p a g e | revelation 3:7-13 the faithful church · 2017-09-03 · p a g e | 1 revelation 3:7-13 the...

Post on 26-Jun-2020






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Revelation 3:7-13

The Faithful Church

Good Morning church.

Our president has asked us to pray for Texas this

morning; I think we should join the many other

Christians in this nation and do so. We will pray for the victims. We will pray for our leaders. We will pray for our first responders and citizen volunteers. We

will pray for citizens across the United States.

This morning we will continue our study of Revelation.

We will be in Chapter 3 this morning.

What a blessed journey we have had so far through

the Book of Revelation, especially this portion

addressed to the Seven Churches.

There has been some very encouraging parts of these

messages to Jesus’ Church.

And there has also been some very difficult and

challenging Words from Jesus.

People have claimed that Jesus never mentioned the

church in the gospels and He was silent on this


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They claim the church is a manmade tradition.

Yet we see clearly, here in Revelation Jesus has much

to say to His Church, and He makes it very clear what

He desires in His Church.

Now last week, as Jesus addressed the church within

the City of Sardis, we understood that that church was

the first to receive only condemnation from Jesus.

He looked at Sardis, and all the churches that Sardis

represents and He sees nothing worth commending.

This church of from all human perception looked alive,

but Jesus claimed it was indeed dead.

Now the Dead Church of Sardis, as each church

represents a time period in church history, Sardis

represented The Protestant Reformation.

It was a time of great promise, and one of important

change, but as quickly as the light began to shine once

again from the midst of Church, it was snuffed out.

The people who were set on leaving the superstitions

of the Catholic Church, ended up instead of wholly

submitting to God’s Word, they turned to church

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creeds and dogmas, and in the end were just as

religious as the church they opposed.

In their opposition of the Catholic Church, this new

movement also turned to man’s government for its

protection and its enforcement of its values.

And this era of church history, when looked at

truthfully leaves you in such despair, as you realize

truly it is dead.

Now, from the Protestant Reformation 2 offshoots

burst forth, one full of beaming light and hope, and

another that is found undecided and weak.

The church of Philadelphia and the church of Laodicea

are the two prominent churches of the last days.

One will be called faithful, and another lukewarm.

Today, there are churches all over the world that

faithfully teach God’s Word, who are uncompromised

in the belief that it is the infallible Word of God.

At the same time, there is a quickly increasing number

of churches that no longer believe in the authority of


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They question the validity of God’s Word, as they turn

to secularism, intellectualism, spiritualism, and all the

other isms out there.

And these two contrasting churches will be clearly

seen in the final days of this Era of Grace and Church


One will be little in strength yet very effective for the

Kingdom of God, and the wishy washy church will

standout and be flooded with church goers that are

happy and content living a comfortable religious life

unchanged and ineffective.

This morning we will turn our attention to the first of

these two, Philadelphia.

Now from a historical viewpoint, this church will

represent the Great Awakenings and Revivals we have

seen from the 18th century even unto modern history.

There have been three distinct Great Awakenings that

are clearly seen in History as we look back.

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There is a fourth Great Awakening that is disputed,

however I believe as History continues on, the 4th will

be more clearly defined.

In fact, Calvary Chapel was birthed out of the fourth

great revival that came through the world.

It is known by many as the Jesus Movement.

During this time period in history, in the evangelical

explosion that burst forth after the Protestant

Reformation, the Word of God became the authority

once again for the Church.

The first Awakening is associated with the dead church

of Protestantism wakening up.

As God’s Word was preached, unashamedly, men all

over Europe and the World became severely aware of

their sinful and fallen state.

And the Word of God revealed that true salvation,

came apart from tradition and creeds, and it was a

supernatural working of Jesus Christ, changing man’s

wicked heart, through faith in Him alone.

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The first awakening awoke the church, and then in the

second and third awakenings the church went into the

world with this powerful gospel of Grace.

During the revival time period, a new frontier and a

new country was established that provided an

environment for religious freedom, and the church

from this new frontier in America, for the first time had

the world in its sites.

Not for conquest by the sword of man and submission

through governments, but now through the mighty

power of God’s Sword, and by the Authority of His


The world opened up, and from the American Revival

missionaries went to every continent.

