paleo diet smoothies for strength

Post on 14-Jan-2015






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Smoothie Recipes and Nutrition Plan for Strength Athletes & Bodybuilders - Achieve Peak Health, Performance and Physique


By Lars Andersen

Copyright © 2012 Lars Andersen

Paleo Diet Smoothies for Strength

Smoothie Recipes and Nutrition Plan for Strength Athletes & Bodybuilders - Achieve Peak Health, Performance and Physique

(Food for Fitness Series)

Copyright © 2012 Lars Andersen

Published by Nordic Standard PublishingAtlanta, Georgia USA

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED:No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted for resale or use by any party other than the individual purchaser who is the sole authorized user of this information. Purchaser is authorized to use any of the information in this publication for his or her own use only. All other reproduction or transmission, or any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any informational storage or retrieval system, is prohibited without express written permission from the author.DISCLAIMER:While all attempts have been made to provide effective, verifiable information in this Book, neither the Author nor Publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional.This Book is not a source of medical information, and it should not be regarded as such. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering a medical service. As with any medical advice, the reader is strongly encouraged to seek professional medical advice before taking action.

Copyright © 2012 Lars Andersen

Books by This Author• The Smoothies for Runn

ers Book• Juices for Runners• Smoothies for Cyclists• Juices for Cyclists• Paleo Diet for Cyclists• Smoothies for Triathletes• Juices for Triathletes• Paleo Diet for Triathletes

• Smoothies for Strength• Juices for Strength• Paleo Diet for Strength• Paleo

Diet Smoothies for Strength

• Smoothies for Golfers• Juices for Golfers

Table Of ContentsChapter 1: Paleo diet smoothies for strength training and muscle

buildingChapter 2: Paleo Fuel SourcesChapter 3: Paleo smoothiesChapter 4: The Benefits Of Smoothies For Strength TrainingChapter 5: General information about your smoothiesChapter 6: Pre-training SmoothiesChapter 7: Post-training Smoothies

- Exclusive Bonus Download: 100 bodybuilding tips

Copyright © 2012 Lars Andersen

Chapter 1: Paleo diet smoothies for strength training and muscle building

“Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon” – Doug Larson

The current US Department of Agriculture (USDA) healthy eating guidelines promote a balanced daily diet consisting of 60 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent fats, and 10 percent protein. Switching from USDA recommendations to a Paleo diet will generally lead to an increase in your overall protein and fat intake and a drop in your overall carbohydrate intake. However, your main sources of carbohydrates will be fruits and vegetables, meaning that you will gain a plentiful supply of healthful micro-nutrients, and your main sources of protein and fats will be lean meats with low levels of saturated fat, and fish with high levels of omega-3 essential fatty acids.

The complete book is available on Amazon:

Copyright © 2012 Lars Andersen

Chapter 2: Paleo Fuel SourcesPaleo “purists” eat only foods which can be hunted, fished or gathered. Foods include meat, offal, seafood, eggs, insects, fruits, nuts, seeds, vegetables, mushrooms, herbs and spices. Excluded foods include grains, legumes – beans and peanuts – dairy products, refined sugar, salt and processed oils. However, other Paleo-based diets include “modern” foods which were not available to our cavemen ancestors but support the macronutrient composition of a Paleolithic diet none-the-less. These foods include milk and dairy products, rice, potatoes and some processed oils such as olive oil or canola oil. A Paleo-based diet can be summarized as a diet revolving around the consumption of “real” foods; quality protein and fat in moderation, unlimited vegetables, limited fruits, and the avoidance of all refined carbohydrates and grains containing gluten.

The complete book is available on Amazon:

Copyright © 2012 Lars Andersen

Chapter 3: Paleo smoothies

Copyright © 2012 Lars Andersen

Smoothies provide the perfect way to increase your useable protein intake, boost your healthy fat intake and top up your glycogen stores, keeping you energized and ready to maximize your performance in every training session. Resistance training creates microscopic damage in your muscles and it’s the natural repair and regeneration process that leads to increases in muscle size and strength. A green smoothie made with a combination of fruits and green leafy vegetables can give you a nutritional boost, providing carbohydrates to fuel training and protein to fuel recovery. Adding milk or yogurt from grass-fed sources provides additional protein, with milk containing higher levels of useable protein than meat. The addition of further ingredients such as nuts and seeds can also boost the protein content and provide variety in terms of flavor and texture.

