 26th, he,..rd arsum9nt In tbo cayo of tho Arlaona 6 COJQrac1Qi'1laUway CqJDpJ.DJ ·"'"' t~e Donvc.t:. • Rio Oni4~ . 1\UWU( ;fil •. volvlq tbo ri&bt ot. way aurvcjcd by the platntllr trom Duranso. Colorado. to Fll1'1ltlngton. Now Me:atco, and which tbe dtJtcndant Ia uatns In part for tho line It Ia conatrucUnl botwoon tboao two pointe. Tbo Colorado t.ttor­nova hor" to argue t~ caao arp m. N. Olatlt aacl w. w. Fte d «W Den.yer and n. W. Ritter and b. . srouto of Du·


• .





. , . •



·.~n~l ·, ~"ff~~~ 0 nese . .

' f, • • • \ •

Am~rl~ mUlb\ey 't~cbelil 1't\t4. tb.e . In U:te gfq~ll.cl tb.!lt POlpt., 'l'be pegs Jan~ese and Rusafan armies ·~ thus esta~llshe!l· were Joined by marlr· much Impressed by the tmport&Ace In~ a nne on the ground with the 'Wh1eh lntrenc}llng tools,have had In point of a pick. '

' tb,e r~.eastern war. In a recent re· "Then the men came forward, work-port to the war department Capt. P. lng parties alternating with pick anti 0. March writes: "On Qct. 15, 1904, Intrenching spade, the files taking ln­dnrlng the battle of the Shabo, I ·wlt· wrvals from ~ach otb~r by extentllng ne~sed. a practical exhibition·· of the hands at full length, each man cover­Japanese use of the Intrenching tools lng that much of the Une of thQ carried by the men. The 40th 'regl- trench. While one ·rellef was worlt· ment of the lOth division, fourth JaRa- .lng the other men of the company re-. . nese army, took a position along the malned below the rest, squatting on Crest of a hill near the River Sha, their hauncl1 es, and after the first which marked the farthest point of batch had worked about five minutes the Japapese ·advance at that time relieved them. The soU had not been and on tl).e front of the fourth army. under cultivation and apparently was The Russians were visible. in force virgin and hard. The trench was fln­tmmedia.tely In front of us and an ~t· lsbed In twenty ID'Inutes." tack was expected. The companies To Capt. March's testimony of the detailed to construct the 'trenches value of Intrenching tools Capt. Carl came up without arms and 'Squatted Reichmann, mllltary attache with the on their haunches under ~ver on the Russian army, gives his unqualified reverse slope 'of the hill. Noncommls- support, saying: "I certainly was pow­stoned omcers stepped ·forward from ertully Impressed by the moblllty ot the companies and threw themselve~J the Japanese l}nd by the Russian on their faces on the crest of· the bill. heaviness and I realized the terrible They then worked themli!elves forward power given an army by mobility. So

. MISS OENEVIVE MAY. by their hands and feet "Until they far as I am concerned ·I shall certainly

CAIARRH Of 8l0Mncu arrived' at a point where they could leave nothing undone to promote mo-n see aU the gJOUnd In the, Immediate billty In our Infantry and the adoption

, "( front-no Ue«d spae~and put a peg of a spade that Is a spade."

CUR(O BY P(·RU·NA. HIS SCHEME FOR REVENGE Miss Genevive May, 1317 S. Meridian

Bt., Indianapolis, Ind., Member Second Hi~h School Alumni Ass'n, writes:

·up~rullll Is the finest regulator of a f/lsordered •tomach I bllve ever found. It cen.!Diy deserves blgb pndse, lor It Ia diiHul/y preJJIIml.

"I was in a. terrible condition from a neglected case _ of catarrh of the stomacll. My food hod long ceased to be of any good and only distressed 'me after. eating. I wu na.useated1 hod heartburn and headaches, and felt run down completely. But in two weeks after I took Peruna I was a changed peraon. A few bottles of the mediclne lnnde a great change,· and In three months my stomach was cleared of eat&rth, and my· entire system in a better condition. "-Genmve May.

Write Dr. Hartman, President of The Bll!rtman ~tarinm, Columbus, Ohio, for free mewcal advice. All correa­pondencie held strictly confidential.

Growth of New York.

New York clahns that by 1910 It wiD have passed London In population and will be the largest city In the world, It Is believed that the state c~us being taken at present will show that the city has passed the 4,000,000 mark. In 1901 London had a

• population of 4,536,541, while in 1900

,, Former Gold Brick Specialist Went Back to Old Practices Just to Get Even

We meet our acquaintance, the. re­formed green goods man and gold brick operator. He has a package un· der his arm.

"What's that?" we ask. 'ISoap?" "No. It's a gold brick. I'm going

to sell It to a fellow up ~ere In the country a little way."

Noting our look of shocked sur­prise, be. hastens to say:

"Now, walt a second. Don't con­demn me until you have the evldencl•. I've been a regenerated and reformed man all right nough tot a good, long time, and I was sincere In my refor­mation. But last month I went out Into the country to live-leased a Ut­tle bit Of ground with a hoUS•' and some farm buildings on It, just for a summer home for me and the wife Bild klddles. Ha,d to have a horse,

' and some chickens, of course, and a cow. and some vegetables and fruit occasionally. Well, I go to Mr. Reu­ben and Mr. Farmer and Mr. Corn­tossel and all the rest of the come­ons I used to meet In my line of buslneBB and they sell me the horsey

and the chlckleblddles and th'e moo cow and the nice fresh fruits and vegetables."

"And then?" "Ain't that enough?" "Enough,?" "Sure. Say. didn't you ever buy

anything from a farmer? No? Well, you w.ant to me,ke the experiment, and If you get out of the trade with the skin left on your teeth you'll be lucky. We've· hod to prop the horse up With fence pickets to keep It from lying down and killing the lawn; the chickens are the old Inhabitants of the hen roost, made of rubber and cast steel; the cow Is so old that the beef trust would be ashamed to can her for the brave boys In blue in the farthest Islands of the sea; the fruit and vegetables were worse than any canned goods two years old that had been condemned by the health board."

"But thB gold brick?" ' "Oh, that. I'm just . gOing to back­

slide long enough to sell ftve or six In my neighborhood and catch even.• -'-Chi<'ago Tribune.


OF TIJE ' How o ... at Proar .. • Can Do Made In the Con•tant

Al(ai"•t Tuberculo•l•.

Dt. S. A. Knopf In an address 1 doing they only involve themaelvea brleOy. and clearly outlines 'the duty still more deeply, and thereby 1ndel1· bl each citizen In combating tubercu· nltely postpone the day for their de­'loals: · llvet·ance, and often make their dellv·

II you are In the presence of a con- ery altogether imnosslble. sumpUve who b not yet undQr inedl- Whether the galling Y.Oke of disease cal care, teach him what you !mow of manifests Itself In the "form of slaver)"' tb.e prevention of the disease and ad· to some drug habit, or as neurasthen· vise hlm to<seelt tht1 counsel of a com- Ia, or Jn r;ome ~errlble forn. of lndlges­petent physician. if he \s too poor to t1on.1 or ~any of the varto~1s nerv.e dis· P'Y for a consultatlop.. and too proud orders, It cannot be juggled away by to ask It for nothing, tell him t6 ap· simply t>wallowlng a few drops of med· lllY to the health departlJlent, which lclne from some mysteriously labeled wllJ' send one of its physicians with- bottle. Such an Individual must re­out cost. No tuberculosis ln'valW, no pent so etrectually that 'It will lead matter In what stage -or the disease, him to adopt radical changes In all whether living In a palace or in the the habits of Ills life, He must un· poorest tenement bouse, should be dertalte to earn nt least a p·art of hUh without a medical adviser. If you bread In the divinely appointed wu­meet a consumptive who Is Ignorant by the sweat of his brow. of the precaution he should take, do Instead of trying to Induce nature not 'shun him like a leper, but treat to convert dietetic wood, hay, and him with ltlndnesa, and convince him stubble Into good, wholesome blood, that whatever he does to prevent the the buslnt'ss man who wishes to llve spread of the disease among others as long as his country cousins must will also Improve his own condition begin to cultivate a tnste for whole­and Increase the chances of his re- some nncl nutritious foods. He must covary. Let me tell y'ou that a clean, discard pernicious drinks, whether conscientious ~onsumptlve Is as safe tht>y arc served over the bar In the a person to associate with as any- form of whisky, or ln his own home In body. If In your dally life you can the form of tea and cotTee. He must lnflqynce others to make themselves recognize as an lnsplretl truth that famllfar with the necessary know!· every tobacco user Is warring agalust edge of the prevention of tubercu- his own Interest, and If he lnstlnctlve­loals, do so! If through your lnftu· ly reallzes that he Is approachjag ence, your words, and example you llhrslcal lllsastl'r, he must earnestly can combat the fearful curse of our and energetically endeavor to give up natlon-alcohollsm-I beseech you, do health·destroylng hdblts no matter your duty. how dear they may be to him.

Some Individuals have, by virtue of their cnlllng, a special duty to per­form In the combat of tuberculosis. Of these I mention, first, the teachers of the public schools, the clergymen, the editors of the public press, em· ployers and philanthropists.

Food for the Sick. There Is. no branch of the culinary

art which requires more aklll than that of preparing food for the sick and feeble. The purpose of food at all times Is to sd'pply material for re­pairing the waste which Is constant·

Dlllnfeetlon. ly going on In the vital economy; an1l The disinfection of clothing Is a hence It ought always to be chosen

matter which every one should un· with reference to Its nutritive value. derstand. Ordinary bo111ng will de- But 1lurlng illness and convalescence. stroy all sorts of dangerous germs. when tho waste Is otten mach great· The bolUng should be <'ontlnued half er and the vital powers less active, It an hour. Clothing which cannot be Is of the utmost Importance that the boUed should be burned or dlslnfectfi!d food should be of such character u by sulphur or formaltn. w111 supply the proper nutrition. Nor

Rooms must be disinfected by t~e Is this all: an article of food may last·named means and by thorough contain all the elements of nutrition lcrubblng with strong, hot soapsuds. In such proportions as to render It a

Open doors and windows 1 as widely wholesome food for those In health,

as possible so as to allow the admls- and not be a proper food for the sick, slon of the largest possible amount of for the reason that Its <;onverslon Into llght and the freest circulation of air. blood alld tissue lays too great a tax

Remove the old paper from the upon the digestive organs. Food for walls, and burn it. Wash the bare the sick should be palatable, nutrl• walls with strong soapsuds, and then tlous and easily assimilated. To dis· apply whitewash to the celllng. criminate as to what food will su11PlY

New York had 3,427,202 people, not counting the population of Jersey City and the other populous suburbs on the New Jersey Bide. It would su~prlse nobody, except possibly the Londoners, if long before 1910 New York had be­come the largest. city In the world.