You understand that America, with all the evils they

are painting today with this new history, the United

States stands alone as the greatest influence of

Christian good in all of History.

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In the last 200 years, 95% of all the missionaries that

went out in all the world, came from this great


God has used the Freedoms of our land, the wealth of

this country to be a conduit of much of the Christian

work of the modern church.

The church historically met every war, and every

disaster’s aftermath with missionaries, that selflessly

went to serve and help.

We countered every endeavor of evil, with a display of

love and grace.

The church became adventurous, and fearless, it had

courage to take the gospel further than ever before.

Still today, the Philadelphian Church’s Spirit is alive, as

we see hearts moved to help after seeing the

aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

Now Bibles in this Era of church history were

translated into many different dialects and languages.

God’s Word was used to changed cultures and the

world for His Good.

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The Bible has been the most hated and opposed book

in history, yet today it stands alone as the greatest

influence in the world.

No evil in this world can ever stop its progress.

This church here in Philadelphia represents a church

that was faithful, and is used greatly.

Now, as the pastor of our church, if there is one church

I want to emulate it is the church found in


Well, let’s get into it, we will read this wonderful letter,

then go back through and get all we can from it…

3:7 "And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia


'These things says He who is holy, He who is true, "He

who has the key of David, He who opens and no one

shuts, and shuts and no one opens": 8 "I know your

works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no

one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept

My word, and have not denied My name. 9 Indeed I

will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say

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they are Jews and are not, but lie — indeed I will make

them come and worship before your feet, and to know

that I have loved you. 10 Because you have kept My

command to persevere, I also will keep you from the

hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world,

to test those who dwell on the earth. 11 Behold, I am

coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one

may take your crown. 12 He who overcomes, I will

make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall

go out no more. I will write on him the name of My

God and the name of the city of My God, the New

Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My

God. And I will write on him My new name.

13 "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit

says to the churches."'

Let us pray…

So Jesus starts off this address in verse 7…

3:7 "And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia


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Now the historical church of Philadelphia was

southeast of Sardis.

Its name means ‘Brotherly Love’, and was named after

the king Attalus Philadelphus, who built the city; he

was the king of Pergamos.

This city had a long history of almost being completely

destroyed by various earthquakes.

On several accounts, the city had to be rebuilt because

of disaster.

During the time this letter was written, this city along

with Sardis had in its recent history a huge event that

leveled both cities, about 70-80 years prior to the

letter being written.

Close enough in their history to still be something

grandma and grandpa talked about.

The city had rich soil good for agriculture, and grapes

were the principle crop found here.

Because of this, Dionysus the god of wine and partying

was the prominent god that was worshipped here.

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Now, perhaps some of you have come from a lifestyle

of worshipping this god, but you did not know his


If you are a drunkard and your life is lived from one

party to the next, you worship Dionysus.

I was found in his worship gatherings often before I

came to Christ.

Now the church in Philadelphia had a long history, and

lasted much longer than the other churches, I believe

the persecuted church in Smyrna was the only one that

remained longer.

The Christian influence in this city even remained

steadfast when the evils of Islam under Turkish rule,

tried to wipe it out.

Now this church stands alone in Jesus’ address to it, as

it is a letter of almost entirely praise, as was Smyrna’s


And it is a glimmer of hope for the church after the

stench of death of the church preceding it in Sardis.

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Philadelphia will also shine bright against its

contemporary church that we will read about next

week, in Laodicea.

Jesus finds nothing good in the churches that are on

either side of this faithful church.

Jesus also changes His introduction here to

Philadelphia; in the previous churches, He uses some

part of the Revelation in chapter 1 to associate Himself

with that particular church.

But here in Philadelphia He says…

'These things says He who is holy, He who is true, "He

who has the key of David, He who opens and no one

shuts, and shuts and no one opens":

Now this is interesting, Jesus uses a name and

description of Himself from the Old Testament.

He makes mention first of His righteousness.

By declaring, He is Holy; in the Bible Holy is a title and

character trait that can only be attributed to God.

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Jesus is explaining that He is set apart, and Holy, and is

attributing Himself to Deity, and here is a reference to

Jesus’ character as well.

