parks vic market research

Post on 07-Sep-2014






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Lachlan RossLRMA Consultancy

39 Grey St East Geelong

Parks Victoria 2011 market Research report


LRMA Consultancy has been asked on behalf of Parks Victoria, in association with Tourism Victoria to prepare a marketing research proposal on the current state of park visitation by international tourists.

The findings of the research proposal will assist Parks Victoria, along with Tourism Victoria in achieving the objective of having a better understanding of the needs, wants and satisfaction levels associated with international tourists who visit the parks in Victoria, and to further assist what better practices could be put in place.


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This research proposal covers the international visitation to Parks Victoria by Asian tourists from China and Korea. The project was undertaken by LRMA Consultancy to provide the direction and detail needed for further managing the amount of future tourists to Port Campbell National Park.

This plan integrates with the current objectives outlined by Parks Victoria’s General Manager, Dr. Donald Hall who wants to have a better understanding of the needs and wants of international visitors, and to also to determine whether visitor’s needs are being satisfied. The vision for tourism in Australia is that Parks Victoria will become increasingly recognised amongst the targeted Asian segments as an even more appealing destination than it has been previously.

The recognition will be based on Port Campbell’s advantages in natural attributes, educational content, and improving on having a strong culture of providing excellent customer service that reflects good value for money.

In 2009 there were 3.3 million international nature tourists that travelled to Australia (Department of Resources, 2010). Tourists from China and Korea had the overall highest spend per trip, whilst China has become Australia’s fastest growing inbound market in terms of visitor volumes and values (Tourism Research Australia, 2011), with 47% of all international tourists to Australia visiting a national park.

This research proposal has four key pillars for sustainable growth:

1. Placing a higher importance on attracting tourists aged 15-292. How visitors seek and obtain information about Parks Victoria3. Providing a higher value on educational content that enriches their

overall experience4. Breaking down the cultural barriers that currently exist between

Australia and Asia

The execution of this proposal will deliver a highly appealing visitor experience based on understanding the target markets needs and wants,

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their current satisfaction levels, and finally Port Campbell’s competitive advantages.


1.0 Title Page.....................................................................................................................1

2.0 Executive Summary.....................................................................................................2

3.0 Introduction.................................................................................................................4

4.0 Background to the research.........................................................................................5

5.0 The Management Decision Problem.............................................................................6

6.0 The Research Problem.................................................................................................6

6.1 Key Objectives..........................................................................................................7

7.0 Research Design..........................................................................................................7

7.1 Type of Research......................................................................................................7

7.2 Type of Information..................................................................................................8

7.3 Method of Data Collection Recommended................................................................8

7.4 Sampling Technique...............................................................................................10

7.5 Plan of Data Analysis..............................................................................................11

8.0 Conclusions & Recommendations..............................................................................13

9.0 Reference List............................................................................................................15

Learning Reflections........................................................................................................16

Lachlan Ross..............................................................................................................16

Appendix 1.......................................................................................................................17

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This study is seeking to develop and test a method to benchmark and monitor international

visitor expectations and satisfaction levels at the Port Campbell National Park. The focus

group chosen is the Asian market, specifically Chinese and Korean tourists, as these represent

the fastest growing international tourist sector.

The objectives were to understand the satisfaction levels and expectations of these visitors

when visiting the park, and identify any experience gaps and facility issues that may need

further research or management attention.

The report begins by briefly outlining the relevant research data around the Asian nature

tourist market, followed by analysis of the issues surrounding this tourism sector. The

research methodology and results / data analysis make up the body of the report, and finally

conclusions and recommendations provide future tools in assisting management to develop

strategies to increase satisfaction levels and increased attraction for Chinese and Korean


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In 2009 there were 3.3 million international nature visitors to Australia and the most popular

activity undertaken was visiting a national park, comprising 47% of nature tourists (Tourism

Research Australia, 2010 Aug 1). Despite a decline in overall market share of international

tourists, almost two thirds of these visitors still participate in nature activities (Dept. of

Resources, 2010).

Visitors from China and Korea have the highest overall spend per trip and China is

Australia’s fastest growing inbound tourism market in terms of visitor volumes and values. In

2010 it became Australia’s highest income producing market (Tourism Australia, 2011 Apr

1). The total number of international visitors to Australia from China has risen 26.8% during

the period June 2010 – June 2011. Arrivals from Korea during the same period rose 4.4%

(Tourism Australia, 2011 Oct 1).

