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Recent and planned Nexus Assessments in the Drin and Drina

Basins, and in Albania

Lucia de Strasser

Water Convention of UN ECE

3rd Regional Nexus Roundtable in South East Europe


16-18 October 2019

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• Some insights from the nexus game

• Transboundary nexus (background)

• Water Convention, nexus methodology and activities

• Nexus assessments in SEE & future activities (ADA Project)

– Sava

– Drina

– Drin

– Albania

• Sustainable RE Policy

• Where are the synergies? Ex. from assessments so far

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logo here, if desiredSome insights from the nexus game

• A useful exercise of changing perspective

• Reflects reality in terms of:

– Priorities vs Non-priority

– Constraints (financial, time, capacity..)

– Impacts and trade-offs

• WEF sectors. And Environment?

– Environmental impact (after policy, projects are implemented)

– No real valuing of environmental assets end ecosystems

• Synergies are not explicit, but still they exist:

– Transboundary cooperation (example wind farm)

– Inter-sectoral integrated solutions (example wastewater treatment and renewable energy production)

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nexus dialogueinter-sectoral, cross-country


The transboundary nexus

Human develop-ment

Climate change

Sectoral policies

Possible actions

Country 1

Policies, projects

Country 2

Policies, projects

trade-offs, impacts, synergies

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Based on 3 principles:

• Prevent, control, and reduce transboundary impact

• Ensure reasonable and equitable access to water

• Obligation of parties to cooperate through specific agreements and joint bodies

=> Objective: sustainable management of water resources

An international framework

An institutionalframework

Projects on the ground

Supports countries in transboundary cooperationthrough:

The Water Convention of UNECE

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logo here, if desiredNexus area of work - outcomes

• Strong capacity building, promoting practical addressing of the transboundary nexus

• WFEE Nexus Task Force under the Water Convention (5 meetings so far)

• Consolidated methodology (2018) and 6 basin assessments

• Focus on Sustainable Renewable Energy with a nexus approach

• Focus on nexus solutions and investments

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flexibility & feedbacks

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Basins assessed so far

Sava (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Montenegro)

Alazani/Ganykh (Azerbaijan, Georgia)

Syr Darya (Kazakhstan, Kirgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan)

Drina (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro)

Drin (Albania, Kosovo*, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro)

Isonzo/Soča (Slovenia, Italy)

North West Saharan Aquifer (Algeria, Tunisia, Libya)

completed ongoing incomplete

* United Nations administered territory under the UN Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999)

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logo here, if desiredSava to Drina: increasing focus & impact

Sava nexus assessment

Methodology elements: governance analysis, modelling


Drina in-depth assessment

Methodology elements: benefits of cooperation, solutions’ packages, participatory methods

Italy, GEF, World Bank

Drina follow up project

Support to solutions

Sava nexus assessment (2014-2015)

Identification of intersectoral issues, stakeholders, possible directions for solutions

Governance analysis, modelling

Drina in-depth assessment (2016-2017)

Clusters of challenges & solutions packages defined, benefits of coordinated hydropower operation quantified

Benefits of cooperation, participatory methods

Drina follow-up project

Specific support: analytical (on resources and legal frameworks); priority-focused dialogue



Network forming, sectors meeting & exchanging

Debate with utilities about the benefits; Publication with GERE: nexus and RES; Forums on Energy

RE & nexus country dialogues with policy makers and investors; transfer of lessons Drina -> Drin

Stakeholder activity/lead,energy sector involvement, partnership,

resource mobilization, impact

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logo here, if desiredDrina RB: where we are & what’s next

✓ Nexus assessment (flow regulation, rural development, water quality, tb cooperation);

✓ Follow up project (sustainable energy, sediment management, e-flows, monitoring & information exchange)

➢ High-level workshop “Action across sectors and borders for sustainable future of the Drina River Basin” (29 October 2019, Belgrade)

➢ New phase (ADA-funded):

• RE-focused analysis of sustainable RE developments in the basin (modelling)

– hydropower dynamics in the basin (costs&benefits, hydro/non-hydro competitiveness)

• others (interest to be discussed)