God is Holy, and Jesus as God is Holy.

Now Peter explained in...

1 Peter 1:15-16 but as He who called you is holy, you

also be holy in all your conduct, 16 because it is

written, "Be holy, for I am holy."

When holiness is applied to us, it is a reference to us

being solely set apart for God and His purposes.

We belong to God exclusively; therefore, we are set

apart to Him.

Jesus also mentions here that He is True.

You see Holiness cannot even be defined, if there is no

baseline for truth,

Jesus is Truth.

“What is truth?” Pilate asked Jesus, as he looked Truth

in the eyes, Pilate turned to the Jews and explained “I

find no fault in Him at all.” In John 18:38

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Perhaps unbeknownst to Pilate, he was proclaiming

Jesus was Truth.

Jesus told the disciples in John 14:6 Jesus said to him,

"I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to

the Father except through Me.

The baseline for all truth is found in Jesus Christ.

Jesus is the original, not a copy of God, He is not a

manufactured god, but He is the authentic God.

Then after this claim, Jesus explains something here, as

the Holy and True God, He says He is also, "He who has

the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and

shuts and no one opens":

Now there is only one place in the Bible where we find

a reference like this.

It is found in Isaiah 22:22.

Where the prophet Isaiah is speaking to a man named

Eliakim the son of Hilkiah.

He explains that the Isa 22:22 The key of the house of

David, I will lay on his shoulder;

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So he shall open, and no one shall shut;

And he shall shut, and no one shall open.

Eliakim would have the key to all the treasuries of the


This man had the power to open the door to them, and

he could shut them and no one could enter.

The interesting thing about the Isaiah prophecy, the

man that was in the powerful position before Eliakim

was a man named Shebna, who manipulated himself

into that positon.

God through the prophet told that man, “You are not

going to last, you are building a graveyard for yourself,

as you are trying to make a name for yourself, you will

be cast down.”

You see no man can establish himself through

manipulation and deceit.

God establishes a man.

God raised up Shebna’s replacement and established


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This man Eliakim was an antitype of Jesus Christ.

Jesus has a key to the treasures of the Kingdom of God,

as well as an opportunity to advance His church in

service and in testimony.

Now this church in Philadelphia was surrounded with

partying and heathen worship, and Jesus assures them

an open door according to His Sovereign Will.

If they were to have any success in reaching their

culture and advancing the gospel, it would be because

Jesus has opened this door for them.

You see the successful church is not one that

manipulates, and promotes itself, as the church in

Sardis was doing, presenting itself as something living,

but being dead.

A successful church will find itself under the authority

and strength of Christ, and to have the knowledge that

He is a Holy God, a full representation of truth.

A church that is fully submitted to God’s Word, and

humbly under its authority will have opportunity given

to it that is not manmade or false.

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Jesus says next…

8 "I know your works. See, I have set before you an

open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little

strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My


Notice here Jesus is holding the keys, speaking of the

One who calls the shots, here He has presented this

open door of opportunity that no one can shut.

Jesus acknowledges they have little strength, yet in the

little things, they have been faithful to His Word and

His Name.

You see church, this speaks volumes to us corporately.

If we are faithful in the little things, God will give us

much more.

Many ministries set out to conquer the world right off

the bat.

I know many young bible college students who left

their schooling thinking that the world was waiting for

them, and as soon as they started preaching they

thought thousands would flock to them.

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So many disillusioned Christians who want to jump

from 1 to 5,000 people overnight.

To manipulate themselves and their own name to


But the fact is, faithfulness must first be found in the

little things.

And as God sees faithfulness, He will add, He will open

up opportunity for more ministry.

It is through faithfulness one’s character is developed

for the bigger works.

You cannot skip this growing period, where through

the trials and smaller works God matures His workers.

We also see next this type of church will be divinely

protected from enemies…

9 Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan,

who say they are Jews and are not, but lie — indeed I

will make them come and worship before your feet,

and to know that I have loved you.

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You see in Philadelphia there were those same

Judaizers that tormented the early church everywhere

it went.

Jesus once again explains those who push religious

institution over a relationship with Jesus Christ are

from the synagogue of Satan.

