period of spiritual instruction money 1

Post on 13-Nov-2014






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Biblical Prosperity

Period of Spiritual


©2013 James Willis Ministries

©2013 James Willis Ministries

What is Biblical Prosperity

God’s Will for You to Prosper

Key Scriptures for Prosperity

Seedtime & Harvest

Biblical Examples of Prosperity

Identifying Wrong Thinking Patterns About Money

Power of Confession

Power of a Budget

Power of an Idea

Identifying an Asset and a Liability

Redeemed from the Curse

Recommended Resources

This PSI Will Cover…

©2013 James Willis Ministries

1. Money is good or money is bad?

2. Too much money or not enough money?

3. I’ll never have enough or I have more than enough?

4. Is the glass half empty or on its way to overflow?

What Do You Think Now?

©2013 James Willis Ministries

What Is Biblical Prosperity

Is it wealth?

Is it physical wellness?

Is it successful business ventures?

Is it healthy relationships?

Is it having more than enough to accomplish what God has called you to do?

©2013 James Willis Ministries

The Answer Is…


©2013 James Willis Ministries

It is the Will of God for you to Prosper

Beloved, I wish above all

things that thou mayest

prosper and be in

health, even as thy soul


-3 John 2

Greek Word for Prosper is: euodoō

to grant a prosperous and expeditious journey, to lead by a direct and easy way

to grant a successful issue, to cause to prosper

to prosper, be successful

Found 4 times in New Testament

Romans 1:10

1 Corinthians 16:2

3 John 2

©2013 James Willis Ministries

Deuteronomy 8:18 Philippians 4:19

Psalms 23 Revelation 5:12

Psalms 37:25 2 Corinthians 8:9

Proverbs 3:9-10 2 Corinthians 9:6

Jeremiah 9:23-24 Galatians 3:13-14, 29

Malachi 3:8-12 Romans 8:17

Matthew 6:33 Luke 6:38

1 Timothy 6:10 Revelation 1:6

Key Scriptures for Prosperity

©2013 James Willis Ministries

Righteous before God Not so Righteous

1. Nabal

2. Xerxes

3. Solomon

4. King Herod

5. King Ahab

6. Pharaoh


1. Abraham

2. Isaac

3. Jacob

4. Joseph

5. David

6. Jehoshaphat

7. Boaz

8. Zacchaeus

9. Job

Wealthy People in Scripture

©2013 James Willis Ministries

Seedtime & Harvest

Genesis 8:22

Luke 6:38

Galatians 6:7

This spiritual law is repeated throughout scripture

©2013 James Willis Ministries

Seedtime & Harvest In Action

Genesis 26

Isaac sowed in a

famine and

received a



©2013 James Willis Ministries

Jesus Said the Kingdom is Like Unto Seed

Another parable put he

forth unto them, saying,

The kingdom of heaven is

like to a grain of mustard

seed, which a man took,

and sowed in his field:

-Matthew 13:31

©2013 James Willis Ministries

Budget Time

1.Track Every Dollar for 30 days

2.Total all Income and all Expenses

3.10 10 801. Tithe 102. Save 103. Live off the 80

©2013 James Willis Ministries

Not Enough Money Too Much Money

1. Taxes1. Lack

Two Types of Money Problems

©2013 James Willis Ministries

Redeemed from the Curse

The curse of the

law was: spiritual

death, physical

death or sickness,

and poverty

©2013 James Willis Ministries

Power of An Idea

God gives us the

power to get

wealth. That

usually comes in the

form of an idea.

©2013 James Willis Ministries


Asset: anything

that puts money

into your pocket

©2013 James Willis Ministries



anything that

puts takes

money your


©2013 James Willis Ministries

Net worth

Assets –

Liabilities = Net


©2013 James Willis Ministries

Poor- purchase liabilities

Rich- purchase assets

Middle Class- purchase liabilities that they think are assets(mortgage)

What’s the Difference?

©2013 James Willis Ministries


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