part 6: living abroad (faculty-led)

Post on 26-May-2015






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Part 6: Living Abroad (Faculty-Led)


Part 6: While Abroad

Part 6: While Abroad

• Your arrival in your host country

• Calling home

• Meals

• Local transportation

• Travel

• Information technology

• Tips for daily life

• Activities and excursions

• Service

• The Office of Global Studies 8

Rules for Success Abroad

We’ve told you all about the steps

you need to take before your

semester abroad begins, but what

about life after you actually get


While Abroad: Mandatory Orientations

All on-site orientation activities are mandatory!

• If you miss an orientation activity, you will be put on probation for the remainder of the program – it’s that important!

While Abroad: Calling Home

• Make sure you set up a communication plan with

friends and family. Discuss how, and approximately

how frequently, you will call them. You may not be

able to call every day and it’s important to manage the

communication expectations to avoid unnecessary

worry and concern.

• Most importantly, make sure to call your loved ones

to let them know that you arrived safely at your


While abroad, it may be more difficult to find time to

keep contact with friends & family back home. But

even with the time zone differences and busy

schedules, you can and should still keep in touch.

Here are some basics to remember:

Arrival: Calling Home

International Dialing Tutorial

• Calling from the U.S.

– Dial 011 for international access

– Follow with country code:


• Italy: +39

• France: +33

• Spain: +34

– City/area code

• Calling to the U.S.

– Dial 001 for international access/country code, followed by the area code and


• Don’t forget about time differences

• Be aware of high international calling rates!

While Abroad: Living with Roommates

For many students, studying abroad will be their first time living with

a roommate. Even if you’ve had roommates before, living abroad

with your fellow travelers can bring new stresses (and new

excitement!) to the roommate experience. Here are a few tips for

the inexperienced:

• Being a roommate requires honesty about the things that matter

to you, but also a willingness to compromise.

• Remember that everyone’s pretty much in the same situation –

and utilize your program leaders when you feel you need help

working out an issue.

• If you have a concern, address it early on. Roommate issues

are usually much easier to deal with if you don’t let them escalate.

While Abroad: Common Roommate Issues

• Personality Issues

– Being roommates doesn’t have to mean being best friends.

– There are many different types of personalities and many types of

roommate relationships.

– Roommates who want to find a way to get along almost always will,

as long as they’re respectful and considerate.

• Pet Peeves

– Do you need absolute quiet when you’re studying? Lights out at

midnight? Hate it when people touch your stuff or sit on your bed?

Everyone has pet peeves, but they’re often only magnified when

you’re abroad and living with new people.

– Be honest about your pet peeves. Set boundaries. Compromise.

These are the keys to successful roommate relationships.

Residence Life Guidelines

• Remember, all the rules that apply to students living in university

residences in New York also apply to our campuses and hotels abroad.

Read the Residence Life Handbook (available on the SJU Website)

for full details.

• It’s important to speak with your roommates at the beginning of the

semester and discuss any ground rules or requests you might have.

Remember, it’s okay to have pet peeves, but your roommates won’t

know yours unless you share them!

• Because you’re in a study abroad program, it’s much more difficult to

accommodate roommate changes. That means it’s even more

important to try to find an amicable solution to disputes.

Living Abroad: Local Transportation

• You will be given more detailed information about local metro services at each of the on-site orientations.

• Use public transportation whenever possible

– Planes, trains, and NO automobiles – take the bus!

• More Americans are injured in traffic accidents abroad than by any other

incident. Make sure that you stay alert!

You will be responsible for local transportation.

Be sure to budget!

Doing and seeing all of the incredible things you set out to on your

abroad experience will most likely require you to do some, well,

traveling. It’s kind of unavoidable – we just ask that you remember to

be smart and safe about the way you do it. The good news is that, in

most of our locations, that’s pretty easy.

While Abroad: Tips for Daily Life

• Grocery stores, department stores, and restaurants – may be available in each

of the cities you’ll be studying in, but they may not keep the hours you’re used

to, so plan your shopping

(and meals) accordingly.

• Find out the hours and days of

operation for local restaurants

and shops when you arrive.

• Be polite! Many businesses are

family-owned. Walking into a shop

can be just like walking

into someone’s home. Introduce

yourself in the local language!

• Use non-verbal communication when necessary. Most business owners will be

more than happy to try to work with you when there’s a language barrier – as

long as you’re friendly and polite!

The OGS 8

The Office of Global Studies 8 Rules for Success Abroad

1. Learn – It’s study abroad (‘nuff said). And get to know your

professors – they have a ton of different and fascinating experiences.

2. Serve – Service is the core of SJU’s Vincentian mission. Get to know

the people and the culture by giving back and giving of yourself.

3. Speak – Learn 10 words in each language you encounter. Start with

“hello,” “please,” and “thank you”

• Extra Credit: Make it 10 phrases! (“How are you?” “Nice to meet


4. Eat – Try at least 5 new foods in every country, even if you start

simple – a new flavor of potato chips. And don’t be afraid of escargot –

it’s delicious!

The OGS 8

The Office of Global Studies 8 Rules for Success Abroad

5. Befriend – Talk to the locals. Make it a point to have at least a 5-

minute conversation with someone from each city.

6. Get Lost – Guidebooks and websites are great, but why not come up

with your own places to recommend? Get lost in a safe part of town

and truly explore. Let us know what you discover!!

7. Expect “different” – Abroad is different. But different does not mean

worse or inferior, though you may feel like that sometimes. Try to

cherish those opportunities to learn and expand your comfort zone.

8. Plan – It goes quickly. Be sure to set goals for your time away, then

take steps to actually meet them.

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