pancheshwar development authority (pda) ·...

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  • OCTOBER 2017



    76-C, Institutional Area, Sector – 18, Gurgaon – 122015, Haryana (INDIA)

    Telephone: 0124-2342576, Fax: 0124-2349187




    GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Ministry of Water Resources,

    River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation

    GOVERNMENT OF NEPAL Ministry of Energy





    Sub Heading Heading Page No.


    1.1 GENERAL 1



















    Table-2.1: Response to issues raised during Public Hearing at District Champawat on 9.8.17


    Table-2.2: Issues raised and response to Representations Received during Public Hearing in District Champawat on 9.8.2017


    Table-3.1: Response to issues raised during Public Hearing at District Pithoragarh on 11.8.17


    Table-3.2: Response to issues raised in representations received from participants in Public Hearing at District Pithoragarh on 11.08.2017


    Table-4.1: Response to issues raised during the Public Hearing District Almora on 17.08.2017


    Table-4.2: Response to issues raised in representations received from

    participants in Public Hearing at district Almora on 17.08.2017





    Annexure Heading

    I Copy of public notices published in newspapers, copy of attendance sheets of the participants ,copy of written representations received during public hearings, phtographs of public hearing in Champawat District on 09.08.2017

    II Copy of public notices published in newspapers, copy of attendance sheets of the participants, copy of written observations received during public hearings and phtographs of public hearing in Pithoragarh District on 11.08.2017

    III Copy of public notices published in newspapers, copy of attendance sheets of the participants, copy of written observations received during public hearings and phtographs of public hearing in Almora District on 17.08.2017



    Chapter 1 :Introduction Page 1



    1.1 GENERAL

    The Pancheshwar Multipurpose Project (PMPP) has been envisaged on the

    Mahakali River (known as Sarada in India) where the river forms the international

    boundary between India and Nepal, dividing the Far Western Development Region

    of Nepal from the Uttrakhand State in India. The main dam at Pancheshwar is

    proposed across the Mahakali River, 2.5 km downstream of the confluence of river

    Sarju with Mahakali River and, about 70 km upstream of the Tanakpur town (India).

    It is a bi-national scheme, primarily aimed at energy production. In addition, the

    Project aims to enhance the food grains production in both the countries by

    providing additional irrigation resulting from the augmentation of dry season flows.

    Due to moderation of flood peaks at reservoir(s), incidental flood control benefits

    are also envisaged from the project.


    The Pancheshwar dam site is located near the Pancheshwar temple which is about

    2.5 km downstream of the confluence of River Mahakali with the Sarju River. A re-

    regulating dam is also proposed downstream of the main dam to even out peaking

    flows released from Pancheshwar power houses for meeting downstream irrigation

    water requirement. For this purpose, two alternative locations were identified; one at

    Rupaligad, 27 km downstream of the main dam and another at Purnagiri, 61 km

    downstream of main dam. Finally, the Rupaligad site was agreed by the two sides for

    locating the re-regulating dam in the 3rd meeting of Joint Committee of Water

    Resources (JCWR) held in November 2009 at Pokhara (Nepal). The project includes

    the following main structures:

    A main Rockfill 311 m high dam across the Mahakali river, forming an a

    submergence area of around 116km2 (at El 680 m) with a gross storage

    volume of about 11355 Mm3;

    Spillway on the left bank, designed to safely discharge the estimated Probable

    Maximum Flood (PMF=23,500 cumec);

    Two underground power houses at Pancheshwar dam site, one on each bank;

    A re-regulating dam downstream to re-regulate the power releases from

    Pancheshwar dam to meet irrigation water requirement in the downstream.

    Two underground powerhouses at Rupaligad re-regulating dam.


    Chapter 1 :Introduction Page 2

    The entire project will generate about 9116 GWh per year that will meet a substantial

    part of the energy and peak power demand of the Northern India. The project can

    also simultaneously cover the medium and long-term energy requirements of Nepal.

    At the same time, the project will regulate natural river flow, allowing year round

    irrigation of agricultural land in the Kanchanpur District in Nepal, and meeting the

    future water requirements of the irrigation systems in India fed through Lower Sarada

    Barrage. In addition, project will have a significant flood mitigation effect, reducing

    the risk of flooding along the lower course of the Mahakali (Sarada) river, both in the

    Nepalese and Indian territories.

    It is also stipulated under the Article -1 (2) of the Treaty that, India shall maintain a

    flow of not less than 10m3/s (350 cusec) downstream of the Sarada Barrage

    (Banbasa) in the Mahakali River to maintain and preserve the river eco-system.

    Further, under the Article-7 of the Treaty, local communities living along both sides of

    the Mahakali River shall have the right use to the Mahakali waters, not exceeding

    five (5) percent of the average annual flow at Pancheshwar. In addition, India shall

    supply 10 m3/s (350 cusecs) of water for irrigation of Dodhara-Chandani area of

    Nepalese Territory, under the Article-4 of the Treaty.

    The private land under submergence area of the proposed Pancheshwar Project is

    about 2752.1 ha, which will affect 26 villages of Champawat 87 villages in

    Pithoragarh and 21 villages in Almora districts. A total of about 31023 families will be

    losing homestead and land due to reservoir submergence.


    The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Social Impact Assessemnet (SIA),

    Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and Executive Summary reports for the

    proposed Pancheshwar Multipurpose Project were submitted to Uttarakhand

    Pollution Control Board (UKPCB), for conducting the Public Hearing. The land

    acquisition for construction of dam, submergence and canal network will be in

    Pithoragarh, Champawt and Almora districts. Therefore, UKPCB conducted the

    public hearing in all the three districts, in accordance of the provisions laid down in

    EIA Notification issued by Ministry of Environment and forest (MoEF&CC) on

    14.09.2006 and its subsequent ammendments.


    Chapter 1 :Introduction Page 3


    The document for the Comprehensive EIA study for the proposed Pancheshwar

    Multipurpose project has been presented in five volumes as listed below:

    Volume-I: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study Report

    Volume-II: Social Impact Assessment Study (SIA) Report

    Volume-III: Environmental Management Plan (EMP) Report

    Volume-IV: Public Hearing Proceedings

    The present document (Volume-IV) outlines the Public Hearing proceedings

    conducted in Project Affected Districts

    The contents of the document are organized as follows:

    Chapter-1: gives a brief description of Public Hearings conducted in the project

    affected districts.

    Chapter-2: outlines the proceedings of Public Hearing conducted at Champawat on


    Chapter-3: outlines the proceedings of Public Hearing conducted at Pithoragarh on


    Chapter-4: outlines the proceedings of Public Hearing conducted at Almora on





    Chapter 2:Public Hearing Proceedings in district Champawat Page 1




    The Public Notice for conducting the Public Hearing in Champawat District was

    published in Dainik Jagran and Hindustan Times on 08.07.2017. Public Hearing for

    district Champawat was organised in Local Meeting Hall, Vikas Khand Barakot,

    Tehsil Champawat, District Champawat on 09.08.2017 at 11:00 AM. The meeting

    was organised by Uttarakhand Environmental Protection and Pollution Control Board


    The Public Hearing meeting was chaired by Dr. Ahmad Iqbal District Magistrate,

    Champawat. Senior officers from Pancheshwar Development Authority also attended

    the Public Hearing.

    At the onset, Regional Officer Uttarakhand Environment Protection and Pollution

    Control Board requested Dr. Aman Sharma, Executive Director (GR,Envt.&CM)

    representative of Technical Consultant M/s WAPCOS Limited to make a

    presenetation on Pancheshwar Multipurpose Project.


