`people management` by roman paska

Post on 22-Jan-2017



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04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

by Roman Paska Head of Web Development @ Lemberg

People management

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16


04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

About me● Head of Web Development @

Lemberg Solutions

● 7+ years with Drupal

● facebook.com/roman.paska

● twitter.com/T2LPR

● drupal.org/u/taran2l

Responsibilities● Technology leadership

● Sales support

● Processes improvement

● Client relationships

● Human resources

● Team building

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

What this presentation is about?

It’s not about project management

It's not about the development process

It’s not about tools and software

It’s (almost) not a Drupal-specific session

It’s all about people

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16


04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

Because you will be working with them!

Why should I care?

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

What do we do?

1.Pre-screening and screening

2.Technical and HR interview(s)

3.Test task

4.Cultural interview

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

Pre-screening and screening

First line of defence

Done by recruiter

Ensure that these steps are present

This step is not your responsibility

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

Technical and HR interview(s)• Create a questionnaire template (Google Docs/Spreadsheet)

• List of questions must reflect your and/or your company’s needs. Do not google for them. Create them

• Questions should be of different complexity levels

• Avoid more than a few logical tricky questions

• Share it with the team

• Educate every team member so anyone can do technical interviews

• Make notes during the interview

• Do not ask all the questions. Respect your interviewee’s time. Skip too easy questions, do not torture with too complex as well

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

Test tasks• Create test task(s)

• Better to have more than one

• Avoid any ambiguity in description

• Tasks must be relatively simple. Think maximum 8 hours of work. Respect time of the candidates

• Create spreadsheet for the results. Set weight for each task (e.g. 1-3). Set grades range (e.g. 0-5). Set pass rate (e.g. 75%)

• Share all that with the team, educate everyone how to use it

• Make sure that more than 1 team member checks the work

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

Cultural interview• This step is even more important than all the previous ones

• Allows filtering out candidates who do not fit your company

• Last line of defence. Do not skip it

• Invite candidate to your office

• Invite couple team members, e.g. 5 or 6. Ideally should be of various job roles: developers, QA engineers, PM etc

• Talk about everything, but do not ask any questions you might want to have in technical interview template. Asking about preferred OS is totally OK. However, how to create a block is completely not.

• Discuss with the team. Make sure to listen to all the opinions. Decide whether to do an offer or not during this discussion

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

1:1 meetings

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

What is it and why should I do it?

• Short regular private meetings with each team member

• Help to discover hidden issues

• Fix conflicts before they are starting to hurt your company

• Relatively easy way of organizing personal development

• Make your colleagues a little bit happier

• Help to build a stable and friendly teams

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

What the format?• Meetings should be short (less than 15 minutes)

• Talk regularly (ideally each 2 weeks)

• Talk privately (nobody should ever know what you are talking about)

• No forbidden topics

• Check action items from the last meeting (if any)

• Proceed with a quick summary. Be open. Be honest

• Hear your teammate out. Be attentive. Be careful

• Make notes of topics discussed (Google Docs works)

• Add action items (for you and/or for your team member)

• Repeat

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

Automate everything

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

Reduce amount of monkey job• Create and polish internal processes

• Make them simple

• Automate as much as you can

• Reduce amount of boring administrative tasks

• Concentrate on interesting challenging tasks

• Find the most boring, complex, time consuming thing and simplify it

• Repeat

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

Drupal ecosystem

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

Make your Drupalers even better

Educate your team about Drupal ecosystem

Take part in local, regional and global events

Organize events

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

Educate your team about Drupal ecosystem• Taking part in Drupal project is as important as doing commercial work

• Learn how Drupal ecosystem works

• Ensure that everyone has an account at drupal.org

• Give back:

• Create an issue if you found that something is wrong

• Add a comment if you can reproduce the issue

• Post a patch (or reroll) if you fixed something

• Add/edit a documentation page to share your investigations

• Publish your translations

• Any contribution counts

• Encourage others to act the same

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

Take part in local, regional and global events• Events are not free of charge, but they're not that expensive

• Go to your local events. Meet people. Talk. Teach and learn

• Make presentations. Share your experience

• Ask and answer questions

• Go to regional and global events. Meet people. Talk. Teach and learn

• Meet different cultures. Listen. Talk. Learn

• Regional and global events are very inspirational

• Promote Ukraine

• Encourage your colleagues to do the same

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

Organize events• Organizing an event helps to develop soft skills

• Soft skills are as much important as technical ones

• Build a local community around Drupal

• Strong community attracts more developers (mostly, good developers)

• Strong community means broader visibility

• Strong community gives better projects

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16


04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

04.06.2016 @ DrupalCamp Kyiv’16

Thank you!

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