part a mai report: grantee instructions for using the hrsa web-based reporting system mai plan...

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Part A MAI Report:Grantee Instructions for Using the HRSA

Web-based Reporting System

MAI Plan Overview for Part A GranteesMay 2010


MAI Training Agenda Overview of the MAI Reporting Requirements

What’s Unchanged What’s New

Overview of the Part A MAI Annual Plan Service-Level Definitions Carryover Reminders Data Elements

Getting Started: Access the MAI via the EHBs Plan Forms: Steps 1, 2A, 2B, and 3 Viewing the Summary Uploading the Plan Narrative Validating, Submitting, and Correcting the Plan MAI Plan Timeline Resources


Overview of MAI Reporting Requirements

The Congress established the Part A MAI as a separate competitive grant program when the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Program was reauthorized in 2006. MAI grants (H3M) were awarded in fiscal year (FY) 2007 with a 3-year project period: Aug 1, 2007 – July 31, 2010.

With passage of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Program Extension Act of 2009, the MAI has been returned to formula funding and the annual budget period has been synchronized with the Part A budget period,e.g. March 1, 2010 – February 28, 2011 for FY 2010.

Purpose Unchanged: To reduce disparities in health outcomes in disproportionately impacted minorities. (Unchanged since 1999)

Performance goal: Prevent or slow the length of time between an HIV+ diagnosis and progression to AIDS.


Overview of MAI Reporting Requirements

Since 2000: Grantees required to document client-level health outcomes consistent with HRSA guidelines.

This means: Collecting unduplicated client counts, broken out by race and ethnicity

for each MAI-funded service. Implementing at least one service-specific, HRSA-recommended client-

level outcome measure for each MAI-funded service

Upcoming Deadlines: FY10 Plan : Starts June 1, 2010; complete by June 30,2010 FY09 Annual Report:

Changes to submitted Plan (if needed): Start Oct 19; complete Nov 30, 2010 FY09 Annual Report: Start Jan 3, 2011; complete by Jan 31, 2011



Grantees must submit an MAI Annual Plan and an MAI Annual Report each year. (Both components were approved by the Office of Management and Budget in March 2007)

Grantees must use the EHB to submit both their Plan and Report.

Grantees must include a Narrative for both their Plan and Report.

Overview of MAI Reporting Requirements



Grantees and Project Officers can download a copy of their entire Plan or Report submission as a PDF.

Grantees may access prior year Reports (PDF versions).

HRSA recommended service-specific ‘Service Unit Definitions’ must be used and are available in drop-down menus. Grantees select one of the recommended Service Unit Definition for

each MAI-funded service. Provide clarification about the Service Unit Definition in your Plan

Narrative, e.g. with respect to amount or time duration. Note: If you think local circumstances warrant using a locally established

Service Unit Definition, the Grantee must first obtain Project Officer approval. If granted:a) choose ‘Other’ and enter it in the text box provided; and b) explain rationale for using a local definition in the text box provided.

Overview of MAI Reporting Requirements



Narrative: Grantees must clearly identify the Narrative before uploading it. Please include:

Narrative Title Page with: Grantee Name, Grant Number, Fiscal Year, and type of narrative (Plan or Report).

All other Narrative pages:

Header with: Grantee Name and Grant Number.

Footer with: page numbers (e.g. Page 1 of 4).

Administration and Clinical Quality Management: Grantees must enter an amount in the fields provided for allocations (Plan) and expenditures (Annual Report). If no funds were allocated/spent, enter “0.”

Overview of MAI Reporting Requirements

What’s New?

H89 Part A grant number : For the 2010 plan and annual report, you must access the system using your H89 grant number (instead of the H3M grant number used to award your MAI funds from FY 2007 – FY 2009).

Reason : In the HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009, the Congress directed that the MAI grant period be made “consistent” and “synchronized” with the Part A program starting in FY 2010.

Important: The FY 2009 MAI Annual Report, due by January 29, 2011, will still be submitted under the H3M grant number used by HRSA to award your MAI grants between FY 2007 and FY 2009.


Overview of MAI Reporting Requirements


Instructions: We have improved our instructions to include more information on releasing locks and validation.

Download Workbook: There will no longer be the option to download your report into an excel workbook. However, you can still download your report into a PDF version.

Comments: We have created more options when adding or viewing comments.

Grantees will now be able to edit or delete a comment that they have entered up until the time the report is submitted.

There will also be a sort feature that will allow grantees to sort through their comments if their report has several.


Overview of MAI Reporting Requirements



Web forms are NOT provider-level.

Grantees will use ONE web form to report each service provided to each minority community.

Therefore, if more than one provider/contractor will deliver a given service to the same racial/ethnic population, it is critical that the Grantee ensure that each provider track and report at least ONE client-level outcome that is the same across all providers.