While Chinese visitors travelled to Australia mainly for a holiday, it is interesting to note that

Chinese education visitors accounted for 21% of total Chinese visitation, but contributed $1.7

billion dollars – over half of the $2.5 billion spent by all Chinese visitors in Australia

(Tourism Research Australia, 2011 June 1). Almost one third of total visitors from China and

Korea are aged 15 – 29 which reflects the high percentage of education tourists from these


Tourism research Australia has identified that Chinese and Korean tourist market favours the

major capital cities significantly when planning their trip, and the 3 main sources of tourist

information come from internet (33%), word-of-mouth (32%) and travel agents (22%)

(Tourism Research Australia, 2011 June 1).

The Australian Government’s tourism research of 2009 (Tourism Research Australia, 2010

Aug 1) discovered that 52% of international tourists in 2009 travelled unaccompanied and

26% as an adult couple. There is no available data about the specific statistics relating to the

Chinese and Korean markets, however if we assume that this data transfers to our focus group

then it would be important to obtain survey data about the expectations and satisfaction levels

if these tourists join tour groups at the national park.

In order to maintain a sustainable tourism profile at Port Campbell National Park it is

therefore critical to capture more of the Chinese and Korean nature tourist market.

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Future marketing strategy development targeting the education tourist sector and more

specifically the 15 – 29 year olds must be considered. The preferred method of holiday

planning in this techno-savvy sector is online and word-of-mouth so it is important that our

study and survey is designed to capture this essential information to assist in the development

of a marketing campaign for the Port Campbell National Park.


The management decision problem: How can Parks Victoria ensure their Chinese and Korean

international visitors’ needs and wants are satisfied at the Port Campbell National Park?

This management decision problem has been created as Parks Victoria, in association with

Tourism Victoria, have asked LRMA Consultancy to formulate research on better

understanding the needs, wants and satisfaction levels of their international visitors.

Port Campbell National Park is the national park that the research will be under taken at with

the target market being the Chinese and Korean international visitors.


The research problem: To ensure that Parks Victoria’s Chinese and Korean international

visitors’ needs and wants are satisfied by their services at the Port Campbell National Park.

The research problem is a statement that will provide guidance and direction for the research

that needs to be undertaken. It is a statement of information that has been developed from the

management decision problem above. The key objectives have then been created to set goals

for the research are outlined below.


- To determine the target market’s expectations of Parks Victoria’s services at Port

Campbell National Park.

- To examine the target market’s satisfaction levels of the services provided at Port

Campbell National Park.

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- To identify the cultural barriers that the target market encounter at their visit to Port

Campbell National Park.

- To determine any issues or flaws that the target market may have with the facilities

and services provided at Port Campbell National Park.

- To examine whether the target market feel they are receiving value for money while

visiting Port Campbell National Park.

- To identify the improvements needed for Port Campbell National Park to attract and

satisfy the target market.



To achieve the objectives of this project, the type of research conducted will be a descriptive

cross-sectional design focusing on the target population of Asian visitors, primarily those

from China and Korea, and their perceptions and attitudes towards services provided at Port

Campbell National Park.

A descriptive cross sectional type of research was selected as it is likely to be able to be

generalised to Asian visitors if a large enough sample size is achieved.

It also most often uses surveys, and being conducted in a face to face survey method will

yield a higher response rate than other methods such as focus groups and depth interviews

(Aaker et al. 2007, p.183).

As this type of research often takes longer to complete, a cross sectional design was selected

to allow the research project to be completed within the six month time frame as stated in the

research brief.

This research will generate both quantitative and qualitative data for further analysis.


The type of information being collected is primarily attitudes and satisfaction levels of the

target population being Chinese and Korean visitors visiting Port Campbell National Park.

There is also a couple of questions relating to intent.

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The information sought will relate to current satisfaction levels in overall atmosphere, front

reception facilities, parking facilities, maps and information services, helpful human tour

guides and value for money of retail goods.

The type of information captured will be collected by personal intercept interviews using a

questionnaire. The questionnaire will contain a mix of different types of questions and rating

scales that answer the questions set in the research objectives as mentioned in the research

objectives on page 7 of this proposal.