Cl h those requisites, one must possess Philadelpht Destro d I Trt It H b f eanse t e woodwork with a solution k 1 d d · a, ye n po ar or, of fresh chloride of lime, one pound some now e ge of letetlcs and phys-Located f..y Charles .Wellington Furlong to the gallon. iology, as well as of the nature of the

Oh I l Remove the carpet from the floor Illness with which the patient Is auf-

·' aries We Ungton Furlong made a bers. These were honey-combed In 1 th b Adt' f th b d d ' ferlug; and such a lmowledge ought

t tl h T e e.. ng rom e e , an every

L7dla E. Plnllham's ~egetltbl*' Compound

ls a positive cure for ai 1 those painful ailments of \.Vomen. It will entirely cure the worst farms of Female Com­plaints, o.ll Ovarian troubles, lnflo.m· matlon o.nd Ulceration. Falling and Displacements ol tho Womb and con­sequent Spinal Wcaltness, and is peon iarly adapted to the Cliange oj'

.Li/1. Every time it will cure

llaok:!Dhe. , It bas cured more cases of Leuoor­rboon. tha.n any other remedy the worhl has ever kna.wn. It is almost lnfn.llible iu such cn.ses. It dissolves n.nd expels Tumors from the Uterus ln an early stage of development. That

Bearing-down Feeling, causing pain, weight n.nd hoadu.ehe, Ia Instantly relieved and permanently cured by its use. Under all circum­stances it acts in harmony ·with the female system. It corrects

Irregularity, Suppressed or Painful Menstruation, Wm kness of the Stomach,lndigel!tlon, Dloo.tiug, l<'loodlng, N erva,us Prostra· tion, Hendache, General DebUlty. Also

Dizziness, FalntllfiSII, Extreme ·I,assltude, "don't-care" and •· wtmt-to-be-left·alone" feeling, cxclt• ability, Irritability, nervousness, sleep­lessnet~s, fiu.tulency, melancholy or the •• blues, ·• and backache. These are sure Indications of Female Weu.kncss, some derangement of the Uterus. lt'or

Kidney Oomplalnta and no.cko.cbe of rither lltl.'l1 the Vegeta­ble Compound Is unequaled,

You can write Mrs. Pinkham about yoursollln ~;trlotest oonfldence. ' I LIDIA E. PIJ&P.l• .ED. C:O., LJU, au~o


Denver Directory , STO E lllllPAUt8 or I!YOI')' known mak•

·' ~tovo. rurnafiil or ra.nHe. Oeu. A. Pullen, 1311 '.awrence. Dellvotr. Phone 716,

. Till!: C. \V, F~lll COflNlCK \\'Ol&K8 00. Netnl okY:IIChta, atampod at~ol celllnaa. ptp· lnR' and nlatr. t lie l'lml metal rootR. til~' -Tba''A. E. MEEK TRUNK & 'DAB MFB CO. UOT I Oth Rt., P~PVf'r, Colo Wrlto ror catlol(.

,.ll!ba J. H. WILSON SlOCK SADDLES A"tl ~nor -'•alur '"' tbPm '1' Ao no other.

Tlllil COI.OllADO 'l'lilNT & A WNINO CO IIDmmorka, Camp FornUurco ll'lap •

lo21 Lawrence St .. Denver, boloro.do.

BLlCKSMITHSt'nntl. waiJonmokcoro' euppllee, " whol~•mlf' and rotalt, Moure

Uard\\llre ll Iron Co., IIUb II Wa•oe, llen•~r.



sys ema c searc at rlpoll of Bar- certain parts In a peculiar way. The th f b 1 f th d th .to be part of the education of evllrJ b h 1

o er a r c rom e room, an r . ary for t e oat remains of- the tam· continual sea-wash of a century seem· hl dl 1 f t th b f 1 woman, no matter to what clasl! of so-

one American frigate Philadelphia, ed to have made Its Inroads at the ~ug Y 8 n ec em· e ore rep a<:· clety she belongs. deJtroyed In the harbor of Tripoli 100 softest places, and they gave eve17 n~rdlna scrubbln • wbltewashln Hot buttered toast, tea, rich jelllel years ago. He tells tn.Harper's Maga- appearance in form of partially burn- d tryll tl . g t 1 d g c.nd other dainties so commonly

The Nt>w KD•haDcl KJe<!Jllc ~u .. 15~1 Dtp,k~

~·~~~·r:,e•.;a[~f"~~~~tltliTRJCAL SUPPL•ES BROWN PALACE HOTEU.~·:'~~~~'l

Eam-D plan. SIJIO aDd upward.




Bubulcl .. Stftluc&b Bad aNa Wauluc f~r nne ....... Wlfe • Sa!f.,nr frOIQ

Jrema1e Wealuaeu.

u My strength had dwindled 80 that I Couldn't apply my~~elf to my bualness with any euap bot was tired and liltlea all the time," aaid lllr. Goldstein.

"I went to bed completely used up by my-day's work. and when I got up iu the morning I didn't feel rested a bit. I had a-wful ·headaches· too, -and my kid· ~&ys got out of order aud ·caused me to have severe pa.ius In the back. At oue time 1 became ao feeble that I could uol at\r from .bed for three weeks."

'Mr. Goldstein is a young mau 'and had th$!D bllt recently e~tAblisbed a home of hJ)I bWJi. His anxieties were increaaed bj' the taol tbat hil wife waa far from beibB robn8t. Jlts. Goldltein says:

11 For twoy~l.hlld been ill most of the time. SOmetimes 1 waa cou~ed to bedforweelDHu ~ou nnder-aphy~ lician~a ~· 1 had .headache~, kidne.1

. &rouble; IJ&lu about the bean and man)

In th an ven a on are use u an neces-

z e e romantic story. of_ bow he ed stumps. The wood seemed almost sary, but are not sufficient. Dlstn· served to the sick, are usually the found the v~ssel at last. ·as hard as Iron. Much or It was in· f tl Is r 1 d 0 f th t very worst articles of diet which they "I 1 th · · ec on equ re . ne o e mos n ess an an hour my search closed In a fossil crust, and only hJ convenient and effective means of dis· could partake. As a rule, elaborate was rewarded b:y seeing the broken repeated efforts I succeeded In break- 1 t tl 1 f 1 tl b th b 1 · dishes are not suitable.

d of th t lb f 1 .... tr n ec on s urn ga on y e urn ng 8 1 en s e grea r s o a veBIIe pro- lng ,. a small piece. The many of common sulphur. The followln Is crupu ous neatness and care In all

trudlng through -dull-colored eel-grass. winds from the desert and the shift· the best meth d f dol thl . g the minute particulars of the Qooktns I noticed that thts grass seemed to lng shoals of sand had filled In and Int t b

0 0 1 !g dl hs. an4 serving of food for Invalids wlll

follow the line of the ribs, and care- around the frigate and her keel must t 0 ta thu odr ath arfg sl phanPplour add much to Its palatableness. The fuu I h t

wa er o e ep o an nc . ace 1 1 1 y noted ts c arac er, further to have latn burled nearly two fathom• In the vessel two bricks laid flatwlse c ean nap t n on the tray, the bright ald me In my search. Examining deeper than the present sea-bottom. and near to ether. Bet u on the sliver and dainty china plate, with these closely, no doubt 1fll!l felt In my The freshening breeze made further bricks an olltron kettle. :ut Into perhaps a sprig of leaves and Slow· mind. but that they belonged to a lnvestlgatton Impossible, 80 after tak- the kettle a proper quantity of flour era beside tt, thinly sliced bread, toast large vessel, and ordered the boat. lng• bearings and leaving the spot f 01 b r ml d lth a1 or crackers and the light cup parUJ m~ to Jet fall the anchor. buoyed, we returned to the ahore. ~itys 0 : p~unde~e ch~rcoa~~ ;:: a,::::~ filled with hot gruel, are far more ap--

The lead gave us two and a half landing amid an awaiting, curious peUzlng to the lnvalld than coarse and three fathoms. HastllJ undress- crowd of Turks,- Arabs and blacks. required Ia four pounds for each one ware. thickly cut bread and an;over· lng, we dlved several times. Mt'. Riley "Six days later, through tiR! court- thousand cubic feet of aJr. Mix with

1 ftowlng cup of gruel, though the. cook·

flmt succeeded In buQ¥1ng the spot by esy 11-nd Interest of the omcers of the the sulphur and charcoal a few pieces lng may be Just as perfeet. So far u goln.s clown with tlie llne and sUpping Greek warahlps Crete and Paraloa, a of newf\Paper. Before the sulphur Is p\'actlcable, the wants of tbe patient It over one of the ribs. While on the ship's cutter and machine boat with lighted, all clothing and other articles should be anticipated, and the meal bottom I earefull• examl~ed the tim· dlvel'l were placed at mv dlspo&al." In the room should be ao disposed of served, a surprise.

' J IIlii to allow the fumes of the sulphur --------­

TALE OF THE OLD UMBRELL Being the Truthful Narrative of an Out• ca•t from All Tb.at Ia bright tn Life

to come In contact with them to the fullest extent. The emctency of the


COLUMBIA HOTEL a btook• rrom un-'"n depot, up l1tb Bt. Rata• U.DO to 12 oo. Amerlc"n plan.

