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Page 6 Burns Connection

Happy Birthday

FBUMC Mission Statement: The mission of Francis Burns United

Methodist Church is to glorify God, to spread the Good News of

Jesus Christ and to make Christian disciples through worship and

praise, nurture, outreach and witness.

FBUMC Vision Statement: The vision of Francis Burns United

Methodist Church is to be in covenant with God and to connect

with God's people through ministries that meet human needs.

01 Frederick Cave

01 Andrea Gadsden-Johnson

01 Tom Williams

02 DeAndre Bradham, Sr

02 Tashia Howell-Taylor

03 Kaitlyn Benjamin

03 Morgan Richardson

03 Nettie Reaties

03 Rachel Forrest

05 Mary Brandyburg

06 Darrin T. Thomas

08 Angela Edmond

10 James Johnson

12 Mary Sprouts

13 Elizabeth Myers

14 Bernice Kinney

14 Marilynn Bailey

14 Tawana Gibson Coleman

15 Myron Bell

19 Gwen Lakin

19 Denise Watkins

19 Terry King

20 Timothy I. McDowell Jr.

20 Deborah Hunter

20 Damon Bailey

21 Autumn Edmond

23 Stephanie Young

24 Edona Harrison

24 Tee Roberson

24 Octavia Wright

24 Benjamin Thomas, III

25 Megan Thompson

25 James Lawson

25 George Outing, III

26 Timothy Wright

26 Beverly Black

28 Deborah Lakin

28 Ben Keeton

29 Pilarr Lane

29 Alzona Belk-Allen

30 Kela Thomas

12 June - Daryl and Ivy Ellerby

24 June - Mike and Marcella Forrest

25 June - Clifford and Rachel Bourke

26 June - Lawrence and Dorothy Blackmer

27 June - Garryl and Veronica Deas

27 June - James and Sharon Johnson

28 June - Craig and Shemega Tyson

28 June – Stephen and Linda Jamison

Happy Anniversary

To update your birthday or anniversary information,

contact Inez Benjamin at 736-1008 or


Self is always served best

when it serves others.

We need a standard by which to measure our

lives. The standard is Jesus.

Trustee On Call May 2015

Octavia Wright 419-2413 (H) 843-1353 (M)

The Married Couple’s Ministry

June 20, 2015 5 PM

Fellowship Hall

Childcare up to 11 years old

One The Light Side

June 2015 Volume 2015 Issue 6

Burns Connection

Francis Burns UMC

5616 Farrow Rd.

Columbia, SC 29203

(803) 754-1760

Rev. Ernest C. Etheredge


June is Black Music Month Recognition of this critical part of American heritage will be highlighted all month long with various events urging citizens to revel in the many forms of music from gospel to hip-hop. African-American musicians, singers, and composers have contributed an immense amount to our nation's history. It should be acknowledged and celebrated.

During Black Music Month, we pay tribute to a rich

musical tradition and honor the many contributions

African-American musicians, singers, and composers

have made to the culture of our Nation and to the

world. This powerful, moving, and soulful music speaks

to every heart; lifting us in times of sorrow and helping

us celebrate in times of joy.

What If You Were ONE Paycheck Away From

Being Homeless?

United Methodist Women To Feed 2-4 Families

As a part of the newly formed Family Promise Ministry,

six Francis Burns UMC ministries in partnership with

Northminster Presbyterian Church, will provide meals

to 2-4 families, consisting of no more than fourteen

(14) persons, the week of June 14-21, 2015.

On Friday, June 19th the UMW will provide a main dish,

dessert, and beverage to the families.

Family Promise of the Midlands (FPM) brings

together people of faith to help the sizeable and

sometimes unseen population of homeless

families in our midst. The Family Promise of the

Midlands is a non-profit organization that

engages House of Worship to provide shelter,

meals, and support to homeless families. The

Family Promise of the Midlands, part of the

National Family Promise Network, which was

founded in 1986 and supports similar initiatives

in more than 180 U.S. communities.

Operating four times a year, upcoming opportunities

will be held in September and December of this year.

Francis Burns United Methodist Women feels it is our

responsibility individually and as a church to help these

families because at any time we could find ourselves

ONE paycheck away from being homeless.

