petrom omv norm 201 rom-eng rev.2 2007-06-30

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norm 201




    Norma Petrom OMV 201

    Pag 1

    PROCESS PLANTS Layout Guidelines

    Petrom OMV Standard



    Ciobanu Daniela

    Verificat/ Checked:

    Decusara Felicia


    Eng: 2/30.06.2007

    Aprobat/ Approved:

    Jeffrey Rinker

    Divizia Rafinare Petrom OMV isi rezerva toate drepturile asupra acestei documentatii si va da in judecata pe orice persoana neautorizata sa o utilizeze sau sa o transmita la terti.

    Petrom OMV Refining Division reserves all its rights to these documents and will take legal action against anyone using them or passing them on without authorization.

    Aceasta norma a fost elaborata pentru rafinariile Petrom prin prelucrarea si adaptarea normei OMV 201 rev.01.12.1995

    This norm was elaborated for Petrom refineries by the processing and adapting of norm OMV 201 rev.01.12.1995

    Punct Cuprins Pagina

    Point Content Page

    1.0 Generalitatii 2 1.0 General 2 1.1 Domeniu de aplicare 2 1.1 Scope 2 1.2 Norme si reglementari 2 1.2 Standards and instructions 2 2.0 Grupa pricipala A 2 2.0 Component group A 2 2.1 Cladiri 2 2.1 Building 2 2.2 Strazi (in amplasamentul de

    instalare) 3 2.2 Plant roads (in location)

    3 2.3 Suprafete 3 2.3 Surfaces 3 2.4 Sisteme de canalizare 3 2.4 Sewers 3 3.0 Grupa pricipala B 10 3.0 Component group B 10 4.0 Grupele pricipalele D, E,F 10 4.0 Component groups D,E F 10 4.1 Coloane 10 4.1 Columns 10 4.2 Schimbatoare de caldura 11 4.2 Heat exchangers 11 4.3 Racitoare de aer 14 4.3 Air coolers 14 4.4 Rezervoare 14 4.4 Vessels 14 5.0 Grupa pricipala G 15 5.0 Component group G 15 5.1 Pompe si alte utilaje mici 15 5.1 Pumps and other smaller machine 15 5.2 Compresoare, statii de

    compresoare 16 5.2 Compressors, compressor halls

    16 6.0 Grupa pricipala H 18 6.0 Component group H 18 7.0 Grupa pricipala J 19 7.0 Component group J 19 8.0 Grupa pricipala K 20 8.0 Component group K 20 9.0 Grupele pricipalele N, S 21 9.0 Component groups N,S 21 10.0 Unitati package 22 10.0 Package units 22 Anexa1 Norme si reglementari 23 Annex1 Standards and Regulations 23 Anexa 2 Punctele ce trebuie sa fie

    stabilite inainte de incredintarea contractului 24

    Annex 2 Summary of definition to be agreed Before contract award process 24

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    1.1. Domeniul de aplicare

    Prezenta norma se aplica pentru montarea instalatiilor in rafinariile Petrom OMV.

    Pentru proiectele derulate in alte unitati vor fi respectate deciziile autoritatilor de resort.

    1.2 Norme si reglementari In coroborare cu prezenta norma se vor

    respecta dispozitiile, normele si directivele valabile in Romania, in varianta lor aflata in vigoare, care sunt mentionate la Anexa 1. Nu consideram enumerarea noastra ca fiind una completa. Daca intre diferitele dispozitii, reglementari, norme si directive apar diferente sau contradictii, iar aspectele respective nu sunt in mod expres clarificate prin prezenta norma, se va aplica reglementarea cu formularea cea mai restrictiva. In cazul in care prevederile se exclud reciproc, atunci se va aplica reglementarea prevazuta de legislatia romana.

    Intra in responsabilitatea executantului sa verifice daca prevederile prezentei norme sunt adecvate scopului lucrarii respective. Aplicarea normei nu il exonereaza pe executant de raspunderea pe care o are in calitate de antreprenor profesionist si responsabil.

    Daca executantul are obiectii cu privire la una dintre prevederile stabilite, el il va informa imediat in scris pe angajator despre acest lucru.

    1.1 Scope

    This standard applies to plant erection at the Petrom OMV Rafineries. For projects at other sites, the requirements of official decisions by specific authorities must be observed.

