partially reflected brownian motion: a stochastic …partially reflected brownian motion... 3 of...

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Partially Reflected Brownian Motion:A Stochastic Approach to Transport


Denis S. Grebenkov†

Laboratoire de Physique de la Matiere Condensee,

C.N.R.S. – Ecole Polytechnique 91128 Palaiseau Cedex, France

Received: August 2004; Published: September 2006


Transport phenomena are ubiquitous in nature and known to beimpor-tant for various scientific domains. Examples can be found inphysics, elec-trochemistry, heterogeneous catalysis, physiology, etc.To obtain new infor-mation about diffusive or Laplacian transport towards a semi-permeable orresistive interface, one can study the random trajectoriesof diffusing parti-cles modeled, in a first approximation, by the partially reflected Brownianmotion. This stochastic process turns out to be a convenientmathematicalfoundation for discrete, semi-continuous and continuous theoretical descrip-tions of diffusive transport.

This paper presents an overview of these topics with a special empha-sis on the close relation between stochastic processes withpartial reflectionsand Laplacian transport phenomena. We give selected examples of thesephenomena followed by a brief introduction to the partiallyreflected Brow-nian motion and related probabilistic topics (e.g., local time process andspread harmonic measure). A particular attention is paid tothe use of theDirichlet-to-Neumann operator. Some practical consequences and furtherperspectives are discussed.

Keywords: Diffusion with Reflections; Mixed Boundary Value Problems; Lapla-cian Transport Phenomena.

∗This article partially reproduces the chapter which has been written by the author for thevolume “Focus on Probability Theory”, and it should be referenced as D. S. Grebenkov, inFocuson Probability Theory, Ed. L. R. Velle, pp. 135-169 (Nova Science Publishers, 2006). Thebibligraphic reference (ISBN) is 1-59454-474-3. Further information about this volume can befound on

†E-mail address:


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An erratic motion of pollens of Clarkia (primrose family) discovered by RobertBrown in 1827 and quantitatively described by Albert Einstein in 1905 gave asubstantial impact for developing mathematical theory of stochastic processes, animportant branch of modern mathematics. Supported by rigorous mathematicalfoundations, the Brownian motion and related stochastic processes found numer-ous applications in different scientific domains, from theoretical physics to biol-ogy and economics. To study the transport of species diffusing from a remotesource towards and across semi-permeable or resistive interface (e.g., cellularmembrane), one can employ either an averaged description interms of an ap-propriate boundary value problem for the concentration of species, or stochasticanalysis of their random trajectories. In the first case, a finite permeability (re-activity, resistivity, etc.) of the interface leads to the mixed or Fourier boundarycondition, while in the second case it can be modeled as partial reflections on theboundary. Physical or chemical processes governed by the Laplace equation (sta-tionary diffusion) with mixed boundary condition are generally calledLaplaciantransport phenomena. Their examples are found in physiology (oxygen diffusiontowards and across alveolar membranes), in electrochemistry (electric transportin electrolytic cells), in heterogeneous catalysis (diffusion of reactive moleculestowards catalytic surfaces), in nuclear magnetic resonance (diffusion of spins inconfining porous media). Studying random trajectories of diffusing species, onecan extract a subtle information about the system in question. However, the theo-retical or numerical analysis of these phenomena is in general complicated by anirregular geometry of the interface (e.g., microroughnessof metallic electrodes,see Section 1).

In this paper, we focus on a particular stochastic process, calledpartially re-flected Brownian motion(PRBM), and its application to study Laplacian transportphenomena. Our main purpose is to capture the attention to this interesting pro-cess itself, and its use for understanding the influence of a geometrical irregularityof the interface on transport properties. Bearing in mind the particular role of thegeometry, we would like to “bridge” theoretical, numericaland experimental stud-ies of Laplacian transport phenomena on the one side, and powerful mathematicalmethods of stochastic analysis on the other side. Since the extensive literatureexisting on both topics is generally difficult to get throughfor non-specialists, weprefer to use a descriptive style of writing in order to give the whole vision of theproblem, without specifying particular details which can be found anywhere else(e.g., see references at the end of this paper).

In the first section, we present three examples of Laplacian transport phenom-ena in different scientific fields. Their mathematical description by the mixedboundary value problem opens encouraging possibilities toapply powerful tools

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of potential theory, variational analysis and probabilitytheory. The second sectionis devoted to remind some basic definitions of stochastic process theory: stop-ping times, reflected Brownian motion, local time process, harmonic measure,etc. In the third section, we introduce the partially reflected Brownian motion andshow its properties for a planar surface. An important relation to the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator is revealed and then illustrated by several examples. Thelast section presents different stochastic descriptions of Laplacian transport phe-nomena: a recently developed continuous approach and two other methods. In theconclusion, we summarize the essential issues of the paper.

1 Laplacian Transport Phenomena

The transport of species between two distinct “regions” separated by an interfaceoccurs in various biological systems: water and minerals are pumped by rootsfrom the earth, ions and biological species penetrate through cellular membranes,oxygen molecules diffuse towards and pass through alveolarducts, and so on.Transport processes are relevant for many other scientific domains, for example,heterogeneous catalysis and electrochemistry. In this section, we shall give three1

important examples of the particular transport process, called Laplacianor diffu-sive transport.

1.1 Stationary Diffusion across Semi-permeable Membranes

Let us begin by considering the respiration process of mammals. Inbreathing afresh air, one makes it flow from the mouth to the dichotomic bronchial tree of thelungs (Fig. 1). For humans, first fifteen generations of this tree serve for convec-tional transport of the air towards pulmonary acini, terminal gas exchange units[1]. A gradual increase of the total cross-section of bronchiae leads to a decreaseof air velocity. At the entrance of the acinus, it becomes lower than the character-istic diffusion velocity [2]. As a consequence, one can describe the gas exchangeinside the acinus as stationary diffusion of oxygen molecules in air from the en-trance (“source” with constant concentrationC0 during one cycle of respiration)to the alveolar membranes [3]. In the bulk, the flux density isproportional to thegradient of concentration (Fick’s law),J = −D∇C, whereD is the diffusioncoefficient. The mass conservation law, written locally as div J = 0, leads to theLaplace equation∆C = 0 in the bulk. The flux densitytowardsthe interface issimplyJn = D ∂C/∂n, where the normal derivative∂/∂n is directed to the bulk.

1Diffusive NMR phenomena present another important examplewhen the transport propertiesare considerably affected by irregular geometry. In this paper, we do not discuss this case since ithas been recently reviewed in a separate paper [4].

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Arrived to the alveolar membrane, oxygen molecules can penetrate across theboundary for further absorption in blood, or to be “bounced”on it and to continuethe motion. The “proportion” of absorbed and reflected molecules can be charac-terized bypermeabilityW varying from0 (perfectly reflecting boundary) to in-finity (perfectly absorbing boundary). In this description, the flux densityacrossthe alveolar membrane is proportional to the concentration, Jn = WC. Equat-ing these two densities on the alveolar membrane, one gets a mixed boundarycondition,D(∂C/∂n) = WC, called alsoFourier or Robinboundary condition.Resuming these relations, one provides the following mathematical descriptionfor the diffusion regime of human or, in general, mammalian respiration:

∆C = 0 in the bulk (1)

C = C0 on the source (2)[

I − Λ∂



C = 0 on the alveolar membrane (3)

where the underlying physics and physiology are characterized by a single pa-rameterΛ = D/W , which is homogeneous to a length (I stands for the identityoperator). Note also that the dependence on constantC0 is irrelevant. In whatfollows, we address to this “classical” boundary value problem. The essentialcomplication resides in a very irregular geometry of the pulmonary acinus, whichpresents a branched structure of eight generations (for humans), “sticked” by alve-olar ducts (Fig. 1). For smallΛ, only a minor part of the boundary is involved tothe transport process (so-calledDirichlet active zone), whereas the flux acrossthe rest of the boundary is almost zero (this effect is calleddiffusional screening[3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]). With an increase ofΛ, larger and larger part of the boundary be-comes active. As a result, the efficiency of human lungs depends on the parameterΛ in a nontrivial manner that implies different physiological consequences [10].The trajectory of a chosen oxygen molecule can be seen as Brownian motion fromthe source towards the alveolar membrane, with multiple bounces on the boundaryand final absorption. This is in fact what we call the partially reflected Brownianmotion (Section 3). A profound study of the interplay between the irregular ge-ometry of the acinus and the erratic random motion of oxygen molecules inside itshould help to better understand physiological functioning of human lungs.

1.2 Heterogeneous Catalysis

A similar description can be brought to the molecular regimeof heterogeneouscatalysis omnipresent in petrochemistry. One considers reactive moleculesA in-jected into a solvent and then diffusing towards a catalyst.Hitting the catalyticsurface, they can be transformed into other moleculesA∗ (with a finite reaction

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Figure 1: On the left, a cast of human lungs; on the right, a cast of pulmonaryacinus [1, 11] (by E. Weibel).

rateK), or to be bounced for further diffusion in the bulk. The new moleculesA∗, collected by appropriate physical or chemical technique,do not further con-tribute to the transport process. Assuming the presence of aremote source ofreactive moleculesA, one can model, in a first approximation2, the heterogeneouscatalysis by the mixed boundary value problem (1–3) with a characteristic lengthΛ = D/K [15, 16, 17, 18]. The keynote of this similitude is related tothe factthat each reactive molecule arrived onto the boundary terminates its motion af-ter a number of successive reflections. The mechanism leading to its terminationis different: for the oxygen diffusion, the molecules are absorbed by the alveo-lar membrane and transferred to the blood, while for the heterogeneous catalysis,the reactive molecules are transformed by chemical reaction into other moleculeswhich do not further participate to the process. Since the overall production ofnew moleculesA∗ depends on the total surface area of the catalytic surface, onetries to design catalysts with the largest possible surface(for given volume), real-izing porous and very irregular boundaries (Fig. 2). As a consequence, the diffu-sional screening becomes important to understand numerousindustrial processesin petrochemistry. Since random trajectories of reactive molecules correspond tothe partially reflected Brownian motion, its study may allowa design of more

2This description is probably too simplified in order to modelthe heterogeneous catalysisquan-titatively. First, the presence of moleculesA∗ near the catalyst may “obstruct” the access to thecatalytic surface. Second, parasite reactions happen on the boundary that implies a progressivedeactivation of the catalyst. Consequently, the reactivity K becomes dependent on the spatialposition on the catalytic surface, leading to an inhomogeneous boundary condition. Finally, themolecular diffusion can be applied only if the mean free pathof reactive molecules is much lowerthan the geometrical features of the catalyst (in the opposite case, one deals with Knudsen dif-fusion [12, 13, 14, 17]). Nevertheless, the simple description (1–3) permits to take into accountmany important features related to the catalytic process.