    The detailed proceedings of the Public Hearing held in Vikas Khand Barakot of

    district Champawat, with relevent documents i.e. copy of public notices published in

    newspapers, duly signed Minutes of Meeting (MOM) in Hindi and English, xerox

    copy of attendance sheets of the participants, copy of written representations

    received during public hearings, phtographs of public hearing are enclosed as

    Annexure – I. A total of 47 persons participated in the discussions and sought some

    information on various aspects of the project. The key issues raised during the public

    hearing organised in Vikas Khand Barakot, Tehsil- Champawat, District Champawat

    are summerised in Table-2.1.

    The participants in the Public hearing were invited to give their comments &

    suggestions regarding the project. Some of the participants appreciated the

    proposed project and requested for early implementation, while some of them raised

    their concerns on some issues. The respionse to the issues raised on represntations

    received from various participants are given in Table-2.2.


    Chapter 2:Public Hearing Proceedings in district Champawat Page 2

    Table-2.1: Response to issues raised during Public Hearing at District Champawat on 9.8.17

    S.No. Name & Address Issue Raised Remarks on the Issues Raised

    1. Sh. Bhoop Singh Bohra, Vikas Barakot, Gram Panchayat -Madua

    What is coming under Submergence Area

    A total of 11,600 ha is coming under reservoir, submergence, of which 7600 ha is within India and 400 ha lies within Nepal.

    2. Sh. Prahalad Singh Adhikari, Gram Panchayat- Ijra

    Rameshwara Mandir is connected within 3 districts and is the center of all faith. What action should be taken in this regard?

    A member of the project affected family should be given a government job and 10 lakh rupees for the construction of new house.

    The remaining villages in the survey should also be included in the survey.

    Giving priority to local residents in construction of the Pancheshwar dam, should be given job according to their qualifications.

    Rameshwar temple coming under reservoir submergence shall be constructed at new sites. The sites shall be finalized in consultation with villagers and district administration.

    The Compensation to Project Affected Families shall be given as per the norms of Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013

    Jobs to PAFs shall be given as per the norms of state government of Uttarakhand.

    PAFs will be given preference for jobs in construction and operation phases.

    3. Sh. MunnaDhek, Lohaghat

    A member of the project affected family should be given adequate compensation for regular jobs and trees in their tents.

    Jobs to PAFs shall be given as per the norms of state government of Uttarakhand.

    PAFs will be given preference for jobs in construction and operation phases.

    4. Sh. Mahendra Singh, Gram- Chhanda

    Giving priority to local residents, jobs should be given in class III and IV as per their qualifications (In particular: Electric ward etc.)

    The affected families should be given 10 times the Circle rate instead of 4 times the Circle Rate.

    20 lakh rupees compensation for the construction of new house.

    Training shall be given to one member of each PAF.

    The Compensation to Project Affected Families shall be given as per the norms of Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013


    Chapter 2:Public Hearing Proceedings in district Champawat Page 3

    S.No. Name & Address Issue Raised Remarks on the Issues Raised

    5. Sh. Bhuvan Singh Samant, Singhda

    Provide priority to local residents with jobs in the areas covered under submerged area.

    After the construction of the dam, one identity card should be issued to the residents of the villages under the submergence area so that they may face any difficulties in the future.

    Jobs to PAFs shall be given as per the norms of state government of Uttarakhand.

    Preference will be given to PAFs for job during construction and operation phase.

    6. Sh. Kailash Singh Adhikari, Gram Panchayat- SimalKhet

    More than 250 square meters plot should be made available to the project affected families and the land as acquired by the same land should be returned to the displaced place for agriculture.

    The Compensation to Project Affected Families shall be given as per the norms of Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013

    7. Sh. Harish Chandra Pandey, Bagauti

    Villages like Baguti, Jamasaw, Dwhich are coming between Pancheshwar and Rupaligad are consider or not.

    What compensation will be given for loss of trees?

    Pancheshwar dam must be constructed.

    These villages are not coming under reservoir submergence.

    The Compensation to Project Affected Families shall be given as per the norms of Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013

    8. Sh. Kalyan Singh, Barakot

    Whichever possession is, it should be equally occupied and appropriate compensation should also be obtained.

    1-1 members should get government jobs from each affected family.

    There should be no dispute in rehabilitation.

    Compensation shall be given to the person who owns the land as per Land Revenue Record.

    It is suggested that district administration to update the land ownership records at the earliest.

    Jobs to PAFs shall be given as per the norms of state government of Uttarakhand.

    PAFs will be given preference in construction and operation phases.

    9. Sh. Pushkar Singh Samant, Gram Panchayat-

    Circle rate should be 10 times and Gram PanchayatSingha has

    The Compensation to Project Affected Families shall be given as per the


    Chapter 2:Public Hearing Proceedings in district Champawat Page 4

    S.No. Name & Address Issue Raised Remarks on the Issues Raised


    been taken in partially, it should be considered fully in the submerged area.

    Land compensation will be given according to the family according or the leader, Since the head of the family is 1 but their family can be 2-3, it depends on the number of children

    norms of Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013

    10. Sh. Nagendra Singh Joshi, Barakot

    Children of affected villages cannot be affected by their education hence they should be shifted to Navodaya schools.

    There should be no obstacles in their education.

    Decision on education of children by shifting them to Navodaya School in this regard shall be taken by the State Government of Uttarakhand.

    11. Sh. Omkar Singh Dhoni

    The public hearing of the notice was given in which news and when and which website does it loaded on.

    Executive summary report received on 6th August 2017. In remote areas it was received on 2nd, 5th and 6th August 2017. All reports received were in English. Survey was not done in remote areas.

    The public hearing notice was advertised in the following newspaper on 08.07.2017.

    Hindustan Times (major national daily newspaper)

    DainakJagaran (regional vernacular daily newspaper)

    Advertisement contained details of website on which reports were uploaded. As per Clause 3.1 of EIA notification of September 14, 2006, the advertisements are to be published in one major national daily and one regional vernacular daily newspapers. A minimum of 30 days notice period is to be given. For Champawat district, the advertisement for conducting public hearing on 9.8.2017 was published on 08.07.2017 in the following newspapers:

    Hindustan Times (major national daily newspaper)

    DainakJagaran (regional vernacular


    Chapter 2:Public Hearing Proceedings in district Champawat Page 5

    S.No. Name & Address Issue Raised Remarks on the Issues Raised

    daily newspaper) As per Clause 3.2 of EIA notification of September 14, 2006, the advertisements clearly outlined the places where Environmental Impact Assessment Report and Executive Summary Reports could be accessed. The documents were kept in the offices in each project affected district:

    District Magistrate

    Divisional Forest Officer

    District Information Centre

    Nagar Palika Parishad

    Zila Parishad The following documents were kept in the above referred offices:

    Detailed Project Report

    Environmental Impact assessment report(Volume-I)

    Social Impact Assessment Report(Volume-II)

    Environmental Management Plan Report(Volume-III)

    Executive Summary of 3 volumes of Environmental reports in English.

    Executive Summary of 3 volumes of Environmental reports in Hindi.

    The circulation of project related information has been done as per the norms outlined in the EIA notification of September 14, 2006 and its subsequent amendments.

    12. Sh. Maan Singh Mehra, Gaye kaJyula

    The residence of Distt. Champawat should be settle down in Distt. Champawat.

    Resettlement sites shall be selected in consultation with Project Affected Families.


    Chapter 2:Public Hearing Proceedings in district Champawat Page 6

    S.No. Name & Address Issue Raised Remarks on the Issues Raised

    13. Sh. Diwan Singh Bisht, ChamiChaumail

    The government should built the exact houses.

