permitting process overview alasdair mckellar ppc compliance officer environment agency

Post on 26-Mar-2015






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Permitting Process Overview

Alasdair McKellar

PPC Compliance Officer

Environment Agency


Permit Application and Determination Processes

Consider Inter-relationship with IPC

Context of Environmental Permitting of Incinerators

Using the ‘I’ WordIncinerators are often described as ‘Energy from Waste Plant’ ‘Energy Recovery Facility’ ‘Resource Recovery Parks’

But this is Less Transparent Stigmatises Incineration

European DirectivesIntegrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) No Significant Pollution (includes risk to

human health) Apply Best Available Techniques Minimise Waste Prevent Accidents and Limit Their

Consequences Return Land to Satisfactory State

Waste Incineration (WID) Sets Mandatory Minimum Standards for Emission

Limit Values, monitoring and various operating conditions

Must comply with Both

Permit Determination Process Pre-Application Discussions Submit Application (20/10/10) Duly Making Advertising and Consultation Evaluation Further Information Determination Draft Decision Second Round of Consultation Decision

What Needs to be in an Application Non – Technical Summary BAT Assessment Description of the process and how it is controlled Emissions to the Environment (Air, Water, Sewer, Land & Waste) Efficient Use of Materials, Water and Energy Noise and Odour Management Accident Prevention Monitoring of Emissions Protection of the Land – Site Condition Report Environmental Impact Assessment Air Dispersion Model Health Risk Assessment

Consultation and EngagementAs part of the determination process we consult with… The Local Authority, (Planning and Environmental Health) The Primary Care Trust, Natural England, The Food Standards Agency, Health and Safety Executive Others as necessary


Local People by advertising in the local paper and on our website, both at application and draft decision stages.

Responding to Public Concerns Recognise that local people have genuine concerns and these need

to be addressed without being dismissive. Complex or technical information can be presented clearly and

honestly without trivialising the issue. Myths and misinformation do however need to be challenged. Be clear about what is within our remit and what is not; and how we

reach decisions. Be aware that some will have other agendas Recognise that local

opinion could be very well informed and even expert.

Recognise that local people will know their area and its history better than we do.

It All Takes Time

Development Consent Order and Environmental PermitBoth are needed to operate Don’t need a DCO to issue an incinerator permit Can apply sequentially

or twin track EA and LA are consultees

to each other’s process We exchange information

with the IPC

Planning Policy Statement 23Government policy on planning and pollution controlStates that the two systems are separate but complementaryPlanning deals with land use and locationPollution control deals with the processes and control of emissions

Summary Incineration is not a dirty word Plant must comply with IPPC and WID Application at the Duly Making Stage High public interest site Two stages of consultation Permit determination process will be thorough and

painstaking – likely to take up to a year Planning and Environmental Permitting – separate

but complementary

How do I find out more?

From our website



consultation link

From Defra website - Permitting

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