Oxford Hotel Df.IIYI'r, ODe biDCII& fi'QJII llnlpJL IJtooot, F reproof, c. II. UfJHI!III:, Mtrl'.

ST. ELMO HOTEL ~v .. :·~~~: l~tb lit., U•m•""•

:New flr"·J•r-•or Dullcll~!lr• lt:nr<•peon plnn All outeld .. rooma, 'l'l'l ota. and ••·

WHOLESALE &ROGERS r~:-r:. ·~~~~:·. ~~ Otoe Brands of Canned Goods l'be p, 8. Ue .. ler II Hllll Iller. Co., D•n:rel'

~}ltoDW · ' that to W

... '-"'m'l l'mfa rfc'ketr,1~1cket'f ol4 umbreD •

fumigation Is also very greatly In· Steamed Rlce.-Look over and thor• creased by saturating the walls, and oughly wash one cup of rico. Dratn. everything the room contains, with apread lightly on a shallow ctlsh and steam. This may be very readily dry In the oven. Even should It be­done by bolllng water vigorously upon done. Introduce the rice Into two a stove In the room for an hour or two cups of bolllng water. place the dish previous to llghtln~ the sulphur. Dry containing It In a steamer, and allow sulphur fumeJ wm destroy growing It to cook one hour without stirring germs, but not tbe -dried spores. which Serve with a sauce prepared b:v ru~ maF be C!OUected upon walls and In bing weti-cooked dried apple• through cracks and comera. When an Is fn I a colander, and afterward evaporat­readlness~ Jlgbt tbe eulphur. and leave jlng, It necessary, to the conalstenc!r

.aawu o t~qnblell ve ll(len a few &rll't' mbjeot. Srwt Noah u~~ed me . a~t tfte ark

""ib~ Jb&(l •-.. -~~"' ..... ,-.'"-·-"'ole) ea 1 wu tre•b &1\4 new. . ~ au • ...,.tN ~<W~~ .....,_ MY·. I~ u wAtt. -mY rJbtl ar• sore, •- .t ..... t ..... "'eiLU'8 •biatl M:v r.•-tn~r 18, au askt~ll'; au ., ... ., ..., J "· But.. th~i'b m:v mol'lll' ton~t Iii JIU'1'ed,

'.tblll.c~e tbf,t I ten ll true.

the room as soon as It Is evident that of marmalade. o C L b It ts ~lllir to bum well. If the dOOt' Graham Bread.-Tako a Uttle lOIII BPV8f amara 'XC aoga of the rOOtil CO'mDI.UnfeatetJ With Other than one•fOUtth cake Of "'DIDplrCIBO(Jj 81.'' lit• ltnet,_ OppNite CoMrt Rot. ••• , room• tb .. c•a k aro d th d .. , -wearelll!"ntetliJ'IVJiio Patter .. .u l'loD•Tnult ... "" . " c un e oor yeast, dissolved In a lJttle and IUPPII.,, vetatoptn•••pecu•Jt:r ""n ,. .. .,. lltlllll mUJt ~ ·tightly closed by pailtln' add now milk, scalded IUld cooled to tblctc paper· OYer lt. The room mullt. lukewarm. to make one pint. Add ont lha Colorado' Saddl•ry Go .be :Jtept closed tor twenty-tour hours, pint of white ftOur, beat very thor· y i at t)Je ll!'d Of 'Whlob time It should be oughl:v and set to rise. When ver., WJiote~ate M•nur•otur~• ot N•~ ... "n d ...... f{ tt .... I - e.-a• of eYGI')' ,,,,.. JIOUI' dell er ror op., ' , · »Y ',e "' a r .• or another light, add three and one·half C!UiPIUilsl our cor.d11. f' ,.., 11o•• Dot •~., tbem • wu tWfiDt:V•tciqr ·bour-.,: 1tbeb It mal be of sltted Oraham dour, or to put vou JD oucb with a11e wilD doe.. _ •

conaldere4 tbotodtbf1 41etdtcctt'!4. make • 4oush that can be . , . Knead WAill tor balf an hour. Place

.. 21·~~),: ., . tri & cleAJ1ii::JUKbt17 oP'4 ~ead bow:1 •. 1 "'" h-. •1!01· ~over, tlf4 ·altow tt to Tat•et

le"ltUdfl, -ft hu in• Jlght, sb•:Pe fnto a Joat( alfO'f It tc. .form ot rAI~e apfn, ii,nd bake. , · .

for_. :«);,,..,. Ctl•p-.-tnto two ancJ Olle-41"'"• hjlf cull• of C!oJd creatn Of'' l'lch milk

:sprlnJde alowly wltb tht b•ade. bfjat-1,1 _...__......,. __ .......,_..., _ _.._

llte&nwlillt to J':~~::~~~ · of 1Jeit Graham M4t-ba eup

lnoP" to kD~tadl I~Ut .t•ro _.li{l:lO~

8_asq1ine Engines.- .· . . . .

'• :, '.). ''·~··:';I"' "'"''; '

~ ;.} ~·

I, ~

~· (


I ' ;

' I

I I ! i

i II ' ' '



• ., ,_,, 0' '0' tf __ tt ... "-"" but «>At ttawttd tb"l\1 .w IIID.'lOG. .o ptuclt, ~amance CC all num-bnlltrut rl'i'cr. Tb~tl tht';l'

Tht· ~fr ~f tam• .. 8UNFLOWER PHILOlOPHY. .

We &upp08c t.bat bl11ou.ness m~' be elused afl a yellow peril.

-The overuge expla.naUon

troductlon t.D an 1111fUment.


EveJ')'ono hu to tnko bla medlclno JOmc day, but RoJeutvensky bu to take two klndn.

-We beard n man conft>tUI to-dny tbnt.

atB o boy. he wan never n good oltntcr or ball player. -· Some pl!ople t.nke 110 much thought tor to-morr, w tbnt th<'Y uccumulato t..o-morrow'11 wrinkles t<Hlay.

-"Tb11y nrt> gf•ttlng old." pe.oplo !lilY

t>t their paren1.11. with a High, ImplyinG a bopo that they won't get too old.

Thoro nrn little Rojootv()nokll"'l, junt as well nu little Togos. but the pnpere don't tlf~t:rm to tlnd out how smart tbey 11re. ,- -

Th11 trntJblo with nome who Ulkc tht•lr trou1Jie11 to thtJ Lord IR that they etop too often on tl)o road to tell about them.

EvPry man nrwwa lhnt the nhlrt wntnt hlu wtr•• mnk1•11 lookH an Kood tl'l

Hint mad•• !Jy the drt•Knmlllu.•r, hut '''' wilt not ntand ror n home·mnde uhlrt.

In tho Htory hoolto, nil tho little Jt1rl11' fathNt< uru ltlngn or lteep candy lltor~>a; thorn 111 nothing vulgar about tho occupation or girls' fathers In the 1torlo11.

-Wlwn Uu•rt> Is no woman around

tho hour.w. nil th~> curt.alno are up to lOJI nil dny. nnd tho sun bnd n good time f&dlng lblng11 wllb no woman to ln terfero. -

Tble 111 tho ll<'hool vncatlon period whoo tho boy spends oil hl11 time rid• 1ng on a grocer'& dtliiVery wagon, and dlscovern that hla flrat 11mbiUon Ia to bo a dollvory boy for a groccr.-Atch1· ton (Kiln.t' Globe.

' '

~ .:._ ~~ 1;:N ~~~WOMEN.

t •·L.'f..:u MEN- -Are more losonloue Umn women.

Are more lncllnM to bo frank. . ' - , .... Devoto more time to study. Q

-Hnvo a more marked tendency to

bolh•vo tn PJtlrltuBllum, t.olopatby and Cbrlatlnn aclonco. .- •,~

' Jtavo

mont•. a sroator varlet:r of so~U·

-Are more

tented. apt to bo habitually con·

-. Are mare aonslllvo r!)gardiDI other

people's opinion of thom. -Am moro atrootlonato, sympathoUc

and demonstrative In aO:octlon. -

WOMEN­Mo·morlell and retain momoi'J

readily than men. -•


Aro moro cullr embarruaoo than llllon.

-Dortvo tP"Oater plouuro 1 am etudy. -AM moro aO:ectcd by c rucn11 and lu­

perst.ltlonll. -Are more lnftuonood bJ tbelr omo­

tlona. -

llave bolter record for ICbool work. -

Have more Intimate trlonda than men.

Bbow greater emotion.


l&RMON&TT&a. f

Franknoaa 11 tbo lout appreciated .or tho vlrtuea.

-What a pllJ tbore'mult alwar• be a

momlnl aftert -Remorao 11 a lood deal mo,. popao ,., tban ltllf>4enlal amo01 mOlt peor .,, ..

-t"re4nlllJ' lo a man prov.et .ll"-'

lfool' In a wom1.1:1, tbat lilt II a •nly woman.

ll and e'Ad\)enture. e~

c~ Q Q-o-o~o~~-A-Q~ ' HlJNTI.lliO TilE tHUZZLIES.

N E. or tile b~>&t ptn("t'11 for bc>nr I' nt tbe Big U.t'ntl of lb«~ Cohunllia Rh·t•r, lind tbc.> flJtrl ng h;' t be> be11t llt':l·

~.<on of the y~tnr for bunting grlzzll~>s. At' that period

tb~>y nrc- owre tlum ~m1sun lly \lgly. ~and na the young .-ulls ore produet'd ln 1he IIJtrlng n lib!• b~>nr '~Ill gin' n bunt· f'r all the P:U'It• meut be wntllll. A ~ood grl.r.zly will \\ <>igh nhout eight

. llnndred r•ounds. TII~>Y t:"IIU trn\'l!'l tn·er thE' ground V~>ry fuat. nnd n bunt· ••r who hnH not n shot h•Ct In bl~ gun Jn caRq or ctu(•rgl•ncl<·ii "Ill of\!'11 be tn , . • und hox.