Francis Burns UMW

Communications Co-Chairs

Rhonda Washington & Sharee Washington

Happy Father’s Day

Teach them ( God’s commandments) to your children,

speaking them when you sit in your house, when you

walk by the way, when you lie down and when you rise

up. Deuteronomy 11:19

Page 2

Lectionary June 2015

Second Sunday after Pentecost

June 7, 1 Samuel 8:4-20, (11:14-15), Psalm 138, 2

Corinthians 4:13-5:1, Mark 3:20-35

Third Sunday after Pentecost

June 14, 1 Samuel 15:34 - 16:13, Psalm 20, 2

Corinthians 5:6-10, (11-13), 14-17, Mark 4:26-34

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

June 21, 1 Samuel 17:32-49, Psalm 9:9-20, 2

Corinthians 6:1-13, Mark 4:35-41

Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

June 28, 2 Samuel 1:1, 17-27, Psalm 130, 2

Corinthians 8:7-15, Mark 5:21-43

2015 Budget Information

Administrative $332,773.18 Council on Ministries $133,835.00 Committee on Finance $ 250.00 Board of Trustees $222,600.00 Total 2015 Budget $689,458.18 Weekly Amount Needed $13,258.81 Monthly Amount Needed $57,454.85 Amount Received in April $50,444.35 Thank You

Burns Connection

United Methodist Men Update


June 13th 8:30 AM

Fellowship Hall

St. Paul wrote to the church

at Ephesus these words:

I have not stopped giving

thanks to God for you, I re-

member you in my prayers

and ask the God of our Lord

Jesus Christ, the glorious fa-

ther, to give you the spirit,

who will make you wise and

reveal God to you, so that

you will know Him.

(Ephesians 1:16-17).

“Thank You!” These two words may be the most under

used words in the English language. We don’t say

“Thank you” enough to family and friends, to co-

workers and associates, to church members and mem-

bers in the body of Christ Jesus. It is so important for

each of us to take a moment to express words of

thanks and appreciation to each other.

As you begin to read these words, The South Carolina

Annual Conference, The United Methodist Church will

begin its meetings in Florence, S.C., Gwen and I will

complete three years of ministry with you at Francis

Burns U.M.C., we will also be preparing to return to

begin our fourth year with you. We are excited about

what has happened and the things that God will do for

us and with us in the future. It is indeed a future with


I want to express my thanks and appreciation to the

members and friends of Francis Burns United Methodist

Church for the many ways you have supported the min-

istry of Jesus Christ.

May God continue to Bless and Keep You.

Grace and Peace


“Pray without ceasing.”

1 Thessalonians 5:17. “

The prayer of faith will

save the sick, and the

Lord will raise him up.

...The effective, fervent

prayer of a righteous

man avails much.”

James 5:15, 16.

Mrs. Maeward Belk ● Rev. Ernest Etheredge ● Mrs. Mary Hennegan (sister of Gladys Gaillard-McBride) Ms. Mardean R. Salley (Sister of Ella Mae Burwick) ● Mrs. Liz Myers

Page 5 Burns Connection

Christian Education Corner

Mind Games in a World of Images – Melagne Yed

Introduction (cont’d)

Jesus’ experience in the wilderness vividly reminds us

of how powerfully insidious and suggestive Satan’s

assaults on the mind can be. This temptation episode

very well describes the strong influences that the

media world exerts upon the imagination of many in

our culture today.

But let’s recall God’s response in Genesis 11 where

the people said: let us make a name for ourselves and

build a tower. God said: If they are unified in

language and able to build this tower, nothing will be

impossible for them. Let us go in their mist, and

confuse their languages. This is such a staggering

response from an omnipotent God! From this

response, we see a biblical principle emerge. And that

is: when cupidity and self-aggrandizement is the

motive, unity can be absolutely catastrophic. We can

only imagine the magnitude of the devastation that a

group of proud men and women, united in evil, can

accomplish. This, may I suggest, is the key to unlock

what the Bible has to say about the media in our time.

So if we take the imagination, coalesce it with the

human pride and enticement, to bring about a

homogenization of tastes and ideas, the hellishness

that can break loose as a result would be absolutely

unparalleled in history. We are no longer merely a

propositional culture, nor are we a scribal culture, nor

are we a print culture. As in the days of the Tower of

Babel, our civilization today is speaking the same

language, albeit in electronic images, trying to make a

name for ourselves. Therein lays the epistemological

base with which the media and its influence must be

addressed. The electronic image culture is here and

we are in it. Whether to a lesser or greater extent, we

are all (children and adults) affected by its pervasive

tentacles, enveloped by it, frighteningly unable to

distant ourselves from it.