    Houses shall be built as per the norms of Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition Act, 2013.

    14. Sh. Mahesh Singh, Gaye kaJyula, Vikas Khand Barakot

    A member of the project affected family of submerged area should be given regular jobs and equal land should be given in the lowland area.

    Government should complete the full demands, Rupees 10 lakh additional compensation of parental property should be given.

    Jobs to PAFs shall be given as per the norms of state government of Uttarakhand.

    PAFs will be given preference in construction and operation phases.

    The Compensation to Project Affected Families shall be given as per the norms of Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013

    15. Sh. Sovan Singh A member of Panyatunda family should be given job, equal land and house.

    The Compensation to Project Affected Families shall be given as per the norms of Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013

    16. Sh. Parmanand How to compensate for displaced of 197 Panyatunda. Compensation will be given according to the family according or the leader.

    Children of affected villages cannot be affected by their education hence they should be transferred to other schools.

    Schools in Pancheshwar is only upto class 8th, which is to be upgraded.

    It is suggested that land ownership records be updated at the earliest by the district administration.

    School at Pancheshwar shall be upgraded as a part of Local Area Development Plan.

    17. Sh. Manoj Pant Land category-I,II,III& IV of Anpra should be placed in khasrakhatuni.

    Arrangements for employment of river rafting in Pancheshwar.

    The decision to place land categories I, II, III & IV in Khasra-Khatauni shall be taken by the state government.

    River rafting shall be developed as a part of


    Chapter 2:Public Hearing Proceedings in district Champawat Page 7

    S.No. Name & Address Issue Raised Remarks on the Issues Raised

    Tourism Development Plan

    18. Sh. Jaswant Singh Samant Gram Panchayat- Vivil

    Appropriate compensation should be given.

    The Compensation to Project Affected Families shall be given as per the norms of Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013

    19. Smt. Sita Devi Land and houses should be given to the local residents of village Bautadi by which they could run their livelihood.

    The Compensation to Project Affected Families shall be given as per the norms of Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013

    20. Sh. Maan Singh Village Head Netrasalan

    Compensation should be increased.

    A member of the project affected family should be given job.

    The Compensation to Project Affected Families shall be given as per the norms of Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013

    Jobs to PAFs shall be given as per the norms of state government of Uttarakhand.

    PAFs will be given preference in construction and operation phases.

    21. Sh. Laxman Singh Gram - Vivil

    Land compensation should be increased.

    House should be given to the Project affected families, about 6-7 acres land should be given for agricultural purpose.

    Full facility should be provided for Rehabilitation.

    The Compensation to Project Affected Families shall be given as per the norms of Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.

    All the amenities and facilities shall be provided at resettlement sites.

    22. Sh. Bheem Singh, Vivil

    Families should get equal houses whether it is 1 or 10.

    The Compensation to Project Affected Families shall be given as per the norms of Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013


    Chapter 2:Public Hearing Proceedings in district Champawat Page 8

    S.No. Name & Address Issue Raised Remarks on the Issues Raised

    23. Sh. Prahalad Singh Adhikari, Pasam, Aslad

    His village has a temple is it affected or not.

    Suitable compensation should be given for agricultural land.

    This area is under land tenure affected area hence the village should be completely establish.

    Will the height of Rupaligad dam be more than 95 m in future?

    Village temples coming under submergence shall be constructed at a new site, which shall be finalized in consultation with PAFs and district administration.

    The Compensation to Project Affected Families shall be given as per the norms of Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.

    Dam height of Rupaligad will not be increased.

    24. Sh. HariSingh Samant, Singda

    This will bring economic upgradation of the state.

    His village is partially affected and given proper compensation.

    Suitable compensation should be given for trees.

    Their re-establishment should be done in grounded area.

    If all the conditions were agreed than this project will be supported.

    Compensation of trees shall be given as per the norms of Forest Department, State government of Uttarakhand.

    25. Sh. Madan Singh Adhikari, Village Head Sungarkhal

    Is our land partially or fully affected?

    Village Sungarkhal is not affected.

    26. Sh. Rajender Kumar

    1. The record of lease land should be corrected by revenue department so that right person can get compensation.

    2. If the resident of the area get job there than from which place their verification will be done whether it is from new or old place

    District Administration is requested to update the revenue record.

    Compensation shall be given to the owner of the property, irrespective of his current place of stay.

    27. Shri Nath Singh Samant

    1. His village Vivil is partially affected and the area comes under land slide zone.

    2. This area should be developed as tourist place

    Tourism shall be developed as a part of Tourism Development Plan.

    Priority shall be given to PAFs during construction and operation phases.


    Chapter 2:Public Hearing Proceedings in district Champawat Page 9

    S.No. Name & Address Issue Raised Remarks on the Issues Raised

    so that opportunities of employment will increase.

    3. The priority should be given to members of dam affected families

    4. Government facilities should be given to all dam affected families

    The Compensation to Project Affected Families shall be given as per the norms of Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.

    28. Gram Pradhan Bivil and Prem Singh Samant

    How will you give compensation for irrigated and non-irrigated land?

    Compensation for land shall be given as pr the circle rate fixed by the district administration and as per the norms of Right to Fair Compensation, Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.

    29. Sh. Jagdish Chand Pant Vivil Gram Panchayat, Pantiyuda

    1. If land buyer & land seller have died than who will get money.

    2. Land for land, house for house and job for family member should be given

    3. Basic facilities should be given to resettled families

    Compensation is to be given to the persons who owns the property as per Land Records.

    District Administration is requested to update the land ownership records.

    The Compensation to Project Affected Families shall be given as per the norms of Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.

    30. Sh. Sher Singh, Retired teacher

    1. Monkey and wild boar destroying our agricultural land and we welcomed of this project & also we thanks to our honorable Prime minister.

    2. The State should be fully developed


    31. Sh. Nath Singh Karki, village VIvil

    1. The list which has been provided that should be make available gram panchayat wise

    2. Land for land, house for house and job for family member should be given

    List of PAFs shall be made available to Gram Panchayat.

    The Compensation to Project Affected Families shall be given as per the norms of Right to Fair


    Chapter 2:Public Hearing Proceedings in district Champawat Page 10

    S.No. Name & Address Issue Raised Remarks on the Issues Raised

    Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013

    32. Sh. AmitSamant Village- Vivil

    1. We have no information about the Vanchura village.

    2. The road should be constructed in this village

    Vanchura village is not affected due to the project

    33. Sh. Chandra Shekher Singh, Village- Simalkhet

    1. Land for land, house for house and job for family member should be given

    2. We welcomed of the project

    3. One person of the every displaced family should get job and provide free education.

    The Compensation to Project Affected Families shall be given as per the norms of Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013

    Jobs to PAFs shall be given as per the norms of state government of Uttarakhand.

    PAFs will be given preference in construction and operation phases.

    34. Sh. Puran Singh Singda

    Appropriate compensation for fruit bearing trees should be given

    Appropriate compensation for trees shall be given as per the norms of State Government of Uttarakhand.

    35. Sh. Mahesh Bhatt Village- Pancheshwar

    He welcomed the project and said that there is only 8th class school & has 4 teachers. No girl has been able to get more than 8th class education

    School in village Pancheshwar shall be upgrades as a part of Local Area Development Plan.

    36. Sh. Manoj Singda 1. How far submergence area has been taken from Baltari village which is partially affected & how the will be displaced

    2. 5 Acre land & Rs.25 lakh for construction house for all affected families should be given

    Baltari village will be affected and 43.5132 ha of private land will be acquired.