.Jnmt'll Ur~.>wHtf'r nnd Fr<>d Huast>Y Jut Y•·nr Wl'llt l.'Tizzly huutwg ut Big lll'nd. Th"Y mu•ll' tlwlr <"lllllJI on thl! JliQ !'i'~~uglu )'}!!t.~. n~ then waited ~ ("uhlp 111itTi lute In the nttPriloon. In the Hll<ldlt• of thl' day 01)(' might tru\'1.'1 tltro'!.¥ h t~n~ llP,ctloE ~n!.!.U<'~···r see n lllgn d n lJ(Iur, but ns Koou ns the suu If•• I 11 •!own so that t lie 11hndow11 co\·er thl' 111lll•·M the IK!urH oome out to teed on tho wild pot.ll'• that gr••ws the.re Ira nhuntloau·•·· 'l'ht• \'RII!•y nt Big BE-nd In 1\v<•lvt• rullr•s long. nnd toward evl'n· Jug n hoar ,.,Ill lw IIN'D on nlmost e\·ery 111<11'. l!ntll molt•tsll•d, tlu•Ke blg nul· 111n 111 w!IJ n11 n rull• let the bunter nlolll", nud oft(lll run n wny from u ntnn. Hut wla·n wr.>uud••d 11 twnr will 1111t up the l•Tf•tth•Kt ll~thl orw wnl:ils ta ttet•. .

Hr·••wNlPr nnd llllHiit'Y lltnr·ttocl. out to lottlt tor !war, 111111 Jlhuut !<IX.ty or Ill'\"·

t•uty )'IINIH from thr•lr ('BUill found n blr.c ftht• 11\'nr, whlell tlwy at once dN•ld· I'll tlwy IVIIIItt•d. The bf'l.lf ·bad j1111t corJI(• out ot t!Jt• wood11. un1l the wind wns blowlrtg from the bear townrd the ltunh•r, 110 tbnt she woi unsuspicious of tho trou!Jie In store for ber. Botb men droppl>d Into n cuttlqg, nnd ns 10011 1111 tho benr got Into 11 fnvorlte poRIUon, HuRII(•y Ored. 'fbe shot Wnll n little low, and strlklug the bear 1n the foreleg broke lt. ·

'.fbe benr let out n growl. snapped •lctouRPy nt tho buaht'H nnd looked around to seo wbnt cou11ed tho trouble. but 'tho hunter l1nd drop(>ed out of ftlgbt. Hussey Ored ngnln, and tbls Uma the IJuiiN Btruclt the benr fnlrly In the ribs, nud ngnln t~lto howled with thl' pnili nud ie"tTor. 'h\Jt did not stop .ll'olnl!' toward wb1•re Hussey nml IJn•wst~ wer1 hhllug. At the thtrd 11bot, \vl1h•Ti olso itit 1il'r, ilio -dlacov· ert•d the mon nml went for them ou the f!IJI. Four shots from the mngnzlne rlllo wore Jlouretl Into h1•r, but nl· though nil bit not one stoppl•tl tlw ben I' 111111 UnHHCY, who wus doing tbe tiring, bego n to brcn the bard.

'l'bo benr \VIII! getting neorer thou he liked, ont1 when abe was only eight or nino feet 11\vny two more. abots rolle(l her ov•r. 'fbe bear rolled down Into a <'rt!ilk nn<l started to llont down with tlw current. Brewster went 1n tbo t:"reek utter her and abe mndo 11 pnaa nt blm wltl.. bcr pnw tbnt couaod blm to drnw buck. lie followed the bMr tor about half nn mlle before abe dted. Then tho body wna hauled oahore, tho bond and toot cut oO: nnd Ill ved. 'fire skjn was not 1u gvod 11tnpl.', so tho bunters lot It go.

Durtn1 that trip to Bl&r Bond theao two men sow twonty-elllht boars in St>Ven do)·s, nod of tbeso tboy shot nlne, and not one ot these was moro than hnlf a mile trol" tholr cnmp. -·--

BENEATH NIAGARA. Under tho cataract ot Niagara, from

no opening beneath tbo Uonnaboe Jrons to a pit auvk behind a coffer­dam In tho bod of tbl! rlvor two thou· toDd foot up-stream. a tunnel hal been bored aa 1111 outlot tor one ot tbe new eloctrlcal development companlea. Ita conatructlon was made poaalble, 1a71 Tho World To·Day, by two of tho moat thrilling journ011 ever under­token by workmea.

\Vh('u tbo bllf tuonel-lt 11 tweat7· als toot hltrll and twentJ·tbre& feet wldo-wal to lkt bopn, neither. tnld of It wa1 wltbln the reach ot the en1l· DOOr&, for one was &llven bun4re4 teet out from 1horo, bohlnd tlae ven of tbe tall1, where no man bad ever been, and the other wa• one hunlll'ed atnd ftfty feet uoooatb tbe cascadea. An &PPl"•acb tunnel wat tbel'Clfor• drlCt• ed out from shore. one hundred aucl llftJ·elaht ftet be10w tround, ua4er tbo- brink of the lalla, towar4· tilt 11111 hlocted for the portal. ,

To avoid brlnaanc all materlal to tbe •urtaeo for dumplnf, tbe et~IIDotrill bad a llde ttnnel bored to ewlltJ' be­tteatb the taUa. Where lt opme4 Ia) a Jailp pile or debrla, antl Ia toQll •• tllf QlltD\Ilf wu IU&dt •prar ·troQl tllla llUt ),ltpn to au tbt tublltl. It

Wb ... a -· .. 0.::1 t1· .... -"'a" to. -.o -t••t tll•t 'Wtlrk 1fll ,a~,~a !d~ltl ..,.. --• .,.,.. v• .,.,.. '' J:'A'hi)PJt:W- •tifttel, bUt cotn1 to do to-morrow. ull Jallll 'WJQ~\1 ttt ftH ttn lt/WAI lllteea lttl •• dl4 Jetter4u. · :<. ia tbt abaft .on lhott~ tt

-: _. II tbe whoJ• el\terpra.., oa ~!~.~Jl ~J!U :!1 :!,. tortuoe lla4 btitll •lte"t• ·

''WtFWt' wut tba ~~::::tbre. .torttafi' .,.tttuL • -

lb:oo tb€' dynamlt'-' In place • ltt~tttmlng wttb tbo wlrea wbleh were

.to t\re tbe dutrp, t.be-1 upset their st:ltr end lmcJ to llwtm mtll'ti C>t tbt' r.a)': but tbey nn1l'i!d In l&f4i!t;r-only :o tlnd t!f.IOU toll<'blng the button tbn t tbl'y bnd not tnkcn enoogb dyruuntto to llnlab till' wort.. ' ·

Tbt>ll n nt>w trl<-k wns trlro. A Uno ot ,.ohmt...,rs. ro~Wt1 to~tbt>U' llke .\t. pine tourl~ts, wf>ut out along the bt-np Of d<"br!s bt>lliUd lbt" r4llt. at tbo foot pf the Htm<~>llht:it>. ~rrrlng a,ruamltl' In lal'{,t'~ qnnntity. Tbcsf.' mc.n, ·t~ Wt'n> b'll\"ellns; In a plnce \TbeN uo tlllln hnd t>w•·r .twrrr" b~:>t>n. on tbo 'WIIJ' on•• of the ho'S.I's of d,-nnmlt\" W'RS dropJW«1 and bnr111t (lJl'('n on t be Nicks. but for­ttmntc>I.Y did not oP.:Z:JIIOOt>. . Tbt! t"l-sl wns bnrll"d a r 1 ht> .-ntmnet- ta th(!o tun· llPI. At mh!nl):bt tbnt ulgbt tb\"n> Wll1!l nn <'1(>1ot>l<m wblt-b ·sbook th<> Amerkan sl<lt> at tbi." ri~t Uk..,. nn eartbq\lnkf"-and tbls t!me the t-tf(lrt ---· .. - -- .... ....... was ~rownffi wll.b mh."<"~SS. The wntt>r !lowed out •lUi<"kl,-. and tbt'DII.'Eif'l)ftb '!2te ...!A. !be tunut-1 wus prosecotro with t>:~se. · _ •. ,. ... • .. ..... ,

. ' t •


As nnnounC'Cd In tbe Dally Sews last Saturday, Sl'l"l'rnlnddittonnl lnblets nre shOrtly to ~ plnced ln tile Watts Mt'­morl.nl ('lol&h•r In St. Botolpb's CbuN'b· Yn rd. AJdersgn tP stl"t't't, to rommetnt:\­rntt" betol<' dt>«!A done by Londoners..

. Tile nn mes ot the new bE-roe& and their dt>eds are hero glven:

Wllllom Drnkl'. llt'l'lng two .ladi~.s In dnng('r at Stanhope Got ... ns tbeir t'llr· rtnge horsf's were unma~~hle. sprang to thP borst>s' bends o..nd r"­Ct>IVt.'d n kick from ""hlt"h he died. April 2. 1800.

Ellell Donovnn tor Lincoln's court\, Great Vo1ld street, wben her nelglJ. bar's house wns on fire, nsked lt "thl' poor brnts were out," nod rushing In­Ride was burned to de.nth. July 28. 1873.

George LeE>, fireman, nt n fire In Clerk en WE'll carried no unconscious girl to the escape, falllng six tlmee. July 26, 18;6.

Rlcbnrd Jt•nrrls, laborer, drowned 1\lny 28:, 1878, while trylng to sn ve o girl In tbo canal, Globe Bridge, Peek· hom.

Wllllnm Goodman, oged sixty, bnvlng to prote<'t some workml'n on u railway, nnd BCC'lng a man In donger, placed blntself before tho trnln, shouting nod wn \'Jog his arms, and 'was killed. Februnry 28, 1880.

bnvid Sllv'rr, 07ied twelve, supported his drowning (•omrnde oO: Woolwleb, <'rylng, "l(l'l"IJ up n little longer, Jtm!" They sunk clnaped In each other's nrms. S~.>J>h.•mber 12, 1886.

Hobert Wright, pollee constnblt>, en· tered li burning bouse ·to save n woman, knowlug there were oil casks In n <'ellnr. A petroleum cask exploded nnd he wna burned to dentb. April 30, 1898.

