our lady of the sacred heart church · 23/07/2017  · 120 kings highway/tappan, new york 10983...

Post on 24-Jan-2021






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120 Kings Highway/Tappan, New York 10983

Parish: 359-1230 • Fax: 359-1410

Religious Education: 365-2141

Web Site: www.olshtappan.com


Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9 AM - 12 Noon


Rev. Francis Conka, C.O., Pastor Rev. Ravi Dasari, C.O., Parochial Vicar

Rev. George J. Torok, C.O., Rev. John Dwyer, Weekend Associates

The Oratorian Fathers: Rev. Roman Palecko, Rev. Vladimir Chripko; Rev.

Thomas Kunnel; Rev. Mar!n Kertys

Staff: Kathryn Lavery, Parish Secretary; Peggy Mar!n, Office Assistant ;

Stan Kietur, Plant Supervisor

Religious Educa"on: Anna Vero, Director; Anne Swann, School Coordinator;

Sarah Hunt, Administra!ve Assistant.

Parish Council: Bob Bechner, Mar!na Collins, Mary Anne Evangelist,

Michele Hanebuth, Mara Hauser, Mary Legge#, Joe Mar!n, Steven Navedo,

Tom Quinn, Nick Sfraga, Eileen Taylor, Anna Vero

Altar Servers: Suzanne Chiang

Bulle"n/Website: Mary Anne Evangelist

Eucharis"c Ministers: Trudy Smith

Lectors: Tom Smith

Ushers: Ray Hayes

Liturgy , Learning and Outreach Commi#ee Mary Anne Evangelist

Prayer Shawl Ministry: Rose Gavigan: Meets Thursday 7 PM rectory

Music Ministry: Organists: Brian Dwyer, John Piazza; Saturday Choir Direc-

tor : Joan Deltoro; Sunday 10:30 AM Choir Director : Peggy Pomeroy; Sun-

day Leaders of Song : Mary Lynn Milazzo, Peggy Pomeroy, Keith Buterbaugh

Choir Prac!ce: Every Thursday 6 PM – 7:30 PM

Rosary Altar Society: Kathy Conway

Meets Monday a$er the first Sunday, 8:15 PM , Sept.-June

CYO Athle"cs: Mara Hauser

Mommy and Me: Brenda Boysa and Tricia Preble

Every Fri. , 10 AM to Noon during the school year

Knights of Columbus: Joe Mar!n

St. Monica Prayer Group: Eleanor Klepper Members meet every Tues., 7

PM in the Oratory Chapel to pray for their children.

Miraculous Medal Novena : Monday a$er Masses at 8:00 AM, 12:30 PM

and 7:30 PM

First Friday: Adora!on of the Blessed Sacrament, 9 AM-7 PM followed by

confessions, Holy Rosary and 7:30 PM Mass

Sacrament of Penance

Saturday, 4:30 PM and as announced.

Sacrament of Bap"sm

Bap!sm: Usually the first Sunday of the month, 1:15 PM

Prepara!on class: Usually third Tuesday of the month, 7:30 PM

Please call the rectory as early as possible, no less than 6 weeks before the

desired date, to make arrangements, a#end the prepara!on class and pro-

vide required paperwork, including Godparent sponsor sheet.

Sacrament of Matrimony

By appointment. Proper prepara!on is required. Please no!fy the priest at

least three months in advance.

Mass Schedule

Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM

Sunday 8 AM, 10:30 AM and 12 noon

Weekdays: Monday, 8:00 AM, 12:30 PM and 7:30 PM

Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri., 8:00 AM and 12:30 PM

Sat, 9:00 AM followed by Saturday Morning Rosary and Divine Mercy


Sixteenth Sunday in

Ordinary Time

July 23, 2017


Masses of the Week

Saturday, July 22: Feast of St. Mary Magdalene

5:00 PM Vito Seminara / Walter H. Godfrey

Sunday, July 23 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00 AM Patrick Teahan / Michael Kisafalvi