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Figure 2: On the left, an example of an irregular catalytic surface (by J. S. An-drade jr.); at the center, photo of a rough metallic surface of nickel electrode (byE. Chassaing); on the right, photo of an irregular metallic electrode used to studythe Laplacian transport phenomena experimentally (by B. Sapoval).

efficient catalysts.

1.3 Electric Transport in Electrochemistry

The other example of Laplacian transport phenomena can be found in electro-chemistry: the electric current between two metallic electrodes into an electrolyteis described by the same boundary value problem. Indeed, theelectric potentialVobeys the Laplace equation in the bulk since the electrolyteis locally neutral. Tak-ing one electrode of very low resistance (counter-electrode), one writes the corre-sponding boundary condition asV = V0, whereV0 is the applied tension. For theother electrode of surface resistancer (working electrode), one obtains the mixedboundary condition by equating the volume current density−ρ−1∇V (ρ is theelectrolyte resistivity) and the surface current densityV/r: Λ ∂V/∂n = V , whereΛ = r/ρ is again the physical length of the problem. The similar description canbe brought even in the case of an alternative tension [19, 20].

For electric transport, one cannot associate directly the mixed boundary valueproblem with the partially reflected Brownian motion since there is no diffus-ing particle. From this point of view, the electrochemical problem has only aformal analogy with two previous examples. At the same time,the electrochem-istry is an appropriate domain to study experimentally the influence of the ir-regular geometry on the (average) transport properties. Taking metallic elec-trodes of different shapes with micro- or macro-roughness (e.g., see Fig. 2), onecan directly measure thespectroscopic impedanceor admittance(see below).These characteristics are equivalent to the total flux across the boundary for dif-fusional problems [21, 22]. The observation of anomalous impedance behav-ior [23] had provoked numerous theoretical, numerical and experimental stud-

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ies of the role of a geometrical irregularity in Laplacian transport phenomena[24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38] (for more informa-tion, see [39] and references therein).

1.4 Discrete and Semi-continuous Approaches

Among different theoretical approaches developed to studyLaplacian transportphenomena, we have to mention the double layer theory of Halsey and Leibig[26, 27, 28, 29] and the formalism of the Brownian self-transport operator pro-posed by Filoche and Sapoval [21]. In Section 4.3, we shall show how the origi-nal Green function description by Halsey and Leibig can be related to the Brow-nian motion reflected with jump (this stochastic reformulation will be referred toas “semi-continuous” approach). In turn, Filoche and Sapoval considered latticerandom walks with partial reflections to derive a spectral representation for themacroscopic response of an irregular interface (see Section 4.4, where this for-malism is referred to as “discrete” approach). Although both methods accuratelydescribe Laplacian transport phenomena (e.g., they give anexplicit formula forthe total flux across the boundary), their major inconvenience resides in the de-pendence on an artificial length scale: jump distancea for the semi-continuousapproach and lattice parametera for the discrete approach. A physical intuitionsuggests that, if these descriptions are correct, there should exist a well definedcontinuous limit asa tends to0. Certain substantial arguments to justify the ex-istence of this limit were brought in [39] (and they will be strengthened in thispaper), but a rigorous mathematical proof is still required. To overcome this dif-ficulty, a new theoretical approach has been recently developed in [40]. We shallcall it “continuous” since it is tightly related to a continuous stochastic process,namely, the partially reflected Brownian motion. This approach will integratethe advantages of the previous ones, being a mathematical foundation for under-standing Laplacian transport phenomena. We shall return tothese questions inSection 4.

2 Basic Definitions

In this section, we recall the basic definitions related to the Brownian motion andreflected Brownian motion that can be found in extensive literature, e.g., [41, 42,43, 44, 45, 46, 47]. The familiar reader may pass over this section.

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2.1 Brownian Motion and Dirichlet Boundary Value Problem

The Brownian motion can be defined in different ways [41]. Throughout thispaper, we use the following definition.

Definition 2.1 A stochastic processWt (t ≥ 0) defined on the chosen probabilis-tic space is called one-dimensional Brownian motion (or Wiener process) startedfrom the origin, if

• its trajectories are continuous almost surely (with probability 1);

• it starts from the origin almost surely,PW0 = 0 = 1;

• its joint distribution is

PWt1 ∈ Γ1, ..., Wtn ∈ Γn =∫




dxn g(0, x1 ; t1) g(x1, x2 ; t2 − t1) ... g(xn−1, xn ; tn − tn−1)

for any integern, any real numbers0 < t1 < ... < tn and arbitrary inter-valsΓ1, ...,Γn, whereg(x, x′ ; t) is the Gaussian density

g(x, x′ ; t) =1√2πt



−(x − x′)2



x, x′ ∈ R, t ∈ R+ (4)

By definition,g(0, x ; t)dx is the probability to find the Brownian motion indx vicinity of pointx at timet:

PWt ∈ (x, x + dx) = g(0, x ; t)dx

The collectionWt = (W 1t , ..., W d

t ) of d independent one-dimensional Brown-ian motionsW k

t is calledd-dimensional Brownian motion started from the origin(in the following, we shall omit the pointing on the dimension). The translatedstochastic process,x + Wt, is called Brownian motion started from the pointx ∈ Rd.

Various properties of the Brownian motion and its relation to other mathemat-ical fields (like partially differential equations or potential theory) are well knownand can be found in [41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47].

As one can see, the Brownian motionWt is defined for the whole spaceRd,without any binding to a particular domain. However, physical processes are usu-ally confined into a certain domainΩ ⊂ Rd. The “presence” of its boundary∂Ω can be introduced by a specific condition for a quantity we arelooking for.To illustrate this notion, let us introduce the harmonic measureωx defined as theprobability measure to hit different subsets of the boundary ∂Ω for the first time.

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Definition 2.2 Let Ω ⊂ Rd be a domain with boundary∂Ω. For anyx ∈ R

d, arandom variableTx = inft > 0 : (x + Wt) ∈ ∂Ω is called stopping timeon the boundary∂Ω (it gives the first moment when the Brownian motion startedfromx hits the boundary). For any subsetA from the Borelσ-algebraB(∂Ω), onedefines its harmonic measureωxA (hitting probability) as:

ωxA = PWTx ∈ A, Tx < ∞

(we remind that the Borelσ-algebraB(∂Ω) is generated by all open subsets of∂Ω).

We gave this classical definition of the harmonic measure in order to outlinethat the boundary∂Ω is present in the problem only through the stopping timeTx.In other words, its introduction does not change the definition of the Brownianmotion itself. This feature considerably simplifies the following analysis.

Up to this moment, we did not specify the domainΩ and its boundary∂Ω,since the harmonic measure can be well defined for very irregular domains [48,49, 50]. However, the following definitions will need some restrictions on theboundary. Throughout this paper, we shall consider a domainΩ ⊂ R

d (d ≥ 2)with bounded smooth boundary∂Ω (twice continuous differentiable manifold).One the one hand, this condition can be weakened in differentways, but it wouldrequire more sophisticated analysis overflowing the framesof this paper (e.g., see[51, 52]). One the other hand, our primary aim is to describe Laplacian transportphenomena listened in Section 1. Dealing withphysicalproblems, one can al-wayssmootha given boundary∂Ω whatever its original irregularity. Indeed, thephysics naturally provides a minimal cut-offδ (e.g., mean free path of diffusingor reacting molecules) which determines the “admissible” scales of the bound-ary. All geometrical features of the boundary smaller thanδ should be irrelevant(otherwise, the proposed physical description would be incorrect). Smoothingthese geometrical elements, one can obtain a boundary that may be (very) irregu-lar on length scales larger thanδ, but smooth on length scales lower thanδ. Fora smooth boundary∂Ω, one can introduce the harmonic measure densityωx(s)such thatωx(s)ds is the probability that the Brownian motion started atx hits theboundary inds vicinity of the boundary points.

The harmonic measure, generated by the Brownian motion, gives a generalsolution of the Dirichlet boundary value problem with a given functionf on∂Ω:

∆u = 0 (x ∈ Ω), u = f (x ∈ ∂Ω) (5)

Indeed, the harmonic measure density is equal to the normal derivative of theGreen function for the Dirichlet problem, so that one writesthe solutionu(x)

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explicitly [53]:

u(x) =


f(s) ωx(s)ds

or as following expectation

u(x) = Ef(WTx)


One can give a physical interpretation to this mathematicalrelation. In order tocalculate the expectation, one considers all possible trajectories of the Brownianmotion started from the pointx ∈ Ω. For each trajectory terminated at boundarypointss = WTx , one assigns the weightf(s) and then averages over all thesetrajectories. Giving this interpretation, we do not discuss the mathematical real-ization of such average over all possible trajectories. To do this operation properly,one can introduce the Wiener measure on the space of continuous functions andthen define the corresponding functional integrals [41]. Itis interesting to remarkthat this reasoning traced to the Feynman’s description of quantum mechanics bypath integrals [54]. Note also that the relation (6) is the mathematical foundationto Monte Carlo numerical tools for solving the Dirichlet problem (5). In fact,launching a large number of random walkers from the pointx, one determines,for each trajectory, its hitting points and assigns the corresponding weightf(s).The average over all random walkers gives an approximate value of the solutionu(x) at pointx.