They say they are Jews and are not.

Now, in this Era of Grace, the only Jew that is a real

Jew or completed Jew, is one who has placed their

faith in Jesus Christ.

And as our missionary to Israel spoke on Weds. Night,

there are more Jews coming to Jesus than ever before.

But God’s remnant in that Nation is found in those who

have placed their faith in the True Messiah Jesus


Jesus assures those who are persecuted by the legalist

now, they will be justified one day in the eyes of their


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Those in Philadelphia, who held to the truths of God’s

Word, and remained steadfast against religion, well,

they will be honored.

The critics will be silenced.

The Judaizers still exist today, perhaps they do not

promote circumcision or mandatory Jewish feasts, but

they walk around with rulers making sure your dress is

a certain length, they criticize your parenting, they

mock the way you worship, and they feel as though

rules and regulation are the way to maintain order in

the church.

The hypocrite, those from the synagogue of Satan still

roam in the church today, you have to duck from the

great beam in their eye as they try to dig your speck.

Jesus associates the legalist with the Synagogue of


The Bible is consistent on many things, but one that

stands out, is God’s hatred for people or systems that

stand in the way of His loving Grace.

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May God protect His church here from the legalist and

their religion today…

Jesus next gives an important promise to this faithful


10 Because you have kept My command to persevere, I

also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall

come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell

on the earth. 11 Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold

fast what you have, that no one may take your crown.

Now here we see such a great promise.

Jesus is saying that the great trial that will come upon

the whole world, also known as the seventh week of

Daniel, the Great Tribulation, The Great and Dreadful

Day of the Lord, that this faithful church will be spared

from that hour.

Listen, Jesus does not say He will keep them through

the great trial, but He will keep them from that

horrible time.

This is speaking of the Rapture of the Church.

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Jesus is giving the church in Philadelphia a great

assurance here.

Jesus emphasizes this in verse 10 where He explains He

is coming quickly.

Now this is more accurately to mean “suddenly.”

Jesus will come unexpectantly, but they can be

confident He will come for His church.

This Hopeful statement coming from the One who is


Jesus is giving His Church the proper motivation here,

for them to continue in their love for Him, their love

for His Word, to walk through the open doors of

opportunity He provides, and to live with eternity on

their hearts.

This is the hallmark of a great church Jesus’ eyes.

A church that is working and living with the hope and

understanding that Jesus can come back at any


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The world will look at such church, and see perhaps

little strength, perhaps even few numbers, but Jesus

see such great potential.

Church, our hearts need to be turned to eternity.

This hopeful anticipation of Jesus’ return, His coming

for His faithful church, it is a sanctifying hope.

It brings our life into focus, it gives us boldness in our

love and devotion for Jesus Christ.

Hear, this morning what the Spirit is saying, “Behold I

am coming quickly!”

Jesus says to “Hold Fast.” Let us continue in the things

that matter to Jesus, to cast off the pressures of this


To stay faithful to His Word, to Hold fast to His Holy

and True Name.

May we not waiver in these things, and compromise

on these essentials.

Then no one will be able to take our crown.

Jesus has rewards for us.

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Those eternal rewards should be our aim.

Such glorious promises here for the faithful Christian.

Listen to what Jesus says next…

12 He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the

temple of My God, and he shall go out no more.

Now, remember whom Jesus is writing too, and think

of this imagery, this city lived in constant fear of huge


And you all have seen ancient ruins, I walked among

them in Israel, in several places.

There is usually one part of the architecture that

remains standing through the testing of time, it is the

great pillars.

After the earthquakes in this region would bring its

destructive energy, after all the dust has settled, and

the buildings and infrastructure came crashing down.

The Philadelphian would look at their city and see

these pillars standing through the rubble.

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Jesus explains to these faithful believers, even though

in this life perhaps they are weak and insignificant,

even though they are going through great trials and

uncertainty, they can trust that through it all, in Jesus

they will remain standing.

They will be a pillar of strength; they will have a

permanent place in the temple of God.

These, who are the faithful church, who were

entrusted with little will be given much.

And because they were faithful in the small things they

will be entrusted with more, a permanent place in

God’s temple, His eternal temple, once we arrive we

will go out no more, that is our position that will

remain unchanged for all eternity.