The questionnaire will include some five-point Likert attitude scales, a style of Multiple Item

Scale, where the sampling element will respond to questions using a rating scale of agree

strongly, agree somewhat, neither agree nor disagree, disagree somewhat, disagree strongly.

Refer to appendix 1.

The questionnaire will also include some open response questions toward the end to address

anything else the sample element would like to add. An example of an open ended question

included in the questionnaire is Is there anything else that was not currently provided that

you feel would have increased your overall satisfaction with the services provided at Colac

Otway National Park?” Refer to appendix 1.


The data collection method for this descriptive research project will be personal intercept

interviews. This method was selected after considering the target population of Asian visitors,

specifically those from China and Korea.

This style of personal intercept interviews will allow the researcher to be persuasive, ensure

no questions are missed, use visual aids where appropriate and can explain any questions the

sampling element doesn’t understand.

The personal intercept interviews will be conducted by one male and one female interviewing

as a team together. The interviewers will be of Asian origin and be fluent in Mandarin and

Korean languages. The interviewers will wear smart casual clothing so they appear less

intimidating to interviewees.

The researcher will use a questionnaire as a research aid (refer to Appendix 1) however the

interviewer will mark the responses down. This will assist with eliminating some of the

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potential factors that may occur with visitors from a different nationality, such as poor

reading and writing skills, not understanding the questions or incomplete questionnaires.

It is intended that the personal intercept interviews will take no longer than a few minutes

(Hague, Hague and Morgan 2004, p133) to complete and be conducted as visitors exit the

Port Campbell National Park. The reasons for this are that the visitors may be on very strict

itineraries and not have much time to spare for an in depth interview. Being conducted in

such a small amount of time will also allow as many visitors from the target population the

opportunity to participate, which will result in very relevant and statistically reliable

information that inferences can be made from. The nature of the short interviews will

however result in very structured responses as there will not be any time for the interviewer

to ask any probing questions.

Although this data collection method is more costly than others and will require

comprehensive staff training, due to the nature of the target population holidaying in

Australia, other data collection methods such as telephone, mail survey and online survey

would be less effective due to the transient nature of the international tourists and other

factors such as not having a well-established mail system for post-visit follow up and having

varying levels of internet and telephone access.


The sampling technique for the research project will involve the non-probability technique of

judgemental sampling.

As the target population is Asian visitors to the Port Campbell National, it would be very

difficult to choose a probability based technique. This is due to the limited number of Asian

visitors physically visiting the national park, and the operational difficulty that a probability

based technique would involve.

All probability based techniques involve a sampling frame. In this instance, as the research

project requires information from the actual visitors who visit the national park, no ethical

sampling frame exists. The specific information relating to the visitors name, point of origin

and contact details are sometimes known by inbound tour operators and local tour companies

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or guides, however due to Australian privacy laws and confidentiality issues the tour hosts

are not permitted to forward this information to a third party.

LRMA Consultancy will use judgemental sampling to identify all sampling elements. This

technique will be relatively effective due to some of the obvious biases that can be inferenced

to the target population. In most instances, if a visitor is heard to be fluently speaking

Mandarin or Korean, and their appearance looks to be of an Asian origin, in most instances

the interviewer may assume the visitor is from the target population.

This technique will also allow for a deliberate biased sample. This research project is

specifically about the satisfaction levels of Chinese and Korean visitors, thus all national

visitors to the park will be excluded from the research, as will international visitors from all

origins that are not from Asia.

It is intended that after visitors have been identified as possible sampling elements, they will

first be asked a single screening question (Kolb 2008, p.150) such as “What is your country

of origin” and if the response is an Asian country they will be asked if they have would like

to participate in a short personal interview relating to satisfaction levels of the Colac Otway

National Park.

The interviewer will also complete some minor details for each completed survey which will

include the date, time, number of refusals received and identification of the interviewer.


A compilation of quantitative and qualitative information will be gathered from the personal

intercept interviews.

LRMA Consultancy will first complete data editing, where we will undergo a process to

detect any questions that may not have been completed or identify any inconsistencies. As

LRMA does not propose to obtain contact details from each of the sampling elements, it will

not be possible to contact the sampling element to discuss and correct any errors. LRMA will

simply omit these questions only from the data analysis, yet still include all other responses

the sampling element has provided.

