pei chess gazette - devastation

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PEI Chess Gazette

November 2019, Issue 2

The official publication of Chess PEI

Chess PEI organizes regular chess tournaments in PEI, supports the activities of Community Chess

Clubs, and is associated with the Chess Federation of Canada.

President Director of Communications

Fred McKim, Shreya Singh,

902-626-5019, 902-314-1634,

Chess Clubs

UPEI Chess Club meets every Tuesday

night from 6:30-9:30pm in Cass Science

Hall Room 105. This group is an all-age

club. Children below grade 7, should be

rated approximately 600+ CMA. We

alternate casual nights with fun

tournaments with tournament nights with

prizes and a nominal entry fee. Fred

McKim won the 2 week UPEI CC Quick

Chess Tournament with a perfect 8-0

score. Second was Ed Keunecke and

Most Improved prizes went to Channing

Guo and Zihe Fu.

UPEI Junior Chess Club meets every Friday

night from 7-9pm in Cass Science Hall, Room

105. This group is designed for children grades

K-9. We play fun tournaments every week and

some special year-end events. Instruction is

also available. There is a nominal weekly fee.

Book prizes are given out to players who

accumulate tournament distinctions. Channing

Guo took 1st place on Oct 25 with a perfect 5-0

score. Second went to Ivan Wang. For more

information on the clubs, contact Fred McKim

or visit the webpage:

Tournaments Maritime Chess Festival

Maritime Blitz Results from the first MCF event are in. Jordan Capello was red hot, clinching 1st place with a round to

spare. Second went to Jason Manley. Class prizes went to Walter MacNeil (U1800) and Channing Guo

(U1500). 18 played.

Maritime Junior Twenty-one players came out for the Maritime Junior Championship today at the MCF. First place

went to Zihe Fu (PE), second to Shreyas Balaskrishnan (NS) and third to newcomer Larissa Stevenson


Maritime Amateur We had 18 players at the Maritime Amateur Championship. Ethan Saunders (NB) edged out

Conrad MacNeil (NS) for 1st place in the U1700 section. In the U1200 group Ivan Wang took 1st,

followed by Tiernan Dewar, and Andreas Doemer (NB) in 3rd.

Maritime Senior We had 6 gray headed distinguished gentlemen come out this morning for the Maritime Senior. Laurie

Parker (NS) took 1st place with 4/5 - half a point behind was Peter Turner (NB).

Maritime Open After 3 grueling days of Maritime Open play Bill Bogle emerged at the top of the standings with a final

score of 5.5/ 6. Second was Jason Manley and third was Richard Bowes. All three are from NB. Tied

for U2200 & U2000 were Roger Langen (NS), Peter Turner (NB), Samuel Heran-Boily (NS), Philippe

Cliche (NB), Daniel Mallais (NB) and Steve Saunders (NS). Winners of unshared class prizes were

Derek Vihvelin (NB), Andy Wang (NS), and Nita Patel (NH) for Under 1800, 1600, and 1400

respectively. I think I can speak on behalf of the chess players and say everyone was beyond impressed

with the show we put on for them. Ryan Steele and I are thinking ahead for 2020 - maybe a PEI Open,

before going really big for 2021 and the opening of the onsite Hotel.

Bill Bogle 1-0 Jason Manley, Maritime Open, Summerside, PE, Rd 5, 2019/10/14

1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. exd5 exd5 5. Bd3 c6 6. h3 Bd6 7. Qf3 Qb6 8. Nge2 Be6 9. Bh6 Bf8 10.

Bg5 Nbd7 11. O-O-O Bd6 12. Ng3 Qxd4 13. Nf5 Bxf5 14. Bxf5 Qb6 15. Rhe1+ Kf8 16. Bxd7 Nxd7

17. Nxd5 cxd5 18. Qxd5 Be5 19. c3 Bxc3 20. bxc3 Nf6 21. Qd6+ Kg8 22. Qxb6 axb6 23. Re7 h6 24.

Bxf6 gxf6 25. Rdd7 Rxa2 26. Rxf7 Rxf2 27. Rg7+ Kf8 28. Rdf7+ Ke8 29. Rxb7 Kf8 30. Rgc7 Re2 31.