    1.2 Standards and instructions

    In conjunction with this Standard, the respective specifications, standards and directives legally applicable in Romania and stated in Annex 1 should be taken into account in their currently valid form. This listing is not claimed to be complete. In the event of deviations or conflicts arising between the various specifications, standards and directives and there is no firm definition by this standard, then the strictest formulation is to be applied in each case. Where they are mutually exclusive, then the Romanian statutory regulations will apply. The contractor will be responsible for checking the appropriateness of this standard for the intended purpose. The application does not relieve the contractor of his responsibility as a specialist and independent entrepreneur. If the contractor has reservations concerning an agreed definition, then he must notify the client of this in writing without delay.

    2.0 GRUPA PRINCIPALA A - Cladiri, strazi, suprafete, canalizare

    2.0 COMPONENT GROUP A - Building, roads, surfaces, sewer

    2.1 Cladiri (Statii de masurare, statii de comanda joasa tensiune, statii sisteme de reglare, etc.)

    2.1 Building (measurement stations, LV distribution station, controller building, etc.)

    Cladirile vor fi amplasate in afara zonei de protectie la explozii si in afara instalatiilor. Daca acest lucru nu este posibil, amplasarea cladirilor va fi convenita, pentru fiecare caz in parte, cu angajatorul. Se vor respecta distantele de siguranta necesare cf.reglementarilor nationale in vigoare.( exp.ATEX 1999).Se vor aplica toate legile, dispozitiile si reglementarile tehnice din domeniu, in varianta lor aflata in vigoare respectiv conform standardelor tehnice actuale.

    Buildings must be built outside of the explosion safety zone and outside of the plant. If this is not possible, the building location must be determined with the customer as a special case. The safety clearances must be apply according to the national -regulations in force.e.g.ATEX 1999:All pertinent laws, regulations and technical rules must be applied as currently amended or according to the state of the art.

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    Locul de amplasare va fi astfel ales incat elementele de legatura (cabluri, tevi, etc) sa fie reduse la minimum iar pozarea lor sa se faca cu un minimum de efort. Cladirile in care sunt montate regulatoare de presiune vor fi prevazute cu un acoperis usor (care poate fi ridicat in caz de explozii), ca si cu ventilatie transversala.

    2.2 Strazi

    An appropriate building location should be selected that requires a minimum of work for connecting and laying of the necessary lines (cable, pipes, etc.). Buildings for pressure controllers must be equipped with a light roof (tossing by explosion), as well as with cross ventilation.

    2.2 Plant roads

    Strazile vor fi trasate pe amplasamentul de instalatii, in punctele de nivel maxim al acestuia.

    Strazile trebuie sa fie continui, sa nu prezinte locuri de infundare (vezi fig 1 si Normele Petrom OMV 202 si 204). Pentru proiectarea si executia strazilor vezi Norma Petrom OMV A 3001.

    Pentru strazile in interiorul amplasamentului de instalatii, pe care au acces masinile de pompieri, se aplica urmatoarele:

    a) In general, aceste strazi trebuie sa aiba o

    latime minima de 6 m, o inaltime de libera trecere de 5 m si o raza minima a curbelor de 11 m si sa fie adecvate circulatiei cu un vehicul cu o greutate de 25 tone.

    b) In situatii de exceptie, daca accesul masinilor de pompieri trebuie sa se faca pe strazi amplasate sub estacade de conducte, pozate de-a lungul acestora, se va conveni cu responsabilul de proiect asupra dimensiunilor necesare (latime, inaltime de gabarit etc) si asupra greutatii permise pentru vehiculele de interventie.. Toate celelalte cai de acces pe amplasamentul

    de instalatii (vezi si punctul 5.1) trebuie sa fie adecvate scopului utilizarii lor ((latime, inaltime de gabarit, greutate vehicule etc), de asemenea, trebuie sa indeplineasca normele de siguranta (Norma Petrom OMV 202).

    Roads are to be run through the site premises on the high points. The roads should pass through the grounds, dead ends should be avoided (see Fig. 1 and Petrom OMV standards 202 and 204). For planning and building of the plant roads, see Petrom OMV standard A 3001. For roads in plants over which fire extinguishing vehicles may deploy, the following applies:

    a) In general, these roads must have a minimum width of 6 m, a clearance height of 5 m and a minimum curve radius of 11 m and must be suitable for a vehicle weight of 25 tons.

    b) If, in an exceptional case, fire extinguishing vehicles are to have access over roads that run under pipe bridges in a longitudinal direction, the required dimensions (width, clearance height) as well as the vehicle weight must be coordinated with the project manager. All other traffic routes within the plant grounds (see also item 5.1) must be suitable for its respective purpose (width, clearance height and vehicle weight); furthermore, the safety regulations (Petrom OMV standard 202) must be observed.

