overview of presentations in the field of philosophy and science

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Presentations in the field of science and philosophy

Alfred Driessen


Curriculum Vitae After his study of physics in Cologne, Bonn and Amsterdam, Alfred Driessen worked on his Ph.D. Thesis on the Equation of State of Quantum Solids (Amsterdam 1982). He continued several years as postdoc and continued in 1988 as lecturer at the University of Twente. There he was eventually appointed full professor in Integrated Optic Micro-Systems in the Mesa+ Institute of Nano-technology. As emeritus he works since 2009 as board member of several institutions in the field of education and formation. From his early years of study up to now he is interested in philosophy and especially the philosophy of science. His studies result in presentations, courses and publications.

This document gives an overview of his presentations with hyperlinks to slideshare, where the presentations can be viewed and the pdf-files can be downloaded.



What makes us human?

Talk presented at the 19th International Interdisciplinary Seminar What differentiates human persons from animals and machines? Netherhall House, London, 2-1-2017


Introduction: Dealing with information

Consciousness, free will, technology he bright principle hypothesis Illustration with a masterpiece of art


Aquinas’ Theory of Perception Talk presented at the 19th International Interdisciplinary Seminar What differentiates human persons from animals and machines? Netherhall House, London, 3-1-2017 CONTENT Introduction Hylomorphism: matter and form Acquisition and dealing with information Isomorphism of mind and reality Conclusions

https://www.slideshare.net/ADriessen/the-universe-as-a-computer The Universe as a Computer Game This talk was presented at the International Symposium on "Is evolution the smartest form of creation?" at Pedralbes, Barcelona, 2-1-2016

The Universe as a Computer Game

Abstract: Introduction The French mathematician and philosopher Laplace (1790-1799) was intrigued by recent progress in the knowledge of the laws that determine the orbits of the planets within our solar system. With these laws and careful calculations it was possible to predict the movement of the planets for the future and also for the past. In order to clarify the philosophical consequences he performed what later would be called a Gedanken experiment. He introduced a superior spirit with unlimited processing-power and unlimited knowledge of the state of the universe: the ‘demon of Laplace’. Just by intellectual activity (by a demon) the temporal evolution of the physical reality can be in part or even completely explained. The question now arises whether this is just a happy coincidence or that one could look for an ontological basis. What is the relation between material reality and intellectual activity or properties? And especially, how can the step from intellectual activity to reality be made? How can intellectual activity lead to something so evidently material as our real world? Hawkings expresses in lyric words the latter question: Even if there is only one possible unified theory, it is just a set of rules and equations. What is it that breathes fire into the equations and makes a universe for them to describe? Metaphysics in a Nutshell Classic philosophy already was puzzled by the close relation between intellectual activity and material reality. In the beautiful allegory of the cave, Plato related the material world to the invisible world of the ideas. And ideas suppose intellectual activity. Aristotle

made a step further in stating that material things being physically one are metaphysically composed by two components: the (philosophical) matter and the form which informs the matter. Consequences for Physics This presentation is primarily an intent to apply the philosophy of Aristotle and Aquinas to exploit the relation between intellectual activity and reality. The examples of modern physics are given to demonstrate that without a powerful metaphysics the phenomena remain completely weird or strange. Conclusions There is an astonishing relation between reality and intellectual activity. Computer games creating increasingly complex virtual reality could serve as a paradigm for the above mentioned astonishing relation. The ontological basis for this relation may be found in the hylemorphism of Aristotle and in the creative power of God in the Judeo-Christian tradition. Within the Creative Computer Game Paradigm many issues in fundamental science become intelligible. It is worthwhile to consider as a working hypothesis: Imagine a creative intellect who is creator in the most strict meaning of the word of all reality.


man en vrouw schiep hij hen

presentatie gehouden op 20-5-2015 in Conferentieoord Zonnewende

Abstract In deze presentatie gaat het om het man- en vrouw zijn van de mens. Is dit een effect van onze cultuur die niet beter kan worden overwonnen door een alternatieve aanpak zoals de gender ideologie? Of is het gebonden aan de natuur van ons menszijn, die vooral gebaseerd is op de biologie en genetische basis van de mens?