Then Jesus explains next, to assure the eternal position

we will be marked for all eternity.

He says…. I will write on him the name of My God and

the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem,

which comes down out of heaven from My God. And I

will write on him My new name.

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Jesus assures the overcomer here, and explains there

will be three distinct identifying markers on the

believer for all eternity.

Wherever you go in God’s Great Universe in eternity,

you will carry Yahweh’s Name.

Speaking of the saints in eternity, it is revealed in

Revelation 22:4 They shall see His face, and His name

shall be on their foreheads.

There will be no mistaking Who you belong to and

Who you serve in eternity, I imagine His Name upon us

will give us authority in His Name as well.

The second identifying promise is that we will carry the

name of our citizenship, in the New Jerusalem.

We will discuss this eternal home, that Jesus has been

preparing for us since the foundation of the world, we

will discuss it more in depth in Revelation 21 and 22.

But there will be a holy city that will literally house

those who overcame the deception in this Era of

Grace, and put their faith in Jesus Christ.

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The dimensions are enormous, and it will be able to

hold multitudes upon multitudes of Overcomers.

Our markings in eternity will speak of our eternal


Thirdly, Jesus once again tells the overcomer that He

Himself will give a new name to each of His beloved


This name will be unique to the overcomer and Jesus,

and will speak of their special relationship.

Such wonderful promises here to the faithful among


Such a great hope to hold onto.

This is all that matters in life…

I do not know what has you bogged down this

morning, what pressing trials you are going through

this morning, but turn your focus to these wonderful


There is so much to look forward too, yes this life is

hard, the trials seem overwhelming.

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Perhaps you just do not know how much more you can

take before you break.

Take these wonderful promises this morning, and grab

a hold of them by faith.

Verse 13 says…

13 "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit

says to the churches."'

Now listen church…

When Jess and I moved back to the High Desert in

2008, and I came on staff at Calvary Chapel Apple

Valley, we did not have much in that ministry, it was a

hurting church.

It had been broken and neglected, my father took the

position as Senior Pastor their 3 years prior to us

arriving, and the church was still healing.

My father just simply taught God’s Word and over

time, slowly God began to bless the ministry.

He stationed me in the youth group, and his instruction

to me, was teach the Bible, and love those kids.

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For which I did, now in the beginning, I was very

ambitious and I wanted to conquer the world for Jesus.

Yet our church was little, and the church’s budget was


My father had to reel me back a couple times. “Son

just stay faithful, and watch God will open doors.”

And I will tell you, after about 2 years of simply

teaching God’s Word, opportunity began to surface,

and more outreach started to happen, and the ministry

began a slow pace of growing steadily.

Now there were things we could have done to grow

that ministry quicker, we could have took on worldly

concepts and even used entertainment and tasty

treats to get people in the church.

But, I learned the joy of watching God grow a ministry,

as we just focused on faithfulness to the little things.

Now fast forward to February 2016, God moved Jess

and I down the road here to Victorville.

And, we want to take those lessons we learned there

in Apple Valley and apply them here.

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Now being faithful means it takes a measure of faith to

trust Jesus at His Word.

And every now and again, temptation comes, it seems

every so often I get an article, “How to grow your

church rapidly.”

Or something along those lines.

And you see other churches packing their seats full of

people using those methods.

Or people get impatient, start pushing for more

ministry, more activity here at church.

Yet, we see here Jesus does not want methods or

programs, or great activity, He desires faithfulness.

Jesus wants to provide the open doors; yet we are

called to be faithful in the little things.

And I will tell you, as we do this, we are already seeing

here in Victorville some exciting things.

We have committed to simply keeping God’s Word

central to all that takes place.

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We want His Name to be lifted up, we want to be

faithful to Him and not methods.

The assurance for us is that He will go before us and

open effective doors of opportunity to reach the lost.

As we simply teach God’s Word, He will increase and

bring fruit to His ministry.

Today, God’s Word has been depreciated greatly,

some churches no longer even have a need for a bible.

The culture and even much of the church today is

hostile toward the Bible, there seems to be this fierce

push against the truths found in it.