Film producer, David Puttnam, profoundly said this of

Hollywood and of the cinema:

“Far more than any other influence, more than school,

more even than home, my attitudes, dreams,

preconceptions and preconditions for life have been

irreversibly shaped five and half thousand miles away

in a place called Hollywood. I labour over all of this in

order to explain exactly where my passion for cinema

stems from, exactly why it hurts me that the movies

so frequently sell themselves short, unable and

unwilling to step up to the creative and ethical

standards that the audience is entitled to expect of

them. The medium is too powerful and too important

an influence on the way we live, and the way we see

ourselves to be left solely to the tyranny of the box

office or reduced to the sum of the lowest common

denominator or public taste. This public taste or

appetite being conditioned by a diet capable only of

producing mental and emotional malnutrition. Movies

are powerful, good or bad, they tinker around inside

your brain. They steal up on you in the darkness of the

cinema to form or confirm social attitudes. They can help

to create a healthy, informed, concerned, and inquisitive

society, or in the alternative, a negative, apathetic,

ignorant one merely a short step away from nihilism and

despair. In short: Cinema is Propaganda. Benign or

Malign, social or antisocial, the factual nature of its

responsibility cannot be avoided. To an almost alarming

degree, our political and emotional responses, rest for

their health, in the quality and integrity of the present

and future generation of film and television creators”.

To be continued…

Meet the Choir

Name: Nancy Bradshaw

Choir Section: Soprano

Occupation: Richland District 1 Speech Pathologist Hobbies/Interests: Traveling

and spending time with family

and friends

Other books were given for our

information, the Bible was given

for our transformation.

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this

world, but be transformed by the renewing of your

mine. Romans 12:2

Page 4 Burns Connection

Health Notes June 2015


The Health Ministry has chosen to focus on Men's

Health concerns for the month of June, since this is the

month that we celebrate Father's Day. We all want the

men in our lives to make healthier choices, so that

they can be with us for many years in the future. We

understand that the suggested changes can have more

success, if we begin by taking small steps in the

desired direction. Here are some points to consider, if

you desire to make healthier food choices.

Your food selections can have a significant effect on the

development of many chronic diseases, such as

diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, and cancer.

Reduce the amount of animal fat and meat that you

eat. Regarding your meat consumption, the goal is four

or five ounces per meal. Try not to exceed six ounces

at each meal, in order to improve heart health.

Reduce your salt or sodium consumption. African-

Americans, who may already be on High Blood Pressure

medication, should try to limit the amount of salt in

their food.

Read the food labels on your food package, in order to

determine the desired serving size and other important

nutritional information.

Most of us eat too much sugar. We may not be aware

of the sugar content of many of our favorite foods. High

Fructose Corn Syrup, which is found in most sodas

and other items, is a particularly bad sweetener. Try

using honey or maple syrup, to sweeten hot tea or

coffee. The recommendation is to only add six

additional teaspoons of sugar, during the entire day.

.Reduce the processed foods that you eat. Hot dogs,

deli meat, sausages, and many frozen meals are

examples of processed foods. They tend to have high

levels of sodium, nitrites or nitrates, and other

unhealthy chemicals.

Purchase organic meats or vegetables, when possible.

The package should say that it is "USDA" certified


Avoid foods that may have a GMO content. Many corn

products and soy bean items have a GMO content.

Gradually, try to eliminate many of your white food

choices. These would include white bread, grits, white

potatoes, and white pastas. Use whole wheat or whole

grain products, instead. Also, sweet potatoes are a

better choice, than white potatoes.

H.E.A.L.S Monthly Meeting: is scheduled for

Monday, June 15, 6PM. Blood pressure screenings will

be available the 4th Sunday immediately after worship

services in the Fellowship Hall.ealHHhh

Aim for Wholeness,

Health & Welfare Ministry/H.E.A.L.S.



Let Heaven and Earth Rejoice

The music department of Francis Burns will present its

Christmas concert on Sunday, December 13, 2015 at

6:00pm. The participation from guest singers has been

a wonderful addition to this occasion. We extend the

invitation to everyone to join the choir and participate

in the concert this year. Rehearsals will begin on Sep-

tember 8, 2014 at 7:30pm in the church’s sanctuary.

