pad thai restaurant. pad thai restaurant is located in downtown area by phoenix park and next to the...

Post on 24-Dec-2015






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Pad Thai Restaurant

Pad Thai Restaurant is located in downtown area by Phoenix Park and next to the Eau Claire post office. The location is in a new development in Eau Claire downtown area. Current there are new building being build there and the whole area is being remodel now. Across the street from the restaurant there is about three block of land that is empty and ready to use. From what I hear about the empty land they are going to build high end condos and business in the first floor of the building. Currently in the area they have the RCU head quarter build at the park and around it, they build condos and business located in the first floor.

Pad Thai Restaurant


Some of those businesses are old establishment and some are new to area. In that are there is three bars, one bar is an old bar. It has been there ever since I was still in high school. That bar has a lot of bikers that come by some time and drink there with their load motorcycle. I have gone there and drink there sometime. The beer there are cheap, what I mean is that it cost less than most bar for the same items. The crowd that comes there are older crowd in the community. As I walk around the bar, the lighting is low and there are four to five bar stool in the lobby area where people could come and sit with their friend and have a nice conversation. The last time I was there, there a lot of people but mostly keep to them self and are very friendly there. Across the street from there is scooter the only gay bar in town. Scooter is a bar that is for everyone in the community that is gay and not gay to hang around. I have been in scooter lots of time. It is a friendly bar. Most of the people that are there are gays in the community, but some time straight guy such as I go there just to have a nice drink and relax. Scooter is a very simple bar, first you enter through the front door. To you right there are seats stool for people to seats and enjoy their beer and friends, then to your left from the entrance to the middle of the bar is

Surrounding Environment

the services area, then there about five feet after the bar there is a pools table. Right across the pools table there is a dance floor for everyone to dance. As you exit the building through the back there is a patio where people could take their beer out there to drink or smoke and relax and enjoy the environment or views. The site is locate need a river. The next bar is an old bar that was bought by another owner and reinvaded. The new name is called Sport Page. As you enter the bar in front of you is the services areas that run all the way to three fourth are of the bar. In the middle and the rest of the area are stool for people to sit and enjoy their beer. In the services area there are two fifty five flat screen that show sports events. From the entrance straight down to the other end of the wall also a big flat screen hanging there. The area is pretty much canvas with sport items, but mostly the area is canvas with Green Bay Packer items. At that side of the bar there is an exit that leads out of the bar, that lead to the bathroom and an outside patio where you could enjoy you beer outside with the environment. I have visited there a lot of time and enjoy socializing there with friend and people that are there. I have never seen a violent case there. The worst case that I see there are when someone drink too much and the bartender stop his drink and order a cab or as him to step out of the bar. Also in the area there is a library, hope gospel mission for people that what to straight there life, two coffee shops around there too, state theater, two Banks, hotel, computer repair shop and small business around there. Right across from scooter you can see Hope Gospel Mission and the library. I have volunteer at Hope Gospel Mission before. The area is every secure. The front door and back are lock. Only authorize personal are authorize to enter the area. When enter from the door there is an office to the right, where there is someone is always there to ask you to state your business first, so they know where to lead you. When you walk in it will be to the dining hall where all the resident can have their prepare foods there. At the end of the dining hall is where the food for the resident are

Surrounding Environment

prepare. I have work in that are helping to prepare food and enjoy food and conversation with the resident. Up stair from there are where the resident sleeps. From the front door of Hope Gospel Mission is the library. The library has been there ever since I was just a kid in the area. The library has two floors. As you enter the library from the front door you will walk through two detector that can detect book that are being check out when you walk through it. Then you will get to the center of the library. In front you will see the help desk area or information area and alongside of that are rows of computer for people that do not have computer to use. Then right side, you will enter into the children area. Where there are children books and computers. To the left side of it are the checkout counter, where you can check out all the items that you want to check out and an elevator that can take you to the second floor. From the center to all around the first floor are shelve of books. Also from the center to there is a stairway to the second floor where you can walk up. On the second floor is where you check out the video, magazine and more books that the libraries have. From the stair entering into the second floor to the right side is the teenager area. Where there are books, computers and study area for teenager to come and enjoy their study with their friend there, also in that area is the art gallery where local artist get their chance to hang their art work for the community to see. To the right is my favorite place to go to, which is where all the computer books are at. I have spent many hours there looking at computer books or just stare at the catalog that they have there. Over there is also a table where I could sit there and go in my laptop or just study there. But my favorite place to study will have to

Surrounding Environment

be the stool right behind the book self where you there are small cubical for you spend time alone and study. In front are the magazine and rows and rows of video cd, where you can go through it and check out your favorite title. Behind there are the rows of magazine in display and relax area where you can read you titles. Next door from Hope Gospel Mission kitchens is the State Theaters, you first enter at the front door is the ticket counter where you can make purchase of event ticket there. As you move into the second door is where you give you ticket to the worker there, then you will be in the lobby of the theater. In front are door where you can enter into the theater. The theater has two levels. The second levels are for the VIP group. The first floor doors enter into the first floor seats. It is setup just like a movie theater seats, where there is middle and both side walk through and the stage is at the end of the seats. Right across the theater is a bank call US Banks, which is where I bank. The whole building is run by US Banks. The first floor is for banking transaction and above that are offices for the bank. Behind the bank is the Ramada hotel where all business people that come to the town would most likely stay and a convention center for business or entertainment events there. In that are also contain small local shops, such as coffee shop, food shop, bars, and banks. This area in traffic wise contain mostly one way traffics, all of the major street in the area are one ways. Some time I would see out of Towner drive up a one way street in the wrong direction. But all the streets that are located out of the downtown area return back to be two ways driving streets.