    The Compensation to Project Affected Families shall be given as per the norms of Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013


    Sh. Dev Singh Samant

    Basic facilities should be provided for Vivil’s people and basic facilities of development should be given to partially affected

    The Compensation to Project Affected Families shall be given as per the norms of Right to Fair Compensation and


    Chapter 2:Public Hearing Proceedings in district Champawat Page 11

    S.No. Name & Address Issue Raised Remarks on the Issues Raised

    families Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013

    38. Sh.Vimal Bhai 1. What panel was created. Unofficially NOC has been taken from where meaning of EIA & EMP do not understand

    2. Information about SIA from Nepal side should be given. No information has been given to the villagers. So we oppose of this project

    3. The information of the project should be in Hindi at village

    NOC has been taken under FRA, which is mandatory as per Forest Clearance

    EIA Report for Nepal portion has been completed and the project has been accorded Environmental Clearance.

    As per Clause 3.1 of EIA notification of September 14, 2006, the advertisements are to be published in one major national daily and one regional vernacular daily newspapers. A minimum of 30 days notice period is to be given. For Champawat district, the advertisement for conducting public hearing on 9.8.2017 was published on 08.07.2017 in the following newspapers:

    Hindustan Times (major national daily newspaper)

    Dainak Jagaran (regional vernacular daily newspaper)

    As per Clause 3.2 of EIA notification of September 14, 2006, the advertisements clearly outlined the places where Environmental Impact Assessment Report and Executive Summary Reports could be accessed. The documents were kept in the offices in each project affected district:

    District Magistrate

    Divisional Forest Officer

    District Information Centre

    Nagar Palika Parishad

    Zila Parishad The following documents were kept in the above referred


    Chapter 2:Public Hearing Proceedings in district Champawat Page 12

    S.No. Name & Address Issue Raised Remarks on the Issues Raised


    Detailed Project Report

    Environmental Impact assessment report(Volume-I)

    Social Impact Assessment Report(Volume-II)

    Environmental Management Plan Report(Volume-III)

    Executive Summary of 3 volumes of Environmental reports in English.

    Executive Summary of 3 volumes of Environmental reports in Hindi.

    The circulation of project related information has been done as per the norms outlined in the EIA notification of September 14, 2006 and its subsequent amendments.

    39. Sh. Arun Kumar Vanbasa

    1. He said that the Meteorological data has been taken from Mukteshwar, while Mukteshwar is about 140 km. far from Mahakali

    2. He expressed doubt on given hydrological data

    3. No information about eco sensitive zone has been given, while Askot Wildlife Sanctuary is very near to project

    4. The information on RIM treatment has not been given in CAT plan. The observation on seismic due to reservoir has not been given

    5. This project is being developed in active natural seismic zone

    Various measures have been taken in the project design considering the location of the project in seismically active zone. The project has been cleared by the National Committee on Seismic Design Parameters (NCSDP)

    40. Sh. Surender Samant

    1. Will public hearing be re-organised at Barakot ? Will only land compensation be given to

    Public Hearing is done once in project district

    The Compensation to Project Affected Families


    Chapter 2:Public Hearing Proceedings in district Champawat Page 13

    S.No. Name & Address Issue Raised Remarks on the Issues Raised

    partially affected families or they will be resettled

    2. 5 acre land and at least Rs.30 lakh compensation should be given for every family. Survey done again. NOC has been taken due to ignorance

    shall be given as per the norms of Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.

    41. Sh. Yogesh Mehta Block Pramukh Lohaghat

    1. He welcomed of dignitaries and project. This will be Asia’s largest dam and share the experience of Tehri dam. He said that R&R official & District Collector were met & there was lot of pressure on them. So he requests that R&R officials and District collector should be separate.

    2. Local people will be benefited from this project. Construction of new school should be done & manage teachers as done by NHPC.

    3. The compensation should be given to affected families who have not lease land on their name. The compensation should be given after evaluation of homestead & minimum Rs.10 lakh should be given

    4. Land for land, house for house and job for family member should be given. If job is not given than Rs. 1500/month should be given till 40 years.

    5. Educational Institute should be open & this issue should not be politicized

    Welcomed the project.

    The Compensation to Project Affected Families shall be given as per the norms of Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013

    Jobs to PAFs shall be given as per the norms of state government of Uttarakhand.

    PAFs will be given preference in construction and operation phases.

    Schools will be upgraded as a part of Local Area Development Plan

    22 schools will be upgraded as a part of Local Area Development Plan.

    42. Sh. Diwan Singh, Office, Barakot

    Barakot has welcomed of dignitaries. Industrial Training Institute (ITI) should be open and employment should be given

    ITI shall be opened for which sufficient provision has been kept as a part of Local Area Development Plan


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    to more people in the area

    43. Sh. Hayat Singh Mahra

    Welcomes everyone and thanking local people.

    Appreciate Hon. Prime Minister’s effort.

    Welcomed Project

    44. Hon. MLA After successfully completing the public hearing, thanked everyone.


    45. Block Chief, Barakot Thanking everyone.

    The appointment of doctors from the district hospital should be ensured.

    People should be given preference in jobs.

    Development should be done in Tourism.

    Educational sector should be encouraged.

    Fertile land should be provided to displace.

    This issue should not be politicized.

    Local people do not come in the illusion of outsiders.

    The Compensation to Project Affected Families shall be given as per the norms of Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013

    Jobs to PAFs shall be given as per the norms of state government of Uttarakhand.

    PAFs will be given preference in construction and operation phases.

    Educational and Medical Institutions will be upgraded, as a part of Local Area Development Plan.

    Tourism Development shall be done to boost the economy and increase the employment potential.

    46. Sh. Ramchandra Rajguru, Superintendent of Police, Champavat

    How to determine the international border in submergence area.

    Where will the International Business Centers established?

    Where will be the arrangement of established check post for Bridges constructed on International Rivers?

    It is an administrative issue to be handled by various Ministries/ Department at the Central and State Government levels.

    47. Sh. Mahendra Bahadur Gurung, CEO

    Thanked everyone.

    This Project will prove milestone and experience of Tihri Dam Project will be utilized and this project will bring economic and social development.



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    Table-2.2: Issues raised and response to Representations Received during Public Hearing in District Champawat on 9.8.2017

    S. No.

    Name & Address Issue Raised Remarks on the Issues Raised

    1. Mr. Prem Prasad, village-Polap, Champawat

    Rupaligad dam will be constructed in Polap village. Villagers of Polap village are losing land and forest/trees.

    He requested that compensation of land for land may be given.

    He also requested that double compensation of forest land may be given

    Rupaligad dam will be constructed in Polap village.

    Compensation for acquisition of private land will be given as per the norms of Right to Fair compensation, Transparency in land acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.

    Compensation for forest land shall be given as per the norms of Forest Conservation Act, 1980 and its subsequent amendments.

    2. Mr. Mahesh Pathak Representative of Choumel village

    He welcomed the project

    He also told that villages coming under Barkot Vikash Khand will be resettled (Netra, Salan, Gaikajula, Barudi and others) to be resettled.

    There are tendency of Population is moving out of hill, if these people are shifted somewhere else, hill will be destroyed.

    It is proposed to construct the dam in barren land available near to the forest land/agricultural land

    The barren land will be converted into a populated land and it would a good market place.

    People will get employment in dam construction.

    Dam can be constructed at specific site, considering geology, topography, water availability, etc.

    Locals will get employment in dam construction and other allied activities

    Preference will be given to Project Affected Families (PAFs) for employment during construction and operation phases.

