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Learning Disability Partnership Board

Thursday 1st June 2017

10am – 12pm


1. Introductions & Apologies

Who is at the meeting and who could not


(5 mins)

2. Ground Rules

Rules for our meeting

(5 mins)

3. Minutes of the last meeting and matters


The things we talked about at our last

meeting and what we agreed to do

(5 mins)


Self-Advocate Update

BIG, Your Voice, Your Choice and Acorn


(20 mins)


Knowsley Disability Concern Advocacy


(20 mins)


(10 mins)


Partnership Board


Partnership Board

6. Pharmacy Needs Assessment (15 mins)


Terms of Reference

(20 mins)


Any other business

(5 mins)


Knowsley Learning Disability Partnership Board

Minutes – Thursday 6th April 2017

The Old School House


Peter Thomas Self-Advocate, BIG

Jamie Quinn Self-Advocate, BIG

Chris Gallagher Self-Advocate, Stockbridge Village

Alison Joseph Self-Advocate, BIG

Michelle Ablewhite Self-Advocate, BIG

Wendy Maher Carer

Denise Allen Carer

Paul Lorde Self-Advocate, Halewood Activity Base

Jason Self-Advocate, Halewood Activity Base

Keri Romano Knowsley Disability Concern

Sheila Dunk Stockbridge Activity Base

David Hughes Halewood Activity Base

Jan Box Knowsley Carers Centre

Barry Kelly Service Manager, Knowsley Day Services

Rachel Mayner NHS England

Vicki Hornby Physical & Sensory Impairment Board

Joyce Greaves Knowsley Disability Concern

Sarah Jones Willis House

Jen Casey Knowsley Engagement Forum & Partnership


1. Introduction & Apologies


Partnership Board


Partnership Board


Partnership Board


Partnership Board


Peter chaired the meeting

Everyone introduced themselves

Apologies from

Lisa Woods

Mark Dyson

Nicky Rennie

David Allen

Jill O’Neil

Mike Addyman

Mark Fix

Bridgette Brennan

Katie Cringle

2. Ground Rules

Jamie read the ground rules

Traffic Light Cards were available during the


3. Minutes of the last meeting held on

Peter took the board through the minutes

Page 6 – can we see the final spending plan?

The minutes were agreed


By Who?

Request final budget savings plan Jen

4. Self-Advocate Update

Alison, Jamie and Keri gave a presentation on

the Blackpool Conference

Keri highlighted the new BIG logo

Alison and Jamie spoke through the


The Hate Crime DVD was shown at the


BIG have used this to do training in Prescot


Vicki said they got very good feedback


Denise asked if there would be more training

in other schools

Joyce said they had some news on this later

Self-advocates attended workshops at the


There were workshops on:

