oversigt uddannelse og arbejdstilrettelæggelse · • risiko for ”fluebens”-mentalitet til...

Post on 23-Jan-2020






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Uddannelse og arbejdstilrettelæggelseDet Regionale Råd for Lægers Videreuddannelse, Region Nord


Mads Skipper

Ph.d.-studerende, 1.reservelæge


• Bekymringer

• Det kliniske læringsmiljø

• Ph.d.-studie


• For mange uddannelsesmæssige uproduktive opgaver

• Risiko for ”fluebens”-mentalitet til uddannelse

• Uforholdsmæssig stor og koncentreret arbejdsbyrde

• Utilstrækkelig tid til rådighed til refleksion

• Utilstrækkelig klinisk supervision

• Intensiteten af arbejdet

• Transition og introduktion

Portræt af det kliniske læringsmiljø

• Det er en overforenkling at se hospitalsmiljøet som en enkelt enhed.

• Der er forskelle i dynamikken og intensiteten i

• menneskernes relationer til hinanden,

• typen af adfærd som tilskyndes,

• vigtigheden tillagt forskellige aktiviteter og

• allokationen af indsatser og ressourcer.

Rotem et.al., 1996

Ph.d.-projekt – uddannelse og arbejdstilrettelæggelse

• Feltstudie (observationer) inkl. fokusgruppe interview

• 3-timersmøder – tekstanalyse og outcome (initiativer) over tid

• Interventionsstudie – Change Lab

Residents create educational and organisational change – in a paediatric department

Skipper, M & Nøhr, SB: Three-hour meetings – junior doctors creating educational and organisational changes in a paediatric department in DK, AMEE 2014

Quantitative inventory of initiatives for change with follow up on initiatives

Skipper, M & Nøhr, SB: Three-hour meetings – junior doctors creating educational and organisational changes in a paediatric department in DK, AMEE 2014

”…it is crucial that the junior and

the senior doctor both have time

– for supervision” (Resident)

”…it is crucial that the junior and

the senior doctor both have time

– for supervision” (Resident)

”…it is easier to recall

something you’ve had in

your own hands”


”…it is easier to recall

something you’ve had in

your own hands”


”…and insist that the foremost learning

situation is bed-side, the next best thing is

reading charts and then down at a fifth,

sixth, seventh place comes sitting around a

desk and being taught, going to lectures

and the like” (Consultant)

”…and insist that the foremost learning

situation is bed-side, the next best thing is

reading charts and then down at a fifth,

sixth, seventh place comes sitting around a

desk and being taught, going to lectures

and the like” (Consultant)

“I think… well… you can’t

think of training without

thinking about service, and

vice versa you can’t think of

service without thinking

about training” (Consultant)

“I think… well… you can’t

think of training without

thinking about service, and

vice versa you can’t think of

service without thinking

about training” (Consultant)

Photo courtesy of Thomas Balslev, MD, PhD.

Skipper M., Musaeus P. & Nøhr SB. What links the hospital Work organization with postgraduate workplace learning? A pilot case study of a university hospital paediatric department in Denmark. CCME 2014

”In medical education, there will always be a tension between education and service. However, to frame it as a question of balance or trade-off is to miss the underlying premise of this perspective: education and service are

the same thing. There is no separation between the ”pedagogic curriculum” of education and the ”work curriculum” of service. In this way, it would be wrong to ”stop and teach”. Instead, the teaching should be a part

of the work as it is happening”

Pratt et al. (2001) Spørgsmål?

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