One can see that the Brownian motion is an efficient mathematical tool tostudy Dirichlet boundary value problems. However, it becomes useless for othertypes of boundary conditions like, e.g., the Neumann condition. The simple phys-ical reason is the following. As we have mentioned above, theDirichlet boundarycondition is introduced through the stopping timeTx. It means that we are inter-ested only in the Brownian motionWt for timest between0 andTx. Since themotion witht > Tx is irrelevant for this problem, one may think that the Brownianmotion isabsorbedon the boundary∂Ω at the first hit. In other words, the Dirich-let condition corresponds to apurely absorbinginterface∂Ω. For the Neumanncondition, the situation changes drastically. The normal derivative representinga flux leads to the notion ofreflectionon the boundary: if one would like to fixthe flux density across the boundary, certain particles should be reflected. Theprobabilistic description of the Neumann boundary condition necessitates thus anintroduction of the other stochastic process calledreflected Brownian motion.

2.2 Reflected Brownian Motion

The fact of reflection on the boundary implies three essential distinctions withrespect to the (simple) Brownian motion:

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• the definition of the reflected Brownian motion will depend onthe domainΩ(as a consequence, it will be necessarily more sophisticated than the abovedefinition of the Brownian motion);

• the type and direction of each reflection should be prescribed (e.g., right oroblique);

• some restrictions on the boundary∂Ω should be introduced, for instance,the normal vector should be well defined at each point (as a consequence,the boundary cannot be very irregular).

It is not thus surprising that the definition of the reflected Brownian motion re-quiresstochasticdifferential equations. We do not intend to reproduce the wholeanalysis leading to the reflected Brownian motion since one can find it in corre-sponding literature (e.g., see [41, 55, 56, 57]). In the caseof smooth boundaries,the following definition is quite classical. The situation becomes essentially moredifficult when one tries to extend it for nonsmooth domains.

Definition 2.3 Let Ω ⊂ Rd be a domain with boundary∂Ω, andn(s) is a vector-valued function on∂Ω. For a given pointx ∈ Ω, one considers the stochasticequation in the following form:

dWt = dWt + n(Wt)I∂Ω(Wt)dℓt W0 = x, ℓ0 = 0 (7)

whereWt isd-dimensional Brownian motion andI∂Ω is the indicator of the bound-ary∂Ω. By a solution of this equation, we mean a pair of almost surely continuousprocessesWt and ℓt, satisfying (7), adapted to the underlying family ofσ-fieldsand satisfying, with probability1, the following conditions:

• Wt belongs toΩ ∪ ∂Ω;

• ℓt is a nondecreasing process which increases only fort ∈ T , T = t >0 : Wt ∈ ∂Ω having Lebesgue measure zero almost surely.

The processWt is called Brownian motion normally reflected on the boundary(orreflected Brownian motion), the processℓt is called local time on the boundary(or local time process).

The following theorem ensures the existence and uniquenessof these stochas-tic processes in the case of smooth boundaries.

Theorem 2.4 Let Ω ⊂ Rd be a bounded domain with twice continuous differ-entiable boundary∂Ω, n(s) is the vector of the inward unit normal at boundarypoint s (orthogonal to the boundary ats and oriented towards the domain). For

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a given pointx ∈ Ω ∪ ∂Ω, the stochastic equation (7) possesses a unique solu-tion, i.e., there exist the reflected Brownian motionWt and the local time on theboundaryℓt satisfying the above conditions, and they are unique.

Proofcan be found in [41, 55].

We should note that this theorem can be extended in differentways. For ex-ample, one can consider the Brownian motion, reflected on theboundary in thedirection given by another vector-valued field than the fieldn(s) of the inwardunit normals. The assumption that the domain is bounded can be replaced by amore subtle hypothesis that allows to extend the definition of the reflected Brow-nian motion for some classes of unbounded domains. At last, one may definethis motion for a general case of second order elliptic differential operators (withcertain restrictions on their coefficients). The interested reader may consult thecorresponding literature, e.g., [41, 45].

Although the rigorous mathematical definition of stochastic differential equa-tions is more difficult than in the case of ordinary differential equations, an in-tuitive meaning of its elements remains qualitatively the same. For example, thestochastic equation (7) states that an infinitesimal variation dWt of the reflectedBrownian motionWt in the domainΩ (bulk) is governed only by the variationdWt of the (simple) Brownian motionWt (the second term vanishes due to the in-dicatorI∂Ω). When the motion hits the boundary, the second term does notallowto leave the domain leading to a variation directed along theinward unit normaln(s) towards the interior of the domain. On the other hand, each hit of the bound-ary increases the local timeℓt. Consequently, the single stochastic equation (7)defines simultaneously two random processes,Wt andℓt, strongly dependent eachof other.

As an example, one can consider one-dimensional Brownian motion reflectedat zero which can be written as mirror reflection of the (simple) Brownian motion:Wt = |x + Wt|. Applying Ito’s formula to this function, one obtains:

Wt = |x + Wt| = x +



sign(x + Wt′)dWt′ +1




δ(x + Wt′)dt′

One can show that the second term is equivalent to a Brownian motionW ′t , whereas

the third term, denoted asℓt, is a continuous, nondecreasing random process whichincreases only on the setT = t > 0 : x + Wt = 0 of the Lebesgue measurezero. The previous expression can thus be written asWt = x + W ′

t + ℓt or, indifferential form, asdWt = dW ′

t + dℓt which is the particular case of the stochas-tic equation (7). For the local timeℓt, Levy proved the following representation

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[43, 44]:

ℓt = lima→0





I[0,a](Wt′)dt′ (8)

This relation makes explicit the meaning of the local timeℓt: it shows how “manytimes” the reflected Brownian motion passed in an infinitesimal vicinity of zeroup to the momentt. Levy also gave another useful representation for the localtime:

ℓt = lima→0

aNt(a) (9)

whereNt(a) is the number of passages of the reflected Brownian motion throughthe interval[0, a] up to the momentt. If one introduces a sequence of stoppingtimes at points0 anda,

τ(0)0 = inft > 0 : Wt = 0 τ

(a)0 = inft > τ

(a)0 : Wt = a

τ (0)n = inft > τ

(a)n−1 : Wt = 0 τ (a)

n = inft > τ(0)n−1 : Wt = a

the number of passages can be defined as

Nt(a) = supn > 0 : τ (0)n < t

Note that the representations (8) and (9) can be extended fora general case ofd-dimensional reflected Brownian motion.

3 Partially Reflected Brownian Motion

3.1 Definition and Certain Properties

Bearing in mind the description of Laplacian transport phenomena, we would liketo extend the concept of the reflected Brownian motion in order to deal with themixed boundary condition (3).

Definition 3.1 For a given domainΩ ⊂ Rd with smooth bounded boundary∂Ω,let Wt be the reflected Brownian motion started fromx ∈ Ω ∪ ∂Ω, andℓt be therelated local time process. Letχ be a random variable, independent ofWt andℓt

and distributed according to the exponential law with a positive parameterΛ:

Pχ ≥ λ = exp[−λ/Λ] (λ ≥ 0) (10)

The stopping timeT

xΛ = inft > 0 : ℓt ≥ χ

gives the first moment when the local time processℓt exceeds the random variableχ. The processWt conditioned to stop at random momentt = T

xΛ is called

partially reflected Brownian motion (PRBM).

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First of all, we stress that the partially reflected Brownianmotion is not anewstochastic process: it reproduces completely the reflectedBrownian motionWt upto the momentTx

Λ. The only difference between them resides in the fact that weare not interested in what happens after this moment. Consequently, the conditionto stop att = Tx

Λ may be thought as an absorption on the boundary∂Ω. It ex-plains the term “partially reflected”: after multiple reflections, the process will beabsorbed on the boundary (see Section 4 for further comments). Roughly speak-ing, the whole term “partially reflected Brownian motion” isa shorter version ofthe phrase “reflected Brownian motion conditioned to stop atrandom momentTx

Λ”.In the particular caseΛ = 0, the exponential distribution (10) is degenerated:

Pχ = 0 = 1 andPχ > 0 = 0. Consequently, the stopping time becomes:Tx

0 = inft > 0 : ℓt > 0. Since the first moment of an increase of the localtime processℓt corresponds to the first hit of the boundary∂Ω, one obtains thestopping time of the (simple) Brownian motion:Tx

0 = Tx. One concludes that,for Λ = 0, the partially reflected Brownian motion becomes the Brownian motionconditioned to stop at the first hit of the boundary.

To study the partially reflected Brownian motion, one can introduce a measurequantifying absorptions on different subsets of the boundary ∂Ω.

Definition 3.2 For any subsetA from the Borelσ-algebraB(∂Ω), one defines itsspread harmonic measureωx,ΛA as:

ωx,ΛA = PWTxΛ∈ A, T

xΛ < ∞

As the harmonic measure itself,ωx,ΛA satisfies the properties of a prob-abilistic measure, in particular,ωx,Λ∂Ω = 1. WhenΛ goes to0, the spreadharmonic measure tends to the harmonic measure:ωx,ΛA → ωxA. Sincethe present definition of the PRBM requires the smoothness ofthe boundary, thespread harmonic measure can be characterized by its densityωx,Λ(s).