    2.3 Suprafete 2.3 Surfaces

    Suprafetele pe care se amplaseaza instalatii, ca si rosturile de imbinare, de lucru si rosturile de dilatatie vor fi executate etans, cu hidroizolatie, pentru protectia terenului de fundatie. Executie vezi Norma Petrom OMV A 3001.

    The plant surfaces and the pointing of the butt joints, construction joints and settlement joints must be sealed to protect the subsoil. Execution according to Petrom OMV standard A 3001.

    2.4 Sisteme de canalizare 2.4 Sewers

    Se aplica Normele Petrom OMV 204 si 206.. Se vor realiza: planuri de conceptie a sistemului de canalizare, posibilitatile de racordare la sistemul deja existent si calculele parametrilor hidraulici. Pentru Rafinaria Schwechat: sistemul de

    Petrom OMV standards 204 and 206 apply. The design of the sewers, connection options to the existing sewer and hydraulic calculations must be performed. For the Schwechat refinery, the plant sewer

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    instalatii va fi conceput ca sistem separat si va fi integrat in sistemele individuale specificate mai jos. Pentru alte unitati, acest sistem poate fi utilizat, ca propunere de varianta, daca este necesar.Detaliile se vor fi convenite cu managerul de proiect Petrom OMV.

    system must be designed as a separated system of individual systems situated consecutively. For other sites, this system can serve as a recommendation as needed. Details must be determinated in coordination with the project manager OMV Petrom.

    2.4.1. Sistem Verde-Insites (interiorul amplasamentului)

    2.4.1 Green insites system

    In acest sistem - apa pentru stingere incendii; - apa din precipitatii, de pe suprafetele

    neimpurificate *); - apa de pe acoperisuri *); - apa pura rezultata din procese, pana la max. 60C, *) se verifica daca este posibila o infiltrare se

    capteaza, se colecteaza si se dirijeaza la marginea amplasamentului, catre sistemul offsites (in exteriorul amplasamentului), printr-un sant de retentie.

    In putul de retentie va fi prevazuta o

    posibilitate de inchidere care, in cazul opririlor de instalatii, va separa intregul Sistem Verde Insites de Sistemul Offsites.

    Deversare se va face apoi printr-o conducta de legatura care dirijeaza apa catre Sistemul Rosu Insites (in mod normal, conducta este inchisa, in timpul opririi instalatiilor ea va fi deschisa).

    Granita de trecere intre sisteme va fi convenita cu responsabilul de proiect.

    Sistemul va fi proiectat ca sistem de

    deversare, pe baza urmatoarelor calcule: - cantitatea de apa de ploaie, determinata

    cu105 l/sec si ha pe 15 minute; - apa de stingere incendii. Debitul de apa de stingere a incendiilor este de

    20 m3/min (335 l/sec) pentru o suprafata de interventie de stingere a incendiilor de max. 500 m2. Pentru suprafete mai mici, debitul de apa de stins incendii poate fi redus proportional cu suprafata, dar nu mai mult de 10 m3/min.

    In suprafata de interventie, nivelul de retentie a apei de stingere a incendiilor poate sa ajunga pana la nivelul maxim de inaltime al suprafetei de interventie. Pentru calculul paramterilor hidraulici va trebui sa se determine debitul 100 % in primele 15 minute si 50 % in alte 60 de minute.

    The system collects the following

    - firefighting water - precipitation from no contaminated surfaces *) - roof water *) - pure water from the process up to max. 60C *) check whether percolation is possible

    where they are produced and transfers them at the plant border to the green offsites system via a storage shaft. A shut-off option must be provided in the storage shaft that separates the entire green insites system from the offsite system in the event of a stop. The disposal then takes place via a connection line to the red insites system (normally closed, only open in case of a stop). The delivery border must be determined in coordination with the project manager of Petrom OMV. The system must be planned as a flooded system with the following calculation principles:

    - rainwater shall be assumed as 105 l/sec and ha over 15 minutes - firefighting water

    The firefighting water volume is 20 m3/min (335 l/sec) for a fire section of max. 500 m2. For smaller fire sections, the firefighting water volume can be reduced proportionally to the area, however no less than 10 m3/min. In the fire section, the backing up of firefighting water is permitted up to the high point of the fire section. For the hydraulic calculation it is further specified that 100% of the firefighting water volume must be assumed for the first 15 minutes and 50% of the firefighting water

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    Pentru dimensionarea canalului, calculul se face

    pentru un caz de interventie de stingere incendii numai pe o suprafata de interventie (500 m2) de pe un amplasament de instalatii. Nu se face o insumare cu apa de ploaie si cu punctele de colectare a apei pure.

