overview of australian carbon price mechanism

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  • 7/30/2019 Overview of Australian Carbon Price Mechanism


    30th April 2012

    By Satyapal Singh

    Overview of Australian Carbon Price Mechanism

  • 7/30/2019 Overview of Australian Carbon Price Mechanism


    Regional GHG reduction Schemes

    The New South Wales Greenhouse Gas Abatement Scheme (NGAS), a carbon

    trading scheme introduced by the New South Wales Government in 2003, toreduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production and use of


    The Qld 13% Gas Scheme or GEC Scheme (see GEC) introduced by the Australian

    State of Queensland, to increase the proportion of electricity generated using gas

    A Victorian Renewable Energy Target (VRET) which, since 2006, has been working

    at a state level to increase electricity generation from renewable energy sources to

    10% by 2016

    The Greenpower scheme, a national voluntary scheme which allows consumers to

    purchase all or part of their electricity requirements from a renewable energy

    source such as a wind or hydro-electric scheme

    The Victorian Energy Efficiency Target (VEET) schemeto improve residential energy


  • 7/30/2019 Overview of Australian Carbon Price Mechanism


    Australia's Climate Change Plan

    The Government committed to reduce CO2e emissions by at least 5% below 2000

    levels by 2020 and by 80% by 2050

    To achieve the above said target , Govt. has following key elements:

    A carbon price (a tax and then trading)

    Renewable energy target ($10bn Clean Energy Finance Corporation, $3.2bn

    Australian Renewable Energy Agency, Energy Security Fund)

    Action on the land (Carbon Farming Initiative)

    Energy efficiency (Low Carbon Communities program)

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    GHG Emission by Sector in calendar year 2011

    Source: Department of climate change and energy efficiency, Australia

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    Governance of Climate Change Issues

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    Clean Energy Regulator (CER)

    Clean EnergyRegulator


    CPM : Carbon Price Mechanism

    CFI: Carbon Farming Initiative Scheme

    RET: Renewable energy Target Scheme

    NGERS : National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme

    The CER is an independent statutory authority established by the Clean Energy

    Regulator Act 2011The CER is the Government body responsible for administering legislation that

    reduces carbon emissions and increase the use of clean energy

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    The Responsibilities of the CER

    Assessing emissions data to determine each emitting entity's liability

    Operating an emissions unit registry

    Monitoring, facilitating and enforcing compliance with the carbon pricing


    Allocating units, including freely allocated units, fixed price units and auctioned


    Administering the CPM, NGERS, RET and CFI

    accrediting auditors for the CFI, the Carbon Pricing Mechanism and the NGERS, and

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    Carbon Pricing Mechanism (CPM)

  • 7/30/2019 Overview of Australian Carbon Price Mechanism


    About Carbon Price Mechanism (CPM)

    Carbon pricing is form of a carbon tax or environmental tax levied on the carbon

    content of fuels

    Carbon tax to be introduced from 1 July 2012

    The CPM will start at a fixed price of $23 a tonne in 2012-13, and then transition to

    a flexible market price under a cap and trade scheme in 2015-16

    In both the fixed and the flexible price period, liable entities will have to pay a pricefor every tonne of carbon pollution or the equivalent amount of certain other

    greenhouse gas that is emitted

    Liable entities will be required to report on their emissions; liable entities can meet

    their liabilities by either surrendering units to meet the obligation, or paying a unit

    shortfall charge

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    Carbon Pricing: PhaseI (Jul 2012-Jun 2015)

    Cap and



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    Sector covered under CPM

    It targets around 500 largest polluters (electricity and manufacturing direct

    emissions and coal/LNG fugitive emissions)

    With minimum carbon emission of 25,000 tons annually covered under carbon tax


    It covers approximately 60% of Australias carbon emission

    Excluded from carbon taxing and trading:


    Smaller industrials and

    All households

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    Sectoral Distribution of Liable Entities

    Power, 60

    Waste Disposal, 190Mining, 100

    NG Retailers,



    Process, 50

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    Emission excluded from Carbon Pricing

    Emissions from agriculture

    Emissions from transport fuels

    Fugitive emissions from decommissioned underground coal mines legacy

    Emissions from the operation of landfill facilities (i.e. arising from waste deposited

    before 1 July 2012)

    Certain emissions from landfill facilities that have not accepted any waste since the

    start of 1 July 2012

    Emissions of synthetic greenhouse gases, except for perfluorocarbons emitted as a

    result of aluminium production, and emissions from biomass, biofuel and biogas.

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    Liable Entities under the CPM

    A direct emitter and

    Supplying natural gas or using large quantities of natural gas; or


    Covered Emission for liable entities

    Carbon dioxide (CO2); Methane (CH4);

    Nitrous oxide (N2O); or

    Per fluorocarbons specified in the NGER Regulations and that are attributable to

    aluminum production

    Scope 1 emission are only liable entities

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    Liable Entities Responsibilities?

    Reporting under the NGER Scheme

    Emissions number

    Surrendering emissions units

    Acquiring and surrendering emissions units to account for your liability; or

    Paying a unit shortfall charge for the amount of your liability that you do not meet by surrendering


    Eligible emission units

    Carbon units


    International emissions units

    Certified emission reductions

    Removal Unit

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    Carbon Instruments

    Free permits

    Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU)

    Emission Reduction Unit ( ERU)

    Certified Emission Reductions (CERs)

    But CERs generated from following activities will not be accepted: Nuclear energy projects

    Destruction of HFC-23 and N2O

    Large scale hydro

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    Paying Unit Shortfall Charge

    The unit shortfall charge is a number representing the difference between your

    total liability and the amount you actually surrendered

    Penalty :

    During the fixed price period 130 per cent of the fixed price payable for carbon units of the vintage of

    the carbon units not surrendered; and

    During the flexible price period either an amount specified in regulations, or 200 per cent of the

    benchmark average auction charge for the previous financial year

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    Carbon Farming Initiative

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    What is Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) ?

    CFI is a legislated offsets scheme that allows farmers and land managers to earn

    carbon credits by storing carbon or reducing greenhouse gas emissions on the land.These credits can then be sold to people and businesses wishing to offset their


    The CFI covers land based activities that reduce or avoid GHG emissions and/or

    increase carbon storage or sequestration. This includes activities such as:

    Reduced methane emissions from livestock, manure management and landfill waste Reduced emissions from fertilizers, rice cultivation, avoided deforestation, forest management,

    savannah burning and crop residue burning

    Increased carbon sequestration through reforestation, revegetation and improved soil management.

    The CFI commenced operation since December 2011

    Participation in the CFI is voluntary - farmers and landholders can choose whether

    or not to be involved

    Credits generated under the CFI that are recognized for Australias obligations

    under the Kyoto Protocol can be sold to companies with liabilities under the carbon

    price mechanism

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    How does CFI works?

    Planning aCFI Project

    Step -1

    Apply toJoin the


    Open aregistryaccount

    Step- 2

    Apply for aproject(EligibleOffset


    Step -3



    Step -4Submitoffsets

    and auditreports

    Step- 5

    Apply forcredits



    Step - 7


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    Renewable Energy Target Scheme

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    RET Scheme

    Until 2 April 2012 under the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency

    now administered by CER

    RET splits into two schemes

    Large Scale Renewable Energy Target (LRET)

    Small Scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES)

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    Large-scale generation certificate (LGC) Market

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    Small-scale technology certificate (STC) Market

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  • 7/30/2019 Overview of Australian Carbon Price Mechanism



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