The next stage LRMA will complete is coding, where all of the responses to the closed ended

questions will have an applicable score applied to them to assist with further analysis.

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Finally the data will be cleaned, where by the entered data will be randomly checked with a

physical data check to determine any inaccuracies before final analysis.

Responses will be categorised into themes based on the set research objectives which are:

Expectations of services

Satisfaction levels of the services

Cultural barriers

Issues or flaws with facilities and services

Perceived value for money

Improvements needed to attract and satisfy the target market.

This will allow for the data to be analysed and the identification of any patterns, similarities

and differences in responses from the sampling elements.

Analysed data will be presented in a vertical bar chart or graphs in the final report. This will

be provided in a bound hard copy and also electronically to Parks Victoria, along with

recommendations for implementation in short/mid/long term timeframes.

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To effectively further raise the profile of Port Campbell National Park and overall, Parks Victoria, targeted marketing to Asian tourists from China and Korea through the production of high quality marketing collateral is imperative. As an initial step, Port Campbell can provide a necessary facilitation role to encourage co-operative marketing campaigns amongst its key stakeholders and strengthen overall marketing and information distribution opportunities with.

In order to realise the recommendations which require a co-operative approach, Port Campbell, is encouraged to take an active role with Parks Victoria in regards to the following key recommendations.

1. Placing a higher importance on attracting visitors aged between 15-29 A key opportunity that needs to be capitalised upon as this

segment of the target market behaves and communicates differently to older generations. As more and more Asian students commence educational studies in Australia they tend to be more technological savvy and seek information through different means such as word of mouth and the internet. If they have their expectations met, then there is a higher chance of them returning to Australia and the Port Campbell National Park

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with their children so they too can experience the offerings of Parks Victoria.

2. The way in which visitors seek and obtain information about Port Campbell National Park and Parks Victoria. The way 15-29 year olds consume content and information has

changed greatly in the last decade. No longer are tourist guides books the norm, the internet and content rich media that is viewable online is gaining popularity that is becoming more accessible by the day and far easier to dissect and understand.

3. Providing a higher value on educational related information that enriches tourists overall experience whilst visiting Port Campbell. Visitors to Port Campbell go there not to be amazed by the

attractions that are seen in urbanised areas, but rather the natural beauty and untouched landscapes that project a peaceful and uninhabited environment that they are not used to back home. The protection and rehabilitation of wildlife that the park allows needs to be communicated in a way that makes them appreciate the uniqueness of the park. This can be obtained by producing interactive programs that allows the visitor to have an emotional connection to the preservation of the Park that leaves them with the sense of giving back to the environment whist at the same time being entertaining and educational.

4. Breaking down cultural barriers that currently exist between Australia and Asia. Not all visitors have a good comprehension of the English

language. If enticing people of Asian descent is a key objective, then catering for their language needs to be of as much importance of when guides are talking to fellow Australians. Either having guides who can speak fluently in the desired languages or having translation assistance on hand will provide

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an opportunity to further communicate Parks Victoria’s vision. In return the tourists will be highly receptive after seeing that their troubles of understanding the English language are being catered for.

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Department of Resources, E. a. (2010, August 1). Occasional Paper No. 25: Profiles and Motivations of Nature Based Yourists Visiting Australia. Retrieved August 28, 2011, from Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism:

Hague, P. N., & Hague, N. (2004). Marketing Research in Practice: A Guide to Basics. London: Kogan Page Publishers.

Kolb, B. (2008). Marketing Research: A Practical Approach. London: Sage Publications.

Ritchie, B. W., Mules, T., & Uzabeaga, S. (2008, n/a n/a). Visitor Attraction Satisfaction Benchmark Project. Retrieved September 5, 2011, from Sustainable Tourism Cooperative Research Centre:

Stewart, D., Lawley, M., Day, G., Kumar, V., & Aaker, D. (2007). Marketinf Research 2nd Edition. Milton, Queensland: John Wiley & Sons.