    Punctele de colectare a apei de pe acoperisuri si a apei pure vor fi calculate cu cantitatea reala de apa cazuta.

    Bretelele de canal vor fi executate cu GFK (material plastic cu fibra de sticla) sau cu tuburi de polipropilena, care vor fi legate intre ele cu elemente de imbinare fixa (nedemontabile). Nu sunt permise coturile de racordare si ramificatiile. La fiecare intrare in canal si la fiecare modificare a sensului de pozare a canalului va fi prevazut un camin de canalizare. Pentru executarea constructiilor de extindere sau de modernizare se va tine cont de constructia existenta.

    Caminele de canalizare pot fi tipizate numai pentru domeniul vor fi executate in beton monolit cu acoperire (capace) din elemente prefabricat, in care se gasesc orificii de acces, diametrul 600 mm. Suprafata interioara a caminelor va fi acoperita cu laminat (GFK) de 3 mm respectiv 6 mm, care corespunde tipului de teava utilizat.

    Pentru proiectarea si organizarea licitatiilor

    pentru conducte, laminat si executia caminelor de canalizare, responsabilul de proiect Petrom OMV va pune la dispoztie specificatiile, planurile si textele de licitatie aferente.

    Probele de etanseitate vor fi convenite cu responsabilul de proiect OMV Petrom

    Amplasamentul de instalatii este drenat de

    apa pe suprafete betonate. Suprafata totala de teren va fi impartita in zone de interventie pentru stingerea incendiilor de max. 500 m2 Trebuie avut in vedere ca fiecare zona de interventie trebuie sa fie prevazuta cu min. 2 guri de scurgere individuale sau cu rigole. Panta suprafetei fata de gurile de scurgere trebuie sa nu depaseasca 5 %.

    In jurul instalatiei se va amplasa un asa numit punct de inaltime maxima, care corespunde nivelului amplasamentului (de ex. 161, 15 m deasupra cotei 0 ex: Marea Neagra). Si

    volume for another 60 minutes. A firefighting incident is assumed only in o n e fire section (500 m2) of a plant area for the cable dimensioning. Overlapping with the calculated precipitation and the pure water collection sites shall not take place. Roof and pure water collection sites must be calculated based on the actual volumes of water arising. The sewer lines shall be executed with GFRP (glass fiber reinforced plastic) or polypropylene tubes that are connected together with unopenable connections. Bends and branches are n o t permitted. A shaft structure must be provided at every junction and direction change of the sewer. Consideration must be given to the as-built condition for additions and alterations.

    The sewer shafts can be organized into types for the refinery area and are made of site-mixed concrete with prefab covers in which access openings, diameter 600 mm, are situated. The inside surfaces of the shafts must be coated with a 3 mm or 6 mm hand laminate (GFRP) that corresponds to the pipe quality. For planning and requests for proposals for the pipes, laminate and shafts, the corresponding specifications, control plans and request for proposal texts shall provided by the project manager of Petrom OMV.

    The leak tests must be determinated in coordination with the project manager OMV Petrom. The plant field is drained via the concrete-paved surfaces. The total area must be divided into fire sections of max. 500 m2. It must be ensured that at least 2 individual inlets or trenches are provided for each fire section. The incline of the surfaces to the inlets should not exceed 5%. A high-point should be placed around the plant that corresponds to the plant level (e.g. 161.15 m over the Black Sea).

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    punctele de inaltime din fiecare zona de interventie pentru stingerea incendiilor vor fi amplasate la aceeasi cota.

    Se va evita folosirea de rigole in zonele expuse riscului generat de gazul lichefiat. Lungimea rigolelor si a gurilor de scurgere va fi atestata in calculul hidraulic si va fi convenita cu responsabilul de proiect Petrom OMV.

    Santurile betonate pot avea o lungime de max. 10 m. Din punct de vedere static, capacele de acoperire a acestor rigole si a gurilor de scurgere vor fi dimensionate conform clasei corespunzatoare de incarcare.