10:30 AM Mary Wilson / Mae Ahearn

12 Noon Frank Rocco

Monday, July 24: Feast of St. Sharbel Maklaf, Priest

8:00 AM Ted deBary

12:30 PM Inten on available

7:30 PM Billy & Ann Byrne

Tuesday, July 25: Feast of St. James, Apostle

8:00 AM Margaret Powers

12:30 PM Gallagher & Gill families

Wednesday, July 26: Feast of Sts. Joachim & Anne, Parents of the Blessed Mother

8:00 AM Joseph Cammarata / Ted deBary

12:30 PM James Costello

Thursday, July 27

8:00 AM Ted de Bary

12:30 PM Inten on available

Friday, July 28

8:00 AM James Costello / Ted deBary

12:30 PM Mary Mahoney

Saturday, July 29: Feast of St. Martha

9:00 AM Inten on available

5:00 PM Carol Carey

Sunday, July 30: Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00 AM Bruno S!llo

10:30 AM Jack Vero / Clare Hennessy

12 Noon Kenneth Dukes, Sr. / Vincent J. Grimaldi

Please join us in prayer this week for :

Angela Aguirre * Susan Barraclough, Marie Brady,

Hadley and Connor Burns (infants) * Noreen Carberry,

Richard Carney, ,Anne Marie Dwyer Cirrilla, James Cody, Virginia

Colby, Francis Conka Sr., Maria Conka * , Austin DeGiorgio, Do-

rianne DeLise, Baby Edward Dolan, Michael Doyle, Catherine Moran

Duplessis * Dorothy Ehmsen * Dan Falvey, Nathaniel Feminella

( toddler), John Ferri, Sr., Rena Ferri, Sharon Foley * Charles Geral-

di, Ralph Grasso, Shaun Green, Lucille Grippo * E. Ann Hayden, Eric

Hayden, Donald Higgins * Guen Incigeri, Robert Incognoli, Roger

Isidro * Margaret Kasper, Daniel Keywork, Matthew Kozak, Eileen

Kunkel * Brooke Lefevre, Grace Leon, Rachel Lerch, Teresa Lynch *

Catherine Mackenzie, John Masterson, Sara Maze, Courtney Mazzel-

la, Gina McConville, William McGuire, Tommy McGuire, Patrick

McKenna, Gerry McKeon, Kevin McSweeney, Dawn Mennillo, Emma

Monahan, Maureen Moyse, Mary Mullany, Daniella Murphy * Anna

Napoli * Emilia Orona * Iluminada Pagayunan, Toddler Christian

Perez, Marie Piazza, Deanna Prosciutto * Maeve Quinn * Lukia Rios

* Presley Rios * Kathy Rywak * Gloria Santiago, Joseph Scanlon, The-

resa Schrettner, Joseph Smith, Anne Sozzo, Hunter Sterling (child) *

Dawn Taggart, Jim Thompson, Theresa Timpanaro* William Urban *

Mildred Vero * Jim Walsh * Deana Wilkins (new names in blue)

From the Pastor: Dorothy Day is a fascina!ng person be-

cause she lived holiness right in our !mes -- and right here in New York;

she died in 1980. Though she is o"en associated with poli!cal ac!vism, it

was her faith that seemed to constantly deepen her desire to do the work

of God with humility. The monthly Magnificat has a medita!on from this

prolific American -- a convert to Catholicism, who loved God and tried to

live the Chris!an life radically and generously -- to help us pray with this

Sunday’s Gospel:

What do we really believe? It is as though man were realizing for the first

"me what is involved in this profession of Chris"anity. It is as though we

were going through the Creed slowly, and saying to ourselves, “Do I believe

this, and this, and this?”

Faith is required when we speak of obedience. Faith in a God who created

us, a God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Faith in a God to whom we

owe obedience for the very reason that we have been endowed with free-

dom to obey or disobey. Love, beauty, truth, all the a#ributes of God which

we see reflected about us in creatures, in the very works of man himself,

whether it is bridges or symphonies wrought by his hands, fill our hearts

with such wonder and gra"tude that we cannot help but obey and worship.

Lord, I believe, help my unbelief. My faith may be the size of a mustard

seed but even so, even aside from its poten"al, it brings with it a beginning

of love, an inkling of love, so intense that human love with all its heights

and depths pales in comparison.