Dealing with the Brownian motion, one could formally take the starting pointx on the boundary∂Ω, but it would lead to trivial results: the stopping timeTx

becomes0 and the harmonic measureωx is degenerated to the Dirac point mea-sure:ωxA = IA(x) (if x ∈ ∂Ω). In the case of the partially reflected Brownianmotion, the starting pointx can belong to the domainΩ or to its boundary∂Ω: inboth cases the spread harmonic measure has nontrivial properties.

It is convenient to separate each random trajectory of the PRBM in two parts,before and after the first hit of the boundary. The first part,W0≤t≤Tx , coincideswith the (simple) Brownian motion started fromx and conditioned to stop on theboundary, while the second part,WTx≤t≤T

xΛ, coincides with the reflected Brow-

nian motion started on the boundary (at the first hitting point) and conditioned

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to stop on the same boundary at random momentTxΛ. Since these two parts are

independent, one can write the spread harmonic measure density as

ωx,Λ(s) =


ds′ωx(s′) TΛ(s′, s) TΛ(s′, s) ≡ ωs′,Λ(s) (11)

The integral kernelTΛ(s′, s) represents the probability density that the PRBMstarted from the boundary points′ is stopped (absorbed) in an infinitesimal vicinityof the boundary points. Consequently, it is sufficient to determine the probabil-ities of displacements between two boundary points in orderto reconstruct thewhole spread harmonic measure density.

Lemma 3.3 For any subsetA fromB(∂Ω) and fixed positiveΛ, the spread har-monic measureωx,ΛA, considered as a function ofx, solves the mixed boundaryvalue problem:

∆ωx,ΛA = 0 (x ∈ Ω),


I − Λ∂



ωx,ΛA = IA(x) (x ∈ ∂Ω)


This lemma generalizes the Kakutani theorem for the harmonic measure (whenΛ = 0) [58]. We do not reproduce the proof of this lemma since it would requiremany technical details. It can be also reformulated for the spread harmonic mea-sure density:

Lemma 3.4 For any boundary points ∈ ∂Ω and fixed positiveΛ, the spreadharmonic measure densityωx,Λ(s), considered as a function ofx, satisfies thefollowing conditions:

∆ωx,Λ(s) = 0 (x ∈ Ω),


I − Λ∂



ωx,Λ(s) = δ(s − x) (x ∈ ∂Ω)

(13)whereδ(s − x) is the Dirac function (distribution) on the boundary.

According to this lemma, the solution of a general mixed boundary value prob-lem

∆u = 0 (x ∈ Ω),


I − Λ∂



u = f (x ∈ ∂Ω)

with a given functionf on∂Ω and fixed positiveΛ can be written in two equivalentforms:

u(x) =


f(s) ωx,Λ(s)ds = Ef(WT


Partially Reflected Brownian Motion... 16

Again, one can give a physical interpretation of this relation: one averages thefunctionf over all possible trajectories of the partially reflected Brownian motionstarted from the pointx. Each trajectory is weighted byf(s) according to theboundary points of its final absorption.

3.2 Planar Surface

We remind that the physical motivation of this work is a possibility to describe dif-fusing particles near semi-permeable interfaces by the partially reflected Brownianmotion. Indeed, the mixed boundary value problem (1–3) is anaveraged descrip-tion for the concentration of particles, while the stochastic description permits to“follow” the trajectory of one individual particle. This analysis may provide anew information: typical or average distance between the first hitting point andthe final absorption point; proportion of “flatten” trajectories, going near the inter-face, with respect to remote trajectories, moving away fromthe interface and thenreturning to it, etc. In this subsection, we briefly considerthe particular case of theplanar surface (boundary of a half space), when the partially reflected Brownianmotion can be constructed in a simple way, without stochastic equations. Conse-quently, many related characteristics can be obtained explicitly. In addition, thisconstruction for the half space brings an example of the PRBMfor an unboundeddomain.

Let Ω be the upper half space,Ω = x ∈ Rd : xd > 0, with smoothboundary∂Ω = x ∈ Rd : xd = 0. Let W k

t ared independent Brownianmotions started from the origin. Then, the Brownian motion,started from a givenpointx ∈ Ω and reflected on the boundary∂Ω, can be written in a simple way as(x1 + W 1

t , ..., xd−1 + W d−1t , |xd + W d

t |). The particular simplification is broughtby the fact that reflections happen in a single direction, being involved through theone-dimensional reflected Brownian motion|xd+W d

t |. Without loss of generality,we can consider the reflected Brownian motion started from the origin (x = 0):the translational invariance along the hyperplane∂Ω permits to move the startingpoint in ∂Ω, whereas the convolution property (11) allows displacements in or-thogonal direction. The local time processℓt can be introduced either through thestochastic equations (7), or with the help of Levy’s formulae (8) or (9).

Lemma 3.5 Let Ω be the upper half space,Ω = x ∈ Rd : xd > 0. For anypositiveΛ, the stopping timeT0

Λ, defined in 3.1, is distributed according to

PT0Λ ∈ (t, t + dt) = ρΛ(t)dt, ρΛ(t) =



z e−z2/2te−z/Λ


2π t3/2dz (14)

Partially Reflected Brownian Motion... 17

Proof. Since the local timeℓt and the random variableχ are independent, one canwrite the probabilityPT0

Λ ∈ (t, t + dt) as

PT0Λ ∈ (t, t+dt) =




infτ > 0 : ℓτ = z ∈ (t, t+dt)

P χ ∈ (z, z+dz)

Then, the first factor is the well known density of the inverselocal time process[42],


infτ > 0 : ℓτ = z ∈ (t, t + dt)

= dtz e−z2/2t

√2π t3/2

while the second factor is given by the exponential law density (10) that implies(14).

Note that the integral in (14) can be represented with the help of the Gaussianerror function

ρΛ(t) =1









, K(z) =2√π





One finds the asymptotic behavior of the densityρΛ(t):

ρΛ(t) ∼(√


t−1/2 (t → 0), ρΛ(t) ∼(√


t−3/2 (t → ∞)

Once the distribution of stopping timeT0Λ is determined, one can calculate the

spread harmonic measure densityωx,Λ(s).

Lemma 3.6 Let Ω be the upper half space,Ω = x ∈ Rd : xd > 0. For anypositiveΛ, the spread harmonic measure densityωx,Λ(s) is

ωx,Λ(s1, ..., sd−1) =












kj(xj − sj)


1 + Λ|k|(15)

where|k| =√

k21 + ... + k2


Proof. First, the probability kernelTΛ(s, s′), defined for two boundary pointss, s′ ∈ ∂Ω, is translationally invariant in the hyperplane∂Ω, TΛ(s, s′) = tΛ(s−s′),where

tΛ(s1, ..., sd−1)ds1...dsd−1 ≡


W 1T



∈ (s1, s1 + ds1) , ... , W d−1T



∈ (sd−1, sd−1 + dsd−1)

Partially Reflected Brownian Motion... 18

The stopping timeT0Λ is related to the orthogonal motion and, consequently, inde-

pendent of lateral motionsW 1t , ...,W d−1

t . Therefore, the above probability can bewritten as

tΛ(s1, ..., sd−1)ds1...dsd−1 =∞∫



W 1t ∈ (s1, s1 + ds1), ... , W d−1

t ∈ (sd−1, sd−1 + dsd−1)


Since the lateral motions are independent between themselves, the first factor isequal to the product of Gaussian densities (4):

tΛ(s1, ..., sd−1) =



dt ρΛ(t)





Using the integral representation (14), one finds

tΛ(s1, ..., sd−1) =Γ(d/2)

πd/2 Λ



dzz e−z/Λ

[s21 + ... + s2

d−1 + z2]d/2

whereΓ(z) stands for Euler gamma function (see [39] for details).Substituting the well known harmonic measure densityωx(s) for the upper

half space (generalized Cauchy distribution),

ωx(s1, ..., sd−1) =Γ(d/2)


xd[(x1 − s1)2 + ... + (xd−1 − sd−1)2 + (xd)2


into convolution (11), one finally obtains the expression (15) for the spread har-monic measure density.

One can easily verify that the spread harmonic measure density ωx,Λ(s) andthe probability kernelTΛ(s, s′) satisfy the following conditions:

1. Normalization condition:∫


ds ωx,Λ(s) = 1


ds′ TΛ(s, s′) = 1

2. Dirichlet limit (Λ → 0):

ωx,Λ(s) −→ ωx(s) TΛ(s, s′) −→ δ(s − s′)

Partially Reflected Brownian Motion... 19

3. Translational invariance:

ωx,Λ(s) = ωx−s,Λ(0) TΛ(s, s′) = TΛ(s − s′, 0) ≡ tΛ(s − s′)

One can also deduce the asymptotic behavior of the functiontΛ(s) as|s| → 0 or|s| → ∞. For this purpose, it is convenient to define the new functionηd(z) byrelation

tΛ(s) = ηd



where the second factor is the harmonic measure density for the Brownian mo-tion started from the point(0, ..., 0

︸ ︷︷ ︸


, Λ). Using the explicit formulae fortΛ(s) and

ω(0,...,0,Λ)(s), one obtains:

ηd(z) =(1 + z2




t e−t dt

(t2 + z2)d/2(16)

Its asymptotic behavior forz going to infinity is

ηd(z) = 1 − 5d

2z−2 + O(z−4) (17)

whereas forz going to0, one has

ηd(z) ∼ Γ(d/2)

πd/2z2−d (d > 2), ηd(z) ∼ 1

πln z (d = 2)

These relations can be used for qualitative study of the partially reflectedBrownian motion. For instance, one identifies the parameterΛ as a character-istic length scale of the problem: the magnitude of any distance (e.g.,|s|) has tobe compared withΛ. Interestingly, the asymptotic behavior (17) for largez meansthat the functiontΛ(s) is close to the harmonic measure densityω(0,...,0,Λ)(s).Roughly speaking, for large|s|/Λ, the partially reflected Brownian motion startedfrom the origin is qualitatively equivalent to the (simple)Brownian motion startedfrom the point(0, ..., 0, Λ). In other words, the partial reflections on the boundarylead to aspreadingof the harmonic measure with characteristic scaleΛ (see alsorelation (11)). The explicit analytical results can also bederived in presence of anabsorbing barrier at a given height [59].