    The high points of the individual fire sections also lie at this elevation. The use of trenches should be avoided in zones of the plant at risk to liquefied petroleum gas. The length of the trenches and inlets must be verified within the hydraulic calculation and coordinated with the project manager of Petrom OMV. Inlet channels may be max. 10 m long. The covers for channels and individual inlets must be dimensioned according to corresponding load class in terms of structural properties.

    2.4.2 Sistem Rosu-Insites (in interiorul amplasamentului)

    2.4.2. Red insites system

    In acest sistem se colecteaza - apa de pe suprafetele impurificate; - apa reziduala de exploatare, care nu este dirijata catre un sistem de colectare a reziduurilor petroliere; - apa de la toalete (dupa curatirea mecanica). este captata si dirijata catre cea mai

    apropiata statie de pompare la marginea amplasamentului de instalatii, de unde este dirijata in sistemul rosu-Offsites (in exteriorul amplasamentului) prin conductele pozate suprateran, ajungand in instalatia de tratare a apelor uzate.

    Granita de trecere intre sisteme va fi convenita cu responsabilul de proiect Petrom OMV.

    Sistemul va fi proiectat ca sistem de

    deversare, pe baza urmatoarelor calcule: Cantitatea de apa de pe suprafetele

    contaminate (sistem rosu) va fi calculata incluzand si cantitatea de apa de ploaie. Apele uzate provenite din exploatare vor fi calculate cu cantitatea colectata.

    Daca se face extinderea amplasamentului cu o noua statie de pompare, conducta colectoare din sistemul rosu va fi verificata pe baza unui calcul hidraulic.

    La sistemul rosu nu se calculeaza cantitatea

    de apa de stingere incendii, intrucat aceasta este dirijata in sistemul verde. Suprafetele din sistemul rosu vor fi prevazuta cu canturi, care impiedica trecerea apei contaminate in apa de ploaie in sistemul verde din vecinatate. Bretelele de canal vor fi executate cu tevi sudate din material X 6 CrNiMoTi 17-12-2 (, cu un diametru de min.

    The system collects the following

    - water from contaminated surfaces - operational wastewater that is not fed into one of the slop systems - fecal water (after mechanical cleaning)

    where they are produced and runs them to the nearest pump station at the plant border, from where the water is pumped into the red offsites system via pipes running above ground to the wastewater treatment plant.

    The delivery border must be determined in coordination with the project manager of Petrom OMV. The system must be planned as a flooded system with the following calculation principles: Water volumes of contaminated surfaces (red system) must be dimensioned with the rain volume. Operational wastewater with the corresponding volume arising. Upon addition of a new pump station, the collecting line of the red system must be inspected with a hydraulic calculation. The firefighting water volume is not included in the system red calculation because this is run to the green system. The surfaces for the red system must be given raised borders that prevent the overflow of contaminated water into rainfall in the surrounding green system. The sewer line shall be implemented with welded pipes of material X 6 CrNiMoTi 17-12-2 mat. no. 1.4571) with a diameter of at least

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    150 mm. Caminele de canalizare vor fi executate in

    beton monolit ca si la sistemul verde, dar nu vor fi acoperite cu laminat, ci cu tabla din material X 6 CrNiMoTi 17-12-2 (Material W1.4571). Pentru drenarea apelor uzate cu continut ridicat de cloruri se vor folosi oteluri de calitate mai buna.

    Sunt permise ramificatiile si variatiile directiei

    de pozare a conductelor (fara caminele de canalizare).

    Caminele de canalizare vor fi astfel amplasate incat sa poata fi executate fara probleme curatirea si intretinerea intregului sistem.

    Pentru proiectarea si organizarea licitatiilor, responsabilul de proiect Petrom OMV va pune la dispoztie documentatia necesara.

    150 mm. The sewer shafts shall be executed of site-mixed concrete as for the green system, however not laminated but lined with sheets of material X 6 CrNiMoTi 17-12-2 (mat. no. 1.4571). For wastewater high in chloride, higher-quality steels must be used. Branches and direction changes in the pipes are permitted (without shafts).

    The shafts must be arranged so that the entire system can be easily cleaned and maintained.

    For planning and requests for proposals, the required documents shall be provided by the project manager of Petrom OMV.