Tourism Research Australia. (2011, June 1). Snapshots 2011: China - Inbound and Outbound. Retrieved August 28, 2011, from Department of Resources, Energy and Toursim:

Toursim Research Australia. (2010, August 1). Snapshots 2009: Nature of Tourism in Australia. Retrieved August 28, 2011, from Department of Resources, Energy and Toursim:

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On reflecting upon this assignment now that it has been completed, I feel much more confident within myself that I have acquired the knowledge of some useful tools that will be of great benefit to my future career concerning the processes involved with marketing research and the correct theories and terminology that is used.

Having been on the other side of marketing research as the client many times, it was very

interesting to learn about the many considerations in choosing the type of research and how

in depth the data analysis process actually is. I also found it very interesting to learn about the

correct names of particular terminology which are often omitted from research reports as

research companies eliminate all jargon and simplify the report so it is easy for the client to


The learning objectives and outcomes I hoped to achieve through completion of this

assignment were to gain a better understanding of the components of a market research

proposal, whilst increasing my knowledge of the use of different types of research methods in

different scenarios. I also unexpectedly increased my awareness of the importance of

understanding the cross-cultural barriers and considerations when undertaking market


The learning objectives I had prior to the assignment were to understand the concepts and

processes of marketing research and be able to apply these marketing research concepts to,

what could be, a real scenario. Through this assignment I was able to fulfil my objectives and

further my understanding of marketing research. The assignment allowed me to think more

broadly about the needs and wants of different markets, as the markets for the assignment

were international visitors to Victoria. I learnt that every stage in the marketing research

process is fundamental and assists in the overall outcome of the market research.


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Port Campbell National Park Satisfaction Questionnaire

Date: ____/ ____/______ Time: __________ Interviewer: _________________

What is your country of origin? __________________________________

Would you like to participate in a short personal interview relating to your satisfaction levels

in relation to Port Campbell National Park?

1. Information Sources

Which of the following information sources did you use to obtain information for

your visit to Port Campbell National Park? (Mark all options that apply)

Travel agent ‰

Advertising/travel articles or documentaries (TV, radio or print)

Travel book, guide or brochure

Internet search

Friends or relatives

Tourist Office/Visitor Information Centre

Motoring Associations

Return Visit

Other (please specify) _____________________________________

2. Satisfaction levels of services

How satisfied were you with the services provided by Port Campbell National Park?

Please circle only one response

Question unsatisfied somewhat unsatisfied

neither satisfied nor unsatisfied

somewhat satisfied


Overall atmosphere 1 2 3 4 5

Front reception facilities 1 2 3 4 5

Quality of parking facilities 1 2 3 4 5

Maps and information services 1 2 3 4 5

Human tour guides 1 2 3 4 5

Variety of retail goods 1 2 3 4 5


Expectations of services

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Overall, were your expectations of Port Campbell National Park fulfilled? YES/NO




4. Cultural barriers

Did you experience any cultural barriers while visiting Port Campbell National Park?

Please circle: YES / NO

If YES: What cultural barriers did you experience and what could we do to improve?




5. Issues or flaws with facilities and services

Were there any issues or flaws with the following facilities or services?

Please choose only one answer and complete comments if applicable

Question Rating If yes, please explain your experience

Overall atmosphere YES / NO

Front reception facilities YES / NO

Parking facilities YES / NO

Maps and information services YES / NO

Human tour guides YES / NO

Amenities (including toilets etc) YES / NO

6. Attitudes

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Please provide a response to following the statements about Port Campbell National Park.

Please circle only one response.Question Disagree

stronglyDisagree somewhat

Neither agree nor disagree

Agree somewhat

Agree strongly

I had a good first impression when i arrived

1 2 3 4 5

I feel there were enough information boards available at the park

1 2 3 4 5

Directional signage to Port Campbell National Park was adequate

1 2 3 4 5

The opening hours met my needs 1 2 3 4 5

I feel I received value for money when visiting

1 2 3 4 5

I would recommend this experience to others

1 2 3 4 5

7. Improvements needed to attract and satisfy the target market

Are there improvements needed to attract and further satisfy your visit to Port Campbell

National Park? YES / NO

If YES, please explain: _____________________________________________________



8. Is there anything else that was not currently provided that you feel would have increased

your overall satisfaction with the services provided at Port Campbell National Park? -




9. What else about this attraction were you particularly happy with on your recent visit? Did

you have any good experiences at the attraction that you did not plan or expect?




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Thank you for your valuable feedback about the services and facilities provided at Port

Campbell National Park.

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