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Continuous Improvement How Cycle time can help you deliver faster

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Introduction 3

Cycle time 101 4

Cycle time in practice 5

Cycle time and Little's Law -- Paulo Caroli 6

Cycle time for Continuous Improvement -- Kevin Kriner 8

Whittling our wall to reduce cycle time -- Melissa Doerken 11

Trailing indicators good. Leading indicators better -- Scott Turnquest 13

In Summary 16

About the authors 17

Be in this ebook 18

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Great teams are constantly striving to improve the way they work in order to innovate and deliver faster. When teams reflect on their process today, their conversations are largely qualitative and rely heavily on intuition. While intuition is good, having meaningful, actionable data can help teams make better decisions about what and how they can improve than they would by intuition alone.

Cycle time is one of the most important and helpful metrics for teams who are striving to continuously improve. While cycle time has been used in traditional manufacturing industries for decades, software teams are now starting to use it to identify ways to improve their process and deliver faster. In this ebook, we will discuss what cycle time is and how it can help your team improve faster.


Ethan Teng,Product Manager, ThoughtWorks

Cycle time as a catalyst for Continuous Improvement

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Cycle time101


What is Cycle time?

Cycle time is a simple but powerful metric. It is the measure of the elapsed time from the moment you start working on an item (story, task, bug, feature, etc.) until it is done.

Different teams will use different definitions for “start” and “done”. Teams often mark “start” as the time when the team starts working on an item including analysis and “done” when it is signed off by the stakeholder, or pushed to production.

How does Cycle time help?

When looked at in aggregate and across time, cycle time reveals how smoothly work is flowing through your development process, helps you spot bottlenecks and see the effects they have on your delivery. It provides the insight you need to make improvements and deliver faster.

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Cycle time in practice


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Little’s Law

“The average number of work items in a stable system

is equal to their average completion rate, multiplied by their average time in the system.” - John Little, 1961

By solving this simple first equation you are able to

find out the average time for work items in your

system. My whiskey bar provides us a great stable

system example to illustrate how you can apply Little’s law to track the average cycle time.

My whiskey bar

As is apparent, I only drink whiskey (the left side of

the bar is my wife’s). Whenever a bottle finishes, I

remove it from the bar. Then I open a new one, and add it to the bar. My bar is a stable system: the rate

at which whiskey bottles enter the bar is the rate at

which they exit. Only 12 bottles can fit.

The number of whiskey bottles at my bar is

constant: 12 bottles. Per year, I finish an average of

6 whiskey bottles. So, what is the average time for a

whiskey bottle in my bar?

Let’s apply Little’s Law

Average number of work items in a stable system = Average completion rate X Average time in the system

Using  my bar terms:

12 bottles (number of whiskey bottles in my bar) = 6 bottles / year (average completion rate) X Average time in my bar (cycle time)

Therefore, the average time a whiskey bottle stays

in my bar is 2 years.

Give it a try! Go ahead and apply Little’s Law

formula to your stable system. Given the average work items in the system (WIP) and the completion

rate (throughput), you can derive the average time

in the system (cycle time).

So what makes my bar a stable system?

Basically two guiding rules make my bar a stable system: WIP limit and Pull System.

1. WIP limitWIP is the number of work items in my system. In

my bar example it is the number of whiskey bottles

on the bar. Bottles that have been opened, but are not finished yet. The WIP limit on my bar is 12

bottles because that's all I have space for.



Paulo, Agile Coach

“Cycle time and Little's Law”Applying Little's Law to track cycle time

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2. Pull SystemPull System describes the movement of work items

driven by actual demand. In my bar example, a bottle that is finished opens a spot on my bar,

thereby creating a demand for a new bottle to be

opened and placed at the bar. Essentially, the

movement of work items (whiskey bottles) is driven

by actual demand: a finished bottle is removed from the bar, opening space for a new one that is

promptly added to the bar, occupying the vacant



What if I do not have a stable system?

I would recommend trying and becoming a stable

system. If the system is not stable, you will either

starve for work, or have an overflow (with

increasing cycle time).

Can I use Little's Law to determine how much WIP my team can handle, or what my average throughput needs to be - if I know my average cycle time?

Sure thing. If you are on a stable system and you

know your average cycle time, then you can

definitely play with Little’s law. You just have to be

careful not to overdo it, especially for software delivery systems. They are empirical and there are

several other things to do in order to reduce

variability in software delivery.


“Cycle time and Little's Law”Applying Little's Law to track cycle time


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The Story

About 25 iterations ago (in our team’s 8th iteration

and about 4 iterations after we first started talking about capturing these metrics!), our team began

capturing and using a couple metrics for our own

continuous improvement. These metrics have

proven to be very useful in helping us improve our

delivery process, so I wanted to share them.