Even seeing through a glass darkly makes one want to obey, to do all the

Beloved wishes, to follow him to Siberia, to Antar"c wastes, to the desert,

to the prison, to give up one’s life for one’s brothers since he said, Inas-

much as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you

have done it unto me. But how much easier it is to obey the least ones than

the great ones of the earth, whether they are princes of the Church or the

state. Surely we can pray the same prayer this week: Lord, help my

unbelief. Increase my faith so I can love you with everything that I


With love and Prayers, Fr. Francis

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church July 23, 2017

Readings for this weekend, the 16th Sunday in Ordinary

Time, A, are found in sec!on 898 in the Glory & Praise



Liturgical Ministers for the weekend of July 29-30


5:00 PM H. Ricardo A. Swann, K. & S. Zebiak

8:00 AM F. Isidro C. Bryceland, P. Manieri, B. O’Donnell M. Clapp

10:30 AM A. Vero M. Dornbush, M. Gryzlo, F. Zuvich M. Dixon, M. Hanebuth, A. & L. Witek

NOON M. Recchia S. Hunt, P. Valentino, A. Young L. & R. Hunt

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church July 23, 2017


à Christmas in July!: Reserva ons for the parish trip to see the Miracle of Christmas on Dec. 2 are now being taken. Do not miss out on this phenomenal show! Tickets are limited! Details on page 6.

à Registra"on for On-line Giving con"nues! Do you pay your bills on-line? Do you use your credit card to accumu-late airline miles???? You can add your regular dona ons to OLSH to that list and plan your next vaca on a li#le sooner! Details on page 4. Call the parish office if you have any ques ons … and thank you to all of those who have already signed up!

à Parish Office Holiday and Summer Hours: Monday, July 3 through Friday, September 1, the Parish Office will be open from 9 AM—12 Noon for regular business.

à CYO Basketball Registra"on is underway ON-LINE : See page 4

à Mass Book for July, August and September is open.

à Catholicism: The Pivotal Players OLSH has been granted exclusive access to stream an episode from CATHOLICISM: The Pivotal Players directly on the parish website! Courtesy of a partnership between eCatholic and Bishop Robert Barron's Word on Fire ministry, you are encouraged to visit www.olshtappan.com to view the free hour-long film on St. Francis of Assisi. CATHOLICISM: The Pivotal Players is a mul -part film series that delves into the lives of figures who shaped the Church and changed the world. Check out the free episode today!

à Cardinal Dolan to visit OLSH: August 22, to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the NY Oratory. Please SAVE THE DATE and plan to join us for the 7 PM Mass on this special day!


à Sacristan/Part-!me: The Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, NY are looking for a part- me Sacristan. The posi on requires a responsible, reliable, enthusias c person willing to help out in any situa on. No experience is necessary, will train. A person with experience is also most welcome. For more informa on, please contact Sr. Bridget Mary Troy at 845-359-5600 ext. 525 or bridgetmtroy@yahoo.com.

à The Dominican Sisters of Sparkill are looking for volunteers. Share your talents…Play an instrument, sing, dance, visit, read with Sisters, transport to ac vi es, play games, organize a party, run an ac vity. Sign up to volunteer now! Dominican Convent, 175 Route 340, Sparkill, NY) Ages 13 – Adult. Contact Life Enrichment & Volunteer Coor-dinator Denise Rieser, ADC (845) 359-2112

à RN / LPN Posi!on Available: Full me posi on at Siena Hall, Sparkill Dominican Convent. Includes combina on of nights and evenings and every other weekend. Contact Barbara Pennisi (845) 598-7926

à Catholic High School Entrance Exam Prep Course (HSPT) This course will be offered by Mary Ge#ler and Diane Con-lan. The HSPT exam which has replaced the COOP exam in area high schools, is similar to the COOP with greater emphasis on Verbal/Language Skills and Math Concepts/Problem Solving. The course will provide a review of all the sec ons of this exam as well as general test taking strategies. Timed prac ce sec ons will be given and scored. Fall classes will take place on Sunday evenings at either St. Margaret’s or St. Catherine’s. For more informa on email mgtutoring1@gmail.com or call 845-661-4713.