W. Sbel:'bnn, n hopper fron: tbe Enst End, gprnng oO: Pnddock Wood pint· form In front of n train t\l save n woman, on•l was drligg:ng ber elenr when be was run over. Stptember 4, 1891S.

Mrs. Tnrwen,. ot Bermondse:r, when a bouse wns on fire, trled three times to mount the burning r.talra to save her aged mother. Sho died ot burns. Mnrcb 26, 1000.

Stewart Brown. surgeon, ot Brockley rood, though suffering from severe spinal injury, rescued a drowning man, and tor two hours worktd to resuscl· tote him, dying from the eO:eets. Octo­ber 17, 1000.

Harry Jame11 Bristow, aged e!gbt, ot Walthamstow, when hls1lttlc starter got on flro tnro her clothea off iunl sevenl;r burnt himself. December 30, 1900.

Barab Smith, pantomime artlllt at the Princess• Thefttre, ruabed In her to· ftammabh· dress to uvc another whoso clothes CAutrbt ftre, and was terrlbiJ burnet!. JnnuarJ :m, 1863.-London DaU:r Newa.


f .

CAUSE AND EFFECT. We Clften 11110 ·~

ln thla, 011r life, A _jlenaiv!-1 mn':'~

Kxpens1ve wue! -New OrlelliiA Times-Democrat.

POPULAR. . MUdred-"She's a great lover of flow•

1.~-..·· ('lnrn-" And now nil the boys are

tn lll.lng ot b«owlng ·botanists."-Yon· kc.n Uernld. '1. • " ( .£

'!'"'' ~.. J .. r .. •• ANVIL DUET.

Gtaey.-."It stu~ thinks her young mnn ts sucb 1 pnrngon of portecUon, why does she watch hlm so closely?''

Rsmcrnlda,.-' Slae Is ufrnld be is too good to bf.'t tru.•."-Cbll'!ngo Trlburle.

-·-----SORT 0' PIE CRUSTY.

Flrst A<'tress-"Wbnt makes the comedinn so crusty this ruornlng?" l:i~nd Actress-"Ob, 1 suppose tt'tl

tbnt dinner buslnnss In last ntght'l performnn<'e. You know bo baa to eat n whole ple."-Judge.

AN UIPOSSIBILITY. Blggs-"Why do you think lt lmpo•

&lble to obtain llgbt without J1ent?" Dlggs-"Because It'~ lm,•osslble tor a

man to pny llls light billa without get· tlilg bot. That's the nnswer."--chlcngo Sews.

HAPPY THOUGHT. Mrs. Bacon - ''I see the walls of

rna :1y ot the bouat-8 In Mexico are from three to six fel"t thick."

Mr. Bacon-"1 wish you'd run do~ there nnd aee It you can find a flat to suit ns."-Yonkera S~teaman.


"Suppose a millionaire was to glve you o hundred thousand. dollarai"

"Well?" "What use would It be put to?'" "You will have to n11k my belrs."-

Houston Post.


KnUe-"Tell me, Edltb, what did yo'li say when Charley proposed?"

Edlth-"Me? Oh, there was no occa~ slon for me to ·soy anything. Chorley bad said nil that wu necesanry."-Bo~:~• ton Transcript.. ·

SAGAQIOUB. Miss Bly-"A. man )VIth u past Is al•

ways tbe most 1nterestlng kind. don't you think 110?"

Miss Sly- "Well, no. To tell tbo truth, I om looking tor one wi~ a fuJ ture."-Detrolt Free Press.

IN THill MA.RitE'l· • Eva Rlchly-"Ob, 1 really don't tbln~

the count 18 marrying me tor m31 money. There 11eems to be a bond ol sympathy between us."

Edna Slnlck - ''Then It mat be • J'Oid bond."--cblcago News.

LIVING. Book Agent-"Ia Bllllngs sUO selllnfl

that hook, 'Bow to Live on Forty CentS a Day?'"

Standard Work Peddler- "No; btl didn't make over f' a daJ selling It alld he couldn't Uve on tbatt you know."-Puck.

117 ts t.JJe "bQ!,lDd'' or "!!P&:' apfder ~ Madagasw. tta body ·d~~)la almod a liO\lDd and eacb of tts e~.~t Jep !s longer and larger tp dliulieter thu the common cedar ~pelt. Sa«:b· of Its m'ndlbies Is tbree-tourtbs of ap Inch Health. , In length 1uu1 very stroag. ·

' '

The dog spider does not sp~ad a s1u·awga, Junl';l 27,-Tile Tel'f n~me, ~et and lie In walt for Its prey, ·a& ••saratoga," · brlnp to .everT ml!ld do. the gtgan tic bird spiders of Ce.>:lon, bealUl-slvlng sprfnas. UPIUJ'pa1sed but "follows ~be trail" In exact tmlta• . ltotels · &lld bea~Uful . drlvefil.e It tlon of a. bund. ~t wUI follOw a. ~J;lt h11,11 bee.P tor many reara the scent ~ and fro through the weeds Mecca tor all who admtre nature. and underbrusb untll the course is as- enJoy J.Od!i JlVJng, ana are aeP..:ocblni certaln(ld and then suddenly dart oft for beli.ldi. "Or are stmplJ takllll a "'~' In a bee Une and quickly pvertake the cation. !Izard, rat, mole or other animal of The Graud Ulllon, tb,e · tarceat IUm• which It is in pursuit. · It has been 111er hotel In tb~ United ~tatea aet known to capture and kJll ltzards • among gteell tr~es with Ita lollg ,;inge foot or more In length, and Prof. Ba,r.. encloBlng a court with fountgtna ancl naby tells ·of one which pounced upou ftowers, graee 8Jld trees, music an4 and k11led a tull·grown rat. llpt, Is througllOut the season throns·

Remarkable DC!Jl·

England's tallest Great Dane ls shown In the picture herewith. As a rule these dogs attain a tremendous size and W4!lgbt when compared With ot~Jer specles, but history does not re~ord another sucb animal as tbis one. His weight exce~ds that of the average man and he measures nearly as many bands aa a gqod sl~ed pony. The dog Is being exhibited in Leaden• hall Market.

The Flying Fish. The 'flying fish, when In the- alr uses

Its pectoral fins precisely aa a b(JJ does a kite, tlie weight of the fteh's body taking the place of the string. As a boy runs when be lets a kite go, so the flying flab makes a prellmJnary rush through the water, before •• cendlng Into the aJr. In thlfJ way, aa It leaves the surface~ air imtJlngee upon the lower area of the ftn·wlnga, carrying the body upward and onward with a gliding motion lllmllar to that which Sir Hiram Maxim and othera are trying to obtain In their f1Ybl8 machines. . The anatomical structure of the fly.

lng fl~$~1 Is sucll that tt ~J)not ttap Its "wings," cd so It possesses Uttltt or no ~l(llng power when In ftlght. This accounts for the fact that It freo quenUy ftnds Its way through ships' open ports, or down skJUghts, or Ianda helplessly upon Aeck.

Hia 8eldlltz Powder Carthage. How a man's Ute waa sa'\'ed by a

ed wlth peste, With the progfeaaive · spirit alWl&YB shown by Its manage­ment, 'the Gr~md Union has again add­ed to Ita attracttver;1ess by Introduc­Ing aeecylene gas to make · 1Jtfll, more brilliant the evening hours. The ge­nial 'proprietors believe ln furnishtnr: their guests with the best of every­tl)ing, ~md now, after lnvestlgatlnt and flndlnl Ulat Artlfl.clal Sunlight can be bad. they b,ave tnaP.Llled a com· plete acet,.lelie gas plant to prot.uce lt, and have connected upwards of six thousand acetylene burners In andl allout the bouse and grounds to this· little gas plant.

Like many discoveries· ot recent yeara, whlch are comlng Into popular · favor, acetylene, one ot the most rfi. cent, Is very simply produced. It Is adapted tor use wherever artlflclal light Ia needed and the necessary a~ paratus can be understood and opeJ.'o ated by anyone.

The generator In which Acetylene Ia produced by the automatic contact of carbide and water might be termed a gas plant, as 1t performs all of the funo­ttons. ot a city gas plant; The acetJ­ylene generat.Dr can be purchased for a tew dollars and in any size, from one adapted to rurntsh · acetylene to ten or a dozen burners for a. cottage. up to the large but aWl simple ma­chine suoh as Is now furnlllbiD.C Acetylene tor six thousand burnera In the Grand U~on.

Outside of large cities the Ule of Acetylene Ia quite common. The owner ot the country home now de­mands runn.lng water, t,'1lll IUld other conveniences which a few years ago were considered as lusurlea, antlt acetylene gu hall met bls reqqtre­ments, and gives blm a better and. cheaper light than Is ordlnarUy fur­nlabed In cities.

It Is w~l known that rooDlll Ughte!S with Acetylene are more .comfortable, because cooler, and mQre healthful beo eaule the air Is not vitiated.

When a llfrl under twentl'·flve de­elares she will never marry, she bopea ehe Isn't tellll)g the truth..

UNSIGHTLY·. BALD 8PO"i'. " ' . common setdlltz ·powder ta described ·Cauaed by Sorea or\ N*c:k-Mercllaea by a German physician, Dr. J.l'ranck, Itching for Two Veara Made who was called to tteat a man who Hlm Wlld-.-Anothe• Cure had swallowed a large piece of tough by Cutlcura. i»

meat, which stuck in bfs gullet. As :t was Impossible to dislodge the meat "For two years m;r. ueck was eOT­by natural means, and as the patf~nt"a ered with sores. the bumor epreadtnc condition was critical, the doctor tried to ·my hair, wblch fell out, leaving an. the emcacy of the gas wbleb 1s gen• unsightly bald apot, and the sorenestt;,

1 t of tnflarbmatton and merclla.s ltcblDII era:ted when tbe const tuen ., a made me wild.. Frienda advlled Cuti-seldlltz powder are mixed. He db•ec1110j ed the man to swallow the two halves eura Soap ·and Ointment, and after a ot one of the powder• separatel:r, and few applications the torment aubsided. the resulting pneumatic pressure, to my great joJ. The sores JtOOn dt ... aided by the man, who abut bts mouth appeared, and my hair grew qam.. and closed the nall&l pusagea, was as thick and bealthJ aa ever. I ab&Ui

always recommend Cuttoura. (Slsned) sumclent to drive the piece or meat B. J. Spalding, lOt w. 106th St., Nej

APPEARANCES DECEPTIVE. out of the gullet Into the stomach. rork Clt7." . • Mr. Headstall - "Tbat borse you · ·

bought :yesterday 111 a vicious loo'ldlll Vlrllnlana Frightened by 11Air Colt&. .. animal. b he kind?'' · · j Some fo1ka here bave agatn been

Mr. Cropper-••rund? I should tblnlq frightened out of their wlta by the

A good many mewing Bpectaote• ar• due to heartle18 landlor>d&.