The attire for the men will be black tuxedos. All ladies

are asked to wear long black skirts along with the black

concert top that was specially ordered from the 2014

concert. We encourage all ladies who participated last

year to be sure your top fits. If you need to order a new

top or if this is your first time singing in the concert, we

will have two fitting dates, August 23 and August 30

from 6:00pm to 7:00pm in the church’s choir room. The

cost of the top is $69.00. You are asked to bring a

$30.00 deposit at the fitting and pay the remaining bal-

ance when you get your top. You must attend one of

the two fitting dates in order to secure your top. There

will be no additional orders made after August 30.

We thank Rev. Etheredge and the entire church

body for your continued support of this ministry.

Page 3 Burns Connection

I have been an active member of

the 4:12 youth ministry for more

than one year, and I have had

the time of my life! We may

sometimes fight or argue, but at

the end of the day we all have

each other’s back. When I feel

like I have no one or nowhere to

run, I know I can always count on the people in the

youth ministry. I didn't always feel this way about the

youth ministry because we did not always do a whole

lot. Now we stay active and we make sure that God’s

Word is spread in everything we do.

I believe the 4:12 youth ministry has helped shape and

mold me into a better person. My favorite life lesson

from the youth ministry is to “be careful how you live

your life, because you may be the only Bible that some

people read." That is a very powerful lesson and we are

constantly re-

minded of this

before we do

mission work or

serve others.

The message

the leaders try

to get across to

us is that we

need to do our

very best at all

times and show

God in everything we do. Someone could really be in

need of the service that we provide, so we should not

do it with a bum attitude or bad facial expressions. In-

stead, we should have a positive attitude and give one

hundred and ten percent. I not only apply this life les-

son while in the youth ministry, but I try to remind my-

self of that in my everyday life because I never know

who is paying attention to what I am doing so I always

have to be ready to lead by example.

The 4:12 youth ministry has also helped me realize how

truly blessed I am. When we do mission work and see

how other people live, I realize that I don't have it so

bad. That makes me happy to give my time to others

because that time is spent making someone else's life

just a little bit easier. I get satisfaction knowing that

we did something for the greater good and not because

there was an award involved. I think that is priceless.

I am truly grateful to have met some of the people in

the youth ministry. Without their guidance and willing-

ness to be positive role models in my life, I do not

know where I would be. As I prepared this article, I

decided to ask some of the youth “how has the 4:12

youth ministry impacted your life'? and this is what they

had to say:

Jada Jackson states that the 4:12 youth ministry taught

her that even though we are young, we can still have

an impact on people’s lives. She says that the youth

ministry has impacted her by letting her serve other

people and to help set a positive example.

Autumn Edmond said that the 4:12 youth ministry

helps her build a closer relationship with God and the

church foundation itself. She says that she is getting

more comfortable around the church because we are

allowed to do more of the things that we like to do.

She can see herself changing into a better person and

feels like the youth ministry can help other teens who

do not know God or have not gotten their questions


As for me, the youth ministry is my pride and joy, and

I look forward to all that is to come!

-Rachel Forrest

United Methodist Women in Mission Thank you Francis Burns for your generous donation

of Health Kit items for Church Women United’s May

Friendship Day which took place on Friday, May 1 at

St. John’s Episcopal Church in Columbia. We donated

100 kits towards the more than 2000 kits collected for

this community outreach project.

We extend a hearty “thank you” to our Children’s

Ministry for accepting the task of assembling the

donated items and purchasing additional items to

complete the kits. Your mission work is spread far

and wide to bless others less fortunate that we are.

Fourteen social service agencies in four counties

(Richland, Aiken, Lexington, Newberry) received the

kits: Children's Garden, Cooperative Ministry, Epworth

Children's Home, Free Medical Clinic, Lexington

Interfaith Community Services, the Nurturing Center,

Palmetto Place Children's Emergency Shelter,

Providence Home of Columbia where our UMM

prepare meals, St. Lawrence Place/Trinity Housing

Corporation, Telamon Corporation, Transitions, the

Women's Shelter, Christ Gate, Southside Residential

Care Center.

Eight UMW traveled to a statewide UMW event on

Saturday, May 16. We donated four completed Elder

Baskets and several grocery bags of items towards

assembling more baskets. An Elder Basket consists of

a laundry basket filled with at least 2 cans each of

vegetables, meats, and fruits; dry goods – beans,

rice, and pasta; household items – washing powder,

dish detergent, toilet paper and paper towels; and

personal hygiene items – bath soap, hand lotion,

shampoo and deodorant. The baskets will be

delivered to elderly Native Americans around the

state. We were told that an Elder Basket is a luxury

item for the Native American families receiving them.