The knowledge of the probability kernelTΛ(s, s′) brings an important infor-mation about the partially reflected Brownian motion in the (upper) half space. Asan example, we calculate the probabilityPΛ(r) that the PRBM started from the

Partially Reflected Brownian Motion... 20






















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































........... .............




















































































































































































. ............................................................................q qΛ






































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































. ............................................................................q qΛ




Λ C = 0

Figure 3: Land Surveyor Approximation: the total flux acrossthe boundary canbe approximately calculated when the mixed boundary condition ∂C/∂n = C/Λon a given irregular curve (on the left) is replaced by the Dirichlet conditionC = 0on the coarse-grained boundary (on the right). The last one is obtained by replac-ing curvilinear intervals of lengthΛ by corresponding linear chords.

origin is finally absorbed on the diskBd−1r = (x1, ..., xd) ∈ Rd : x2

1 + ... +x2

d−1 ≤ r2, xd = 0 of radiusr centered at the origin:

PΛ(r) =


ds tΛ(s) =2 Γ(d










xd−2 dx

[x2 + t2]d/2(18)

This probability shows how far the partially reflected Brownian motion can goaway after the first hit of the boundary. One sees that this function depends onlyon the ratior/Λ, going to0 for small radii and to1 for large radii. Again, theparameterΛ is the characteristic length scale of the problem. In two-dimensionalcase,PΛ(Λ/2) is the probability that the PRBM is absorbed on the linear seg-ment of lengthΛ, centered at the origin (the first hitting point). The numericalcalculation of the integral in (18) givesPΛ(Λ/2) ≃ 0.4521, i.e., about half of theparticles is absorbed on this region. In other words, the length of the character-istic absorption region (where half of the particles is absorbed) is approximatelyequal toΛ. It has been shown recently that this result is qualitatively valid for alarge class of irregular boundaries [60]. Roughly speaking, if the one-dimensionalboundary (curve) has no deep pores (fjords) and its perimeter is large with respectto the scaleΛ, then the curvilinear interval of lengthΛ, centered on the first hittingpoint, absorbs approximately half of the diffusing particles.

This result can be considered as a first mathematical justification of theLandSurveyor Approximation(LSA) developed by Sapoval [19]. According to thisapproximation, a given one-dimensional interface (curve)can be coarse-grainedwith physical scaleΛ in order to replace the mixed boundary condition[I −Λ∂/∂n]C = 0 by the Dirichlet conditionC = 0 (see Fig. 3). Some heuristicphysical arguments allowed to state that the total flux across the irregular semi-permeable interface was approximately equal to the total flux across this coarse-

Partially Reflected Brownian Motion... 21

grained boundary with Dirichlet condition. This statementprovided a simple butpowerful tool to investigate Laplacian transport phenomena. The land surveyorapproximation had been checked numerically [33, 34], but not mathematically.The study of the partially reflected Brownian motion brings its justification andfurther understanding. Actually, the coarse-graining procedure generates the re-gions of lengthΛ, where about half of the particles is absorbed. The LSA isbased on two simplifications which can be clearly explained in terms of diffusingparticles:

1. The Dirichlet boundary condition on the coarse-grained boundary meansthat all particles arrived to the characteristic absorption region are absorbed.This approximation does not take into account half of the particles whichescaped this region.

2. The linear chords, generated by coarse-graining, are deterministic regions.This approximation neglects the fact that the characteristic absorption re-gions should be centered at therandomposition of the first hit of the bound-ary.

Although these simplifications seem to be rough, the numerical simulations showthat the LSA reproduces the transport properties with good accuracy. However,this approximation has no any kind of small parameter which would allow tocontrol its applicability. More accurate theoretical approaches will be discussedin Section 4.

One can go further by extending the Land Surveyor Approximation to thethree-dimensional case, which still remains poorly understood. Indeed, the nu-merical calculation in 3D leads toPΛ(Λ) ≃ 0.4611, i.e., about half of the particlesis absorbed on the disk of radiusΛ centered at the first hitting point. Consequently,if one finds a convenient cover of a semi-permeable irregularinterface by disk-likesets of characteristic radiusΛ, the LSA may be still valid, i.e., the total flux acrossa given interface would be approximated by the total flux across the perfectlyabsorbing coarse-grained interface (with Dirichlet condition). An accurate math-ematical formulation of this extension and its numerical verification present openinteresting problems.

3.3 Relation to the Dirichlet-to-Neumann Operator

The construction of the partially reflected Brownian motionfor a given domainΩrequires the resolution of the stochastic differential equation (7), a quite difficultproblem. Fortunately, many characteristics of this process, e.g., the spread har-monic measure densityωx,Λ(s), can be obtained in another way. This subsection

Partially Reflected Brownian Motion... 22

is devoted to the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator and its relation to the partiallyreflected Brownian motion.

Definition 3.7 For a given domainΩ ⊂ Rd (d ≥ 2) with smooth bounded bound-

ary ∂Ω, let u : Ω ∪ ∂Ω → R be a harmonic function with Dirichlet conditionu = f , a functionf being from the Sobolev spaceH1(∂Ω) (in other words,u isthe solution of the boundary value problem (5)). Applying the normal derivativeto u, one obtains a new functiong = ∂u/∂n belonging to the spaceL2(∂Ω) ofmeasurable and square integrable functions. Then the operator M, acting fromH1(∂Ω) to L2(∂Ω), which associates the new functiong with a givenf , is calledDirichlet-to-Neumann operator.

It is known that the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operatorM is self-adjoint pseu-dodifferential operator of the first order, with discrete positive spectrumµα andsmooth eigenfunctions forming a complete basis inL2(∂Ω) [51, 52, 61, 62, 63,64, 65, 66, 67, 68]. One can also define its resolvent operatorTΛ = [I + ΛM]−1,calledspreading operator. This is an analytic operator function in the whole com-plex plane, except a denumerable set of points,C\−µ−1

α . In particular,TΛ iswell defined for any positiveΛ.

Lemma 3.8 For any strictly positiveΛ, the spreading operatorTΛ acts fromL2(∂Ω) to L2(∂Ω) as a compact integral operator,

[TΛf ](s) =


ds′ f(s′) TΛ(s′, s)

where the kernelTΛ(s, s′) is given by (11).

Proof. The probability kernelTΛ(s, s′) is a positive function satisfying the nor-malization: ∫


TΛ(s, s′)ds′ = 1

since the partially reflected Brownian motion is conditioned to be finally absorbedon the boundary. Therefore, one obtains:



ds ds′ |TΛ(s, s′)|2 = Stot < ∞

whereStot is the total surface area of the boundary∂Ω. The integral operatorTΛ

defined by the kernelTΛ(s, s′) is a Hilbert-Schmidt operator and, consequently, acompact operator.

Partially Reflected Brownian Motion... 23

The boundary condition in lemma 3.4 can be written with the help of theDirichlet-to-Neumann operator:

[I + ΛM]TΛ(s, s′) = δ(s − s′)

that implies that the integral operatorTΛ coincides with the resolvent[I +ΛM]−1

of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operatorM.

This simple lemma creates a “bridge” between the partially reflected Brow-nian motion and the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator. In particular, the relation(11) for the spread harmonic measure densityωx,Λ(s) can now be understood asapplication of the spreading operatorTΛ to the harmonic measure densityωx(s).Consequently, once the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator is constructed for a givendomain, one can calculate the densityωx,Λ(s) without solving the stochastic dif-ferential equations (7).

The self-adjointness of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator allows one to applyefficient tools of the spectral theory. For example, one can rewrite the relation (11)as spectral decomposition of the harmonic measure density on eigenfunctionsVα

of the operatorM:

ωx,Λ(s) =∑


(ωx ·V∗




1 + ΛµαVα(s)

(ωx ·V∗





ωx(s′) V

∗α(s′) ds′

(19)where( · )L2 denotes the scalar product inL2(∂Ω) space. The advantage of thisrelation is an explicit dependence on the physical parameter Λ.

3.4 Examples

In order to illustrate the underlying concepts, we considerseveral examples.

3.4.1 Two-Dimensional Disk

We are going to study the partially reflecting Brownian motion in a unit disk,Ω = x ∈ R2 : |x| < 1 (its boundary is a unit circle,∂Ω = x ∈ R2 : |x| = 1 ).

In this case, the harmonic measure densityωx(s) ≡ ω(r, θ) is a function oftwo real variables: the distance0 ≤ r < 1 between the starting pointx ∈ Ω andthe origin, and the angle0 ≤ θ < 2π between directions onto pointsx ands ∈ ∂Ωfrom the origin. The harmonic measure density is known as Poisson kernel:

ω(r, θ) =1 − r2

2π(1 − 2r cos θ + r2)(20)

Partially Reflected Brownian Motion... 24

The rotational invariance of the domainΩ implies that the eigenbasis of theDirichlet-to-Neumann operatorM is the Fourier basis,

Vα(θ) =eiαθ


(α ∈ Z)

Taking Fourier harmonic as boundary condition,u(r = 1, θ) = eiαθ, one findsa regular solution of the corresponding Dirichlet problem:u(r, θ) = r|α|eiαθ.Since the normal derivative coincides with the radius derivative, one obtains theeigenvalues of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator:

µα = |α| (α ∈ Z)

These eigenvalues are doubly degenerated (expectµ0 = 0).The spread harmonic measure density is given by relation (19):

ωx,Λ(s) ≡ ωΛ(r, θ) =1



r|α| eiαθ

1 + Λ|α|

(the scalar product of the harmonic measure densityωx(s) and eigenfunctionsV

∗α(θ) is shown to be equal tor|α|, with r = |x|). In the caseΛ = 0, one retrieves

the Poisson representation for the harmonic measure density (20) just as required.The kernel of the resolvent operatorTΛ is

TΛ(θ, θ′) =1




1 + Λ|α|

For the exterior problem, whenΩ = x ∈ R2 : |x| > 1, one obtains exactlythe same results.