Overview: Part A MAI Annual Plan



New: A service planned for the current FY that was not provided the previous year to the particular racial/ethnic population using either MAI or Part A funds.

Continuing: A service provided in the previous FY to the particular racial/ ethnic population using MAI and/or Part A funds and that will be continued wholly or in part with current FY MAI funds (including if the amount of funds available is less than the amount the previous FY).

Expanded: A service provided to a racial/ethnic population in the previous year using MAI and/or Part A funds that will be expanded wholly or in part in in the current FY using MAI funds in order to serve an additional number of clients, provide additional units of services, and/or to serve an expanded geographical area.

Overview: Part A MAI Annual Plan



Grantees were allowed carry forward unobligated FY08 MAI funds into FY09, and may request carryover of FY09 MAI funds (H3M) into the FY10 MAI grant (H89), even though the grant numbers are different.

Carryover requests must be submitted via the EHB’s either: a) with the Financial Status Report (FSR) due 90 days after the MAI budget period end-date, or b) within 30 days of the FSR submission deadline.

FY09 MAI FSR’s are due October 30, 2010

FY10 MAI FSR’s will be due May 31, 2011

Carryover funds are reported by the Grantee each year in their MAI Annual Report (not the Plan)

Overview: Part A MAI Annual Plan



Total MAI grant award amount Funds allocated/spent for Grantee Administration (10% cap) Funds allocated/spent for Clinical Quality Management (5% cap)

Total amount allocated for each service category

Racial/ethnic communities to whom each service directed

Overview: Part A MAI Annual Plan


The system will generate a web form for each service specified for each racial/ethnic community

For each service provided to each racial/ethnic community: Amount budgeted/spent Service unit definition Planned/actual service units provided Planned/actual total unduplicated number of clients served Planed/actual unduplicated number of women, youth, children and

infants served Plan: Up to three planned client-level outcome measures Report: Document client-level outcome results

Overview: Part A MAI Annual Plan


Overview: Part A MAI Annual Plan

2010 MAI PLAN:

Enter Planned Service Categories and Race/Ethnicities based on the

FY10 MAI Implementation Plan submitted in your grant application and

the actual amount of your FY10 MAI award.

The system will generate a web form for each planned service and target-

population. On each service population enter: Amount Budgeted to provide that service to that population. Planned Number of Service Units for that population. Planned Number of Clients: the total unduplicated number of

clients, and the unduplicated number of women, youth, children and infants.

Up to 3 Planned Outcomes: at least one outcome measure must be a HRSA-recommended client-level health outcome.


Getting Started: Access MAI Via EHB

To submit data in a Plan or Report, Grantee users must have: An EHBs user account A ‘New’ Part A MAI Grant (H89 grant) in the Grant Portfolio ‘Submit’ permissions for the Part A grant

(assigned by Grantee Project Director)


Log into EHB.

Select “Work on Other Post-Award Submissions” OR, select ‘View Portfolio’ in the left-hand sub-menu.

Your Grants List will appear.

Select the Part A MAI (H89) grant.

Select “Open Grant Handbook”.

Select “Other Submissions”.

Find your Part A MAI Report on the screen; select ‘Start Submission’to access your MAI Plan.

IMPORTANT: Users must have “Edit Other Submissions” privileges to start an MAI Annual Plan

Getting Started: Access MAI Via EHB


Example: Accessing your MAI Report

Click on “Work on OtherPost Award Submissions”

Getting Started: Access MAI Via EHB


Example: Accessing your MAI Report

Click on “Open Grant Handbook” next to your H89

grant listing.

Getting Started: Access MAI Via EHB


Click on “Start Submission”

Example: Accessing your MAI Report

Getting Started: Access MAI Via EHB


Plan Forms: Steps 1A & 1B

Step 1: MAI Plan

1A: Grantee Information: Based on user registration (edit information if necessary)

1B: Funding Information:

a: Part A MAI Award Amount

b: Carryover (This field is disabled for the FY10 Plan. It will be reported in your FY10 Annual Report.)

c: MAI Funds for Grantee Administration (10% cap)

d: Clinical Quality Management budget amount (5% cap)

Select “Next Page” to Continue


Using Plan Forms: Steps 1A & 1B

Step 1: Grantee and Funding Information


Plan Forms: Steps 2A & 2B

Step 2A: Service Categories Select all Core Medical and Support Services planned for the year from

the menus provided.

Step 2B: Race/Ethnicity Select each planned Racial/Ethnic community to receive each service. Enter the Level of Effort for each race/ethnic community

(i.e. New, Continuing, Expanded)

Select “Next Page” to Continue


Plan Forms: Step 2A

Step 2A: Service Categories


Plan Forms: Step 2B

Step 2B: Race / Ethnicity and Level of Effort


Plan Forms: Step 3

Step 3: Enter Plan Information for each Service/Race combination

Select the ‘Report Name’ of the specific community you are updating.