Page 4 Burns Connection

Health Notes June 2015


The Health Ministry has chosen to focus on Men's

Health concerns for the month of June, since this is the

month that we celebrate Father's Day. We all want the

men in our lives to make healthier choices, so that

they can be with us for many years in the future. We

understand that the suggested changes can have more

success, if we begin by taking small steps in the

desired direction. Here are some points to consider, if

you desire to make healthier food choices.

Your food selections can have a significant effect on the

development of many chronic diseases, such as

diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, and cancer.

Reduce the amount of animal fat and meat that you

eat. Regarding your meat consumption, the goal is four

or five ounces per meal. Try not to exceed six ounces

at each meal, in order to improve heart health.

Reduce your salt or sodium consumption. African-

Americans, who may already be on High Blood Pressure

medication, should try to limit the amount of salt in

their food.

Read the food labels on your food package, in order to

determine the desired serving size and other important

nutritional information.

Most of us eat too much sugar. We may not be aware

of the sugar content of many of our favorite foods. High

Fructose Corn Syrup, which is found in most sodas

and other items, is a particularly bad sweetener. Try

using honey or maple syrup, to sweeten hot tea or

coffee. The recommendation is to only add six

additional teaspoons of sugar, during the entire day.

.Reduce the processed foods that you eat. Hot dogs,

deli meat, sausages, and many frozen meals are

examples of processed foods. They tend to have high

levels of sodium, nitrites or nitrates, and other

unhealthy chemicals.

Purchase organic meats or vegetables, when possible.

The package should say that it is "USDA" certified


Avoid foods that may have a GMO content. Many corn

products and soy bean items have a GMO content.

Gradually, try to eliminate many of your white food

choices. These would include white bread, grits, white

potatoes, and white pastas. Use whole wheat or whole

grain products, instead. Also, sweet potatoes are a

better choice, than white potatoes.

H.E.A.L.S Monthly Meeting: is scheduled for

Monday, June 15, 6PM. Blood pressure screenings will

be available the 4th Sunday immediately after worship

services in the Fellowship Hall.ealHHhh

Aim for Wholeness,

Health & Welfare Ministry/H.E.A.L.S.



Let Heaven and Earth Rejoice

The music department of Francis Burns will present its

Christmas concert on Sunday, December 13, 2015 at

6:00pm. The participation from guest singers has been

a wonderful addition to this occasion. We extend the

invitation to everyone to join the choir and participate

in the concert this year. Rehearsals will begin on Sep-

tember 8, 2014 at 7:30pm in the church’s sanctuary.

The attire for the men will be black tuxedos. All ladies

are asked to wear long black skirts along with the black

concert top that was specially ordered from the 2014

concert. We encourage all ladies who participated last

year to be sure your top fits. If you need to order a new

top or if this is your first time singing in the concert, we

will have two fitting dates, August 23 and August 30

from 6:00pm to 7:00pm in the church’s choir room. The

cost of the top is $69.00. You are asked to bring a

$30.00 deposit at the fitting and pay the remaining bal-

ance when you get your top. You must attend one of

the two fitting dates in order to secure your top. There

will be no additional orders made after August 30.

We thank Rev. Etheredge and the entire church

body for your continued support of this ministry.

Page 3 Burns Connection

I have been an active member of

the 4:12 youth ministry for more

than one year, and I have had

the time of my life! We may

sometimes fight or argue, but at

the end of the day we all have

each other’s back. When I feel

like I have no one or nowhere to

run, I know I can always count on the people in the

youth ministry. I didn't always feel this way about the

youth ministry because we did not always do a whole

lot. Now we stay active and we make sure that God’s

Word is spread in everything we do.

I believe the 4:12 youth ministry has helped shape and

mold me into a better person. My favorite life lesson

from the youth ministry is to “be careful how you live

your life, because you may be the only Bible that some

people read." That is a very powerful lesson and we are

constantly re-

minded of this

before we do

mission work or

serve others.

The message

the leaders try

to get across to

us is that we

need to do our

very best at all

times and show

God in everything we do. Someone could really be in

need of the service that we provide, so we should not

do it with a bum attitude or bad facial expressions. In-

stead, we should have a positive attitude and give one

hundred and ten percent. I not only apply this life les-

son while in the youth ministry, but I try to remind my-

self of that in my everyday life because I never know

who is paying attention to what I am doing so I always

have to be ready to lead by example.