And much of the church is even apologizing for the

truths found within, because people feel guilty and

even shame.

But you see church, as we commit ourselves here at

Calvary Chapel Victorville to be faithful to the teaching

of God’s Word, we can trust that doors of opportunity

will come.

We have to be a faithful steward of these mysteries of

God, this Holy Book, and let Him guide this ministry.

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Jesus explains in the last days we will have little

strength, as the last days churches are being fulfilled

we see we will be the minority, and Laodicea will be

more prominent.

Yet, we are the last day’s church, and as we remain

faithful, there will be much work to accomplish here in

the final moments of history.

Remember God chooses the weak things of this world,

the debase things, those things that the world would

look at and shake their head at, that is who God

chooses to make His Name great through.

That no man should Glory in His presence.

There is nothing historically that would tell us any

prominent teachers came out of Philadelphia, the

testimony of this church, is God’s Word led it.

We are promised protection, as we are faithful to His

Name and His Word.

You know the area we are in church, I cannot over

emphasize the direct battle of good and evil that takes

place here.

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We just had two missionaries come speak on the last

two Wednesday nights.

And they both testified of the warfare we are in.

You know, we are all in the midst of this battle, and

perhaps we have been in the bunker for so long, we

become unaware or used to the enemies arrows flying


One of those missionaries called me Friday night, she

explained the warfare her and her husband had after

speaking here.

She travels all over the US speaking at different

churches, and she said that we are on the front lines,

now she serves in a radical area of the world.

And she is testifying of our work here as being at the

forefront of the battle lines.

She said, “you have two Mosques right by you, she said

Satan is the head of that religion that worships in those


We have a pagan masonic lodge right across the street


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She took notice of all the demonic activity, the drug

use in this area, and she said we are right at the gates

of hell in our fight.

So she is committed to pray for us.

Maybe you are unaware of the severity of your post

here in Victorville.

God has brought you here for a reason.

You are part of this revival that He is bringing to this


We have stumbled upon a great work of God here, and

perhaps many of you are feeling the effects of the

spiritual warfare in your homes, upon your marriages.

The Spirit of God this morning is speaking through the

Word of God, and telling us to remain faithful.

He protected Philadelphia from those wicked

Judaizers, He will protect us.

In our faithfulness, we will remain as pillars, when all

else has fallen around us, the faithful will remain.

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Our world is crumbling, and your witness will surety for

many, as they see you still standing in the midst of


People will be drawn to the God that holds your life

together, and gives you strength.

Our fuel for our passion and zeal in this great work, is

the reality that Jesus is coming for us soon.

A great and effective door is before us church, a great

work has been entrusted to us.

And until He comes, may we be found faithful in what

He has given us.

Listen, the church of Sardis is out there if you want

more activity, the church of Laodicea is all around us,

and if you are seeking comfort in your church.

But if this morning your spirit is stirred, and God is

speaking to you, join us in this great work.

To get busy in this great work.

Well, you are invited to put your hand to the plow with


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And wherever God puts you, be faithful in this great


If it is in the children’s ministry, teach each week with

the understanding it might be your last chance to

plead with those little hearts.

If you are called to Usher, do so with all diligence and

faithfulness, man your post will a loyal heart, knowing

the battle that we are in.

If you are called to lead, do so with integrity and truth

at the forefront of your heart and mind.

Perhaps your gifting is in evangelism, let love and grace

flow from your mouth in every conversation.

Wherever God has called you in this great work,

remain steadfast and immovable.

You see church, God has chosen you for such a time as


You are here for reason, you have a purpose, lifting

Jesus’ Name up in your life, is your number one duty.

P a g e | 37

And when this life is over, you will forever carry the

greatest title in the universe, Christian, you will be one

who has God’s Name upon your head, your identity

will be associated with that eternal city, the New

Jerusalem, and you will have a special name from your


These things are what matter in life, turn your hearts

to heaven this morning, and then you will find meaning

for your life.

Now, if you are not sure where your place is at yet, if

you are uncertain, please come up and pray during this

last song with one of these guys who will be up front.

God has a place for each of you in His work, find that

place this morning.

Come up for prayer this morning.

Greater things are yet to come church.


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