Our Goals

1. To capture actual data about how our process is


2. To provide a baseline for continuous

improvement of our software development process.

3. To use this data to help find problems, find out

the root cause of those problems, and determine/

implement countermeasures so the problems

won't happen again.

Cycle time and time each story/defect spends in each state

While browsing around our agile project

management tool’s help, I chanced upon a chart

for cycle time of our stories. The chart could be automatically generated from data captured about

our stories and defects. The tool defined "cycle

time" as the elapsed time (measured in days,

including weekends) between the states of In

Progress and Done.

 The chart generated showed the mean, standard

deviation, minimum, and maximum of the data set.

Each point indicated the time that the card (story or defect) spends in each status as well as the cycle


The visualization was not bad, but for our

continuous improvement, I really wanted the data

for each story or defect. Also, I was interested in tracking elapsed time in all states, so we could see

bottlenecks, compare times across stories with the

same points, and use that information to see if any

of those times represent problems that we want to


So, I used Microsoft Excel™ to track that data, and

would also write it up on our physical board along

with a chart.  We used this data as input into our

weekly retrospectives to help improve our

process. I usually mark minimum / maximum times in each state, minimum / maximum cycle time, and

highlight anything else that looks odd, interesting

or worthy of the team’s discussion.

Note, the Ready for QA column is not yet used; as

that is not yet a state in our tool. I'd like to have the state there so I can distinguish between In Progress

and waiting to be tested to see if queuing happens,

since our constraint right now is our number of

Quality Analysts (QA) - we need more!

“Using Cycle Time for Continuous Improvement”

Kevin, Lead Consultant


A walk through of how cycle time helped us track our progress


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So, we completed our iteration and captured cycle

time (the duration of the elapsed time between

when a story is In Progress until that story is Done) metrics for all stories that we've completed (status

= Done), and we looked at the results to see how we

did. Here's an example of how this cycle time data

could possibly be used for continuous

improvement during a retrospective:

Facilitator: “How did we do this iteration? Are there

any problems? Are there any opportunities for


I notice that stories #164 and #173 in the grid

above have different elapsed times in different states, but they have the same cycle time of 8.1

days. Let's compare the stories:

1. Both are sized at 4 story points.

2. Both have a cycle time of 8.1 days.

3. Each has different amounts of time in each state that add up to that same 8.1 days. I'd start here.

4. What's different between the 2 stories?

a. Story #164 has 0 days In Progress, 5.1 days in

Validation/QA, and 3 days in Sign Off.

b. Story #173 has 1.1 days In Progress, 7 days in Validation, and 0 days in Sign Off.

i. Why did Validation take 7 days? In this case, not

only did it include a weekend, but the QA

stories queued up as we had more stories in

QA than we had QA capacity. We might consider setting Work In Process limits here,

and using our Developer for the QA pair to help

develop acceptance tests to get the stories

done sooner.

ii. Why did Sign Off take 0 days (less than 1/10 of a day, about 2.5 hours)? Because we have a desk

check with a QA, Developer, and the Product

Manager (PM) to get from Sign Off to

Done. Most of our sign offs take less than 2.5

hours; only a handful take more. If they do take more about a day, it usually indicates some

problem or perhaps a QA or PM is on vacation.”

“Using Cycle Time for Continuous Improvement”


A walk through of how cycle time helped us track our progress


Status in DaysStatus in DaysStatus in DaysStatus in DaysStatus in DaysStatus in DaysStatus in DaysStatus in DaysStatus in DaysStatus in Days

Story Backlog NoneHuddle

Prep HuddlingReady to Play

In Progres


Ready for QA

Validation /QA

Sign Off

Cycle Time

Story Points

164 72 27.9 0 2 42.1 0 TBD 5.1 3 8.1 4

173 51.9 3.8 3.8 2.2 42 1.1 TBD 7 0 8.1 4

113 108.9 28.3 46.8 17.2 17.8 2.2 TBD 4.1 1 7.2 2

168 61.9 24 0.2 4.5 27 0.3 TBD 2 4 6.2 2

175 47.1 0 1.8 0 45 0 TBD 2.9 0 2.9 1



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A common comment I hear from folks about this

time in the discussion is, “We don't really have

enough data to start determining patterns or to be predictive”. We have found that we don't need data that is statistically significant to do continuous improvement. We're not trying to

predict the future or forecast, we're just trying to

see if we can improve our process.

Benefits of the data above:

1. We can speak confidently about our process. 

When someone who is responsible for signing off

on stories before they are done says, "It takes too

long to develop these stories", we can respond and say things like, "On average, it takes 5 days to

develop our 4-point stories; however, we noticed

that it takes an average of 3 days for Sign Off -

why is that?"  It is amazing to me the statements

that are made with no data to support them, and we can quickly cut through statements like these

with data.