    2.4.3. Drenarea apei din cuvele de cuptor (furnal) 2.4.3 Furnace tank drainage Apa de suprafata din cuvele de cuptoare se

    recicleaza conform Normei Petrom OMV 204 punctul 4.3. Sistemul de drenare a apei din cuve si santurile colectoare aferente nu trebuie sa fie racordate la sistemul de canalizare.

    Modul de executie si materialele utilizate pentru drenaje vor fi convenite cu responsabilul de proiect Petrom OMV.

    Pentru toate sistemele, cotele de inaltime de racordare la marginea amplasamentului de instalatii vor fi transmise responsabilului de proiect Petrom OMV.

    Surface waters from furnace tanks must be disposed of according to Petrom OMV standard 204 item 4.3. Furnace tank drainages and collection shafts may not be connected to the sewer system. The design of the furnace tank drainages and the materials to be used must be coordinated with the project manager of Petrom OMV. The connection elevations for all systems at the plant borders shall be specified by the project manager of Petrom OMV.

    2.4.4 Sistemele de canalizare in instalatiile de petrol

    si gaz metan

    2.4.4. Sewer system for petroleum and natural gas operations

    Sistemul de canalizare va fi executat ca sistem separat si va fi compus din urmatoarele sisteme:

    Sisteme de drenare a apei de pe acoperisuri

    Acestea vor fi dirijate, printr-un eventual bazin de colectare, direct in sistemul de reciclare (retea publica respectiv pompare intr-o amenajare de scurgere a apelor).

    Sisteme de drenare a apei din instalatiile


    Acestea vor fi dirijate printr-un separator biologic si mecanic si apoi catre sistemul de reciclare (retea publica respectiv pompare intr-o amenajare de scurgere a apelor).

    The sewer system must be designed as a separated system and consists of the following systems: Roof drainages These shall be run directly to disposal (public network or pumping into a drainage ditch) via any existing reserve pool. Wastewater from sanitary installations This is run through full biological and mechanic separators and to disposal (public network or pumping into a drainage ditch).

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    Sisteme de apa contaminta cu hidrocarburi

    Santurile de canalizare vor fi executate cu protectie la explozii. Aceste ape vor fi dirijate printr-un separator de benzina si printr-un separator de finete (cu microstructura) legat in serie si apoi catre sistemul de reciclare (retea publica respectiv pompare intr-o amenajare de scurgere a apelor)

    Wastewater contaminated with hydrocarbons The inlet shafts must be installed in an explosion-proof design. This wastewater is run through benzene separators as well as subsequent fine separators and carried to disposal (public network or pumping into a drainage ditch).

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    Fig.1 Schita de principiu (Dimensiuni in m) Fig. 1 Schematic diagram (dimensions in m)

    MSR-Kabel Cablu AMC Measurement &control cable E-Kabeltrog Canale cabluri electrice E cable trough Rohrbr. Estacada Pipe bridge Kanal Canal Sewer Khlw. Apa de racire Cold water Strasse Strada Road Lichte Hhe Inaltimea de gabarit Clearance height

    *) Daca este prevazut accesul masinilor de pompieri,vezi punctul 2.2./ If access by firefighting vehicles is required, see item.2.2

    x) Canal Sistem Verde / Green sewer system

    xx) Canal Sistem Rosu / Red sewer system

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    3.0 GRUPA PRINCIPALA B - Cuptoare 3.0 COMPONENT GROUP B - Furnaces

    Cuptoarele vor fi amplasate la marginea amplasamentului de instalatii. Ele vor fi montate, tinand cont de directia principala a vantului, in fata altor subansamble de instalatie. De asemenea, se va tine cont de zonele invecinate. Toate echipamentele de cuptor, cum ar fi arzatoare, guri de vizitare etc vor fi prevazute cu podeste pentru asigurarea accesului. Cuptorul respectiv grupa de cuptoare va fi separat intr-o parte de restul instalatiei printr-o strada iar in cealalta parte, vor fi respectate distantele de siguranta fata de alte obiective respectiv subansamble de instalatie (vezi Norma Petrom OMV 204).

    Sub cuptoarele de proces se va amenaja o vana

    de captare, prevazuta cu gura de scurgere, si un sant colector.

    Vana de captare de sub cuptoarele de proces va fi montata in panta fata de punctul de nivel de inaltime minima, de la care produsul care se poate scurge va fi dirijat printr-o conducta subterana catre un sant colector separat. Santul colector va fi amplsat la o distanta de siguranta fata de cuptor (daca se poate, 15 m) si nu poate fi racordat la sistemul de canalizare, golirea facandu-se prin vidanje.