110. Why, when he came out of tbe "awful" SOUD,d ~f "a,lr c.~ltll," · TO EDUCATE A BOY Blllno. &table be stood up on bla hli:l4lep ~llCbJ dllltutb' 9le bt.P»In.ell of. tbea4l TEA

Belen Gould baa aueceeded In tnl'l:ue-·ftde4 to embrace me."-Llfe. ' nearlY every spring. Thtl Pliilllllil lnl' Leroy L Dixon, the san Juftn (CoL) - . .ft thest ••atr cotta"· Iii always . regarded • We make four different ranchman•a eon wbo aaved a BlO . BE WAS REAL RtTDill. bJ' some u a ~e a.lgn of Judgment ' g~L!tt!- , 'b · Graude pa .. enpr Ualn from wreck ".Jat to lhow 100 that 1 am DoD a&J', ancl the "nelgb1ng In the •lr" .baa types:. ~g S ..QeSt. · lilt taU, to acc•pt a r:nvard ln tbe ttbamed t.o have m:r a~&-lmown.•• ~ th• good effect or sendlDc th• •~•"'L ~--~t.ou~it'~.~'(~,~- · abtipe <Jf a ·«JJlUf1 fldoeatlop. General badJelor sJrl, .. l'll brbla' the taJPUi persona to their kDeea In prayer. Mllnaaer Sctblacu p•e- tbe bOy a Ute 11.04 1ou can see for yourself!' I The "air eou.-• co!Qp}Jll;led' :itt. *' paa.. a.n4 wlth other oMclat. ot .. AU rfatlt.'" re,Job.led the glday nothing Ulore n<IJ' tesa tJi~•, • ._ •• or roal't and trtttn~en -.ttb ·wbom the· ... What •pter nd what crane• . b:l their ~tial ,OIU'A·t~ii wa• tequabited ur1ed th• boy to New.. the south to· til• · lion&.~ ap educattoo, but.he rotuaed until con;•IICJ4~~Cf IU~h~oo4. Tf:!fl'-r~ t1o"dht. w.Nte- tlln a tette. Be sa to ou I'OIN~ DU'J'BIUilNOBL pate. , . . ,. . • b••e bll ·cho1e& ·ot nblvera:tlea. · .. WllJit Ia bfhtetD UWal

Olxou waa on bla Wtl7 to IChool ft•erl -.nlltt ffOJn wben be .. .,. huco tnaP o,.. the mc!a,JUJ

·~blltD.. be btlt4


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"' •/'>e~. l;• :J

' . '

Qtv& if) o~hers the best you have 1 •nil sometlUng better wm co:Qle b~k · '. 10 JO_U. .


. Church Trulteea thoWd tnvflstlgate Acetylene On. See i4 ot Acetylene .Apparatus Mfg~ Co. ta .thJa nn_e.r. ·

~----· );,o,ve ls bilnd to the Interest ot all · Call oo)Upanles.

' .

· When Your ·Grocer 8aye· 111!1 Q~e• not have Defiance Starch, you ma;y:, b.e sure- he ts afraid to keep tt un• Ul 'bll stock of 12 oz. packa~es are lol4. Petlance Starch ls .not only. bet·

. ,ter than any .other Cold Water Starch, )ut t)o_nta1ns 16 oz. to the packa$'e and ••~ for 1ame money as 12 o;. bi'(LJlds,

TEA • ..

It is a eoropanionAn pleas­ure or misery.,. one or the

~~otb~r; and'some of us don~ know one' ·from the other.

Your 81'0011• returua .JODI' ~'1 If 7PII'daG't • like Scldi"I1D8'J B..S.

A. young man always takes a clrl'a han!l . .betor~-~IQ.J.\~ .tor u. .

11 Rellet tor Women. Wlgg-"Saphedde Is the most credu·

lou11 fellow I ls;now," Wagg-"Yes 1 thlbk be actually believes In himself."

Gray, a nurse ln New York,

18&.00 pet M. L6wls' • 1~e Blnder." straight 5o cigar, costs more tban other brail.de, but this price ~~""-.the dealer; a fJPr lmitlt-and the smo e't' iJI}>ettet~ oigar. Lewla' Factory, Peoria, ' , ,.:

-________ _.~·- ' '

' ' ' :V~1J_n.s:. n:u~:n may be- as J>ld as IKl

seldom as rlcli as "he


~More Coaverts ~very Year

' ~ . ..., ~

., .u.very<dq.l( JJl :.-every .year . · that ·comes, Diore housewives are giving up their ~orbitant priced BalcinJ Powders and

,_ turhif!g · to J< C,. the honest and • J.,'elial>fe, which lias stood so well

the. t~st of years.· They are find· · ingout~t -. .

• '. t., ..


Quote Brldea at $3.30. In ~ne district near Uganda East

Africa, most of the natives profess Christianity, have formed parUamenta of their own and made laws. t'onsld· erable discussion was ral!;ed iately by a law flxlng the prle~ of all brides

Irrespective of their aeauty accomplishments.

Paator Likes the l,.lght. ll®ry H. Rasmus of the First

church, Catford, Engla,nd. to the practice of towering

the. lights when the sermOIJ Is preach· ed; He says he wants a view of the oountenances of his congregation, so that he may see ''when they have had enough.". ·

T1111 Way to Relt. The only true way to rest Is to lle

down In a da"rkened room with closed eyes and think of nothing. Even ftve minutes of such rest ls valuable; the muscles of the face relax and one does not get a. hard, set look, which adds many ye~rs to 1 t~e appearance.

·Power· of Love •

II · BAK:INC -·ft· c ·POWDER-· • lostS one-third the price. ol •

powder anywhere near K C quality, and_~}ses bet!e~ • .P'!rer, mqre

hellljpful baking. 25. oU,p¢es for.~.

Lo-te Is to every man according to his capacity. The. broader and deeper one's living and thinking, the · vaster the areas touched by the divine pas­sion, at'd ·the more wonderful the mlr­

·-·-i acfe-of lo~lng proves Itself to be­Jilxchp.nr;e. .

. ' . .. '


\ \

• - J

·' · BCD4 postal for" BoOk <ttf'loresent•." \

' ,. ;

.IA.QIJFS MFG. CO. Cblcago, m.

N othlng pleases the eye eo much u a well made, dainty •

' • •

' •

I •

Suit ~ "' . ll pioperly laund~

To get the best reaultab la necessaey to use the best lawulry:,~~tarch., •

. - " . - . •

• The Flight of Blrda.

One of the few men to recover algbt aftet being blind from the birth · ot recollection was reported to have wondered at nothing ·so much as the flight ot the birds. "Why 'do Qot peo­ple make more !usa about themf" hi eald •.

• '

Boll Rlnget Ia. Caught. While ringing church bells at Shol'

well, Isle of Wight, a man named Riti. ett was caught by the neck ln a looJ ~f the l'ppe, and was nearly a case for the coroner before somebody . .ardv'cl to see why the ringlnc was stopped.

Blaat Dlatodged • Mount.ln. A ,III'!Jlster blalt has beeo e!tect•ve­

lr earite4 ;t)lro1J8h at :Qoo~we, near Oba~ A tQyenty-feet aflaff wa~·.made, then a bbarsf;{.of 24,000 ~nodi 9f 111n· pow4e1"' Mil >placed' In poJltlon .. About 250,000 totii"()f rock was removed.

'' . ... -... - • ' '

• •. Y~u'lt 081~· Tlhtr·•·· --: ... '

·I' ..

• .


..... - Of Wide lntereat. Brtted, Wis., June 26.-Speclal­

Clhas. Y. Peterson, Justice of the Peace for .Oconto Co., has delivered a judg· aaent that Is of Interest to the who!~ United States. P.ut brlelly, that judg· ment Is, "Dodd's Kidney Pills are the beat Kidney medicine on the market to-day."

A,nd Mr. Peterson glvea his reason for this judgsnent. He se,ys: "Last winter I had an aching paln In my back which troubled me very much . In the mol"hlnc I could hardly straight· en my back. I did not know what It was but an adTertlsement led me to try J)odd's Kidney P1lls. After taking one box I can only say they have done more for me than expected as I feel as well now as ever l did before."

.Pain ln the back Is one of tM 1lrst symptoms of Kidney disease. If not cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills It may develop Into Bright's Disease, Dfa­betes, Rheumatism or some of the other deadly forms of Kidney Disease.

• "Why, Tommy," exclaimed the Sun-

day school teacher, re}lroachfully, "yOU don't even seem to know what the Bible Is." "Oh, yes, l do," re piled Tommy. "It's the thlnl you press autumn leaves ln."

Farmera• Wlvea . should read adve.-Usement of AcetJ" Iene Apparatua Mfg. Co. In another column of this paper.

tr you are going to do "' man at all, be aure you do tilm good.

-lk Your Dearer for Allen'• Foot·E~ae. A powder. It relits the teet. Cures Swollen, SoreinfE!' OaUoua1 Aching, Sweating Fee' and •lng Natla. At all ·Drugldsta and Shoe • ree.~. ~ centa. Aoe,:gA;::uostltute. Sample maued FREE. , Allo s. OJ.mated, Lell.oy, N.Y.