3.4.2 Three-Dimensional Ball

The similar arguments can be applied for higher dimensions.For example, in thethree-dimensional case, one considers the unit ballΩ = x ∈ R3 : |x| < 1 .The harmonic measure density is known to be

ωx(s) ≡ ω(r, θ) ≡ 1 − r2

4π(1 − 2r cos θ + r2

)3/2(s ∈ ∂Ω)

wherer = |x| < 1 is the distance between the starting pointx ∈ Ω and the origin,andθ is the angle between directions onto pointsx ands ∈ ∂Ω from the origin.This function can be expanded on the basis of spherical harmonics as

ωx(s) =∞∑




rl Yl,m(s) Yl,m(x/r)

Partially Reflected Brownian Motion... 25

The rotational symmetry of the problem implies that the eigenbasis of theDirichlet-to-Neumann operator is formed by spherical harmonicsYl,m. A regularsolution of the Dirichlet problem (5) in the unit ball can be written in sphericalcoordinatesr, θ andϕ as

u(r, θ, ϕ) =∞∑




fl,m rl Yl,m(θ, ϕ)

wherefl,m are coefficients of the expansion of a given boundary functionf (Dirich-let condition) on the complete basis of spherical harmonics. Since the normalderivative coincides with the radius derivative, one obtains

[Mf ](θ, ϕ) =















fl,m l Yl,m(θ, ϕ)

i.e., the eigenvalues of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator M are

µl = l (l ∈ 0, 1, 2, ...) (21)

Note that thel-th eigenvalue is degeneratednl = (2l + 1) times.Interestingly3, the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operatorM for the unit ballΩ =

x ∈ R3 : |x| < 1 coincides with an operator introduced by Dirac in quan-tum mechanics [69]. It is known that the hydrogen atom is described by threequantum numbers: the main quantum numbern, the orbital quantum numberland magnetic quantum numberm. Two last numbers are associated with indicesof spherical harmonics. Thus, the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator in the ball isapparently the orbital quantum number operator for the hydrogen atom. In par-ticular, the degeneracy of eigenvalues of this operator canbe understood from thepoint of view of spin degeneracy.

The spread harmonic measure densityωx,Λ(s) and the spreading operator ker-nelTΛ(s, s′) can be written explicitly as spectral decompositions on theeigenbasisof the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operatorM as in the two-dimensional case.

The eigenvalues of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator ford-dimensional unitball are still given by (21) with degeneracy

nl =(2l + d − 2)

(d − 2)

(l + d − 3)!

(d − 3)! l!

The exterior problem forΩ = x ∈ R3 : |x| > 1 can be considered in the

same manner. The harmonic measure density isωx(s) = (1/r) ω(1/r, θ), with3The author thanks Dr. S. Shadchin for valuable discussions on this relation.

Partially Reflected Brownian Motion... 26

r = |x| > 1. Using the same expansion on spherical harmonics, one obtainsµl = l + 1 with l ∈ 0, 1, 2, .... In particular, the lowest eigenvalueµ0 = 1 isstrictly positive. This difference with respect to the spectrum µl for the interiorproblem has a simple probabilistic origin: the Brownian motion in three dimen-sions is transient, i.e., there is a positive probability (equal to1 − 1/r) to neverreturn to the ball. Another explication follows from the theory of boundary valueproblems for elliptic differential operators: the exterior Neumann problem has aunique solution, while the solution of the interior Neumannproblem is definedup to a constant. Consequently, the Dirichlet-to-NeumannM operator should beinvertible for the exterior problem that implies a simple condition for its eigen-values: µα 6= 0. On the contrary,M is not invertible for the interior problemproviding the condition that at least one eigenvalue is zero.

4 Stochastic Approaches to Laplacian Transport Phe-nomena

In this section, we return to the Laplacian transport phenomena, discussed at thebeginning. First, we are going to introduce the notion of source, diffusing particlesstarted from. The definition of the partially reflected Brownian motion will requireonly a minor modification. After that, a recently developed continuous approachwill be presented with a special emphasis on its physical significance. Finally,we shall mention two other physical descriptions which can now be considered asuseful approximations to the continuous approach.

4.1 Notion of Source

The description of the partially reflected Brownian motion given in the previoussection does not involve a source, an important element for Laplacian transportphenomena. In this subsection, we are going to discuss the extension of previousdefinitions in order to introduce the source. As one will see,a minor modificationwill be sufficient.

Throughout this subsection, we consider a bounded domainΩ with twice con-tinuous differentiable boundary composed of two disjoint parts,∂Ω and∂Ω0, re-ferred to asworking interfaceandsourcerespectively4. In practice, the workinginterface and the source are well separated in space, therefore one may think abouta circular ring as generic domain.

4Previously, the whole boundary of the domain had been considered as the working interface.For this reason, we preserve the same notation∂Ω for this object and hope that it will not lead toambiguities.

Partially Reflected Brownian Motion... 27

As previously, one considers the reflected Brownian motionWt, started fromany pointx ∈ Ω ∪ ∂Ω ∪ ∂Ω0 and reflected on the whole boundary∂Ω ∪ ∂Ω0, thecorresponding local time processℓt, and the stopping timeTx

Λ defined in 3.1. Letus introduce a new stopping timeτ as the first moment when the processWt hitsthe source∂Ω0:

τ = inft > 0 : Wt ∈ ∂Ω0Then, the spread harmonic measure can be introduced for any subsetA from Borelσ-algebraB(∂Ω) (defined on the working interface alone!) as

ωx,ΛA = PWTxΛ∈ A, T

xΛ < τ < ∞ (22)

We outline two distinctions with respect to the previous definition 3.2:

• The measure is considered on Borel subsets of the working interface∂Ωonly, whereas the reflected Brownian motionWt and the local time processℓt are defined on the whole boundary∂Ω ∪ ∂Ω0.

• There is a supplementary conditionTxΛ < τ providing that the processWt

should be stopped (absorbed) on the working interface before hitting thesource.

Note that1 − ωx,Λ∂Ω is the probability that the processWt started from agiven pointx ∈ Ω hits the source∂Ω0 before its final absorption on the workinginterface∂Ω.

One can easily extend the lemma 3.3 to this spread harmonic measure:

Lemma 4.1 For any subsetA fromB(∂Ω) and fixed positiveΛ, the spread har-monic measureωx,ΛA, considered as a function ofx, solves the boundary valueproblem:

∆ωx,ΛA = 0 (x ∈ Ω),


I − Λ∂



ωx,ΛA = IA(x) (x ∈ ∂Ω)

ωx,ΛA = 0 (x ∈ ∂Ω0)(23)

Proof is similar to that of the lemma 3.3. The last condition holds sincex ∈ ∂Ω0

impliesτ = 0.

Corollary 4.2 FunctionCΛ(x) = C0(1 − ωx,Λ∂Ω) solves the boundary valueproblem (1–3).

Partially Reflected Brownian Motion... 28

Proofis a direct verification.Consequently, a simple introduction of the source allows one to apply the

previous description of the partially reflected Brownian motion to study Laplaciantransport phenomena. Due to reversibility of the Brownian motion, one may thinkthat (1 − ωx,Λ∂Ω)dx gives also the probability to find the partially reflectedBrownian motion, started from the absorbing source, indx vicinity of the pointx ∈ Ω, under partially absorbing condition on the working interface∂Ω. Note thatsuch way of reasoning, being intuitive and useful, is quite formal. In particular,the (simple) Brownian motion started from the source returns to it infinitely manytimes with probability1. If one really needs to define such a process, the startingpoint should be taken slightly above the source.

Since the boundary∂Ω is supposed to be smooth, one can introduce the spreadharmonic measure densityωx,Λ(s). In turn, the kernel of the spreading operator isdefined as previously,TΛ(s, s′) ≡ ωs,Λ(s′). In particular, one retrieves the relation(11):

ωx,Λ(s) =


ds′ωx,0(s′) TΛ(s′, s)

where the harmonic measure densityωx,0(s) is defined by relation (22) withΛ =0.

The definition of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator can also be extended todomains with a source. For a given functionf ∈ H1(∂Ω), one solves the Dirichletproblem in the domainΩ:

∆u = 0 (x ∈ Ω),u = f (x ∈ ∂Ω)u = 0 (x ∈ ∂Ω0)

(in principle, one could consider another function on the source). For a givenfunction f on ∂Ω, the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operatorM, acting fromH1(∂Ω)to L2(∂Ω), associates the new functiong = ∂u/∂n on the working interface∂Ω.One can prove general properties of this operator and its relation to the partiallyreflected Brownian motion in a straight way. In particular, the spreading operatorTΛ, defined by its kernelTΛ(s, s′), coincides with the resolvent operator[I +ΛM]−1. However, some normalization properties may be changed. Inparticular,for the probability kernelTΛ(s, s′), one has


TΛ(s, s′)ds′ < 1

since the PRBM started from the working interface∂Ω can now be absorbed onthe source.