Hate crime

Speaking Up


Consent in Relationships

Keri said they are doing some work with Gary


He works for Parliament


Lisa was voted as the health champion for the

North West

Lisa came second for the Derek Russell

Award for Leadership

17 self-advocates attended from Knowsley

That is the highest number ever

Barry asked about the consent in

relationships workshop

Could the BIG group give Barry the contact as

he is interested in taking this forward

Self-advocate updates

The full BIG group have met and agreed their

yearly plan

Some of the things they will look at will be


Health and Wellbeing

Healthy body and healthy mind

Deprivation of Liberties

Health checks

Easy read news

Big Pathway

46 people have signed up to the Big Pathway

There are weekly sessions across the 5 day


Feedback from people has been positive


Keri said that Kirkby Activity Base has

complained to Kirkby Leisure Centre

People using day service cannot go swimming

during the half-term

Peter said Stockbridge have complained to

their leisure centre

They went swimming and the room where they

left their belongings was not locked

Someone has £10 stolen

The manager has now placed a lock for that


He wants to come and meeting with the

activity base on a regular basis

5. Health Inequalities and Mortality Review


Rachel Mayner spoke through the


This looks at people with learning disabilities

dying younger than other people

The BIG group did a lot of work around this a

few years ago

NHS England have said that everyone who

dies who has a learning disability needs to be

looked at

Bristol University is doing this work

This is the LeDeR programme

Learning Disabilities Death Review Programme

It will help them to see any barriers or gaps

in services


Anyone can let them know someone with a

learning disability has died

There is an identified lead in each area who

Bristol University will let know someone has


In Cheshire and Merseyside this is Rachel

A trained reviewer will then speak to the


There are families and self-advocates on a

steering group to help us approach families

The reviewer will look to see if things like

annual health checks and cancer screening

took place

An action plan will be made once the review is


They are always looking for reviewers


There are not many reviewers from social


There will be more training

Good practice has been identified

A bloods pathway for Cheshire and

Merseyside is being developed

In the future we will come back and tell you

what we have learnt

Denise asked what would happen if there was

a safeguarding issue

Rachel said this programme would not deal

with it and they would pass it on the

safeguarding team

6. Knowsley Disability Concern Update

Hate Crime


Keri told the group that the hate crime

ambassadors are ready to do surgeries in the

day centres

They have made posters so people will know

what time they will be there

There are forms that can be filled out

Can people who do not use the day service

drop in to report hate crime?


They want to publicise it

Joyce thanked the organisations that has

sponsored the project so far


Joyce said they have received money to do

more hate crime work

They will be delivering more training to


Learning Disability Health Forum

The health forum looked at their work plan

They are doing work on annual health checks

Cancer screening

Eye care pathway

These 3 areas are currently progressing well

Is Changing Places open in Whiston?


Anyone can come along to the health forum

Barry said staff in day centres are having

issues with getting training

Things like checking blood sugars

A person has not been in the service for 18

months because of this

Rachel said this is part of the group looking at

annual health checks

This has been raised with the Executive

Nurse in the Clinical Commissioning Group

Training has been picked up at Transforming


Big Pathway

46 people have signed up

There are weekly sessions across Knowsley


The learners have given positive feedback

Peter said it is really good

Chris said his confidence is growing and is

learning new things

Things around community, jobs and roles and


8. Transforming Care

Kelly Glover presented an update on

Transforming Care

Kelly’s job is to make sure the work on

transforming care is done

There are lots of things to do


They have decided that some things need to

be done first

A Dynamic Risk Register needs to be in place

by April 2017

This will help support people to stay at home

This is going well

They need to look at how the community

teams will work

Support to prevent people needing a hospital


There will be a workshop with health, social

care and self-advocates to look at this

Kelly informed the board who is on the

Transforming Care team


They are setting up a new board

This will involved more bosses from health

and social care

This will make things happen faster

They have asked a carer to join this board

There is also another board

Experts by experience go to this meeting

This is the meeting where everything is


They wanted to get a number of people out of

hospital in the first year

They will miss this target

But there has been a lot of people discharged


34 people have been discharged since


They are working to discharge 12 people in

April, May and June

The problem is too many admissions

This is why the community team is very


They are making sure everyone has a Care

Treatement Review

Where will people be treated when

Calderstones closes?

Kelly said they are developing a plan

Kelly will feedback in future

9. Annual Health Checks & Seeability

Annual Health Checks


Rachel said Knowsley has always done well

with Annual Health Checks

It is important to stop early deaths and

Annual Health Checks are really important

They are for people 14 years and over

It is everybody’s responsibility not just the


We need to spread the message and

encourage people

Ages 14-19 don’t go as they are under a

children’s doctor

But going to an Annual Health Check from 14

helps the GP understand the person

Staff in supported living have a role to play


There are two learning disability facilitators

The numbers in Knowsley have been lower this


We need to make sure they are good quality

and everyone is getting the same


Jen has sent this information out

Encourage people to use this service


This means Stop Over-Prescribing of

Psychotropic Medicine

It is part of Transforming Care


There will be a workshop in mid-June

8. Any other business

Jen informed the board that Healthwatch

Knowsley will deliver the partnership board

contract for the next 3 years

Michelle told the group that Sing and Sign

have been invited to perform at a meeting

It is the first meeting of the Combined

Safeguarding Baord

Our next meeting is

Thursday 1st June 2017


Old School House

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