personal safety or security of women

Post on 20-May-2015



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Personal Safety of Women


PLN9 Security Services Pvt. Ltd.

Complete Security Solution In Association With Tyco

Security and safety has become an issue of importance for everyone especially for women.

Concerned about the rise in violent crimes including muggings, sexual assaults and domestic violence?

Personal Safety for Women

7 things every woman should know about security and

safety and are covered in Security And Safety courses.

1. Personal Awareness

Your first line of defense. Most people think of knees to the groin and Bruce Lee moves when they hear the term 'self defense'. However, true self defense begins long before any actual physical contact starts. The first, and probably the most important, part of self defense is personal awareness. Awareness of yourself, your surroundings, and any potential threat or danger.

Women's intuition, deja-vous, sixth sense, instincts. Whatever you want to call it, your intuition will invariably help you subconsciously 'feel' good or bad about a situation or person. All of us, but especially women, have this intuitive feeling but very few of us pay attention to it.

2. Woman's Intuition

3. Self defense training.

• It is important to evaluate the practical usefulness of any woman's self defense programmed before you sign up. Here are 3 tips:

• 1) Many women's self defense programmers teach variations on martial arts techniques.

• 2) The self defense programme you choose should include simulated assaults with a fully padded instructor who will put you through realistic rape and attack scenarios thus allowing you to practice the simple techniques you've learned.

• 3) If you really want to see if your proposed self defense instructor is up to the job - see if their courses are recommended by your local Police.

4. Avoiding bogus callers.

• Criminals will use every trick in the book to gain access to your home, whether out or in. Never open your door unless you either are certain you know who's on the other side or you can verify that they have a legitimate reason for being there. Bogus callers may resort to dressing up - from everything from a repair person from the Gas Board to a Police Officer checking you home security. If in doubt, check them out. Ask them for identification and call their boss to make doubly sure that they are not bogus callers.

5. 'Date rape' drugs.

• Unfortunately, so called 'date rape' drugs are becoming increasingly common both here and abroad. They come in a variety of forms - most common is Rohypnol. Difficult to legally obtain in the UK but alarmingly, sold as a sleeping pill in most other countries with the exception of the USA, it has physiological effects similar to Valium (diazepam), but is approximately ten times more potent.

• Rohypnol tablets are white, scored on one side, with the word "ROCHE" and an encircled one or two (depending on the dosage) on the other. They are sold in pre-sealed bubble packs of one or two mg doses. Rohypnol can often be dissolved in a drink and when this happens it is undetectable. You can't see it, you can't smell it and you can't taste it. Attackers will use this drug because it makes their victim unable to resist a sexual attack.

6. 'Weapons' for defence

• Your keys (used to stab if a Mortise key or slash if a Yale key), belt buckle, shoes (especially high heels), coat (to throw over and disorientate an attacker giving you a chance to escape), coins (to throw at an attacker's face), a rolled magazine/newspaper, your handbag - the list is almost endless.

• But never depend on any self defence aid or 'weapon' to stop an attacker. Learn to defend yourself using your own body and your wits. Use your hands - to strike your attacker with an open hand (slap), the heel of your hand or the side of your hand (karate chop). Never try to punch your attacker unless you have been trained to do so as you will inevitably break the small bones in your fingers as well as a few knuckles. You can also use your elbow, head, knee or foot but never kick above the knee as your attacker may grab your leg leaving you off balance.

7. Get away - FAST.

• What if you are confronted by an attacker who demands that you go with him? It may be in a car or into a deserted side street or into a hedgerow. It would seem prudent to do as you are told but it should be remembered that you are far more likely to be killed or seriously hurt if you go with your attacker than if you run away. At the first opportunity - escape. Run way, scream for help or better still shout "Fire".

• Research has shown that more people will come to your aid or to see what is going on if you shout "Fire" than if you shout "Help". Do whatever you can to attract attention to yourself and your situation.

• If your attacker is after your personal belongings be it your handbag, car keys or jewellery, let them have it by throwing it in the opposite direction of where you run.

To avoid becoming a victim of rape under the influence of these drugs, here are a few suggestions for staying aware and alert: Your right to fight.-

- Be wary about accepting drinks from anyone you don't know well or long enough to trust.

- If you are accepting a drink, make sure it's from an unopened container and that you open it yourself.

- Don't put your drink down and leave it unattended, even to go to the toilet. - Avoid a person or a situation which does not “feel” safe–you’re probably right. - Pros and cons. Pepper spray, like other self-defence aids, can be a useful tool.

Some Safety Tips

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