percentages ii (learner version ). section 2: activity page 1: cow of a problem suppose a dairy farm...

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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Percentages II (Learner Version)

Section 2: Activity

Page 1: Cow of a problem

Suppose a dairy farm has 150 Jersey cows and 250 Fresian cows. That’s 400 cows altogether. What percentage of the herd are Jerseys? 400 cows

150 Jerseys

Section 2: Activity

Page 3: Sporty Spice

Suppose a basketball player sinks 45 out of 60 shots at goal.What is her shooting percentage?

60 Shots

45 Shots

Section 2: Activity

Page 5: Smoking Statistics

A group of 200 young adults are surveyed.60 of them smoke regularly.What percentage of the group are smokers?

200 adults

60 smokers

Section 3: Examples

Page 1: Turtle Tragedy

Of the 1200 baby turtles that hatch out only 384 make it to the sea.

The rest are eaten by predators.

What percentage of baby turtles make it?

Section 3: Examples

Page 2: Crayfish Catch

Last year only 25% of the crayfish you caught were under sized.

This year you put back 16 of the 48 crayfish you caught.

Is the percentage of undersized crayfish increasing?

Section 3: Examples

Page 3: Sharp Shooting

Karl got 60 of his 75 arrows on target.

What percentage was that?

Section 3: Examples

Page 4: Whale of a whaleA baby humpback at birth measures 4.2 metres long and weighs 2.5 tonnes.

After one month it measures 6.0 metres long and weighs 4.0 tonnes.

By what percentages has its length and weight grown?

The plasma television cost $660 (GST inclusive).How much of the price was GST?

At 10% GST...

Page 10: An historical view

Section 2: Activity

The plasma television cost $1,200 (GST inclusive).How much of the price was GST?

At 12.5% GST...

Page 13: Another historical view

Section 2: Activity

Section 2: Activity

Page 18: An example

You are working out an expense claim for your boss.You bought a digital camera for $230.00 (GST included).How much of the price was GST?

Section 2: Activity

Page 19: Another example

You put $69 of petrol in you car.How much of the price is GST and how much does the garage get?

Section 2: Activity

Page 21: Petrol Again

You put $69 of petrol in you car.How much of the price is GST and how much does the garage get?Use the 3/23 method to work this out.

Section 2: Activity

Page 23: Petrol Again and Again

You put $69 of petrol in you car.How much does the garage get from the sale?Use divide by 1.15 method to work this out.

Section 3: Examples

Page 5: Add GST

The GST exclusive price of a pair of jeans as $72.00How much GST will be added on and how much in total will you pay for the jeans?

Section 3: Examples

Page 5: Add GST

GST is often charged on the sale of land.A small block has a GST exclusive price of $483,000.How much GST will be charged on top of the price?

Section 3: Examples

Page 7:The Hoata family bought a newLaptop for $2,990 (incl. GST).“I use this for my business,” said Paora, “So I can claim back the GST.”

How much GST can Paora claim back?

Section 3: Examples

Page 8: Taxi Fare

You pay $57.50 for a taxi trip.How much of the cost is GST and how much does the taxi driver get?

Section 4: Assessment

Page 1: New Zealand has one of the highest rates of car ownership in the world.There are about 2.5 million cars for about 4 million people.What percentage of 4 million is 2.5 million?

Section 4: Assessment

Page 2: GST Burger Please

Even a hamburger and fries has GST included in the price.If the GST inclusive price is $5.80 how much GST are you paying?

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