    3. Mr. P.S Mahar, Gedakhali, Champawat

    Since Dhauliganga project started, there is scarcity of water in river Kali/ Sharda during lean season

    There are two National projects (NHPC, Tanakpur), Taka-1 (Lohia Het) Banbasha Barrage,

    The Project has been designed as per the provisions of Mahakali Treaty, 1996, which outlines the norms for water sharing of river Mahakali between India and Nepal.


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    which are likely to get affected in near future. The river is getting affected by excavation also.

    We have seen the condition of Tehri Dam

    In addition Nepal, Uttar Pradesh will ask for their share of water. It may create an issue like Cauvery water dispute between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu

    We have to think about constructing the border road from Tanakpur to Jouljibi as defense angle. This road should have been prepared in 1962. The Forest Act is blocking the path of development.

    Presently China is against us, we should think before constructing the Pancheshwar Dam. Even if we construct the dam China may destroy it. We can imagine the disaster in Maidani area.

    Last State govt. has raised the issue without understanding the depth of it. This project has been very old project, but it was not in active mode. The reason may be the area lies in seismic zone-IV&V. If the project is constructed, both the upstream and downstream is in danger. Have you taken permission from Uttar Pradesh govt. for the proposed project construction?

    Project will be constructed after taking all the applicable clearances

    Various measures have been taken in the project design considering the location of the project in seismically active zone. The project has been cleared by the National Committee on Seismic Design Parameters (NCSDP).

    4. R S Mehor All the villagers

    They raised the issue of climate change

    They asked to DM that can he guarantee, there will not be any earthquake in the region? And there will not be any harm to the dam

    Various measures have been taken in the project design considering the location of the project in seismically active zone. The project has been cleared by the National


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    due to earthquake?

    In future it may happen that upstream area of the dam will be submerged and the downstream will be completely dry. Can someone take the responsibility of the situation?

    Now a days the world is worried about the climate change effect. We should not forget that nature is more powerful than us, we should not disturb nature.

    Government is hiding their mistakes and misleading the innocent people of the hills

    Committee on Seismic Design Parameters (NCSDP).

    Adequate flows to sustain the riverine ecology and downstream users from Rupaligad.

    Adequate quantity of Environmental Flows shall be released to meet various downstream water requirements.

    Climate changes at micro-level have been reported due to a water resources project. Such impacts are marginal in nature and localized in spatial extent.

    5. Pancheshwar Aastha and Ekta Samity

    Lal Singh, Village: Vivil -2

    Kishan, Village: Mallakhaikot

    One member from each displaced family shall be given a govt. job

    Evaluation of property and Assets of the fully submerged families shall be done under the supervision of Technical officer and nodal district magistrate.

    Compensation for the homestead and land being acquired shall be awarded 10 times of the circle rate for the and evaluation of the same shall be done by the district Headquarter.Each affected PAF should be provided with the homestead and land so that the families do not get landless

    Amenities and Infrastructure facility like schools,hospitals,bank, post office, drinking water facility and approach road shall be provided free of cost.

    The resettlement colony shall be located near to main market and

    Compensation shall be given as per the norms of Right to Fair Compensation and transparency in land acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.

    All the amenities and infrastructure will be made available at the resettlement.

    The site for resettlement colony will be identified in consultation with the Project Affected Families.

    A nodal agency shall be formulated by the state government to coordinate land acquisition activities.

    As per the provision of Right to Fair Compensation, Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation & Resettlement Act, 2013 a hearing will be conducted in each village, in which each PAF will be informed about the compensation given to each Project Affected


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    A liasoning nodal agency shall be formed before resettlement to address and solve the grievances of the PAFs

    A copy of the evaluation of the property and assets conducted by the survey team shall be provided to the PAFs to avoid contradiction in the data submitted in the district headquarter

    As per the “Garwal-Kumaun Land Act Settlement-1961-62” Zamindari System is abolished and land was registered in the name of landholders.

    The lands are still registered in the name of Zamindar, though they were registered in the name of actual landholders earlier.

    The farmers are using the above land for past 70 years, do not have even a Nali land has been registered in their name. This issue should be verified

    As per the right to equality and religious freedom, appropriate arrangement shall be made for the resettlement of the cultural heritage and religious infrastructure.

    The priority shall be given to the PAFs in providing jobs during the construction of dam. To restore the local heritage and culture, the PAFs should be provided job in tourism development

    The permission shall be given to the shops, tea stall and sasta galla shops


    It is requested that district administration to update the land records in a time bound manner.

    Religious and cultural sites coming under reservoir submergence shall be constructed at new sites. The sites shall be finalized in consultation with villagers and district administration.

    Jobs shall be provided as per the provisions of the state government

    Preference will be given to PAFs for jobs during construction and operation phases.

    PAFs will be resettled only after the infrastructures at resettlement sites are completed.

    PAFs will be allowed to commence their income generating activities.

    Resettlement sites shall be finalized in consultation with the PAFs.

    Compensation for trees will be given as per the state government norms.

    Community facilities getting affected shall be replaced, for which adequate compensation has been made.

    Temples, Ghats and Cremation Ghats getting affected by the project will be replaced by the project.

    Regarding award of compensation at one go and right to have independent panchayat decision shall be taken by the state government.

    PAFs shall be given free electricity.


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    coming under the submergence to run till the land is being acquired (before resettlement)

    The permission to commence their income generating activities like, the sasta galla shops and other shops at the resettlement sites shall be given.

    Resettlement site should be identified and notified to the PAFs. The site shall not be flood and earthquake affected zone.

    The PAFs should be free from all taxes for atleast a period of 10 years

    The ownership of the land shall be given to the landless farmers, who are using the land for past 50-70 years. The appropriate compensation shall be given for the property (homestead, garden, drinking water, trees etc.)

    The compensation of homestead shall be given as per the actual cost of land and construction not as per “Indira Awas Yogna”.

    The civil forest land, where the PAFs are growing fruit bearing tree and other trees shall be compensated for the same.

    Appropriate compensation shall be given to drinking water facility of the Gram Panchayat and individual PAFs.

    Temples, bathing Ghats, Cremation Ghats shall be given free of cost at the resettlement sites.

    Proper security arrangement for PAFs and special security

    Compensation shall be given to the person in whose name property is registered.

    It is suggested that district administration to update the land records at the earliest.

    Compensation for trees shall be given as per the norms of the state government of Uttarakhand.

    Cattle shed shall be provided to each PAF to be resettled.

    Community facilities like drinking water schemes affected due to the project shall be compensated.

    As per Clause 3.1 of EIA notification of September 14, 2006, the advertisements are to be published in one major national daily and one regional vernacular daily newspapers. A minimum of 30 days’ notice period is to be given. For Champawat district, the advertisement for conducting public hearing on 9.8.2017 was published on 08.07.2017 in the following newspapers:

    Hindustan Times (major national daily newspaper)

    Dainak Jagaran (regional vernacular daily newspaper)

    As per Clause 3.2 of EIA notification of September 14, 2006, the advertisements clearly outlined the places where Environmental Impact Assessment Report and Executive Summary Reports could be accessed. The documents were kept in the offices in each project affected district:


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    arrangements for females shall be provided at resettlement sites.

    Necessary arrangement for cattle rearing shall be a provided

    The number of fully submerged families are not matching with the number of registered families.

    A copy of Detailed Project Report in easy/layman language shall be made available in each affected villages.

    Full amount of compensation shall be awarded at one go.

    The displaced families should have the right to have their independent Panchayat with status of Revenue Village and should be registered in Government of India.

