part 1. what is personal branding?

Post on 08-Apr-2017



Leadership & Management



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What is Personal Branding?

Brand Yourself! And Jump the Q!

Your personal brand should reflect your abilities and potential. Rachel Quilty, Personal Brand Strategist and Chief Dream-caster at Jump the Q Inc.

Rachel is known as ‘the Authority’ on personal branding and author of must- have instructional manual ‘Brand Yourself’.

What is Personal Branding?

It’s not nearly as painful as it sounds.

What is Personal Branding?

Personal branding has become the latest business tool to accelerate your career success.

No longer the turf of celebrities and media personalities, personal branding is the new strategy in leveraging your professional profile and branding yourself as an authority in your chosen field.

What is Personal Branding?

Personal branding is simply how we market ourselves. If we were a product, how would we market and promote ourselves?

What is Personal Branding?

At Jump the Q® Inc.

we call it the

“Art of Self Packaging”.

What is Personal Branding?

As Personal Branding Strategists, the number of professionals seeking our services to develop a strategic personal brand and signature style has grown rapidly.

Great Personal Brands

Particularly as a result of CEO’s such as Donald Trump, Richard Branson, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and others becoming celebrities in their own right due to their powerful personal brands.

Great Personal Brands

Gone are the days when seeking the services of a professional branding organization were strictly the territory of new product launches and media personalities in crisis requiring a quick re-badge.

Great Personal Brands

Corporate A-listers are now taking professional development notes from celebrities such as Victoria Beckham and Kim Kardashian. As individuals, they have created enormous brand equity through purposefully positioning themselves and as a result, have developed very valuable personal brands.

Celebrity Personal Brands

A celebrity is influential when they have a definable style. What is your definable style? What’s your signature brand style?

Your Personal Brand

• Your personal brand should reflect:

• your abilities

• unique attributes, and

• your potential

Your Unique Brand

‘Becoming your own unique brand is essential in today’s market!’ — Rachel Quilty

Excellent Personal Brand

If you have an excellent personal brand, reputation and references, then you will be hired first, promoted quicker and afforded more authority and respect. Personal branding also affords you more mobility within your industry, and interestingly, your prices and services are questioned less.

Excellent Personal Brand

Recruiting firms have introduced personal branding initiatives to niche their well branded candidates as the ‘preferred’ candidate. You too can become the ‘only choice’ candidate within your marketplace with a memorable and desirable personal brand.

Excellent Personal Brand

Richard Branson is one of the most recognized personal brands in the world. The purpose of personal branding is to differentiate you.

Excellent Personal Brand

By working to your strengths and specializing, you amplify your credibility and improve your personal persuasiveness by increasing your perceived value.

Building a Personal Brand

To build a successful personal brand, it is essential at this stage to have a solid foundational knowledge of exactly:

• what is personal branding

• why personal branding is important, and

• what contributes to a successful personal brand

What is a Brand?

A brand is the character of a thing or person as perceived by the public. Brand is also defined as ‘to impress indelibly’; that which leaves a lasting impression.

What is a Brand?

A brand is a kind or variety of something that is distinguished by one or more distinctive characteristics.

So, what is Personal Branding?

My definition is a little more comprehensive than other thought leaders in this space. I attribute this to the fact that I specialise in this area. I don't wear a dozen hats in marketing, graphic design and advertising but I claim an authority in the field of personal branding. A God given assignment if you will.

What is Personal Branding?

Therefore, my definition isn't a glib comment or off the cuff quote; it is a well-considered and executable explanation of personal branding.

What is Personal Branding?

Personal branding is the strategic and systematic process by which individuals determine, define, differentiate themselves from others or their competitors initially within a specific marketplace, industry or platform

What is Personal Branding?

by their definable style, ability, message or values through a method of intentional positioning, building and leveraging of their unique purpose, attributes and expertise to be recognised as the authority or celebrity in their chosen field.

Jump the Q

Jump the Q assists you to strategically and systematically leverage your professional profile and build your personal brand to become the authority in your industry. Get your free personal branding tactics and tips

Jump the Q … Brand Yourself

Go to for a copy of Jump the Q’s FREE strategic brand blueprint and work journal.

Your Personal Brand Strategy

We assist you develop your Personal Brand Strategy by:

- Discovering your brand mission and purpose.

- Designing your signature personal brand style & voice.

- Developing your personal brand story.

- Deploy a personal Brand Yourself Action Plan.

Next Step

Start building Your Celebrity Personal Brand

with our Brand Yourself Blueprint and Work Journal at

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