    Sistemul colector vana cuptor, scurgere si sant de colectare va fi astfel conceput incat capacitatea (volumul) sau sa corespunda volumului unei tevi dintr-o serpentina de tevi. Vana si santul vor fi amplasate la o inaltime corespunzatoare, in asa fel incat la umplerea maxima sa nu se produca o deversare a sistemului. Santul de colectare va fi amplasat incat sa se poata asigura accesul unei vidanje si sa pota fi posibila golirea sa prin pompare. .

    Furnaces must be situated at the edge of the plant field. They must be situated before the other plant components with respect to the main wind direction. When placing the furnaces, consideration must be given to the neighboring area. All furnace equipment, such as burners, inspection holes, etc., must be designed to be easily accessible with platforms, etc. The furnace or furnace group must be separated from the other part of the plant by a road, and the safety distances to other structures and plant components must also be observed (see Petrom OMV standard 204). A collection tank with a drain and a collection shaft must be built underneath a process furnace. The collection tank under the furnace must be designed with an incline down to a deep point from which any escaping product must be run via an underground line to a separate collection shaft. The collection shaft should be built with a safety distance from the furnace (if possible 15 m) and may not be connected to the sewer system; emptying takes place via suction truck. The collection system furnace tank, drain and collection shaft should be designed so that its volume corresponds to the volume of the pipe content of a tube coil. In terms of height, the tank and shaft must be arranged such that overflow is avoided if the system is full to maximum capacity. In addition, the collection shaft should be designed such that it is possible to drive a suction truck up to it to pump out the shaft.

    4.0 GRUPELE PRINCIPALE D, E, F - Coloane, schimbatoare de caldura, rezervoare

    4.0 COMPONENT GROUPS D, E, F columns, heat exchangers, containers

    4.1 Coloane 4.1 Columns

    Coloanele vor fi amplasate intre podurile de conducte si strazile de acces, in asa fel incat sa se poata ajunge la ele cu o macara de mare capacitate, in bune conditii. Gurile de vizitare vor fi amplasate pe partea cu strada si trebuie sa fie accesibile prin podeste. De la aceste podeste si pe scari trebuie sa se poata face accesul si la imbinarile cu flansa ale conductelor racordate si la instrumentele aferente. Pozarea conductelor se va face preponderent de-a lungul coloanei de pe partea cu estacada de conducte. In capul

    Columns must be built between pipe bridges and roads so that they are easily accessible with a large crane. The manholes must be situated on the road side and must be made accessible with platforms. The flange connections of the connected pipelines and the instruments must also be reachable from these platforms and via ladders. The laying of pipelines must large take place on the side of the column facing the pipe bridge. A davit or support beam as well as a ring platform with ascension to the highest point must be

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    coloanei se va amplasa un suport de gruie respectiv de demontare, ca si un podest inelar (circular), cu scara de urcare in punctul de inaltime maxima. Conductele de distilare vor fi legate cu coloana, cu posibilitatea unei montari / demontari usoare (distanta suficienta, piese de pasuire)

    provided at the top of the column. Boilers must be connected to the columns so that they are easy to install and remove (sufficient spacing, adapters).

    4.2 Schimbatoare de caldura 4.2 Heat exchangers

    Este de preferat montarea schimbatoarelor la nivelul amplasamentului fata de montajul intr-o schela pentru aparate. Conductele care se racordeaza vor fi astfel pozate incat camerele de precombustie sa pota fi usor demontate, sa nu fie nevoie de sustinerea conductei dupa demontarea acestora si sa poata fi posibila strangerea imbinarilor cu flansa ale schimbatoarelor, in timpul functionarii. La schimbatoarele de caldura montate pe schele la inaltime de peste 10 m, grinzile longitudinale vor fi prevazute cu palane electrice pentru demontarea fascicului tubular. Daca sunt mai multe schimbatoare montate unul langa altul, grinda longitudinala va trebui sa pota fi manevrata in lateral sau va trebui sa se monteze o grinda auxiliara pentru manevrarea mecanismului de ridicare de la o grinda la alta. Pentru dimensionarea constructiei metalice vor fi indicate valorile de incarcare necesare pentru extragerea fascicului tubular. Forta orizontala de extractie a unui fascicul tubular cu impuritati este 50 % din greutatea fasciculului tubular. Pentru sarcini mai mari vor fi prevazute dispozitive de impingere si de extragere.