    Districts Magistrate

    Divisional Forest Officer

    District Information Centre

    Nagar Palika Parishad

    Zila Parishad The following documents were kept in the above referred offices:

    Detailed Project Report

    Environmental Impact assessment report(Volume-I)

    Social Impact Assessment Report(Volume-II)

    Environmental Management Plan Report(Volume-III)

    Executive Summary of 3 volumes of Environmental reports in English.

    Executive Summary of 3 volumes of Environmental reports in Hindi.

    The circulation of project related information has been done as per the norms outlined in the EIA notification of September 14, 2006 and its subsequent amendments.

    Regarding stages of payment of compensation, decision shall be taken by the state government.

    6. Prahlad Singh Adhikari, Parliament Representative, Zila Champawat

    Sir, the request is that we would like to know the changes that are likely to occur due to the construction of Pancheshwar Dam by the Government of India. Also we would like to raise some issues that are mentioned herewith.

    1. How will the state of

    State of Uttarakhand will get 13% of free power, of which 12% shall be for the state and 1% for area in vicinity to the project.

    Decision to make dam has been made after conducting detailed studies.

    Rameshwar Temple will be shifted and constructed at a


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    Uttarakhand be benefitted by the construction of Pancheshwar Dam?

    2. Why should a small dam not be built in place of a larger dam so that less number of people are displaced?

    3. Where will the symbol of faith Rameshwar Temple go and where will it be constructed?

    4. There is a provision of government job for each affected family.

    5. The place where the families will be displaced should be told/defined.

    6. What benefit will the engineers of Uttarakhand have from the construction of this Dam?

    7. Complete details should be given regarding the submerged zone. Also whether Chamola, Suhailakhand, Bantola, Kimtola of Vikas Khand Barakot come in the submergence zone or not

    8. Each affected family should be given land in exchange of land and house in exchange of house.

    new site to be finalized by villagers and district administration.

    Jobs will be provided as per the state policy.

    Resettlement site will be related in consultation with PAFs.

    Local engineers will have increased opportunities from employment.

    The Compensation shall be paid as per the provisions of Right to Fair Compensation, Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.

    7. Bahadur Singh, Jeet Singh, Chandra Singh, Ravindra Rai, Ramesh Singh, Rajender Singh, Mahendra Singh, Pratap Singh, Bhuvan Chandra, Ramesh Chandra Rai, Basanti Devi, Prem Singh.

    1. Land should be given to the landlords in exchange of their lands.

    2. Houses should be given in exchange of houses.

    3. Employment should be given in exchange of employment else atleast one member of each family should be given Government job.

    4. The villagers should be given all the necessary facilities such as electricity, health, education, drinking water and roads.

    5. All the villagers should be

    The Compensation shall be paid as per the provisions of Right to Fair Compensation, Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.

    All necessary facilities shall be developed at Resettlement sites.

    Location of resettlement sites shall be finalized in consultation with PAFs.

    Type of houses shall be given as per the norms of Right to Fair


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    re-establised at the same place.

    6. In the complete village, all the villagers should be given the same kind of houses. Also they require one cattleyard for the livestock.

    Compensation, Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.

    8. Rajender Ram, Patiram, Dewanram, Maal Singh, Zila Champawat

    1. The villagers should be given land instead of land and house instead of house.

    2. We all the villagers should be established at one place where facilities of drinking water, education, electricity and roads are available.

    3. Affected families should be given a government job. Atleast one member of each family should be given government job according to the eligibility.

    4. Project affected Toks are as follows – Tok Firkaula, Agar, Salani Barchura.

    The Compensation shall be paid as per the provisions of Right to Fair Compensation, Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.

    The resettlement site shall be finalized in consultation with the PAFs.

    Jobs to PAFs shall be given as per government Policy

    PAFs will be given preference for employment during construction and operation phases

    Khasra number and PAFs of Project Affected Toks are included in the list of PAFs.

    9. Bhutan Singh Mehta S/O Kalyan Singh Mehta, Zila Champawat

    1. Each family should be given 5 acre land to sustain their lives.

    2. Each family should be given a house comprising of all the facilities.

    3. The houses to be allotted should be have all the latest facilities such as drinking water, broad roads, hospitals and schools for children.

    4. In each family atleast one member is entitled of employment. If the above mentioned demands are fulfilled by the government, then we are ready to give out ancestral lands and houses.

    The Compensation shall be paid as per the provisions of Right to Fair Compensation, Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.

    Resettlement sites shall be finalized in consultation with PAFs.

    All necessary facilities shall be developed at Resettlement sites.

    Jobs to PAFs shall be given as per government Policy

    PAFs will be given preference for employment during construction and


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    operation phases.

    10. Sundar Singh, S/O Late. Jojha Singh, Gram Chanja Vitta , Zila Champawat

    1. For sustaining the lives each family should be given 5 acres of land.

    2. All the facilities should be available in the houses which will be allotted to the families.

    3. The houses to be allotted should be have all the latest facilities such as drinking water, braod roads, hospitals and schools for children.

    4. In each family atleast one member is entitled of employment. If the above mentioned demands are fulfilled by the government, then we are ready to give out ancestral lands and houses.

    The Compensation shall be paid as per the provisions of Right to Fair Compensation, Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.

    Resettlement sites shall be finalized in consultation with PAFs.

    All necessary facilities shall be developed at Resettlement sites.

    Jobs to PAFs shall be given as per government Policy

    PAFs will be given preference for employment during construction and operation phases.

    11. Jagat Singh, Mohan Singh, Maan Singh, Mahendra Singh, S/O Bher Singh, Zila Champawat

    1. For sustaining the lives each family should be given 5 acres of land.

    2. All the facilities should be available in the houses which will be allotted to the families.

    3. The houses to be allotted should be have all the latest facilities such as drinking water, braod roads, hospitals and schools for children.

    4. In each family atleast one member is entitled of employment. If the above mentioned demands are fulfilled by the government, then we are ready to give out ancestral lands and houses.

    The Compensation shall be paid as per the provisions of Right to Fair Compensation, Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.

    Resettlement sites shall be finalized in consultation with PAFs.

    All necessary facilities shall be developed at Resettlement sites.

    Jobs to PAFs shall be given as per government Policy

    PAFs will be given preference for employment during construction and operation phases

    12. Bhagwan Singh Samanth, S/O Bhavaan Singh Samanth, Gram Vitta, Zila

    1. For sustaining the lives each family should be given 5 acres of land.

    2. All the facilities should be available in the houses

    The Compensation shall be paid as per the provisions of Right to Fair Compensation, Transparency in Land


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    Champawat which will be allotted to the families.

    3. The houses to be allotted should be have all the latest facilities such as drinking water, broad roads, hospitals and schools for children.

    4. In each family atleast one member is entitled of employment.

    5. The displaced villagers who have been staying there for years together, for them arrangements should be done for their personal things and animals. If the above facilities are met then we are ready to move ahead with this project else we will oppose.

    Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.

    Resettlement sites shall be finalized in consultation with PAFs.

    All necessary facilities shall be developed at Resettlement sites.

    Jobs to PAFs shall be given as per the norms of state government of Uttarakhand.

    PAFs will be given preference for employment during construction and operation phases.

    13. Balwant Singh, Dewan Singh, Pooran Singh, Zila Champawat.

    1. What is the value of the land that has been decided for the lands of the landholders.we should get atleast 20 lakh rupees or 5 acre land in place of our land.

    2. In exchange of house, new houses should be allotted.

    3. From each affected family one member should be given a job.

    4. To the families getting displaced, they should be provided with all possible facilities at the place where they have established.

    5. Each affected family should be provided the free of cost facility of electricity and water.

    6. Since the affected families are getting displaced they should be given complete compensation for that.

    7. Each affected family should be displaced according to their wishes. If the above mentioned terms and

    The Compensation shall be paid as per the provisions of Right to Fair Compensation, Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.

