paintbrushes -...

Post on 29-Sep-2020






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A paintbrush is made of 4 main parts:

• Bristles

• Ferrule

• Crimp

• Handle

• Bristles - also known as hairs. can be natural, synthetic, or combination of both

• Ferrule - the silvery bit that connects the bristles with the handle

• Crimp - the part of the ferrule that secures it to the handle

• Handle - usually made of wood or acrylic

Types of Paintbrushes


• Good for: bold strokes, washes, filling wide spaces, impasto. can use edge for fine lines, straight edges and stripes.

Square end, with medium to long hairs.


• Good for: curved strokes and filling corners. Can reach small areas with tip.

Flat with angled hairs at end.


• Good for: sketching, outlining, detailed work, controlled washes, filling in small areas. Creates thin to thick lines - thin at the tip, becoming wider the more its pressed down. Use with thinned paint rather than thick paint.

Round or pointed tip.


• Good for: short controlled strokes and thick, heavy color.

Flat with edges curved inward at tip, with shortish hairs.


• Good for: blending, soft rounded edges like flower petals

Flat and oval-shaped end with medium to long hairs.

How to clean a paintbrush

• When you are done painting with a particular brush, you must clean it right away to avoid paint drying on the bristles. Follow this simple procedure for how to clean paintbrushes and you'll have sparkling fresh paintbrushes for the next time you want to paint!

How to clean a paintbrush

1. Place the bristles in between a paper towel or rag and squeeze out the excess paint.

2. Swish the brush around in your cup of water to release any leftover paint.

3. Rinse your brush under running lukewarm water. Using your fingers, gently and quickly squeeze the bristles to further dislodge any leftover paint.

4. Using special artist soap or regular hand-washing soap, put some soap on your brush and gently wash the bristles with your fingers by working the soap through the bristles.

5. Rinse off the soap.

6. Check to see if there is any paint left, and if there is, repeat Steps 5 and 6.

7. Once you are certain all the paint has been removed, shake the brush to remove the excess water.

8. Place the bristles in between a paper towel or rag, and squeeze out the excess water.

9. Let your paintbrush dry in the brush rack.

How to clean a paintbrush

• Store clean brushes here!

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