par mme. cook. when speaking of the passe compose, one refer to verbs with irregular stems as the...

Post on 03-Apr-2015






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Par Mme. Cook

When speaking of the passe compose, one refer to verbs with irregular stems as the passé composé irrégulier.

Normally when one changes a verb to the passe compose, there is a formula for each type of verb.

For –er verbs, drop the –er and add é.For –re verbs, drop the –re and add u.For –ir verbs, drop the –ir and add i.

The past participle of parler is parlé.The past participle of rendre is rendu.The past participle of finir is fini.

There is no simple formula for making the past participles of irregular verbs.

You just have to memorize a list of them.

Avoir=eu être=été Dire= dit Ecrire= ecrit mettre=mis Permettre=permis Prendre=pris Comprendre=com

pris Apprendre= appris Croire= cru

Voir= vuBoire= buDevoir=duPouvoir= puLire= luRecevoir= recuVouloir= voulu

You make the passé composé with irregular verbs exactly as you do it for regular verbs.

avoir+ the past participle= the passé composé

We translate this sentence as « I wrote a letter. »

« ai » is the proper conjugation of avoir for Je, and écrit is the past participle of écrire.

« He drank a diet Coke. »

We learned the passé composé.

She received a gift.

C’est la fête des mères dimanche, le 12 mai.

You read the novel Night?

The little girl, she wanted a doll for Christmas.

I was hungry before lunch.

You were at the party?

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