ots feedback

Post on 09-Aug-2015






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  1. 1. OTS Feedback Ruby Millard
  2. 2. Christie, 18 The first thing I noticed was the hat! I dont know I like the style of the characters it makes me want to see more. From what I gathered from watching it a note is given which tells a man to kill someone else? I like the pauses it frames everything.
  3. 3. Tom, 31 Yeah production looks good. The song is really good but Im not sure if it drowns it all out a bit or adds to the sort of theme. But Id definitely watch the rest of it I like the look of it. Seems like a stylised crime film, usually what I go for.
  4. 4. Noah, 17 Ahh I know the band in the background, really like them. Think even if I wasnt interested in the story id watch an extended trailer or something to see who else is in the soundtrack. I like things with guns and shooting in. Id watch the rest
  5. 5. Hope,16 I dont usually watch films like this it looks a bit too masculine story wise. I love the setting and clothes though so if it was online to stream for free or something Id probably give it a try! I like the song in the background.
  6. 6. David,60 It looks like the sort of gangster film Id usually go and watch. Guns and smoking. I think it would be interesting to watch a film where the set and actors are all stylised rather than polished in a high Hollywood style.
  7. 7. David,60 It looks like the sort of gangster film Id usually go and watch. Guns and smoking. I think it would be interesting to watch a film where the set and actors are all stylised rather than polished in a high Hollywood style.

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