people of japan finished

Post on 17-May-2015






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The People of Japan

Created byMr. Raponi

Population About the size of


Japan has ________ million people, most of which belong to the same Japanese ethnic background.

Japan has just under

_______ the number of people than the United States does.










Where People Live

About ______ of the people are crowded into urban areas near coastal plains such as

________________ (Capital)

________________ Nagoya


These four cities form a

_____________________, a huge super city made of several large cities.

Why Just A Red Dot?

City Life

Japanese cities are very modern. There are tall office buildings, busy streets and freeways.

The past remains a big part

of ____________________. Parks, gardens and religious shrines are all still found in modern areas.

It is common to see a person on the street dressed in a traditional, fancy kimono, walking next to someone who is just wearing a t-shirt and jeans.

McDonald’s In


Japan totally reinvented McDonald's with its:

-Ebi Filet-O (shrimp burgers)

- Koroke Burger (mashed potato, cabbage and katsu sauce, all in a sandwich)

-Ebi-Chiki (shrimp nuggets)

-Green Tea flavored milkshakes


Country Life

Only 20% of Japanese people live

in _______________.

The standard of living has improved quite a bit. Most have a small house, TV and modern appliances.

Many people in this area are farmers.

Family Life

In traditional Japan, the family is the

______________ of one’s life and each family member had to follow certain rules.

Grandparents, parents, and children all live in one house.

Today, families are still strong, but each family member is allowed

more _________________.

Families in Japan

Education in Japan

While from 1st grade to 9th grade is free, high school must be paid for. However, more than

___________ of the children attend.

Students attend school between

________ to _______ days per year, which can be up to 60 days more than you do every year.

The belief is ingrained that hard work will bring success in life. Much of official school life is devoted to teaching correct attitudes and moral values. The people of Japan do not expect to have anything handed to them, they know they must work for it.

My question to you: We see that Japan puts a huge amount of emphasis on Education, as they attend school an hour more a day and up to 60 more days a year than you. Japan is not the only country that does so either.

Do you think that students in the United States should be in school more than they already are?

Popular things and activities in Japan

Despite Japan’s strong emphasis on

___________________, life is not all work.

Japanese young people enjoy Rock Music Baseball Television Movies Judo

ReligionJapan has two major religions.



_____________- teaches respect for nature, a love of simple things and a concern for cleanliness and good manners.

_____________- teaches a respect for nature as well as the need for inner peace.

Shinto is quite different from other religions.

There is no one person who started or founded the religion.

Shinto did not spread to other areas of the world and just mostly stayed in Japan.

There is no collection of writings that make up scripture, such as the Bible, Koran, or Torah.


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