Date Gift In honor/memory of Requested by

7/22-7/29 Altar bouquet Mary Wilson Joan & family

7/22-7/23 Tabernacle candle (church) Ted deBary OLSH

7/24-7/28 Tabernacle candle (chapel) Mark Paladino Theresa Paladino

7/22-7/29 Bread and Wine Clare Hennessy The Hunt family

New notices are in blue


à Registra on for the 2017—2018 Religious Educa!on School year con!nues. Any parents with chil-dren entering 1

st grade in September should either call the school office or visit our website h#p://

www.olshtappan.com/registra!on for a new student registra!on form. You may also register in the RE Office daily, M-F. Late fee of $75 is now in effect . First come first served for class assignment.

à Sacramental DVDs are in and available for pick-up if you have not arranged for mailing.

à Catechist’s s!ll needed! We especially need staff for our Tuesday grade 5 and 6 classes at 4:30 pm.

à The Religious Educa!on Office, in the Parish Offices, is open daily M-F, 9 AM—12PM. A&er hours, you can call and leave a mes-sage on 365-2141 or email readmin@olshtappan.com and we will respond to your message ASAP.

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church July 23, 2017

Weekly Quote from St. Philip Neri

“Nothing is more dangerous for

beginners in the spiritual life, than

to wish to play the master,

and to guide and convert others."

Since so many people already pay bills and do their banking on-line, we are pleased to announce that our parishion-ers now have the convenience of an electronic op!on for making regular offerings!

Contribu!ons can be debited automa!cally from your checking or savings account or processed using your credit or debit card. (MC, Visa or Discover) at no cost to you. This new electronic giving program offers conven-ience for you and much needed dona on consistency for our parish. You will no longer need to write out weekly checks or remember envelopes and, when vaca!on, illness or weather prevent you from a#ending Mass,

your weekly offerings to con!nue on an uninterrupted basis!

Giving online is safe, secure and easy, allowing you to set up automa!c recurring contribu!ons and view your complete online giving history from anywhere you have access to the Internet. Special, holy day and holiday collec!ons are also included. If you already use en-velopes, once you begin dona!ng on-line the record of your contribu!ons will be merged into a single account.

There is a bu%on on our webpage : www.olshtappan.com which will take you directly to on-line giving registra on page.

Depending on whether you choose to donate via bank accounts or credit /debit card, please be prepared with either bank account info or debit/credit card numbers when you log on to the link. It’s a quick process and you always have the ability to change or end your giving this way. Once you register for on-line giving your paper envelopes will be cancelled.


We strongly urge our parishioners to take advantage of this new opportunity!

Remembering those we love….

Consider a Memorial Dona!on of Altar Bread

and Wine, or a Memorial Dona!on for Altar Flow-

ers for a week. Flowers will be placed on the altar in the main

Church for the weekend and then moved to the Chapel for

weekday Masses. The name of your loved one along with the

name of the person making the request will be printed in the

Bulle!n and they will be remembered in a special way by the

Priests as they celebrate Mass. We will also con!nue to take

requests for the Tabernacle Candle Memorials.

Please call the Parish Office (359-1230) for more


… to teach in our religious educa on Program!

We need teachers for Tuesday so please check your

calendar and consider making a commitment to

this ministry that is so important in the lives of our

children. Contact the RE office at 365-2141 or email read-

min@olshtappan.com .

Registra!on con!nues ON-LINE . It’s

safe, secure and easy!!!!! Go to the parish

webpage: olshtappan.com and click on

the CYO tab top right. Complete the

form, submit and then click at the bo$om to make your

ON-LINE PAYMENT by check, credit card or from your

savings account. Registra!on is confirmed once pay-

ment is received.

Remember that a late fee applies a&er July 31.

Visit our website: www.olshtappan.com

July 9, 2017 $ 6405. July 10, 2016 $7247.

Thank you for your con!nued generosity. Envelopes provide one easy

way to keep track of your annual charitable contribu!ons. Please contact

the rectory if you would like to use them.

On-line giving is underway!!!!. Please see details below.