Surrounding Environment

Over all the city of Eau Claire is a very safe town to live in, with the law officer 1 to every 1,000 resident. The average of sex offenders a lot small then the state average and there was 18 registered sex offenders living in Eau Claire, Wisconsin in July 2011 and the ratio of sex offenders is 3677 to 1. There is more assessments of crime in Eau Claire at:

• I have spent many hours talking to the restaurant manager and there have been any crime happen in his store are round him, except there is just only one case where some accidentally crack his restaurant front window to the street. That the only incident in all his years of owning that restaurant. The security role belongs to every employee that works there. It anyone see any crime they all report it to the manager or owner of Pad Thai Restaurant.

Crime Data

3.40pm – there is still sun out there only two seat by the window have customer, outside traffic are medium( every 2-3 minute there is a car go by), the waitress going in and out serving the two customer they have, outside there is a lady sitting by the side walk, across the street 3 people are walking pass the front window, 3.44pm one of the window table got there dishes(women, kid). The kid playing with her food, while her mother is busy eating her dish. The people that seated next to her are still waiting for their dish and chatting away. 4.46pm the two young lady got server with their dish and started eating their mail but still chatting. 4.47pm the waitress coming out and check on the two lady by the window, everything seem to be going ok, 3.48pm a tall

11/5/11 Observation logs

young guy walk pass the street window. Now sees that the women with the kid almost finish with their food and the kid have stop playing with her food. the waitress stop by their table and ask the a question, seems everything is alright. Outside flap are flapping away, seems every windy. Now car are whispering by ever 2 to 3 second now. Outside the sun is sunny, it seems warms but is around 35 degree outside. Across the street a man walks by. The back lighting is kind of low. The traffic outside have slow down to its normal 2-3 minute before a care passes. 3.53pm the waitress come out and check the two young lady if everything are ok. Outside a young women in her 20’s walk by the glass window, now the flat outside have calm down, seems that the wind has die down. 3.55pm the waitress come back to the room and hand the women with the kid a check and the lady sitting across them got up and went to the bath room. Two couple comes in through the door. The waitress went to greet them. Then prepare them for a seat. They also have a boy with them. The man is white and women are Asian, the boy is their kid. 3.58 The waitress come to window table clean the table that the two young lady just left. Also the young couple that come in with the kids are looking around and ready to order their dishes. 3.59 a big black truck stop outside and an older couple walk in, but there is not waitress to greet them yet, they are waiting at the front door waiting to be serve. The waitress come in the room and take the order from the couple that have a kid. Everything see great the happy. 4.02pm

the waitress seated the couple that come park outside with the truck. Outside is every windy, the flap are moving up and down. 4.03pm the waitress come in and serve the couple that come in with the truck water, also the lady with the kid got up and ready to leave. From here outside I could see my truck. 4.05pm there is a woman just come by and pick up her food. At the door a guy just come in and outside across the street a man with a black pull over just walk by. The lady with the kid drive away on her black car. 4.08pm that man that just come in earlier talking with his kid and playing with the kid. I forgot the couple that come in with the black truck are three people, they are seated waiting to be serve. 4.12pm the couple that come in with the kids, the kid is getting every impatient for his food and cause problem for his mother and he is crying. Outside their two car just come by. 4.15pm the couple with the impatient kid is serve and he is happy now. Now the waitress is very busy. Running back and forth. 4:20pm there 5 women just walk in and getting ready to order still waiting for the waitress. In the back I could hear the cooking pan banging away. 4:22pm outside two guy just walk in and was seated by the waitress. The manager just turn on the main lobby light. The lady in the back, now taking order from the waitress. Outside on the parking lot a blue car just pull up, the two guy by the window are talking and having fun. Down by the bank a car just drive pass it, outside a couple with a kid just walk by, 4:27pm the waitress take order from the two guy from the window, outside a car(blue) just drive

by, the women in the back was talking about Hope Gospel, the waitress has not ready to order, 4:29pm the waitress come to the back to the older lady and ask them to serve them, a read car just passed by, down the bank a blue car just drive pass the parking lot, a green car just drive by, now the couple with the kid are done eating, I can see at the library there are three old couple standing, now they walk away,, at the big window a man in black just walk by, two more customer just walk in the store, they are at the cashier order to go, 4:45pm about six people just walk by the window, a women with a baby stroller just walk by the front window, across the street at the parking lot a guy got in his car, a young man just walk by the front window, he got a green coat with blue winter hat on, across the post office three little kid just walk by with one bike, outside a green car just drive by, 4:39pm the two couple still eating, but the kid is tire now.

Currently there is no system or policy that the manager have in place, but one worker did say that that there is just only two cameras that record activity after the store is close. The security procedure that is in place now is that everyone that work there are to report any crime to the owner (Yeng J yang).

For now I would not recommend any change until the environment have been established. I have also come to the conclusion that the current system is the most cost effective to the restaurant for now.


EVALUATIONI have come to the conclusion that the neighborhood

where the store located is a very safe area and a growing area. Since he started the restaurant has not had any crime there. Everyone that I approach there or talk to is very friendly, but is still a growing community. According to the city crime report there is not a lot happening there except minor thing happen here and there.

• Person in charge of or responsible for crime and loss prevention or security

Yeng J Yang, owner

• Physical and electronic security survey

203 N. Barstow St., Eau Claire, WI 54703

• Inventory of crime and loss prevention or security policies and procedures

There have been no crime committed.

• How long the policy or program has been in existence

Since the restaurant begin.

• Whether any security measures have been evaluated.

Currently there is no physical security in place, but as the area grow. The restaurant will have implement a more secure system or change as fits.

• Results of the evaluation.

Currently the area is safe and no need to implement more security to the are. But in the future as the area grow it will need to be re evaluate for a more



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