
Post on 26-Sep-2015






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  • Food in Paraguay

    I am going to tell you about a food and a drink

    from Paraguay. The food is a soup called the

    Paraguayan soup. The drink is called Paraguayan

    tea. Paraguayan soup is cornbread flavored with a

    little bit of cheese and onion with some other

    spices. Some legends say that it came from a

    mistake in the 19th century because of the

    dictators cook. The cook accidentally added more

    corn flour than needed to the liquidly soup. Luckily,

    for the cook the dictator liked it. The Paraguayan

    tea is very popular in Argentina, Uruguay, and

    some people in South Brazil. Some drink it hot but

    the Paraguayans drink it chilled because it is very

    hot in Paraguay. The drink sooths hunger and


    Instruments made of trash!

    In the slums of Paraguay, they have so much trash. The

    Paraguayans make use out of it. One day someone had the

    great idea to make instruments out of trash. They made a

    violin out of trash. In Paraguay, a real violin would cost more

    than a house. They made more instruments out of trash like

    violins, saxophones, clarinets, flutes, Chellos, etc. The music

    that the instruments make is amazing. If you want to listen to

    this beautiful music, scan this QR code!

  • Life in Paraguay

    If you come to Paraguay people will

    welcome you with great respect.

    Asuncion is the capital city, and they have

    a river that they get their water from. It is

    called the Paraguay River. The Paraguay

    River splits the country in 2 parts. Most

    of the population is cluttered in the

    fertile plains and hills on the eastern side.

    The west side is not very populated. They

    have short buildings because shade is

    everything there.

    War of the Triple Alliance

    The war of the Triple Alliance was a good plan at first but

    then it did not end up working. The war was in the 19th

    century. It was against Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay.

    Argentina and Paraguay sent people to Washington for

    Hays binding agreement. Paraguays president, Candido

    Bareiro renamed the town of Villa Occidental in Hayes

    honor. In surrounding county there is a school and a local

    soccer team that also are named after him.

    The Facts

    Did you know that Paraguay is one of the two land locked

    countries in South America? They do not have a big

    population; it is only about 5.9 million. They mainly speak

    Spanish and Guarani. Their main exports are soybeans, feed,

    cotton, meat, edible oils, and electricity. It is overshadowed by

    the countries that are bigger and flashier. It is hard to say that

    Paraguay is unspoiled by tourists. Most tourists go to come

    from countries that neighbor them.

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