our portfolio in ed-tech 2

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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In a


Educational technology is a subject that need to be taken because it is part of the course. This subject made us aware and understand the things when it comes to technology. It help us make easier, creative and effective our teaching-learning process.

The StudentProfile

Name: Princess B. AlagaoSchool: Palawan State University-Brooke’s Point

3rd year- BEED

Name: Maria Fe SaradSchool: Palawan State University-Brooke’s Point

3rd year-BEED


To understand the meaning of educational technology, it may be good to begin with the meaning of technolpgy. The word “technology” comes from the Greek word techne which means craft or art. Based on the etymology of the word “technology”, the term educational technology, therefore, refers to the art or craft of responding to our educational needs.

Educational technology “consist of the designs and environments that engage learners… and reliable technique or method for engaging learning such as cognitive learning strategies and critical thinking skills”

(David H. Jonassen, et al 1999)

Educational technology is a field of study which is concerned with the practice of using educational method and resource for the ultimate goal of facilitating the learning process . As a field, OT operates within the total field of education

(Lucido and Borabo 1997)

Technology:Boon orBane?

Technology is a blessing for man. With technology, there is a lot that we can do then. With cellphones, webcam, you will closer to someone miles away. So far yet so close! That is the feeling when you talk through a cellphone to a beloved who is far way from home. Just think of how your teaching and learning have become more novel, stimulating, exciting, fresh and engaging with the use of multimedia in the classroom. However when not used properly, technology becomes a detriment to learning and development. It can destroy relationships. Think of the students who surfs the internet for pornographic scene. He will jhave trouble in his development. The abuse and misuse of the internet will have far reaching unfavorable effects in his moral life.

BOON :• Facilitates open communication • Opportunity to widen Business• Helps in creating awareness

BANE:• More prone to fraud by hackers • Identity theft



As depicted in the chart, the focus of systematic instructional planning is the learner. Instruction begins with the definition of instructional objectives that consider the learner needs, interest and readiness. On the basis of these objectives, the teacher selects the appropriate teaching method to be used and, in turn, based on the teaching methods selected, chooses also the appropriate learning experiences and appropriate materials, equipment and facilities.



Traditional point of view : technology serves as source and presenter of knowledge. It is assumed that “ knowledge is embedded in the technology (egg. The content presented by films and TV programs or the teaching sequence in programmed instruction) and the technology presents that knowledge to the student. ( David H. Jonasen, et al, 1999)

Constructivist point of view: serves as learning tools that learners learn with. It engages learners in “ active, constructive, intentional, authentic, and cooperative learning. It provides opportunities for technology and learner interaction for meaningful learning. In this case, technology will not be mere delivery vehicle for content.

Whether used from traditional or constructivist point of view, when used effectively, research indicates that technology not only “ increases students’ learning, understanding and achievement but also augments motivation to learn, encourages collaborative learning and support system the development of critical thinking and problem solving skills”

(Schacter and Fragnano, 1999)

The cone of Experience

“The come is a visual analogy, and like all analogies, it does not bear an exact and detailed relationship to the complex elements it reprements. “(Edgar Dale)

Conceptual modelsOf



Discovery Learning


ConstructivismConceptual models


Learning process, the learner is encouraged to recognize relevant experiences. A reward structure is set so that the learner will have both interest and confidence.

Meaningful learning

Discovery Learning

In discovery learning, student perform tasks to uncover what is to be learned. New ideas and new decisions are generated in the learning process, regardless of the need to move on and depart from the structured lesson previously set.

This gives emphasis to what can be done with the pieces of information not only an access to them.

Generative Learning


The learner builds a personal understanding through appropriate learning activities and a good learning environment.

Learning Through Educational Technology-II

Educational technology is primarily intended for the use of student-teachers and also the great use of professional teachers, school administrator and teachers and in fact anyone who is interested on how information technology can be use to improve not only in terms of instructions but also for the school management program and the course curriculum. Integrating information technology in instruction should not be considered as fearsome task, but rather as a refreshing and exciting study given the idea that all learning should be fun and effective.

Reflection: Princess B. Alagao

Technology can be scary when abuse and not use properly. However when it use for good it can be a blessing to man. In fact technology can do and help a lot of things in our daily living and activities. One of the technology that is so useful for me is my precious “Cell phone”. Do you remember how hard it was without your cell phones? It can help us in terms of communication, surfing the net, posting pictures on social medias and make is closer to our love ones who are far away. With technology it’s easy to check the weather and news updates. In Ed-tech 2 learned a lot like how to use IG properly and useful for my studies. The help of facebook in my school activities, and a lot more. And the most importantly the use of e-mail. I know to myself that what I learned from this subject can help me in my future teaching career.

Reflection : Maria Fe Sarad

What I’ve learned in educational technology is that technology is very useful for us, as an internought. It opens our eyes in the present society where we are living. Technology help us in many aspects: to communicate, to inform, and to intertain us. It helps us to reach

those people who are from away from us and to have communication with them. It inform us by giving update what are the news each and every day. Technology intertain us by giving us animations, games and other pass time activities that will make us enjoy on what we are


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