    Jobs to PAFs shall be given as per the government policies.

    PAFs will be given preference for employment during construction and operation phases.

    Resettlement sites shall be finalized in consultation with PAFs.

    All necessary facilities shall be developed at Resettlement sites.

    Electricity and water shall be provided free of cost to PAFs.


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    conditions are not accepted, then we don’t support the construction of the dam.

    14. Vikram Ram, Kunwar Ram, Harish Ram, Nain Ram, Lalit Ram, Krishna Ram, Bhavaan Ram, Mohan Ram etc.

    1. Sir, we would like to know where we will be displaced. Our villagers want to know.

    2. Whatever facilities we have, all of them should be provided to us.

    3. Facilities like drinking water, electricity, roads, schools, hospitals, land and houses should be provided to us.

    4. We should be given correct compensation for our orchids, trees and plants.

    5. Farming is our business. Each family should be given employment.

    6. The affected households should be given the complete compensation for getting displaced.

    7. Each affected family should be replaced according to their wish and the whole village should be established at the same place.

    Sites for resettlement shall have all the facilities and amenities.

    Compensation for trees and plants in private land shall be paid as per the norms of the state government

    Jobs to PAFs shall be given as per the government policies.

    PAFs will be given preference for employment during construction and operation phases.

    The Compensation shall be paid as per the provisions of Right to Fair Compensation, Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.

    Resettlement sites shall be finalized in consultation with PAFs

    15. Surender Singh, S/O Ganga Singh; Thivraj Singh, S/O Rajender Singh; Narayan Singh, Ganesh Singh, S/O Rajender Singh etc

    1. Each family should be given 5 acre irrigational land for sustaining their lives.

    2. Every household should be given houses with facilities and fertile irrigational land.

    3. Houses/colonies should comprise all latest facilities such as electricity, drinking water, broad roads, hospitals, schools for children etc.

    4. Provision should be there to give job/employment for atleast one member of each family according to the eligibility. If the above mentioned demands are fulfilled by the

    Compensation shall be paid as per the provisions of Right to Fair Compensation, Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.

    Resettlement sites shall be finalized in consultation with PAFs.

    All the necessary facilities shall be developed at Resettlement sites.

    Jobs to PAFs shall be given as per the government policies.

    PAFs will be given preference for employment


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    government, then we are ready to give out ancestral lands and houses for Pancheshwar Dam Project, else it will be opposed.

    during construction and operation phases.

    16. Bhuvan Singh, Surender Singh, Joga Singh, Lakshman Singh, Harsingh, Ganga Singh, Mahender Singh, Sumit Singh, Amar Singh, Vijay Singh, Harish Singh etc.

    Sir, Multipurpose Pancheshwar Dam project proposed by the government talks about the displacement of the villagers from their places of residence. If the underwritten demands of the villagers are fulfilled then the villagers are ready to give their ancestral village and land else no.

    1. The displaced families should be established at the same place.

    2. Each family should be given 10 acres of irrigational land also in each displaced family atleast one member should be given employment according to their eligibility.

    3. To the displaced families for their houses, a greater estimate of 1.5 times should be made for their houses.

    4. The displaced families should be given allthe latest facilities such as drinking water, electricity, schools for children, hospitals, playgrounds, community centres etc.

    5. All the displaced families should be given one special displaced identity card so that they do not face any problems in the future.

    6. The employment for the displaced families should be open because of this project so that it helps them in the future.

    Resettlement sites shall be finalized in consultation with PAFs

    The Compensation shall be paid as per the provisions of Right to Fair Compensation, Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.

    All the necessary facilities shall be developed at Resettlement sites.

    Decision providing identify card to PAFs shall be taken by the state government

    Jobs to PAFs shall be given as per the government policies.

    PAFs will be given preference for employment during construction and operation phases.

    Compensation for trees shall be paid as per state government norms

    Each PAF shall be given compensation as per the norms of Right to Fair Compensation, Transparency in Land Acquisition Rehabilitation & Resettlement Act, 2013.

    Compensation for land is always given to the persons in whose same land is registered in the Revenue Records. It is recommended that district administration can update the land revenue records updating the names of the latest landowner.


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    7. The displaced families should be given the transportation charges of 50 thousand to one lakh to go to the displaced site.

    8. Every affected family should be given compensation for their fruiting trees.

    9. The affected families in which the members run their roadside businesses such as tea stall, servicing centres etc. they should be given appropriate compensation and in exchange of that a permanent job.

    10. The affected families which donot have their own registered lands those families should also be given land and compensation for building houses.

    11. If the above mentioned demands are fulfilled by the government, then we are ready to give out ancestral lands and houses for Pancheshwar Dam Project, else it will be opposed.

    17. Bheem Singh Adhikari, Gram Simalkhet, Post Office Simalkhet, Vikas Khand Party, Zila Champawat

    It is a humbly requested to you that we are permanent residents of Simalkhet. Presently because of the water filler dam problem we are being displaced from our places. Every person extremely loves his/her birth is said in a proverb also meaning of which I don’t understand correctly. It is my humble request to the Prime Minister Shri. Damodar Das Narendra Bhai Modiji that how would you feel if asked to leave your birth place. So

    The Compensation for various private and community properties shall be provided as per the norms of Right to Fair Compensation Transparency in land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act 2013.

    Compensation for community properties shall be given as per the state government norms.

    Jobs to PAFs shall be given as per the government policies.

    PAFs will be given


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    accordingly the solution should be taken out to the problem of the ones getting displaced. We affected families should be given land according to the revenue records (Khatauni). In exchange of the land, compensation should be given of the same value. On the basis of this only they can construct a house for them. Apart from these facilities like temples, schools, colleges, electricity, water, post offices and other facilities should be made available. Apart from this the forest land which we are leaving with the forest panchayat should be given. One member of each family should be given employment in the project according to the eligibility so that they can sustain their families. Thus, if the Dam Project gives us appropriate solutions to our problems then we villagers will also respect the project, and will collectively welcome the feeling of the project. According to our needs we welcome the National Project. Thus, we request you Sir, to please pay attention to our requests.

    preference for employment during construction and operation phases.

    18. Chitra Adhikari, Gram Pradhan, Gram Panchayat Chilaniya, Zila Champawat.

    Gram Panchayat Chilaniya and Gram Simalkhet come under the submerged zone and because of this reason the villagers are getting affected. So in the scenario of displacement the villagers have the following complaints.

    The Compensation shall be paid as per the provisions of Right to Fair Compensation, Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.

    Jobs to PAFs shall be


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    1. The houses that come under the submergence zone, for that what are the provisions made by the Government.

    2. In regard of the houses that will be re-established at some other place, each family will get how much land. Also for sustaining the families each family will be allotted how much land by the Government.

    3. Will one or more than one member of each family will be provided with a Government job or not?

    4. In the submergence zone, the lands of the families belonging to the Gram Panchayat Sidholi Vikas Khand Party are also getting affected which has been exchanged long back with the residents of the village Simalkhet and Chilniya. For this the Project has to be interfered because the land belonging to the families of Village Sidholi is under the possession of the people of Village Simalkhet and Chilaniya since the last 30-40 years.

    5. Presently, what are the provisions done for the people those who are self-employed and come in the submerged zone.

    6. Will or will not a compensation be given by the Government for the lands of the landlords that come in the territory fo Chilniya since the Gram Chilniya is in partial submergence area/zone. Thus, there is no objection for the Dam Project from the villagers’ side only on

    given as per the policies of the state government.