The complete book is available on Amazon:

Chapter 4: The Benefits Of Smoothies For Strength Training

Copyright © 2012 Lars Andersen

Building muscle and developing strength and power is all about progressively overloading your muscles to promote adaptation. Using an appropriate training plan, the more your body is asked to do, the more it becomes able to do; your body adapts to the repeated demands being placed upon it.A carbohydrate-rich smoothie can provide a pre-training boost to your glycogen stores and a glycogen replenishing “recovery” boost after an intense training session. Any combination of fruits in a smoothie will provide energy-giving carbohydrates so your choice is a matter of personal taste. The antioxidant properties of many fruits can also help to reduce the effects of muscular damage generated through training. As a general guide, fruits with orange or dark yellow flesh provide a good source of beta-carotene, and fruits with red flesh offer a good source of lycopene. The combination of beta-carotene and lycopene is thought to be very effective in terms of protecting your body against free radicals.

The complete book is available on Amazon:

Chapter 5: General information about your smoothies

Copyright © 2012 Lars Andersen

A Paleo-based diet is essentially a diet which revolves around consuming moderate amounts of meat, moderate amounts of fruit and unlimited amounts of vegetables.

Becoming a Paleo-fuelled cyclist can be summarized as follows:

• Eat only real food – buy locally grown, fresh, organic produce whenever possible.• Do not eat any processed or refined carbohydrates – avoid sugar, flour, pasta, bread and candy. Eat fruits for sweet flavors or honey occasionally if your activity levels require an extra energy boost.• Eat plenty of high quality fat – sources include meat, eggs, avocado and also dairy if you choose to include it. Avoid processed oils and industrial meats, and eat nuts in moderation to help keep a healthy omega-3 and omega-6 balance.• Eat only high quality meat – buy grass-fed or wild sources whenever possible; organ meats provide cost-effective sources of quality protein.• Tailor your non-refined carbohydrate intake to match your activity levels – eat as many starchy vegetables as you like, potatoes and sweet potatoes in moderation, rice or quinoa only when energy demands are high, and avoid all grains containing gluten.

The complete book is available on Amazon:

Copyright © 2012 Lars Andersen

Chapter 6: Pre-training Smoothies1. Pineapple and pitaya smoothie2. Banana, tangerine and carrot smoothie3. Currant and apricot smoothie4. Orange And Blueberries Smoothie5. Melon and blackberries smoothie6. Peach and papaya smoothie7. Strawberry and currant smoothie with beet8. Coconut And Loquat Smoothie9. Grape and watermelon smoothie

10. Strawberry and pear smoothie11. Coconut and lemon smoothie with watercress12. Passion fruit and apricot smoothie with broccoli13. Plum and strawberry smoothie14. Cherry, beetroot and lemon smoothie15. Kiwi and guava smoothie with cabbage16. Apple and raspberry smoothie17. Watermelon And Banana Smoothie18. Pineapple and pear smoothie

Copyright © 2012 Lars Andersen

Chapter 7: Post-training Smoothies19. Kiwi And Blackberry Smoothie20. Cherry and tangerine smoothie21. Watermelon smoothie with romaine lettuce and almonds22. Melon and fig smoothie23. Cherry smoothie with kale and flax seeds24. Peach smoothie with beet greens25. Raspberry and prunes smoothie26. Guava and cucumber smoothie27. Apricot and lemon smoothie

28. Passion fruit and coconut smoothie29. Apple and loquat smoothie with nuts30. Papaya and grape smoothie31. Blueberry smoothie32. Watermelon and mango smoothie33. Pitaya and pear juice with flax seeds and almonds34. Mango and pineapple smoothie with spinach35. Pear and apple smoothie with collard greens36. Fennel, kiwi and banana smoothie

Exclusive Bonus Download: 100 bodybuilding tips

Copyright © 2012 Lars Andersen

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