The money ~in' the l!lelt·made penon 18 apt to talk reiJnrdless of 8'rammar.

~~,,~D.:'ci ~~:r'J..i,.,~~~ lla'fl4 ..... ..,. •• J'aftii'IC. n.med.J,IIoJIUIIt. •• 1' ......

~Any fool can give advice, but It takes a wlse ~Qo~~.n to demon.trnte Ita value,

TEA We don't knowhow good

it can be, nor how had 1t is

~ti,nerYQlis pro$ttatlon. A .little ·ntore tea; ·take a little more· time with your tea. . ' Economy ls wenlth-but most of us

would prefer to get rlch in aome ot)ler wa,y, '


Make. Your .Own Gas .. Apy country home, atore, hotel,

church Ql' building can pp .aa brilliantl7 :and oonvenient.ly llgbtcd aa • clt7 house. ·

Acetylene Gu is cheaper than kerosene, brighter thiW electrlOlty, safer than either.

. '

PILOT.· Automatic Generators require little care, do the work perfectly n.nd can be operated by Ul7' one-anywhere.

Complete plu.nt oosts no more thac. a hot u.ir furnace. ·

Bend for booklet, .. A.fter Sun. eet.'• It. gives full Information re­garding this wonderful light, and lJI aent free to anyone.

Acetylene Apparatua Mfg. Co.. 157 Mlohl•an Ave •• Chloa•o. IU.

TroUts that Strike Home Your grocer is honest and-if he cares to do eo-can tell

you that he knows very little about the bulk coffee he sells you. How can be know, where it originu.lly came from,

bow it was blended-or with w.hat :....Or when roa11ted T If you buy your coffee loose by the pound, how can you expect purity o.nd uniform quolity 1

UON COffEf, the LEA.DER OF ALL PA.CKAGE COFFf:F.S. Ill ol aeceaally UDIIorm Ia quality. atreagth 1111d Davor. For OVER A Q1fAITEI OF A c:EN'1111Y, UON COFFF.E baa been the •••dard coQee ID miiiiOJUt ol Jaomu • •

UON COFFEE .. earelally ••e~ce-t .. our lectora. .. -~~~ -•n opeaelll Ia ~ 1t0111e, lau- c••.,.. ol be ......... tented. or ol coalag Ia -tlld w&ualll-.

eurt.gcr..,or -•- •-d• In eoob packngo of LION COFFEE you get one full

~ound of Pure Ooft'ee. lnlrist upon getting the genuine. (Lion he.W on every package.) • ,

(Save the Lion.heoda for valllllble prm:nlums.)



• . •' . . "






~ .. ' '

\ .

' .. . , ... ' '• . ' ' .,

ti . JJ -~~~::::; ~. ~ =~~~=~~=~~~

.. .,. E ,QUTLOOK . . . . · ·'. ; . · . '. ·. ':'. . . ~ 0~& tC9Ubliabu .tb£s·1Cttide ()n l.ac:couat of ~D err®. , , bC•h.,J It'~.~~~·· ..... , .. , "'IJl~,a ""' " · · ' • hil kil1 1the f()r a A' "'g .... \ ~ .. ,.. """ ··. ~ 'Wet~IJ ltfiPJEf BltOted·tl IMIIMmt II which erepHoto•la•t \YCek a· awe w e .JD;f r:up m ... ·:·'•tti1.t·not nHde -~r 1fjLhi••

"' 1t' · Mite OIU 1111 IJIIcltiiCt, IJ, 1. m.ifp,laced comma or two· macle a ·cUftenoce ·,of a few buud~~ds ~! ,@ ::r.m~tM,:..,ala ~•icb9 No.~ Pl•o. · .. - dollaJ'S·in Olle' or·two itcma, but tbe'&fCereeate ·wa" correct. ·. ; •. ,. 0 •i• .. -ciGv~..i.11_.. r()ck

.Pabl•.b••d .£vory Tbu ... dDJ't A.;. e• .. m' .... tion of the JaW& -•eel by·tbe ldt•IIBCIJibly .. sbowa that~ ·, ' . "fl''t . ;o.~. "tl:.:v . • • 'h · =-·-- --- -- - _,. ~- . , , ~ · . c·IPO" • nr I'YP•ltt, .(i ., or c.. er . L•• "!_~ R~t•••••• ldltor·~~ P• b. tbe fdlldjln&"appropnataona were made: · .,. vtt·na.b1tHnlil~t1 that utd appu .. e~tered •• u .. , ... ,.<i:.CI&M matrer, tleflttmbet es..., .FOJtbetJU4&'e JlU4 Clerk of tbe Si•th: J)iatrict, $ 6,6~9, ,1,'\lld.f·.ar. pt~,.nt ·b~ G•tt. made or . ':?.::,\:·~~: ~D:~!: ~t!~~e;:.;~o. " t~8ufterere· in certain Couatiea, • so.oaq ('fUMUd •. ' • ·_.,!' mtd. ·J VB buudr~t4 -----------·---=-- " ·InaUfQnce Department, at111ual-..otllce created, ~~~oo:.won..r~ "· tJh ·.-.f ii)Jproverueot• on

susscnwrrow PRJO£. " Se~ Rout-roaci·from &uta Fe tctLaa Ve&'aa. '16,000'.~.~~((· A~>cM,.Nu t 'Pla·er Olauir.,~tr One Year (an Advuoco} •••.. e1.00 " Raii'Cirs, -anDual, 11,900·. ,,,, 1b& baiJiAt t;r the· developmou'


• • . ' . ' .

l f not pnid in~ ide 6 month A •• 1.50 " Distriet Attoroeya,· paicl' by cquaties. ~.200 I of .. ~e ••m•. •••II 'b•t. ~e ia well a.o~ .. - .. -- ··-. - • -·------· ., Elephant· Butte Dam. 1 cib~iptud whh the la.nd ~mbraced L'.

,UOTIIRH U&EAT AMIBICU OOJE. " Oil lnapeetor, paid by couaa.m,raof oil, (Eat.bna.te4), ••id Antl!~ ~o. I P;laottr . ~~~~m. t' ' ' • ~ --·--- •• Insane AaJhlm, additioa. ' wl'b •••~ and '"" p,rtlon ~ ~ , 811erctarr ont .. te Jabu Ua)' •• Deal. ,. , " · current eapecse, 1)0,~. •n4 that th• •-•ml .t• s~_noo&l\ .• :' l · Secretan· of State Jobn JlaY, " · Itriw•tioa Eqi.Gecr,. pel' aJlDQII.l-otlice croate4- 2,800 l11nd eu»oepUble ot .eullin&ton aud : '1. died suddenly earlv SaLI.arday " Land Commillioaer, per aDilQID, 4.500 tb•~ At no J''•"o tbero.oo •vP~•n. 1.

morning July 1st at Newbury~ " ·Interest on BoDcla. 52,200 minettf: ohaluej tbat Did land · ) :N. II. Hit~ deatb ;sa shock to .,, 'AfricuJtura) CoUep at t4•CrQeee, . 12,000 . , . uabfu ror it'"''~l aQd .•arlcaJ,. · 1 · the \vholc country. 1\fr. Hnylhatt " University, Albuquerque, tiil'lll purpo•o• and noc tot· manhtl

1: for }'cars bt>en re"nrded aa one -., '8elt0b1 ·of 1irinea, Socorro, 14,000 f.\"rpo•erJ: ~~."' l.h~ t~ld ap~hc•.n• ~ .of the few leading statesm~n and " Normal Sdbaol; SDver City, 14,000 ln1 ,.P•wn\ 'bJ~ ~ot. W_,rk.e !!•ld· '' '' : . 14 000 cla1 na fur .• d•• auppoaed mlner~J Hl tdiplomnb~ of the world; and he .,, N~rmalScbD?l. Laa Ve~ ' tb11reou an\! tba,:.e)l..,_oadt.tmpro'lo,_ :, .· f .bas well filt,!d the place made U· ,, Mdita~v· ltd•fi~ote,:.Roaw 11, 14,000 meutt t.bereon coatti~J _..r fo)lr •mill

lustriom'l by sucla men as Jeffer .,, Miner a Hoa .. lttl,. Ratoa. bou11e1. ~~\cb, iahi ap lie~n' ror son, 1\lOUf'Oc, Webt~ter, Clay, Sew· mind Asylua, ;A*~ 10•000 patenL tenti.Aiu1 whic~ .,, ocoupl~ u.rd, FrrlinghuyA"n and BIBine. " Refor~ School,·llioArn.,_ County. not yet located, 5,000 by. ita ton•n'~ .• ;- ,e•ldtmcell; ...._ Lfu·~:cly t hrougb his clforts and " Deatan~ Dumb Aa,lnm, Santa Fe, '&bat he It lofnrmed and belln•t \

t. tact tbi~o~ country toduy occupiea " Children's Home, Belen. • 4,600 •aid appal010, tor patent ool7 * and cnjoyK a poMitio~ socond to " St. Vinc-ent's Hospl.tal, ~nta F~, ~ . ~,600_ d,ee-ire• taid ~ .. im Jor the porpn"'

I. none uR the great pence power of " Grut.County HoapataJ~ SilVft.r C,t.ty, ... 1,8QO of·a·tnwn-alte, t.beeame belna •t\-. the world. He has made Amer· " Sistera of Merc:y Hoapata1, Silver City, . 1,~ JAoeli~ &o t.b~ 1tatlon and· sectl,n•

~ icn to aa,pear 11tronar and riabt be• " Ladiea Ho•pita~ Demme. 1,800 1~ouie of Anebo, on t.be El raao Iinck for~ all the nationK of the world. " Edcly ~unty Hoapital, Carlab1d,. .1.~ tl,(!'li~ r111lf·1•da.'.lllattheUn,.of tbo He has nlwoys Ktood for national " Orphan .. &bool. Sant• Fe, s.~ Dl'~.V~~r laid dalm do not. coof .. rm righlcousnelils, because an riQ'ht- " Relief SodetJ, • .Laa v~.... . 2,400 . t\~ .1ioea ol. Lhe public llUYB.fl

cousucsK there is strength. " Siater'a Boapital, 4lbu.querq11e, 2,4.90 1•liouiti i~-.;~,.~~ha.~ebleo ex~od-.


