painting a moving world

Post on 31-Jul-2015






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1. Painting a moving world Marcus Goater 2. The problem with the world is It just won't stop moving -It's alive 3. And so are you 4. I mean, so is a rockYou and me All you can see, Nothing but vibrating fields of atomic energy 5. We are so saturated in movement Heart beating, breathing Live in it, are it. Sometimes we pretend that the world is unchanging. We freeze the world in our heads, and our hearts The world is in it's box It's all - black and white I'm alright Jack. Solid 6. The world keeps on moving though, and changing. Which is a problem if you want to paint it. You can freeze it on the canvas, and that can be a beautiful thing. But how do you paint a live n'kicking world? All that energy, all that movement. How do you create something that looks -alive? And can enliven a room? 7. Lines 8. Colour 9. Blur 10. Repetition 11. Dashes n'blobs 12. Well, that's a start, Painting movement is a tricky thing Not many people do it, But I feel that representing our constantly changing environment, Full of energy and life Is more 'real' than painting a static scene. There is hugely more to do to develop this field. So I hope you can join the conversation, either with brushes, insight or interest. You can find me on Facebook or Twitter Or at Talk soon

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