In de Joods-Christelijke traditie is het de wil van de schepper zoals men kan lezen in het eerste boek van de Bijbel: Genesis 1, 27: En God schiep de mens als zijn beeld; als het beeld van God schiep Hij hem; mannelijk en vrouwelijk schiep Hij hen Wat de biologie betreft vinden wij in alle cellen van het menselijk lichaam een groot verschil: het Y-chromosoom is alleen bij mannen te vinden. De Noorse komiek en televisiemaker Harald Eia laat zien dat de sociologie van man en vrouw grote verschillen laat zien. Juist in een land als Noorwegen waar volledige vrijheid is in de sociale ontwikkeling kiezen mannen voor typische mannenberoepen en vrouwen precies omgekeerd. Eia noemt dit het Gender Equality Paradox. Voor zijn TV bijdrage, zie

www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5LRdW8xw70 Het vasthouden aan een gender ideologie i.p.v. de biologische en sociologische feiten zou kunnen wijzen op invloed van het postmodernisme waar Ideeën als de "werkelijkheid op zich" of "de ultieme waarheid" worden opgegeven als totalitaire begrippen. De presentatie eindigt met een aanbeveling: respect - voor de mens als man en vrouw - voor de biologie - voor de natuur -voor de schepping - en: scheiding tussen ideologie en staat.


What about Adam and Eve

This is the second version of this presentation, presented at Pedralbes, Barcelona, January 2016. I. Introduction II. What do we know about Adam &Eve (with emphasis on the first book of the Bible: Genesis) III. What do we know from science? In this part extensive use is made of a presentation of Richard DurbinI V. What does the Catholic Church tell us? V. Conclusions

What about Adam and Eve Abstract The origin of life and more specifically the origin of man is one of the big questions in science, philosophy and theology that continuously attracts attention of all of us. To know the roots of one’s own existence and related to it one’s destiny is not just an academic question. It is also related to the meaning and the quest for happiness and fulfilment in our existence. We have the contribution of natural sciences, but also the Judeo-Christian tradition, the Bible, and the teaching of the Catholic Church. In this presentation an attempt is made harmonize the different contributions in a consistent picture. This is based on the convincement that truth, also in this question, can only be one. The presentation consists of: I. Introduction II. What do we know about Adam &Eve (with emphasis on the first book of the Bible: Genesis) III. What do we know from science? In this part extensive use is made of a presentation of Richard Durbin: On the polygenic origin of humanity IV. What does the Catholic Church tell us? V. Conclusions This is the second version, presented at Pedralbes, Barcelona, January 2016.


The strange properties of the photon: a case study with philosophical implications

by Alfred Driessen, Prof. Emer. University of Twente. Talk presented at Journée « Science, raison et foi »

on Causalite, Temps et Origine de l'Univers

CASTELVIEIL , MARSEILLE, November 12 , 2013

The strange properties of the photon: a case study with philosophical implications

Alfred Driessen, Prof. Emer. University of Twente.

Abstract: When dealing with extremely small and rapidly moving particles, the two great theories of modern physics, Quantum Mechanics and Relativity have to be taken into account. This is especially true for the photon with mass zero and travelling at the speed of light, the maximum speed allowed in Relativity. Strange result are expected, see for example the delayed choice Gedanken-experiment of Wheeler about light travelling over astronomical distances. There is evidence that causality in this and other situations has its origin outside the realm of time. For the philosopher it is a challenging task to understand the observations of the physicist and apply the metaphysical concepts time, space, causality, choice and others adequately. In this talk an attempt is made to look at the challenging behavior of the photon as a physicist as well as a philosopher.