Enter Budget Amount for each specific community to receive a service.

Select Service Unit Definition from Drop Down List. Grantees must select a recommended service-specific definition. To add specificity, provide details in a Comment or the Plan

Narrative IMPORTANT: Exceptions are permitted only in unusual situations in

which a recommended definition will not work, and requires prior approval by your Project Officer.


Plan Forms: Step 3 cont’d…

If approved to use a local Service Unit Definition: Select ‘Other’ from the drop-down menu and type in the local definition

in the field provided. Then explain the reason for using it by inserting a comment.


Plan Forms: Step 3 cont’d…

Total unduplicateNumber of Service Units Planned

Number of Clients Planned (7A-7E) d number of clients planned Unduplicated women, youth, children, infants planned

Planned Client-Level Outcomes (8A) Select up to three from the drop-down list of suggestions Enter target percent for each planned outcome

Select ‘Save’ to Continue.

IMPORTANT: To view your progress, select “View Summary” in the left-hand sub-menu.


Plan Forms: Step 3 Cont’d…

Step 3: Number of Clients and Expected Outcomes

Plan Forms: View Summary

Viewing the Report Sheet Summary


Uploading the Plan Narrative

The MAI Plan narrative must be either a Word document or a WordPerfect document.

The Annual Plan narrative must include: Narrative Title Page (Grantee Name, Grant Number, FY, type of narrative) Narrative Header on other pages (Grantee Name and Grant Number) Narrative Footer (Page Numbers)

To upload the narrative:1. In the left-hand menu, select ‘Upload Narrative’ link from the sub-menu.2. Browse the Grantee computer to locate the completed narrative file.3. Click on the ‘Upload Narrative’ button.

4. You will receive Confirmation that the file was uploaded successfully.


Uploading the Plan Narrative

Click on “Upload Narrative”

Uploading the Narrative


Validating the Plan

To start the validation process, select ‘Validate’ in the left-hand sub-menu.

After you select ‘Validate,’ The MAI Report Web Application will check your Plan for internal consistency and completeness.

IMPORTANT: You CANNOT submit the Plan until you have completed the validation process!


Validating the Plan

Click on “Validate”

Validating the Plan


Validating the Plan

A Validation Report will open in a new window with details about any failed system checks (i.e., any detected problems)

Types of failed system-check messages:

Data Errors: Grantees must correct all data errors before you can

submit the Plan for review (e.g. the sum budgeted amounts cannot

exceed the amount of service dollars available.)

Data Warnings: Grantees are encouraged to correct any data warnings before submitting the Plan for review. If you do not correct it, insert a Comment explaining why not.


Validating the Plan

Correct all errors.

Respond to all warnings.Enter a comment to explain the information you provided.

When finished, re-validate the Plan. It must ‘pass’ system checks before you can submit it.

If you experience a problem, contact the HRSA Call Center at or by phone: 1-877-Go4-HRSA (1.877.464.4772).


Submitting the Plan

Select “Submit” in left-hand sub-menu.

Enter a comment.

Select the “Submit for Project Officer Review” button.

The Grantee and Project Officer will receive an email informing both that the Plan has been successfully submitted for review.


Submitting the Plan

Click on “Submit”

Submitting the Plan


Correcting the Plan

IF YOUR PLAN IS ‘RETURNED’ The email sent to you will identify specific problems and a timeframe

of 3 - 5 working days in which you must re-submit.

The Plan will automatically revert to ‘Working’ status in the MAI system and to ‘Change Requested’ in your EHB portal.

To make revisions, use the EHB to access your Plan. Follow the steps previously described to update/correct the specific data.

Revise the narrative to reflect changes and then upload it again.

When corrections/revisions are completed, you must validate the Plan again before re-submitting it.

You must enter a comment when submitting the revised Plan, briefly explaining data if requested and/or identifying changes made.


MAI Plan Timeline

June 1, 2010: MAI Report System opens

You will receive a reminder email if you do not start your Plan by

June 15th.

June 30, 2010: FY 09 MAI Plan deadline All data must be complete. Data in the web forms must be consistent with data information

provided in the Narrative. The Narrative must include a Title Page, Headers and Footers. The Narrative must be uploaded The Plan must be validated and successfully submitted to HRSA. Plans will be returned for corrections if incomplete or if data/

information does not comply with reporting instructions.


MAI Plan Timeline

IMPORTANT: Do not wait to start your Plan submission!

Begin early in September, to ensure that your Plan is accurate

and complete by the June 30th deadline!



Online Help

HRSA Website: power point slides and instructions:

HRSA Call Center 1-877-Go4-HRSA (1.877.464.4772)

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