• . . ..

~ Mr. Hay wnB burn in Salem In· " Gallup H01pltal. Gallup, · l,SOO ed'to-\¥1t.hln a·ebo" diat•noe aroro ~ diana, October 8th, 1838, waa edu· Sister's of Loretta,''l'aDl', · 1,800 ~idAl•ln;:.•~\4 p~~~l" -~., _b,reb.Y ·• .

• . ' . I . • •

. . ~

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' ,. " -•

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i ~atud nt Springfield, Ill., nnd at Women•s Board of Trade. Saota Fe. 1,000 lfb~l~~d· to. ·appear,. ~~r.'0~ .auu ·ST lJD E B. ,;l:: K'ER ·' . ~ Dr"wn Unn·crsity where be ~erad· Penitentiary. Santa Fe. .• S6,000 c:>fn.;i:ei,Jde1aoe L~ooblo• Ja~ ~lfe1•• Ji . ~. uated In 1858. Studied lr•w and •rerritoria1 Oftlct!n• per annum, · 6-f,300 tion.ar. lOo'olook A.. ¥,.,,on. ,•JU17 .... f.- \VR" uc1 m ittcd to the bar in Dockets, Briof& etc.,· Sup~emct Cou..., . soo 19, 190G, before m. w. HulberL, ·a · .. w, • Sp ,·n· ~

WAGON ·h.,,) •

SJ>rin~:tleld 111. In 1861 he became Assistant AttorneyGeoera~ per annum. . 600 u.s. OonuniasioQOf,.P.h!l offioo in . u•giBS ' r .~ with Mr. Nkol,,i unt~ of the prl· Support National Gual'cl and Armoriea. 2,400 Ltncoln,Li.ocoto c.~unt,, New !lies- - D,. · ... , vn tc •u·~· l'etn de" of· President Territorial Labrary • 4,800 ioo and ~h;, Goal bea~l~l w•ll bt J .·, ~II .kinds _p;t J .. inwln. WhUt' in tbiG pol'ition

1MiaceiJIU\eoua. 3~,490010 he;d ·~ lO o•olook A. 11. ori ,Aucua& " ' ~,.. y• ER· 's · ..

lw with his pnrtnt•r acL·umulnted nsuranee. "~"• · · .' · PAU' · L ·· . 1 the mall• rial out of which they C~pitol Build.lng, . ..• B,jtl!l 2, l905j.befure tho ~-:lat~r:an:t Re- . ·

wrott' the lifo of lo~incoln that Clerl<Supr~rpeCourt,. _ 1 •.• • ... __ ,:J,(.3.~~ cetver auhe u.,~~~d .stac.c,l Land • '..uHI"T· E OA. Ka •. :NEW MEXICO I'IORII' } C'U I'l-l ar.u war. ' read in the Detlcl~oc~ I - . : .. •• ''• .;::. r;. . ~ -·~ o.Qlt;~e In Roswell. New Mexico: . o; • ...,., • • . • • . ; • -

l t:••ntury M1Hcn~inl! with the aame Snpr.~m~ Coa!rt ReJIO.ri~ > ·:. , . , . . ..•.•. · , . ·~ .109 ~ ·'t~ou;ct,~~ea,r.u~ b~'ln~, i~, • ~"i;:~~~ ... ~.===.=.-~======..;::=;;i;:;:;=;;:;;;:;:5;a ~~t~~·:~~.'on~::t ~~:'~"~:M-r:~~~~~:. ~~~::e,:, ~X:::::;ofJ. VraokCba~ca. ,;~ f~!1~!-::~~~;:;-r;::''~'~"~' ! * * * * * ~ * * *.* ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ .. * * * * ~ * * * * * * * ~ * *!· at·c rend in Ev•·•·r body's MaQ"Ol- F.xtfa for Pre"ldt-Dt CiNnc:U and Speaker of Houee. 1,000 ~ 1FI i 0 i ";r.&b · :,

1 * l:i: · • •· "' "~;· N. D ~

&ilu·. In hi~ uarlv life he wa• o& Extra for Capitol Emplovo, ·· 480 pertqP• qr.¥ ~ Q;;, ~1•110 · 00 01" ; .. At· L ~-J . . S ~ :*

~ well kn·•wn a"' a literary man as Butt of J, Fra'nkChatea,· ~ · 'l.~'~Prl]l.•~e, it.-il ~.,reB)f.:~.:.._or~encJ. .,. ·-~ of lutu he bos bren a~ a diplomat. -. .., ·• 'Total. ~!fl~&ed liba~ "octi ·~).~'~'"'.:.,. • • , .. · . • • .. . . , t - *

Who bna not rcl\d the Pike Couo• Tbc foreaoibt Ia ratiJ,.er'etupeu4cma for a reform 1'•~~. bJ.d~• ·~~proper t'.abliQ.a. : :. . .· .. : ... ..: ~--· ~: :-~..z· ·'f' • ~ :

-'.: *Y1 Bha!~L~9 •1 n

8nd beb·en ,,dolhr~~c4 tOuQ'b on tbo pOOplo'whO· ban to foOt tbe bUle. ~~~:~t..' . . d;ow-'* .:.,'land:,-:~ it. • ·i':" ' ~· · , . . J . · .. • -~ ·

~ w t att e. ruec eR, or ""eo apt to be\p the c;a..-e of •tatehood, aod makes lt rat.bU roC'k1 '"'l 8 ' • ·~ ~' • • • · '-·- • ..-:· ""' ~ ·, • :J· ·* ' · nt.irrnd by blR ? 1m Blu~so. tbe our bureau of lmniiar&tLon wblch ia tryiq to laclucc people to aettle --~. . ll•il•ttro • · . · f

Palot uf th ... Prn1r1" Bdle. After in New Mcxlco. · · ·~ •.. • Da\'ld L. Oeyer,-'1••• ·•

tbc Ch·il Wnr he Kcn·od aM accre· ·• .'• Becoiwer; : tury. to the American ·~gatlonsat TO Till 'l'hCJIF.U or J,IIVOLII ;.· . (>' -. •

PnrtK, l\l11drid and Vu~nna. In CUUl'l'I'Y. C:..kltletlol. .. ... '<,! .. • • ttc 187'J he hl·cnmc <U>l"tstnnt Sccre· • • • • ·J· 'Nftltt ftr faMIIatlta• * IUf''' of State. I Do.AaTHENT or 'lUll bTEntoa. * " Your atteotlo_n la qaia caUa4 '*

In 1897 wa .. nppointed ambassa• to the fact tht the 'l'eaeber'slD• (JanT&DST&EIIJA!ID OIIJCI, or '1111 mt:llolf, * dor to the court of St. JamoM, aa4 • B 11 N U A (I 6 1~5 J.., I.-. • · in 1898 became Socrotary of •~ltute wtU be held at Talaroaa 01"' ' • ·• pr • vv ' totto*i•• '* St11te under Pre~aldcnt Mc:Klo· beaionlna tbe 14th of Aqaat A. eparltn& coot••' aftldaYl& bav. -.uuu:S'::= * ley. in wblcb place be hu been tbia ye&f and wlo4 up wltb · t- tn1 h•n G••d in tbll oiBt~t bfi·•~~Oi.i.l •• :~:-:.! : : : .· ~ ~·· •'·. . retained by President Roo~evolt, o··- ·, ..... : .... tberc 00 t .. - z .. th. lam .. • F-r•nklla !llnrrl•, ~nlfll&abl ~. .. m a,.. I.~. * · · ' ·; ·, ~... •

t , I. J ., ....

·' l'


* * *

·- uaUUM .., ~ .,.,.,., c\nobo No.I; DUIIIIitttn Jiq;·· fot'UM ,. .• * * * ~· ··~···· *' and duriQ~ hls incumbeo~y ln Aa the tlme> actually· d~·oted N 1191 ~~~-.-..'f. ;;=;;=;~;, ===;;;;;;;;===;;:;;;ii=:;~;;;:~=~ tbi\\ por ition he baa made bla eor••1. 0

• •

• ' ' . "'


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~;'*' ... ~ . . ~ ':


•' .. . •

k f tb t t t to Inatitute work will. be ~~.- p.tena. No. C'J. m•do ~ . .. mar llS one o e Q'rea • a ea• . . ~ ... bl 4 moo of tbe nge lt would be adYlaable tq •&eHfQ#; l~. Ia .own' P

His alma ma~er conferred on a copy of the Coune of StHf. lu•, uaMutt•••4 1•l'l4• :bim the degreo of L. L. D. as did and bel'iD ~be work bJ 1 httle ' '-•"~"' Princeton, Yale aod Weatoro home preparation, ia order t•t·

!,t.;';,!:lk·Reservo Uni\'craitlea. JOUr qdnda may beiDa Ria waw. oot a robust conatltu·

elf>'>;; • tion, but by care he was able t mood for tbc inatructlona . '"'"'~ pato witb the burd.,o• of wlU receive th~re. ~Q eft'or~t

atation Dod abreast of bia du· will be spared to q~aJce ~~ Early thb• year his bcaltb aceaiona of tlte lnadtute aa lQ fllll rapidly. and to check ee.tlD&'t laatru.ctl\'0 ll\4 .

dcelino "'and recuperate be i 0 poulble ao•i -~a .taft abroad for dh•eralon aod • ~

Ha roturned fr.,m hi• trip aee tbe improved in health but not Ill tbe

.um~eielllt to resume bl& dutte• at banda ' H~ went to · It waa

of New ltamPthlrc ltottO that the teat durinJ .l.,. before bit d11ttea

•• . . .

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'' ... ~ ... . .

' ""' ... ' ,I ~'r•

' • 'I '< "

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• ~ ' " ' ' ' !I ......A._ ~~b'·. • ..I.a. 1.1.. .wl.lf'J.o..II<.L ~ So<a. llfolll Jroll. "'"' .. '

c t. ,.., , .

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