    PAFs will be given preference for employment during construction and operation phases.

    The compensation for land shall be given to the person in whose name land is registered in Revenue Records. It is suggested that for cases like Gram Sidholi Vikas Knand whose lands have been exchanged with residents of village Simalkhet and Chilaniya, district administration can review such cases and arrive at appropriate solution.

    Each self-employed person artisan will get a compensation of Rs. 25,000 as per the norms of Transparency in Land Acquisition, Right to Fair Compensation, Rehabilitation and Resettlement, 2013.

    Landless PAFs will be given compensation as per the norms of the state government of Uttarakhand.


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    the condition that the the Government provides well planned arrangements for the affected families.

    19. Sampatti Devi, Gram Pradhan, Gram Panchayat Kajeena, Zila Champawat.

    Sir, our request is this way that we are the residents of Gram Panchayat Kajeena, Galhad Tok, Zila Champawat affected earlier by the landslide. This poses a threat to this Tok also. Thus we request to consider this area also in the affected area.

    Decision on this aspect shall be taken by the state government of Uttarakhand.

    20. Roopa Devi, Gram Pradhan. Gram Panchayat – Netrasalan, Barakot, ZilaChampawat

    5. For practicing agriculture, every family should be given atleast 5 acres of land so as to sustain life.

    6. It is our request that we should be given the lands that are fertile and on which irrigation can be done.

    7. Instead of a building, compensation of Rs.50 Lakhs to be given per building. Also separate land to be provided for building houses.

    8. The whole village should be settled down in one place so that the coordination amongst families is maintained.

    9. Atleast one person of each family should be given a Government job.

    10. Whichever colony will be built for the residents it should be built according to the master plan so that the provisions for electricity, roads, water, education and health can be appropriately done.

    11. Separate compensation to be given for the villagers’ cow-sheds and separate cow-sheds to be constructed and given. Also the arrangement for drinking water for cattle

    The Compensation shall be paid as per the provisions of Right to Fair Compensation, Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.

    All the necessary facilities shall be developed at Resettlement sites.

    Compensation for fruit bearing trees shall be given as per the norms of the state government of Uttarakhand village temples coming under submergence have been identified and shall be constructed at new site and in consultation with locals.

    Compensation for category 4 and category 5 level shall be given as per the norms of the State Government of Uttarakhand.

    Temples coming under reservoir submergence shall be constructed at new sites which shall be finalized in consultation with villagers and district administration.

    Circle rates are to be finalized by the state government.

    An amount of Rs. 50,000


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    should be made for the villagers.

    12. Compensation to be given for the fruit bearing trees, orchids, trees that provide fodder etc to the villagers.

    13. The Village Gods and the temples of the most preferred Gods should be re-established in their new place.

    14. Appropriate compensation should be given for the lands falling in the Category 4 and Category 5.

    15. Compensation to be given for the Present Circle Rate by atleast 40%.

    16. In case of displacement, the living and non-living property of the villagers with be utilized in taking the animals to the displaced place and the administration will take the full responsibility of that.

    per PAF shall be given for transportation of household material, retrievable portion of houses, etc. to new resettlement sites.

    Jobs to PAFs shall be given as per the policies of the state government.

    PAFs will be given preference for employment during construction and operation phases.

    21. Bhuvan Ram, Pradhan, Gram Panchayat, Sutheda, Tehsil Bbarakot, Zila Champawat Narendra Singh, Member, Gram Panchayat, Sutheda, Tehsil Bbarakot, Zila Champawat

    Sir, it is requested that Gram Panchayat Sutheda consisting of Villages Jaakh Lagga Sutheda and Amruvasera Tok and Oltok come under the submergence zone of the Pancheshwar Dam Project but the above mentioned villages have not been shown although this Tok completely comes in the submerged zone. In these Toks Betta village has also been included and Amruvasera adjoins the Betta Village. Tok ol adjoins the Village Salan which is the Tok for Jaakh Lagga Sutheda. In the present scenario only 7 families reside in Amruvasera and Ol Tok is only a temple and measured land. Thus, it is a request to include the above mentioned Toks in the submergence zone and accordingly look into the

    This matter will be reviewed by the district administration at the time of land acquisition.


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    22. Smt. Chandra Devi, Gram Pradhan, Gram Panchayat, Singdha VikasKhand – Barakot District - Champawat

    Sir, the request is that the Drinking Water Plan for the Tok Lisadi of Gram Panchayat Singdha was passed according to the Zila Plan of Jalnigam in the year 2016-17 the source of which is in the place naming Vasan that falls in the Chandh Gram Panchayat. Ssir, the above drinking water plan comes in the submerged zone of the Ppancheshwar Dam Project. The new source of the plan is now the place called Chida which falls on the border of Talli Bapru and Bantoli Gram Panchayat. This source doesnot fall in the submergence zone n because of this plan two Toks of the Gram Panchayat namely Masraad and Lisadi are benefitted. Thus, we reuest you to please change the source of the above mentioned Drinking Water Plan.

    The source of the Drinking Water Plan shall be changed.

    23. Har Singh, Van Panchayat, Singdha Gaujani, Tehsil Barakot, Zila Champawat.

    Sir, the humble request is this way that Van Panchayat Singdha (Gaujani) of Gram Singdha has its border adjoined with the Saryu River. The whole land of the Van Panchayat is getting affected by the Dam. Our Van Panchayat is 40 years old, consisting of Chir and other species of trees with dense forest. In the scenario of displacement from the place, we request you to provide four times the dense forest to us so that all the problems of the villagers can be solved. The whole village depends on the Van Panchayat.

    Compensation for acquisition of forest land shall be due as per the norms of Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980.

    Compensation for loss of trees shall be done as per the norms of state government of Uttarakhand.

    24. Manoj Singh Samanth, Area Panchayat, Gram Singdha, Bauthadi,

    The request is this way that Gram Panchayat Singdha is a revenue based Gram Panchayat. This comes in the

    The Compensation shall be paid as per the provisions of Right to Fair Compensation,


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    Tehsil Barakot, Zila Champawat

    Tehsil Barakot, Zila Champawat.due to the Pancheshwar Dam, half of the Gram Panchayat Singdha is getting submerged. The rest half is in complete danger.for Singdha Village, the danger comes from the area of Bauthadi. From the front the danger is from the danger is posed due to the Ghat Section. Sir, Gram Singdha should be established in Haldwani and atleast one member of each family should be given Government Job. For each nali in the land of Gram Panchayat, a compensation of 6 lakhs should be given. Every family should be given 5 acres of land for farming and also for the lands of two Gram Panchayats, aa compensation of 6 lakhs should be given according to category 4 and 5.

    Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.

    25. Pooran Singh Samanth, S/O Shri. Lakshman Singh, Gram Lisadi, Tehsil Barakot, Zila Champawat

    1. Each displaced family should be given Government Job.

    1. Each displaced family should be given three times the land (irrigational land) apart from the land registered in their name, so as to sustain their lives.

    2. Each displaced family should be given ten times the compensation for their house/s.

    The displaced villages because of the submergence should be given the facilities such as electricity, water, roads, schools, hospitals, post offices, banks etc.

    Each displaced family should be given the BPL Ration card along with free electricity.

    Each displaced family

    The Compensation shall be paid as per the provisions of Right to Fair Compensation, Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.

    All the necessary facilities shall be developed at Resettlement sites.

    Compensation for fruit bearing trees shall be made as per the norms of state government of Uttarakhand.

    PAFs from a village shall be resettled at one site only.

    Temples coming under reservoir submergence shall be constructed at new sites, which shall be finalized in consultation with villagers and district administration.



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