Partially Reflected Brownian Motion... 29

4.2 Continuous Approach

The stochastic treatment by means of the partially reflectedBrownian motionbrings the solution to the problem (1–3) describing Laplacian transport phenom-ena: CΛ(x) = C0(1 − ωx,Λ∂Ω) (see corollary 4.2). One can go further usingthe close relation to the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator [39, 40]. According tothe lemma 4.1, the densityωx,Λ∂Ω, considered as a function ofx, solves theboundary value problem:

∆ωx,Λ∂Ω = 0 (x ∈ Ω),


I − Λ∂



ωx,Λ∂Ω = 1 (x ∈ ∂Ω)

ωx,Λ∂Ω = 0 (x ∈ ∂Ω0)

The restriction of the functionωx,Λ∂Ω on ∂Ω can be written with the help ofthe Dirichlet-to-Neumann operatorM as

ωs,Λ∂Ω =[(I + ΛM)−11

](s) = [TΛ1](s)

where1 stands for a constant (unit) function on the working interface.One defines then the flux densityφΛ(s) across the working interface∂Ω:

φΛ(s) = D∂CΛ

∂n(s) = −DC0



Since the normal derivative of a harmonic function can be represented as the ap-plication of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator to the restriction of this functionon the boundary, one writes

φΛ(s) = DC0 [Mωs,Λ∂Ω](s) = DC0 [MTΛ1](s)

(the sign is changed due to particular orientation of the normal derivative). TakingΛ = 0, one findsφ0(s) = DC0 [M1](s) and finally

φΛ(s) = [TΛφ0](s)

The transport properties of the working interface can be characterized by aphysical quantity calledspectroscopic impedance. We remind that the impedanceof an electric scheme is defined as the tension applied between two external poles,divided by the total electric current passing through. The formal analogy betweenthe electric problem and the diffusive transport, discussed in Section 1, leads toa natural definition of the impedance in our case as the concentrationC0 on thesource∂Ω0 divided by the total flux across the working interface∂Ω:

Zcell(Λ) =C0


ds φΛ(s)

Partially Reflected Brownian Motion... 30

TakingΛ = 0, one deals with a purely absorbing interface∂Ω: any particlearrived to∂Ω is immediately absorbed (without reflections). In other words, suchinterface has no resistance for passage across it. Consequently, the impedanceZcell(0) represents the “access resistance” by the bulk: the possibility that theBrownian motion can return to the source without hitting theworking interface.The resistance of the working interface alone can thus be characterized by thedifference betweenZcell(Λ) andZcell(0), calledspectroscopic impedance:

Zsp(Λ) = Zcell(Λ) − Zcell(0)

Using the simple identity


((φ0 − φΛ) · 1





(φΛ · φ0



one writes the spectroscopic impedance as

Zsp(Λ) =Λ


(φΛ · φ0



(φΛ · 1



(φ0 · 1



Applying again the identity (24), one finds a more convenientform:

Zsp(Λ) =1


Z(Λ)− 1


The new function

Z(Λ) =Λ



0 · φh0



can be calledeffective impedance, where

φh0(s) =

φ0(s)(φ0 · 1



is the normalized flux density towards the perfectly absorbing working interface∂Ω. Finally, the spectral decomposition of the spreading operatorTΛ on the ba-sis of eigenfunctionsVα of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operatorM leads to theimportant relation for the effective impedance:

Z(Λ) =Λ



1 + ΛµαFα =


0 · Vα




0 · V∗α



This relation presents the central result of the continuousapproach developedin [40]. Let us briefly discuss its physical meaning. The spectroscopic impedance

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Zsp(Λ) or, equivalently, the effective impedanceZ(Λ), is a physical quantity thatcharacterizes the transport properties of the whole working interface. More impor-tantly, this quantity can be measured directly in experiment (e.g., in electrochem-istry). On the other hand, the local transport properties ofthe working interfaceare described by the single physical parameterΛ, being related to the membranepermeabilityW , the electrode resistancer or the catalyst reactivityK (see Sec-tion 1). Varying the parameterΛ, one changes the local transport properties ateach boundary point and, consequently, the whole linear response of the workinginterface. At first sight, one may think that an increase of the local boundary re-sistance would imply a proportional increase of the whole boundary resistance,i.e.,Z(Λ) ∼ Λ. This reasoning, being true for a planar surface, becomes invalidin a general case due to geometrical irregularities and related screening effects. Infact, an irregular geometry modifies considerably the linear response of the work-ing interface [24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32]. The boundary value problem(1–3), describing Laplacian transport phenomena on the average, allows formallyto study such geometrical influence. Practically, however,this is a very difficultproblem. In contrast, the continuous approach provides an efficient tool to carryout these studies both in theoretical and numerical ways. Inparticular, the relation(25) makes explicit the impedance dependence on the local transport properties(parameterΛ) and allows one to identify contributions due to thephysicsand dueto thegeometry, originally involved in the problem in a complex manner. In otherwords, whatever the physical problem (diffusion across semi-permeable mem-branes, heterogeneous catalysis or electric transport), the geometry entersonlythrough the spectral characteristics of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operatorM: itseigenvaluesµα and the spectral componentsFα of the normalized flux densityφh

0(s) on the basis of its eigenfunctionsVα(s).The other important meaning of the relation (25) can be outlined if one con-

siders the inverse problem [39]: what is the most available information that onecan retrieve from a measurement of the spectroscopic impedance of an unknownworking interface? The mathematical response can be given immediately if onerewrites (25) as Laplace transform of the new functionζ(λ):

Z(Λ) =1




dλ e−λ/Λ ζ(λ), ζ(λ) ≡∑



Under assumption to be able to measure the impedance with an absolute preci-sion, one can reconstruct the functionζ(λ) and, consequently, the set of charac-teristicsµα, Fα which may thus be calledharmonic geometrical spectrumofthe working interface. The hierarchical structure of this spectrum for self-similarboundaries has been recently investigated [70]. Many interesting properties of thefunctionζ(λ) remain poorly understood.

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In the two following subsections, we are going to discuss some aspects of thesemi-continuous and the discrete descriptions of Laplacian transport phenomena.These approaches are based on more intuitive notion of partial reflections on theboundary. Since these descriptions turn out to be approximations to the continuousapproach, we do not present the circumstantial details.

4.3 Semi-continuous Approach

Halsey and Leibig gave the first theoretical description of the electrolytic doublelayer response with emphasis on electrochemical applications [29]. This descrip-tion, involving the Green function of the electrolytic cell, can be reformulated inthe following stochastic language (for details, see [39]).For a given domainΩwith smooth bounded boundary∂Ω, one considers the Brownian motion startedfrom a pointx ∈ Ω. When the diffusing particle hits the boundary at some points, two complementary events may happen:

• with probabilityε, the Brownian motion is reflected to the interior bulk points + an(s), slightly above the boundary (heren(s) is the unit normal vectorto the boundary at points, a is a small positive parameter); the Brownianmotion continues from this point;

• or, with probability1− ε, the Brownian motion is terminated at this points(absorbed on the boundary).

This stochastic process is continued until the absorption on the boundary and canbe calledBrownian motion reflected with jump. Two new parameters, the jumpdistancea and the reflection probabilityε, are related to the given physical lengthΛ [22]:

ε =1

1 + (a/Λ)(26)

Now, one can calculate the probabilityω(a)x,Λ(s)ds that this process is finally

absorbed inds vicinity of the boundary points. Since the motions before andafter each reflection are independent, this probability canbe obtained as the sumof probabilities to be absorbed after0, 1, 2, ... reflections:

ω(a)x,Λ(s)ds =


](1 − ε) +




](1 − ε)+







](1 − ε) + ...

For example, the third term represents the probability to hit the boundary inds1

vicinity of the points1, to be reflected to the neighboring points1 + an(s1), to hit

Partially Reflected Brownian Motion... 33

again the boundary inds2 vicinity of the points2, to be reflected to the neighboringpoint s2 + an(s2), to hit the boundary for the last time inds vicinity of the points, and to be finally absorbed. Introducing the integral operator Q(a), acting fromL2(∂Ω) to L2(∂Ω) as

[Q(a)f ](s) =


ds′ f(s′) ωs′+an(s′)(s)

one rewrites the previous sum as the application of the new integral operatorT (a)Λ

to the harmonic measure densityωx(s):

ω(a)x,Λ(s) = [T

(a)Λ ωx](s) with T

(a)Λ = (1 − ε)





What happens when the jump distancea goes to0? Hitting the boundary, theBrownian motion will be reflected to interior points lying closer and closer to theboundary, i.e., displacements of the Brownian motion between two serial hits aregetting smaller and smaller. At the same time, the reflectionprobabilityε tendsto 1 according to relation (26), i.e., the average number of reflections increases.Indeed, the distribution of the random numberN of reflections until the finalabsorption is simply

PN = n = (1 − ε) εn (28)

implying that the average numberEN = ε(1 − ε)−1 goes to infinity. Does alimiting process exist? The situation is complicated by thelocal choice betweenreflection and absorption: at each hitting point, the motioncan be absorbed withvanishing probability1− ε. In order to overcome this difficulty, one can considerthis process from a slightly different point of view. Actually, one can replace thelocal condition of the absorption (with probability1− ε) by itsglobalanalog: theprocess is absorbed on the boundary when the number of reflections exceeds arandom variableN distributed according to the geometrical law (28). Evidently,this modification does not change at all the properties of theprocess. At the sametime, we gain that the condition of the absorption becomes independent of theBrownian motion between serial hits. As a consequence, one can consider thecorresponding limits (asa → 0) separately. So, the Brownian motion reflectedwith jump should tend to the reflected Brownian motion as the jump distancea vanishes. This motion, however, is conditioned to stop whenthe number ofreflections exceeds the random variableN . Since the average numberEN goesto infinity in the limit a → 0, it is convenient to consider a normalized variableχ = aN obeying the following distribution:

Pχ ≥ λ = PN ≥ λ/a =



PN = n ≃ ε[λ/a] ≃ exp[−λ/Λ] (29)

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(the last equality is written with the help of (26) fora going to 0). Since thenumber of reflections on jump distancea, multiplied bya, tends to the local timeprocess according to Levy’s formula (9), the previous condition of absorption canbe reformulated: the motion is absorbed when its local time process exceeds arandom variable distributed according to the exponential law (29). One thus con-cludes that the Brownian motion reflected with jump should tend to the partiallyreflected Brownian motion defined in 3.1.