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logo here, if desiredDrin RB: where we are & what’s next

✓ Qualitative analysis of priority themes (hydro and floods, biomass and forestry, agriculture and trade) (GEF funded)

➢ Nexus “Thematic Report” complementing the Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) and informing the Strategic Action Programme (SAP)

➢ New phase: Quantification of key interlinkages (ADA funded)

• Energy-Water modelling (tb cooperation: hydropower and floods)

• Opportunities in the biomass value chain and multi-sectoral benefits

➢ Nexus “Assessment Report” part of SAP implementation (SAP formal adoption expected for December 2019)

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Albania: coming soon

➢ Albania nexus assessment: Focus on concrete opportunities to improve intersectoral cooperation and integration, and related benefits. Preliminary suggestions:

• Resource efficiency and valorization potential in water utilities

• Others (to be discussed):

• screening policy & institutional landscape (priorities for cooperation)

• exploring potential for floating solar and/or rehabilitation of small and degraded agricultural dams

➢ Additional synergies with Drin Assessment

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• Funded by Austrian Development Agency; implemented by GWP-Med, UNECE

• 3 Nexus Dialogue Processes (Drin, Drina rivers, Albania)

– Transboundary / National Consultation Meetings

– Analytical Nexus Assessments (UNECE methodology)

• 2 Nexus-related capacity development workshop (Drin, Drina)

• 4 Concept Notes and Project Documents for nexus projects addressing priority issues (exploring financial options)

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logo here, if desiredPractically, the impact of nexus assessments:

• Initiating, broadening, revisiting transboundary cooperation

• Facilitating inter-sectoral dialogue

• Policy insights from modeling on key questions e.g. optimization of resource (land, water/dams for food and energy production) and infrastructure (hydro, flood & droughts) in long-term planning

• Joint identification of cross-sectoral and transboundary nexus solutions e.g. synergetic RE projects, sustainable rural development, etc. and discussing necessary investments

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logo here, if desiredHow do countries address interlinkages?

• Through existing platforms and cross-sectoral policy frameworks

– transboundary: e.g. ICPDR, ISRBC

– inter-sectoral: SD, NDCs, water & environment

– revision/expansion of organizational mandates

– consider and compare objectives and planning cycles

• Applying policy instruments such as SEA (policy) and EIA (projects), specific guidelines (e.g. sustainable hydropower), economic instruments (cross-subsidization)

• Embracing “nexus thinking” in cooperation and policy development (potentially, new platforms and instruments?)

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UNECE work on Nexus & Renewable Energy

• Coop. between Environment and Sustainable Energy Divisions

• Policy Brief on RE, nexus and SDGs (UNECE, 2017)

• RE “Hard Talks” linking to actual energy policy questions and orienting future investment

– Bosnia and Herzegovina 2018

– Serbia 2019

• Sustainable RE Deployment – a tool for Policy Makers (UNECE, 2019 - upcoming)

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logo here, if desiredUNECE Sustainable RE Deployment –a tool for Policy Makers

Strategic Planning

• Sectoral targets, common objectives on RE

• RES Potential mapping for optimal siting (all technologies, TB level)

Sustainable RE Policies

• Identification and assessment of cross-sectoral synergies and trade-offs

• A checklist for guiding new policy / improving existing policy

Sustainable RE Projects

• Maximization of benefits (incl. social and environmental)

• Possibilities for co-financing (across sectors, PPP..)

Multi-stakeholder dialogue and Public Participation

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logo here, if desiredSynergies in rural development (Drina)

• Nature based, eco-tourism

• Organic agriculture and sustainable agricultural practices to:

– explore new markets/market niches

– meet demand of tourist

• Renewable energy to:

– energize remote areas (off-grid)

– increase profitability of agri-businesses

• Waste and wastewater treatment to:

– preserve environmental assets

– meet health and environment standards

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• Threatened environmental assets

– Forests essential for climate mitigation and adaptation

– Forest degradation is widespread

• A closer look to bioenergy potential?

– Fuelwood drives forest degradation and aggravates vulnerability to floods

– Biomass often neglected in RE plans

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