OLSH Weekly Collection:


Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church July 23, 2017

The Children’s Page

Today we’re going to look at another parable Jesus told. He said the kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed wheat in his

field. Wheat is a good plant; it’s what flour is made of. We use flour to bake bread, cookies, cakes and all sorts of good-tas#ng things.

But when this farmer’s wheat sprouted, there were bunches of weeds mixed in with it. It’s not good for weeds to grow with the plants.

They use up the water and nutrients in the soil so the plants can’t get as much. The weeds might even get taller than the plants and get more of the

sunshine. And they make the space crowded, so the good plants don’t have enough room to grow. You may have seen your mom or your grandpa or

someone else pulling weeds out of a garden or flowerbed to try to get rid of them.

As soon as the man in the story saw the weeds, he said, “An enemy has done this!” And sure enough, that’s what Jesus said. An enemy had come

creeping in during the night while everyone else was asleep and had planted the weeds in with the good wheat. The farmer’s servants asked, “Do you

want us to pull up the weeds?” But he said, “No.” Some#mes you really can’t tell the difference between weeds and good plants. Other #mes you can,

but it’s s#ll easy to pull the good plants up by mistake when pulling weeds. The weeds may have roots that have tangled themselves with the roots of

the plants underground. So if you yank a weed out of the dirt, you may pull out a good plant by mistake. That’s what the man was afraid would happen

if they tried to pull the weeds. He said, “Let them grow together un#l the harvest. Then we’ll separate them and burn up the weeds.”

Now remember, Jesus used this story to teach us about the kingdom of God. So what was he telling us? Several different things, really. For one

thing, good and bad exist together in the world — even in the same people. We can’t look at people like we do plants, and say, “Oh, this is a good one

and that’s a bad one.” Actually, we may do that some#mes, though we shouldn’t. But God sees both the good and the bad in all of us. For another

thing, God’s kingdom lives and grows even though there’s evil all around it. The greatest evil of all #me was when people crucified Jesus, but that’s the

very thing that saves us from our sins. So remember that God is always in control.

And God promises He will deal with evil someday. We don’t have to worry about it because at the end of #me He will make everything right. We may

not understand how He’s going to do this, but we can trust that He will.




Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church July 23, 2017

Reserva!ons now open for our parish trip to

The Miracle of Christmas at Sight

and Sound Theaters, Lancaster PA.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

We know that December may seem far away but !ckets to this

fantas!c performance are very limited and reserva!ons are being taken NOW! Our parish has secured a block of

56 !ckets for this not-to-be-missed spectacular.

This full day excursion will include deluxe motor coach transporta!on from and returning to OLSH, lunch at Her-shey Farm restaurant, and the 2 PM Ma!nee performance of The Miracle of Christmas.

All inclusive !ckets will cost $135. pp. for adults and $95. for children, ages 3-12. To reserve your place please complete the form below and return it with a check for full payment, made out to Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church. Please mark the envelope “Christmas Show” .

Please remember that seats are limited and no reserva!on can be held without payment. In the event that all !ckets are sold quickly, we will maintain a wai!ng list for cancella!ons. We will need 50 people on the wai!ng list to obtain a second block of !ckets. Tickets are NOT REFUNDABLE if they cannot be resold.


NAME: _________________________________________ PHONE ________________________________

E-MAIL: ________________________________________

NAMES OF ADULTS: 1.____________________________NAMES OF CHILDREN: 1.______________________

2.____________________________________________ 2._________________________________________

3.____________________________________________ 3._________________________________________

“After decades of crushing Roman rule, the Hebrew people are losing hope. When will the promised Messiah come? Into the

midst of this turmoil, young Mary is told she will bear God’s Son.

Angels in heaven proclaim His birth; humble shepherds and regal kings pay Him homage. Clearly this is no ordinary baby! But

who is He – really? Is He the Messiah, our Savior? Who can even believe such a thing!”

Witness the event that is central to the season, brought to life on a panoramic stage with high drama, spectacular special effects

TOTAL # ADULT TICKETS ________ @ $135. $ _________

TOTAL # CHILDREN’S TICKETS _______@ $95. $ _________


For office use only:

Payment rec’d: ___________ (date/ini!als)

Check # _________________

Reserva!on confirma!on sent: ______ date

_______ email ________phone


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