2. If we take care to use the scientific method,

using hypotheses from our retrospectives about

what will happen if we change one thing, each iteration becomes an experiment. We gather the

data, analyze the results, and draw conclusions

about cause and effect, and see what

happens. This allows us to determine the effect

of changes we are required to make (such as a

new story huddle process). We are able to

compare cycle time data collected from stories

before the change and after the change, and give feedback to the folks who required us to use this

new process.

3. Also, since we have been taking care to use the

scientific method, we find that we can try just

about any change to our process within reason, even changes that are still not common practice

in the organization because we can try them as

an experiment for one iteration, then analyze

what happened, and change back if needed.

4. When we have data to support what we see, and the data indicates a problem, that problem is

not just my problem as the Iteration Manager,

but rather the whole team becomes engaged in

trying to solve the problem.

This collaborative problem-solving and experimentation is the foundation of continuous improvement, and capturing cycle times is one of the most effective ways to get started!

“Using Cycle Time for Continuous Improvement”


A walk through of how cycle time helped us track our progress


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Continuous improvement is paramount to

consistently delivering real value to our customers.

We invest in it heavily to minimize waste and always look for opportunities--both large and small--to

improve how we work.

A recent example of how we’ve improved our

process has been whittling and “WIP-ing” our wall.

And it all began with a call to action by what had become our “weighted” wall. A couple of months

ago, we had an impromptu conversation about our

card wall.

We had two lanes: Ready for Sign-Off and Sign-off in

Progress, which was one way we tried to reduce churn around development and testing, and to limit

the number of sign-off issues. 

However our Quality Analysts (QA) noticed a bit of a

bottleneck around them -- the sign-off lanes were

increasing our cycle time.

Since the Business Analysts (BA) were responsible

for signing off stories, but were often busy with

analysis, the QAs had to wait to test stories until the

BAs pushed them through. To remove this blocker,

the QAs suggested removing the “formal” sign-off lanes. After talking about the change, we decided to

couple sign-off with desk checks, which we were

already doing, but were now held more

accountable for.

Spurred by this whittling, we removed other unnecessary lanes and later increased our parking

lot space to create a “poor man’s” WIP limit.

“Whittling our Wall”

Melissa, Business Analyst


Developers would move stories to “Ready for Sign-‐off,” where they would sit until... ...BAs pulled them into “Sign-‐off

in Progress” to make sure they were reviewed and in good shape for testing.

And how it helped improve cycle time


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Together, these trimmings helped us reduce cycle

time by removing bottlenecks and focusing our

efforts on active work items only. It also allowed us to consolidate our wall from two boards to one

(below), which effectively reduced the noise in our

workspace. Our previously “weighted” wall had

successfully signaled us to re-evaluate our process.

It prompted a conversation that narrowed our focus to more effectively--and efficiently--deliver value.

We continue to review our process during bi-weekly

retrospectives, but believe that spontaneous self-

assessments are equally important and impactful in our efforts in continuous improvement. It helps us

build trust among our team and with our customers

and are always looking to how we can bolster our

process and our product.

“Whittling our Wall”


And how it helped improve cycle time


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Continuous improvement and product flow are

popular themes on our product (Mingle, an agile

project management tool) development team. Both internally as we reflect on our own

development practices, and externally as we build

an agile project management tool that helps teams

collaborate and improve together. To help us

better understand our flow and gain more insight into ways we can improve, we’ve started to

incorporate cycle time into team conversations.

A few months ago, we rearranged our process and

our card wall to improve our flow. We sensed that

these changes helped improve our flow, but to be

sure we took a look at our actual cycle time to see

if what we felt was true. We used the new cycle time analysis feature in Mingle to confirm what we

suspected: our cycle time did improve.

As the image below shows, in the period from

October through November, our average cycle

time crept above 20 days before we made changes to our process. After we streamlined our wall, our

wait time was reduced and our cycle time fell

below 10 days.

Scott, Delivery Manager


Insight into how both can help track progress and preempt bottlenecks

Over 20-‐day cycle time prior to making changes to our process

Reduction in cycle time corroborates the improvements in our process

“Trailing indicators good. Leading indicators better?”


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Of course to get a full picture to feel confident of

our changes we also verified that our throughput

and work load remained about the same during the period over which our cycle time was


This wasn’t a rigorous scientific experiment as

we’re not looking for statistically significant results.

We’re only looking for a signal that the actions we’ve taken have helped us only looking for a

signal that the actions we’ve taken have helped us

improve and based on our needs we have enough

evidence to justify making our process changes

permanent. Understanding our cycle time is thus a useful method in our continuous improvement


Trailing indicators good. Leading indicators better.

