overview of course expectation, policies, and rules mrs. palka ms. thomas 2011-2012

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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Overview of Course Expectation, Policies,

and Rules

Mrs. PalkaMs. Thomas2011-2012

Course GoalsImprove Reading

Comprehension Skills

Improve Writing Skills

Improve Critical Thinking Skills

Course Materials

• Writing Utensil– preferably pen• Assigned Text• Handouts/ Course Materials• Notebook• Paper• Homework• SSR Book

Grading Policy

“A” WorkLike a banana split with all the

toppings and some original ingredients, “A” work goes above and beyond expectations. It not

only demonstrates an understanding of concepts

discussed in class, but also takes risks and presents additional


“B” WorkLike homemade vanilla ice cream,

“B” work demonstrates understanding of the concepts presented in class and shows

thought and effort, but it doesn’t take any risks or offer fresh


“C” WorkLike yogurt or fat-free ice cream, “C” work is solid

but doesn’t pack the punch of “A” or “B” work.

It’s competent but not dazzling.

“D” WorkLike freezer-burned ice cream on a soggy cone, a “D” paper

is there, but leaves a bad taste. “D” work just doesn’t hang together and probably shows lack of thought and


“E” WorkLike a half-eaten ice-cream cone that has fallen on the floor, “E” work is definitely better than zero, but it is

clearly not up to snuff. It is the result of poor planning

and little effort.

Formal Assessments

The following tests, used to measure your ability as a reader, writer, and

thinker, will count significantly towards your course grade:

-- Pre-, Mid-, Post- Exams-- Unit Benchmark Exams

-- SRI Tests-- PSAE Practice Examinations

Cheating/ Plagiarism

If a student is caught cheating or

plagiarizing, he or she will receive a “0” for the assignment.

Tardy Policy

If you are late to class you must sign the in-and-out log and behavior log.

Excessive tardies may result in a dean’s referral. Do not interrupt the

class; begin classroom activity immediately. Dean’s referrals will be written for truancy, which is defined as arriving over five minutes late to

class with no pass.

Absent Work

• Your Responsibility to Check Online• Print Assignments and Follow

Directions Posted• Check Absent Folder• See Me At Pre-Dismissal Upon Return• One Week To Turn Absent Work In• Write “ABSENT” on Absent Work

Unexcused Absences

I Will Only Accept Late Work Due To Unexcused Absences on a Case By

Case Basis!

Don’t Risk Unexcused Absences At the End Of A

Grading Period!


Expect 30 minutes of homework every time we meet. If you do not have a specific assignment to take home, I expect you to read a text of your choice for 30 minutes.

Late Work

• Second Semester No Late Work Will Be Accepted.

• Check/ Print Assignments Online From Home.

• Turning It In After I Collect It Is Considered Late.

• Write “LATE” On Late Work first semester.


• Follow Absent Work Policy• Email Me With Any Questions/

Concerns• Do Not Expect Homework Requests

to Be Honored; You Are Expected to Check Online.

Classroom Rules

Bert Simmons

Rule #1: Follow All Directions

• Follow teacher instructions for the bell ringer, classroom activities, and pre-dismissal.

I will always make my expectations clear

in terms of classroom assignments, volume, and other factors that contribute to a smooth, meaningful lesson; I expect you to meet my expectations!

Rule #2: Be In Class Before the Bell Rings

• Follow Directions for Entering the Classroom

• Make Every Effort to Use the Pencil Sharpener Before the Bell.

• If Tardy, Sign Log, Sit Down, and Start Classroom Activity. See Me at Pre-Dismissal.

• Put Passes Under Clip Board (No Need to See Me at Pre-Dismissal With Pass).

Rule #3: Follow All District 206 Rules

No Cell PhonesNo BackpacksNo Electronics (MP3s, IPODs, Etc.)No Food/Candy or DrinkNo Outerwear (Coats, Gloves,

Sunglasses)Always Wear Your ID

Rule #4: Be Prepared for Class

Rule #5:Behave in a Professional Manner

• Mutual Respect• No Put-Downs• No Swearing• Keep the Classroom Clean• Maintain a Positive Classroom



Step 1: Warning

Step 2: Last out + Parent Contact

Step 3: One Minute After

Step 4: One Minute After + Parent Contact

Step 5: Dean’s Referral

Severe ClauseSevere Clause

Fighting, Gang Fighting, Gang Activity, or Overt Activity, or Overt

Defiance Will Result Defiance Will Result In An Immediate In An Immediate Dean’s Referral!Dean’s Referral!


• Reward Points • Verbal Praise• Positive Notes• Free Time At Pre-Dismissal

Procedure for Entering the Classroom

1. Sit in Assigned Seat 2. Get Homework Ready to Turn In3. After the bell rings, start bell ringer

immediately or wait for teacher directions.

4. No Talking During the Bell Ringer5. If You Finish Early, Work On

Something Quietly

Procedure for Classroom Activities

• Follow Teacher Directions In Regards To Voice Volume, Raising Hand v. Speaking Out, and Activity Instructions.

• No Talking While I Am Talking• No Talking While Your Peers Are Talking• Work Hard!• If You Finish Early, Work On Something


Procedure for Pre-Dismissal

See Me At Pre-Dismissal If…• You Were Absent the Previous Period• You Want To Discuss Something• You Need To Sign the Behavior-Log

1.Class Will Continue To Work Until Dismissal.

2.Follow Teacher Instructions for Volume.

Channel One, Bloom Scene, Announcements

100% SilenceThese Programs Are

Important and They Must Be Able To Be Heard.

Pledge Policy

Everyone Stands

If You Cannot Adhere to This Because of Religious Reasons, Please Make

Me Aware of This.

Pet Peeves1. Talking During Bell

Ringer2. Paper On The Floor3. Talking While Someone

Else Is Talking

Need Extra Help?

Before-school tutoring is available on Mondays,

Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 8AM-9AM

Ask me for an early-bird pass!

Teacher Creed As your teacher I will not

tolerate any student in this classroom stopping

me from teaching for any reason whatsoever.

As your teacher I will not tolerate any student in this

classroom stopping another student from

learning for any reason whatsoever.

As your teacher I will not tolerate any student in this classroom doing anything that is not in their best interest or the best interest of the class. As your teacher I am a member of this class. There are two things you never do to me:

1. No Manipulations. 2. Never question my management

system when I am teaching.

Do You Have Any Questions, Comments, or


Let’s Have a Great Year!

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