The 4:12 youth ministry has also helped me realize how

truly blessed I am. When we do mission work and see

how other people live, I realize that I don't have it so

bad. That makes me happy to give my time to others

because that time is spent making someone else's life

just a little bit easier. I get satisfaction knowing that

we did something for the greater good and not because

there was an award involved. I think that is priceless.

I am truly grateful to have met some of the people in

the youth ministry. Without their guidance and willing-

ness to be positive role models in my life, I do not

know where I would be. As I prepared this article, I

decided to ask some of the youth “how has the 4:12

youth ministry impacted your life'? and this is what they

had to say:

Jada Jackson states that the 4:12 youth ministry taught

her that even though we are young, we can still have

an impact on people’s lives. She says that the youth

ministry has impacted her by letting her serve other

people and to help set a positive example.

Autumn Edmond said that the 4:12 youth ministry

helps her build a closer relationship with God and the

church foundation itself. She says that she is getting

more comfortable around the church because we are

allowed to do more of the things that we like to do.

She can see herself changing into a better person and

feels like the youth ministry can help other teens who

do not know God or have not gotten their questions


As for me, the youth ministry is my pride and joy, and

I look forward to all that is to come!

-Rachel Forrest

United Methodist Women in Mission Thank you Francis Burns for your generous donation

of Health Kit items for Church Women United’s May

Friendship Day which took place on Friday, May 1 at

St. John’s Episcopal Church in Columbia. We donated

100 kits towards the more than 2000 kits collected for

this community outreach project.

We extend a hearty “thank you” to our Children’s

Ministry for accepting the task of assembling the

donated items and purchasing additional items to

complete the kits. Your mission work is spread far

and wide to bless others less fortunate that we are.

Fourteen social service agencies in four counties

(Richland, Aiken, Lexington, Newberry) received the

kits: Children's Garden, Cooperative Ministry, Epworth

Children's Home, Free Medical Clinic, Lexington

Interfaith Community Services, the Nurturing Center,

Palmetto Place Children's Emergency Shelter,

Providence Home of Columbia where our UMM

prepare meals, St. Lawrence Place/Trinity Housing

Corporation, Telamon Corporation, Transitions, the

Women's Shelter, Christ Gate, Southside Residential

Care Center.

Eight UMW traveled to a statewide UMW event on

Saturday, May 16. We donated four completed Elder

Baskets and several grocery bags of items towards

assembling more baskets. An Elder Basket consists of

a laundry basket filled with at least 2 cans each of

vegetables, meats, and fruits; dry goods – beans,

rice, and pasta; household items – washing powder,

dish detergent, toilet paper and paper towels; and

personal hygiene items – bath soap, hand lotion,

shampoo and deodorant. The baskets will be

delivered to elderly Native Americans around the

state. We were told that an Elder Basket is a luxury

item for the Native American families receiving them.

Page 2

Lectionary June 2015

Second Sunday after Pentecost

June 7, 1 Samuel 8:4-20, (11:14-15), Psalm 138, 2

Corinthians 4:13-5:1, Mark 3:20-35

Third Sunday after Pentecost

June 14, 1 Samuel 15:34 - 16:13, Psalm 20, 2

Corinthians 5:6-10, (11-13), 14-17, Mark 4:26-34

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

June 21, 1 Samuel 17:32-49, Psalm 9:9-20, 2

Corinthians 6:1-13, Mark 4:35-41

Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

June 28, 2 Samuel 1:1, 17-27, Psalm 130, 2

Corinthians 8:7-15, Mark 5:21-43

2015 Budget Information

Administrative $332,773.18 Council on Ministries $133,835.00 Committee on Finance $ 250.00 Board of Trustees $222,600.00 Total 2015 Budget $689,458.18 Weekly Amount Needed $13,258.81 Monthly Amount Needed $57,454.85 Amount Received in April $50,444.35 Thank You

Burns Connection

United Methodist Men Update


June 13th 8:30 AM

Fellowship Hall

St. Paul wrote to the church

at Ephesus these words:

I have not stopped giving

thanks to God for you, I re-

member you in my prayers

and ask the God of our Lord

Jesus Christ, the glorious fa-

ther, to give you the spirit,

who will make you wise and

reveal God to you, so that

you will know Him.

(Ephesians 1:16-17).

“Thank You!” These two words may be the most under

used words in the English language. We don’t say

“Thank you” enough to family and friends, to co-

workers and associates, to church members and mem-

bers in the body of Christ Jesus. It is so important for

each of us to take a moment to express words of

thanks and appreciation to each other.