Rc8+ Re8 32. Rxe8+ Kxe8 (and resigns)

Community Events CUP Chess Group

The Summerside CUP Chess Club will continue meeting after the

MCF. Dates in Nov will be Nov 13 and 27 and will continue to meet

every 2nd Wed from 7-8:45pm. I'll be continuing to coordinate

ensuring we have enough players for each session.

Pictured here is Dr Peter MacKean of Kensington who has been

Summerside's Top Player since moving to the Island over 35 years

ago. He was in action at the Maritime Open.

PEI YCA We want to draw your attention to the PEI Youth Chess Association. This volunteer, not-for-profit

organization conducts monthly Scholastic Chess Tournaments, mini-camps and organizes PEI teams

for regional and national events. Visit their website for more information:

PEI YCA September Scholastic Tournament PEI YCA September Scholastic tournament was held Sun, Sept 29. Section winners were Suri Wang,

Channing Guo, Alex Murphy-Wicks and Danny Ye. 19 played.

Maritime Qualifier Tournament We would also like to make a special mention of the Nov 3 tournament at Colonel Gray. It qualifies 24

players to the Maritime Team Championship on Sat, Nov 23 in Moncton.

6 in K-3

8 in 4-6

6 in 7-9

4 in 10-12

Mini camp

The first mini-camp in several years was held on Sat, Oct 19, at least 25 children attended. The next

mini-camp is tentatively scheduled for Sat, Nov 16.

UPEI Chess Weekend! Register now and save money

Last CFC Tournament in PEI for 2019 UPEI Fall Quick Chess Tournament - Sat, Nov 30 (One hour games) CFC Quick Chess Rated

UPEI Open Championship - Sun, Dec 1

(Two sections - Open group play two hour games; U1400 group games will likely be over quicker)

CFC Regular Rated. All players must keep score.

Both events appropriate for kids with CMA ratings of around 600 and above

Fred’s Blog

I had a nice trip to New Brunswick on the last weekend of September .. for the 4th New Brunswick

Active Chess Championship. These games were a maximum of 70 minutes total. The Trophy is named

"The Danny Elman Trophy". Dan was my first Chess Trainer, and offered a great chess course that I

took in 1973 partially based on conversations he had with Bobby Fischer at the 1956 Canadian Open.

Playing at UNB in Fredericton, we had 19 players in 2 sections. Fortune wasn't on my side and I lost to

the two top rated players and won my two other games. Four players were tied going into the last

round, and Jason Manley was the only winner to take clear 1st place.

Manley 1-0 McKim, Round 4 .... 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 dxe4 4. Nxe4 g6 (a dubious line, but I

manage to survive the opening) 5. Bc4 Bg7 6. Nf3 Nf6 7. Nxf6+ exf6 8. O-O O-O 9. c3 Be6 10. Qb3

Bxc4 11. Qxc4 Nd7 12. Bf4 Nb6 13. Qb3 Qd5 14. Rfe1 Rfe8 15. Qxd5 Nxd5 16. Bd2 b5 17. Kf1 Re6

18. a4 a6 19. axb5 cxb5 20. Re2 Ra7 (things go downhill quickly now) 21. Ne1 Rae7 22. Rxe6 Rxe6

23. Nd3 Bf8 24. Nf4 Nxf4 25. Bxf4 Rb6 and White won in 5 or 6 moves

[Jason is on the left in the foreground, while 2nd place finishers Peter Turner and Richard Bowes are playing in

the background.]

Saturday night I was hosted by Richard Bowes and his wife Maria in Hampton - we have been friends

since meeting while in high school, at a Saint John Scholastic Tournament in 1973. I borrowed a

couple of books from his extensive library and hopped the bus back to Charlottetown, Sunday.

Time well spent.


November 2019 Events

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


UPEI Chess


6:30 pm

Casual Games


CUP Club



31 1

UPEI Junior

Chess Club

Sectional Fun





Qualifier for

Maritime Team


Robert Breau




4 5

UPEI Chess


6:30 pm

CFC Quad-

Week 1

6 7 8

UPEI Junior

Chess Club

Blitz Fun



10 11 12

UPEI Chess


6:30 pm

CFC Quad-

Week 2





14 15

UPEI Junior

Chess Club






17 18 19

UPEI Chess


6:30 pm


20 21 22

UPEI Junior

Chess Club

Regular Fun








24 25 26

UPEI Chess


6:30 pm

CFC Quad-

Week 3





28 29

UPEI Junior

Chess Club

Regular Fun




Quick Chess




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