outlining. thesis statement i.first major topic a. first subtopic 1. first subdivision 2. second...

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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Thesis Statement

I. First major topicA. first subtopic 1. first subdivision 2. second subdivisionB. second subtopicC. third subtopic

II. Second major topicIII. Third major topicIV. Conclusion

Thesis Statement

A. First major supporting topic1. specific examples, details2. specific examples, details3. specific examples, details

B. Second major supporting topic1. specific examples, details2. specific examples, details3. specific examples, details

C. Conclusion

Thesis StatementIt is the controlling statement of the paper.It is a promise as to what the paper is going

to be about.It should cover the main topics found in the

outline. If the topic isn’t mentioned in the outline, it shouldn’t be in the thesis.

Thesis Statement Formula #1

A/an (evaluation, study, examination, review, outline, demonstration, explanation,presentation) of (topics in the outline) will (show, demonstrate, prove, highlight, explain)…….. (your controlling purpose).

Example: A review of the tools, materials, and

procedures needed will show that building a cabinet is not as difficult as one might expect.

Thesis Statement Formula #2

Compose a sentence that connects each of

the outline topic headings in an effective manner.

Example: Building an attractive andfunctional cabinet involves using the

right tools, materials, and procedures.

Tips and WarningsFor an 8-10 page paper, you typically need 5-

7 topics.Topics need to be organized so that the ideas

flow logically from one to the other.If you have a 1, you must have a 2. If you

have an A, you must have a B. You can’t divide something into only one part.

The outline should change as the paper changes since the outline shows the structure of the paper.

Every topic should have multiple note cards.The outline isn’t finished until the paper is.

Right or Wrong?

Thesis: Women can be police officers, too.


Why? The entire paper would have to be only about women becoming police officers.

Right or Wrong?Thesis: An examination of how someone

becomes a police officer, the duties of those in law enforcement, and the new role of women in many law enforcement agencies will show how this field is changing.


Why? It contains the outline topic headings and contains a controlling purpose.

Right or Wrong?

Thesis: There are many colors you can paint an antique car, but black is most common.


Why? The entire paper would have to be about painting the car black.

Right or Wrong?Thesis: Restoring an antique car involves

many steps, such as preparing the body, replacing worn or missing equipment, and painting the vehicle so that it appears just as it did when it was first sold.


Why? It contains the outline topic headings and contains a controlling purpose.

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