As you begin to read these words, The South Carolina

Annual Conference, The United Methodist Church will

begin its meetings in Florence, S.C., Gwen and I will

complete three years of ministry with you at Francis

Burns U.M.C., we will also be preparing to return to

begin our fourth year with you. We are excited about

what has happened and the things that God will do for

us and with us in the future. It is indeed a future with


I want to express my thanks and appreciation to the

members and friends of Francis Burns United Methodist

Church for the many ways you have supported the min-

istry of Jesus Christ.

May God continue to Bless and Keep You.

Grace and Peace


“Pray without ceasing.”

1 Thessalonians 5:17. “

The prayer of faith will

save the sick, and the

Lord will raise him up.

...The effective, fervent

prayer of a righteous

man avails much.”

James 5:15, 16.

Mrs. Maeward Belk ● Rev. Ernest Etheredge ● Mrs. Mary Hennegan (sister of Gladys Gaillard-McBride) Ms. Mardean R. Salley (Sister of Ella Mae Burwick) ● Mrs. Liz Myers

Page 5 Burns Connection

Christian Education Corner

Mind Games in a World of Images – Melagne Yed

Introduction (cont’d)

Jesus’ experience in the wilderness vividly reminds us

of how powerfully insidious and suggestive Satan’s

assaults on the mind can be. This temptation episode

very well describes the strong influences that the

media world exerts upon the imagination of many in

our culture today.

But let’s recall God’s response in Genesis 11 where

the people said: let us make a name for ourselves and

build a tower. God said: If they are unified in

language and able to build this tower, nothing will be

impossible for them. Let us go in their mist, and

confuse their languages. This is such a staggering

response from an omnipotent God! From this

response, we see a biblical principle emerge. And that

is: when cupidity and self-aggrandizement is the

motive, unity can be absolutely catastrophic. We can

only imagine the magnitude of the devastation that a

group of proud men and women, united in evil, can

accomplish. This, may I suggest, is the key to unlock

what the Bible has to say about the media in our time.

So if we take the imagination, coalesce it with the

human pride and enticement, to bring about a

homogenization of tastes and ideas, the hellishness

that can break loose as a result would be absolutely

unparalleled in history. We are no longer merely a

propositional culture, nor are we a scribal culture, nor

are we a print culture. As in the days of the Tower of

Babel, our civilization today is speaking the same

language, albeit in electronic images, trying to make a

name for ourselves. Therein lays the epistemological

base with which the media and its influence must be

addressed. The electronic image culture is here and

we are in it. Whether to a lesser or greater extent, we

are all (children and adults) affected by its pervasive

tentacles, enveloped by it, frighteningly unable to

distant ourselves from it.

Film producer, David Puttnam, profoundly said this of

Hollywood and of the cinema:

“Far more than any other influence, more than school,

more even than home, my attitudes, dreams,

preconceptions and preconditions for life have been

irreversibly shaped five and half thousand miles away

in a place called Hollywood. I labour over all of this in

order to explain exactly where my passion for cinema

stems from, exactly why it hurts me that the movies

so frequently sell themselves short, unable and

unwilling to step up to the creative and ethical

standards that the audience is entitled to expect of

them. The medium is too powerful and too important

an influence on the way we live, and the way we see

ourselves to be left solely to the tyranny of the box

office or reduced to the sum of the lowest common

denominator or public taste. This public taste or

appetite being conditioned by a diet capable only of

producing mental and emotional malnutrition. Movies

are powerful, good or bad, they tinker around inside

your brain. They steal up on you in the darkness of the

cinema to form or confirm social attitudes. They can help

to create a healthy, informed, concerned, and inquisitive

society, or in the alternative, a negative, apathetic,

ignorant one merely a short step away from nihilism and

despair. In short: Cinema is Propaganda. Benign or

Malign, social or antisocial, the factual nature of its

responsibility cannot be avoided. To an almost alarming

degree, our political and emotional responses, rest for

their health, in the quality and integrity of the present

and future generation of film and television creators”.

To be continued…

Meet the Choir

Name: Nancy Bradshaw

Choir Section: Soprano

Occupation: Richland District 1 Speech Pathologist Hobbies/Interests: Traveling

and spending time with family

and friends

Other books were given for our

information, the Bible was given

for our transformation.