The above analysis, presented as a sketch (without proofs),does not pretendto a mathematical rigour. It may be considered rather as a possible justificationwhich can be brought for the semi-continuous approach if necessary. In particular,one can demonstrate that the densityω

(a)x,Λ(s), given by relation (27), tends to the

spread harmonic measure density as the jump distancea goes to0:

ωx,Λ(s) = lima→0


This relation may be useful for numerical computations (in particular, it was ap-plied in [60]). Similarly, the integral operatorT (a)

Λ should converge to the spread-ing operatorTΛ asa → 0. Calculating the geometrical series in (27) and repre-sentingT (a)

Λ as

T(a)Λ = (1 − ε)

(I − εQ(a)



I + ΛI − Q(a)



one obtains the following approximation for the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator:

M = lima→0

I − Q(a)


Again, this relation may be useful for the numerical computation of this operator.

The advantages of the semi-continuous approach are based onan apparentintuitive meaning of partial reflections on the boundary. Moreover, this approachprovides even a more realistic description of physico-chemical processes at micro-scopic level. For example, if one considers the partially reflected Brownian motionstarted from a boundary point, the number of hits of the boundary is infinite forany momentt > 0 that sounds impossible for real physical species. The keypointis that, for diffusion across a semi-permeable membrane or heterogeneous reac-tion on a catalytic surface, the description by the boundaryvalue problem (1–3)cannot be justified on length scales less than the mean free path of diffusing parti-cles. Since the continuous limita → 0 requires suchnon-physicalscales, it is notsurprising that the limiting process (the PRBM) presents some irrealistic proper-ties from the physical point of view. The similar limitationhappens for the electric

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transport problem for which the smallest physical scale is given by the thicknessof the double layer, being close to the Debye-Huckel length[26, 29]. Evidently,this remark does not devaluate the efficiency of the continuous approach basedon the partially reflected Brownian motion. On the contrary,the mathematicalrigour of this approach justifies the semi-continuous description and simplifies itsstudy by introducing the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator. However, when dealingwith a mathematical description of a physical problem, one should take care thatdeduced consequences do not go beyond the ranges of the model.

The capabilities of the semi-continuous approach are essentially limited by thefact that the governing operatorQ(a) is not self-adjoint (the functionωs+an(s)(s

′)is not symmetric with respect to the permutation ofs ands′ except specific cases).As a consequence, one cannot develop the spectral decomposition (25) of theimpedance. In particular, there is no possibility to distinguish contributions fromdifferent eigenmodes. Although the operatorQ(a) is defined naturally by the har-monic measure density, it does not provide a proper description of the problem asit was done with the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator.

4.4 Discrete Approach

Another stochastic approach to Laplacian transport phenomena was developedby Filoche and Sapoval [21]. The main idea is to model the partially reflectedBrownian motion by lattice random walks with partial reflections on the bound-ary. Actually, one discretizes a given domainΩ by d-dimensional hypercubiclattice of mesha and considers the following stochastic process: started from aremote source, a random walker jumps to a neighboring site ateach step withprobability(2d)−1. When the walker arrives to a boundary site, it can be reflectedto its neighboring site (belonging to the bulk) with probability ε (and the motioncontinues), or it can be absorbed with probability(1 − ε). The motion continuesuntil the final absorption on the boundary, or the return to the source. One canshow [22] that the discrete parametersa andε are related by the expression (26)involving the continuous physical parameterΛ.

In the discrete description, the harmonic measure density is replaced by thedistribution of hitting probabilities(P0)j on boundary sitesj, (simple) randomwalks being started from a remote source. LetQ

(a)j,k denote the probability to

arrive to the boundary sitek starting from the boundary sites by a random walkin the bulk without hitting the boundary or the source duringthe walk5. One canthus calculate the distribution of probabilities(PΛ)j to be finally absorbed on the

5We use the same notationQ(a) for the integral operator in semi-continuous approach andfor the matrix of these probabilities since they have the same meaning and even may be used toapproximate each other.

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boundary sitesj, when random walks with partial reflections are started fromaremote source. Indeed, the Markov property of this process allows to calculate(PΛ)j as the sum of contributions provided by random trajectorieswith 0, 1, 2, ...reflections before the final absorption:

(PΛ)j = (P0)j(1−ε)+∑









(we remind thatε = (1 + a/Λ)−1). For example, the second term represents theproduct of the following probabilities: to hit a boundary sitek1, to be reflected toits neighboring site, to arrive to the boundary sitej, and to be finally absorbed onit. If one considersP0 andPΛ as vectors andQ(a) as matrix, the summation overintermediate sitesk1, k2, ... can be understood as matrix product:

PΛ =


(1 − ε)∞∑






i.e., the distribution of absorption probabilities(PΛ)j is obtained as the applica-tion of a linear operator, depending onQ(a) andΛ (or ε), to the distribution ofhitting probabilities(P0)j. The symmetric matrixQ(a) represents a self-adjointoperator, calledBrownian self-transport operator. Using the normalization prop-erty |Q(a)| ≤ 1 and relation (26) betweenΛ andε, one obtains:

PΛ = T(a)Λ P0 T

(a)Λ =


I + ΛI − Q(a)



The operatorT (a)Λ , depending on the lattice parametera, is called(discrete) spread-

ing operator. The previous relation, written explicitly as

(PΛ)j =∑







allows one to separate random trajectories in two independent parts:

• the random walker started from a remote source arrives to theboundary sitek (first factor);

• it continues the motion with partial reflections until the final absorption onthe boundary sitej (second factor).

One concludes that the absorption probabilities(PΛ)j provide a discrete ana-log of the spread harmonic measure density, while the matrix




k,jis a dis-

crete analog of the kernelTΛ(s, s′) of the spreading operatorTΛ = [I + ΛM]−1.

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In particular, the bounded operators(I − Q(a))/a can be understood as discreteapproximations of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operatorM (in resolvent sense). Asfor the semi-continuous approach, we do not furnish the corresponding proofs (see[39] for more details).

The advantage of the discrete description with respect to the semi-continuousapproach is based on the fact that the Brownian self-transport operatorQ(a) and,consequently, the (discrete) spreading operatorT

(a)Λ are self-adjoint. This property

allows to employ all the machinery of the spectral theory in order to express thephysical characteristics of Laplacian transport through eigenmodes of this opera-tor in an explicit way. For example, the spectral decomposition (25) can be writ-ten in the discrete case. Such decompositions have been usedto study Laplaciantransport towards irregular geometries [22, 39]. Moreover, the discrete descrip-tion suggests at least two different ways to study the problem numerically: directMonte Carlo simulations and discrete boundary elements method.

The discrete description, being intuitively the most simple and useful, maylead to mathematical difficulties when one tries to proceed the continuous limita going to 0. Although the partially reflected Brownian motion is the naturallimit of random walks with partial reflections, its rigorousdemonstration, in ourknowledge, is not yet realized in details. The interested reader can find moreinformation on this topic in [71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76].

5 Conclusion

The application of stochastic processes to represent the solution of boundary valueproblems is well known and wide used. In particular, Monte Carlo simulations aregenerally based on this concept. In this paper, we gave a brief overview of Lapla-cian transport phenomena in different scientific domains (e.g., physics, electro-chemistry, chemistry, physiology) and related stochasticapproaches to describethem. The most attention has been paid to the recently developed continuous ap-proach based on the partially reflected Brownian motion. This stochastic processcan be thought as rigorous mathematical description for random trajectories ofdiffusing particles hitting a semi-permeable interface, in comparison with moreintuitive physical descriptions by semi-continuous and discrete approaches. Thepartially reflected Brownian motion turns out to be the natural limit of the Brow-nian motion reflected with jump (semi-continuous approach)and of the latticerandom walks with partial reflections (discrete approach).

The profound relation between the partially reflected Brownian motion andthe spectral properties of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator M are shown to beuseful for practical purposes. In particular, the kernel ofthe resolvent operator

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TΛ = [I + ΛM]−1 gives the probability densityTΛ(s, s′) allowing to reconstructthe spread harmonic measureωx,Λ. Moreover, the spectral decomposition on thecomplete basis of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator eigenfunctions leads to theexplicit analytical formula for its density. Consequently, the use of the operatorM is an efficient way to study different probability distributions related to thepartially reflected Brownian motion.

The spectral decomposition of the spectroscopic impedance, characterizingthe linear response of the whole working interface, leads toan explicit analyticaldependence on the physical parameterΛ allowing to identifyphysicalandgeo-metricalcontributions which were involved in a complex manner. The harmonicgeometrical spectrum of the working interface contains thecomplete informationabout its transport properties. The combined use of stochastic characteristics ofthe partially reflected Brownian motion and spectral properties of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator opens encouraging possibilities for further understandingvarious physical and chemical transport processes in nature. In this light, a moreprofound mathematical analysis of these objects seems to bean important per-spective for the present study.


The author thanks Professor B. Sapoval and Professor M. Filoche for valuablediscussions and fruitful collective work on physical aspects of Laplacian transportphenomena.


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