We’ve seen how incredibly useful cycle time is when looking back to make observations about

how past changes affected the flow of work

through our development process.

However, since cycle time involves looking into past

performance (trailing indicator), it doesn’t give us real-time feedback when we’re facing problems in

our flow today. To identify and fix issues going on

in the development process right now, we need a

leading indicator.

We can respond faster to events that will affect our

flow by looking for those things that would affect

cycle time. Using a leading indicator in conjunction with cycle time would help us improve even faster.

Monitor your queue size

A key leading indicator for flow is queue size, which

provides early signs that we may have problems

with the flow of work through our process. A queue size that’s growing is an indicator that we’ll have

problems that will be revealed later through higher

cycle time.

Where the queues are

Unlike manufacturing in the physical world, software doesn’t have physical inventory stacking

up on palettes or clogging a conveyor belt, making

it more difficult to see the “invisible” incomplete

product inventory building up. Instead of physical

products, we can use stories as evidence of our work in process (WIP) and we can look at the

number of stories in a particular phase of

development as the queue size.



“Trailing indicators good. Leading indicators better?”Insight into how both can help track progress and preempt bottlenecks


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For example

Consider the card wall below. Each column

represents a queue and what we see is that the Do queue is much larger than all other queues. If we

know that our Do queue normally consists of only 3

stories, then the fact that the number of stories in

this queue has jumped to 7 may be a sign that we’re

having a problem in our delivery process. There could be any number of reasons for the increase in

the queue but the main takeaway should be that

something may be wrong and we should look to

address it now rather than wait for the delay to

show up in our cycle time.

Cycle time or queue size? Use both.

It’s probably natural at this point to question

whether we should bother with trailing indicators like cycle time at all. Monitoring cycle time and

queue size are both useful, just for different

purposes. If you’re interested in learning how well

work flows through your process so that you can

provide forecasting or learn whether previous improvement efforts have been successful, then

cycle time measurements are great. However, when

you’re interested in heading off potential issues

with your product flow you should consider using a

leading indicator like queue size. I recommend using them in conjunction with each other.



“Trailing indicators good. Leading indicators better?”Insight into how both can help track progress and preempt bottlenecks

The growing queue size of the “Do” queue is a leading indicator of potential problems that would later be revealed through high cycle time


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In summary


Cycle time is a useful metric to provide informed insight into the progress of your development process.

Choose from various ways to calculate it, or integrate it in your development process with a tool that analyzes cycle time.

Use the cycle time data collected to trigger and inform conversations with the team and customer about improving and streamlining your process.

Keep exploring ways to improve, as collaborative problem-solving and experimentation are key to continuous improvement.

How do you try to improve your process? Email us, or send your feedback

to #tw_studios #ebook. We’d love to hear your story.

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Paulo Caroli

In 140 characters: Lean-‐Kanban,-‐Scrum-‐XP-‐Agile Coach, Agile Developer, Agile Project Manager (Servant Leadership), Systems Thinker, ThoughtWorker

I am a Delivery Manager with ThoughWorks Studios. I’ve spent the past 12 years building software products and believe that simplicity is one of the most important attributes in process, products and code.

I’m a Lead Consultant at ThoughtWorks, working as a Project Manager and Business Analyst on software development projects and consulting on lean and agile transformation. In the past 18 years, I have worked in a variety of industries, including education, nonprofits, public sector, financial services, real estate, high-‐tech, and healthcare services. I am very passionate about continuous improvement..

I am an author, speaker… essentially a loud-‐mouthed pundit on the topic of software development. I’ve been working in the software industry since the mid-‐80’s. My main interest is to understand how to design software systems, so as to maximize the productivity of development teams.

I am an author, speaker… essentially a loud-‐mouthed pundit on the topic of software development. I’ve been working in the software industry since the mid-‐80’s. My main interest is to understand how to design software systems, so as to maximize the productivity of development teams.

Kevin Kriner

Scott Turnquest

I’m a Business Analyst on ThoughtWorks’ Mingle product team where I help push forward smart ideas, improving how people collaborate with an eye towards both the present and future. I’m passionate about simplicity, innovation, and continuous improvement through exploration and experimentation. Melissa Doerken

I am a Product Manager with ThoughtWorks Studios. My career path has included varied roles as a developer, project manager, and business analyst. I am passionate about product management, lean product development, and experience design.Ethan Teng

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Deliver faster with Mingle + Cycle Time AnalyticsMingle + Cycle Time Analytics automatically calculates your team's cycle time, as well as shows you trends, outliers and bottlenecks in your team’s process.

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