Evolutie: Wetenschappelijk model of seculier geloof

Presentatie gehouden door Alfred Driessen

van het boek op 29 oktober 2010 in Naturalis, Leiden

Evolutie Evolutie: Wetenschappelijk model of seculier geloof

Abstract Wetenschappers die vol overtuiging werken met het evolutiemodel waarschuwen tegen overschatting van de wetenschap en de pretenties van het evolutiegeloof. Een uitdagend populair-wetenschappelijk boek over grenzen tussen vakgebieden en de eerbiediging ervan. De auteurs laten zien dat geloof in een transcendente realiteit goed kan samengaan met het evolutiemodel, maar minder met alle filosofische conclusies die daaruit getrokken worden. Aan dit boek werkten mee: prof.dr. N.M. van Straalen (bioloog), prof.dr. A. Driessen (fysicus), prof.dr. G. Nienhuis (fysicus), mgr.dr. E. de Jong (filosoof), dr. Tzvi M. Marx (rabbijn), dr. M.M. Ghaly (islamoloog).


Big Bang ontstaan van het heelal

Alfred Driessen, Universiteit Twente

presentatie gehouden op 2 oktober 2009,

Conferentieoord Zonnewende


Evolutie bekeken met de bril van een natuurkundige Alfred Driessen, Universiteit Twente

presentatie gehouden op 1 oktober 2009,

Conferentieoord Zonnewende


What is life?

Alfred Driessen, University of Twente

This presentation has been given at the 2008 seminar of the Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies

held at Netherhall, London on 5-1-2008.

The question: what is life, is analyzed in philosophical terms matter

and form. It is shown that a purely reductionist view cannot explain

the unity of living beings. The whole is more than the sum of its

parts. As shown by Anderson, modern physics seems to confirm

this view.


Man and Micro-Nanotechnology

Alfred Driessen, MESA+ Institute, University of Twente

The talk was presented on June 22, 2007 at the European Meeting

of university professors in Rome.

Man and Micro-Nanotechnology

Alfred Driessen,

MESA+ Institute, University of Twente


With the advance of micro and

nanotechnology progress is

made in many fields of

technology. Examples of this

are given from work at the

MESA+ Institute for

nanotechnology at the

University of Twente, where

the author worked up to 2008.

The progress is really amazing

and there is real reason for being optimistic about the role of

technology for future human development. But technology alone is

not able to guarantee well-being as there is also guidance needed

to use the new technology according to human dignity. The ethical

dimension, therefore, is of great importance and should be

considered and studied together with the technological aspects.

Only in this way nanotechnology can provide a solid foundation of

welfare of human beings.

https://www.slideshare.net/ADriessen/chance-and-purpose-can-a-scientist-with-tools-of-his-science-distinguish-between-chance-and-purpose Can a scientist with tools of his science distinguish between chance

and purpose (design)?

This presentation has originally been given at the 2007 seminar of the Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies held at Netherhall, London

on 2-1-2007. The general topic of this seminar was:

Does God play dice? Evolution, Randomness and Intelligence in Nature

Can a scientist with tools of his science distinguish between chance and purpose (design)?

Abstract In order to solve this question a Gedanken experiment originally conceived by John Bell is considered. In this experiment coins are tossed and the results - head or tail - are displayed as set of characters in an array. Suppose now a magic power turning certain coins once more. Again a random pattern appears. Only by superposing both random patterns, a letter combination EPR appears. Apparently there is purpose in the appearance of EPR, as the magic power is selecting certain coins to be turned once more. The scientist, however, who is looking at the two patterns will not recognize any structure beyond randomness and will describe the appearance of EPR as a pure

matter of chance. There is no physical or scientific equipment to measure purpose. Only a philosophical analysis is able to decide whether there is something real beside the physical level. The result of this analysis yields two alternatives for a non-deterministic world: either there is only chance, or there is also purpose. Both are metaphysical statements. For illustration a few statements of philosophers (Gilson, Thomas Aquinas) as well as scientists (Hawking, de Broglie, Einstein, Nienhuis) are given. In the last part of the talk the role of the final cause, as already introduced by Aristotle, is emphasized. It appears that by restricting reality to pure physical or biological systems, one excludes final aspects of causality. In that case, evolution of the universe and also of life is necessarily blind and directed by chance. With such an approach complexity, order and beauty in nature become inherently irrational and


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