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Post on 12-Mar-2016






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Jake Sanders


Mis En Scene

Sound / Voice / Music

Johnny's Cash

The movie is music based, and centered around a singing legend, so I

thought, it would be a good idea to use something by the artist, himself?

What could I choose, that would give more life to the scene? I tried to think of some of his hits, but, what kept ringing in my head was,

The House Of The Rising Sun. I found quite a few versions of the song, but the one that I really liked was

the version by Bachman Turner Overdrive, BTO.

I played the song over a few times to see what effect it would have? By around the third play alongside the music, I was convinced

that this would be the track to use

Although the recording is 6mins long, I began looking for parts in the record that would suit the 60second limit that I had.

I can't lie, I felt something quite "Tarantino-ish" about it?

Heavy rock guitars, a great wailing voice, over the slow banging drums gave the animatic a whole different feeling.

i began to believe it. It immediately felt right. The animatic looked gangster and now started to feel gangster.

One thing still wasn't right? I wanted the pictures to speak !

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