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this

world, but be transformed by the renewing of your

mine. Romans 12:2

Page 6 Burns Connection

Happy Birthday

FBUMC Mission Statement: The mission of Francis Burns United

Methodist Church is to glorify God, to spread the Good News of

Jesus Christ and to make Christian disciples through worship and

praise, nurture, outreach and witness.

FBUMC Vision Statement: The vision of Francis Burns United

Methodist Church is to be in covenant with God and to connect

with God's people through ministries that meet human needs.

01 Frederick Cave

01 Andrea Gadsden-Johnson

01 Tom Williams

02 DeAndre Bradham, Sr

02 Tashia Howell-Taylor

03 Kaitlyn Benjamin

03 Morgan Richardson

03 Nettie Reaties

03 Rachel Forrest

05 Mary Brandyburg

06 Darrin T. Thomas

08 Angela Edmond

10 James Johnson

12 Mary Sprouts

13 Elizabeth Myers

14 Bernice Kinney

14 Marilynn Bailey

14 Tawana Gibson Coleman

15 Myron Bell

19 Gwen Lakin

19 Denise Watkins

19 Terry King

20 Timothy I. McDowell Jr.

20 Deborah Hunter

20 Damon Bailey

21 Autumn Edmond

23 Stephanie Young

24 Edona Harrison

24 Tee Roberson

24 Octavia Wright

24 Benjamin Thomas, III

25 Megan Thompson

25 James Lawson

25 George Outing, III

26 Timothy Wright

26 Beverly Black

28 Deborah Lakin

28 Ben Keeton

29 Pilarr Lane

29 Alzona Belk-Allen

30 Kela Thomas

12 June - Daryl and Ivy Ellerby

24 June - Mike and Marcella Forrest

25 June - Clifford and Rachel Bourke

26 June - Lawrence and Dorothy Blackmer

27 June - Garryl and Veronica Deas

27 June - James and Sharon Johnson

28 June - Craig and Shemega Tyson

28 June – Stephen and Linda Jamison

Happy Anniversary

To update your birthday or anniversary information,

contact Inez Benjamin at 736-1008 or


Self is always served best

when it serves others.

We need a standard by which to measure our

lives. The standard is Jesus.

Trustee On Call May 2015

Octavia Wright 419-2413 (H) 843-1353 (M)

The Married Couple’s Ministry

June 20, 2015 5 PM

Fellowship Hall

Childcare up to 11 years old

One The Light Side

June 2015 Volume 2015 Issue 6

Burns Connection

Francis Burns UMC

5616 Farrow Rd.

Columbia, SC 29203

(803) 754-1760

Rev. Ernest C. Etheredge


June is Black Music Month Recognition of this critical part of American heritage will be highlighted all month long with various events urging citizens to revel in the many forms of music from gospel to hip-hop. African-American musicians, singers, and composers have contributed an immense amount to our nation's history. It should be acknowledged and celebrated.

During Black Music Month, we pay tribute to a rich

musical tradition and honor the many contributions

African-American musicians, singers, and composers

have made to the culture of our Nation and to the

world. This powerful, moving, and soulful music speaks

to every heart; lifting us in times of sorrow and helping

us celebrate in times of joy.

What If You Were ONE Paycheck Away From

Being Homeless?

United Methodist Women To Feed 2-4 Families

As a part of the newly formed Family Promise Ministry,

six Francis Burns UMC ministries in partnership with

Northminster Presbyterian Church, will provide meals

to 2-4 families, consisting of no more than fourteen

(14) persons, the week of June 14-21, 2015.

On Friday, June 19th the UMW will provide a main dish,

dessert, and beverage to the families.

Family Promise of the Midlands (FPM) brings

together people of faith to help the sizeable and

sometimes unseen population of homeless

families in our midst. The Family Promise of the

Midlands is a non-profit organization that

engages House of Worship to provide shelter,

meals, and support to homeless families. The

Family Promise of the Midlands, part of the

National Family Promise Network, which was

founded in 1986 and supports similar initiatives

in more than 180 U.S. communities.

Operating four times a year, upcoming opportunities

will be held in September and December of this year.

Francis Burns United Methodist Women feels it is our

responsibility individually and as a church to help these

families because at any time we could find ourselves

ONE paycheck away from being homeless.

Francis Burns UMW

Communications Co-Chairs

Rhonda Washington & Sharee Washington

Happy Father’s Day

Teach them ( God’s commandments) to your children,

speaking them when you sit in your house, when you

walk by the way, when you lie down and when you rise

up. Deuteronomy 11:19

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