    Greutatea fasciculului tubular trebuie sa fie de max. 20 t. Lungimea standard pentru fascicul tubular este de 6.0 m. Abaterile de la valorile de greutate si lungime sunt posibile numai in situatii bine intemeiate.

    Gratarele pe platformele cu schimbatoare de caldura trebuie sa fie concepute pentru o capacitate portanta 5 kN/m2 iar parapetii din zona in care se face extragerea fasciculului tubular trebuie sa poata fi demontati.

    In the installation of heat exchangers at the plant level, use of instrument frames is preferred. The connecting pipelines must be laid so that the pre-chambers can be easily removed, no supporting of the pipes is necessary after removal of the pre-chamber and it is possible to retighten the flange connections to the heat exchangers during operation. For heat exchangers that are installed on frames at higher than 10 m, longitudinal beams with electric lifts must be provided for removal of the pipe bundle. For multiple heat exchangers in parallel, the longitudinal beam must be capable of moving sideways or secondary beam must be installed for moving the lifting equipment from one beam to another. The loads from moving of the bundle must be specified for dimensioning of the steel structure. The horizontal extraction force for contaminated bundles is 50% of the bundle weight. Press-out and pull-out tools must be planned in for larger loads. Alternatively, bundle pull-out tools are permitted. The bundle weight may not exceed 20 t. Normal lengths for the bundles are 6.0 m. Exceptions in the bundle weights and normal lengths are possible in justified cases. The grating on heat exchanger platforms must be designed for a load capacity of 5 kN/m2, railings must be removable in the extraction area of the bundles.

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    4.2.1 Distanta intre schimbatoarele de caldura 4.2.1 Heat exchanger spacing Distanta pe orizontala si pe verticala intre

    aparate trebuie sa fie atat de mare incat sa existe suficient spatiu in spatele aparatelor, intre ele si suficient spatiu pentru scoaterea fasciculului tubular.

    Distantele minime cele mai importante sunt indicate in fig. 2 si 3.

    Inaltimea recomandata, raportata la centrul

    schimbatorului: 1,0 m - 1,5 m Etajul 1 3,0 m - 3,5 m Etajul 2

    Necesarul de spatiu la diverse metode de tractiune

    The horizontal and vertical spacing between the units must be large enough that sufficient place exists behind the units, between them and for extracting of the bundles. The minimum distances are specified in fig. 2 and 3. Preferred heights refer to the middle of the heat exchanger: 1.0 m - 1.5 m 1st level 3.0 m - 3.5 m 2nd level Space requirements for various pulling methods

    Fig.2 Fig. 2

    Tabel pentru valoarea x Table for value x

    Metoda x in m Methode x in m

    Cu cabestan macara

    1 6 with crane 1 6

    Cu stivuitor macara

    2 5 with crane stacker truck

    2 5

    Cu dispozitiv de extractie

    3 2,5 With extraction tool

    3 2.5

    Cu dispozitiv de apucare

    4 2,5 with grip puller

    4 2.5

  • Norma 201 Petrom OMV Pagina 13 / Petrom OMV Standard 201

    Fig.3 Fig. 3

    Distante minime

    Minimum distances

    Grup de schimbatoare simple / Single heat exchanger group

    Baterii de schimbatoare / Installed exchanger pair

    A B C D E PN 25, 40 ANSI 150, 300

    1.4 (d1 + d2)

    1.4 (d2 + d3)

    1.2 (d4 + d5)

    1.2 (d5 + d6)

    1.2 (d6 + d7)

    PN 40 - 100 ANSI 450 - 900

    1.6 (d1 + d2)

    1.6 (d2 + d3)

    1.3 (d4 + d5)

    1.3 (d5 + d6)

    1.3 (d6 + d7)

    Peste / over PN 100 Peste / over ANSI 900

    1.8 (d1 + d2)

    1.8 (d2 + d3)

    1.4 (d4 + d5)

    1.4 (d5 + d6)

    1.4 (d6 + d7)

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    4.3 Racitoare de aer 4.3 Air coolers

    Racitoarele de aer trebuie sa fie astfel amplasate incat sa nu se influenteze reciproc.

    Racitoarele de aer amplasate la inaltime, la care se produce contaminarea puternica sau /si frecventa cu produs, vor fi prevazute cu cate un podest de latime de min.1 m, pentru a facilita alezarea tevilor. Racitoarele montate la nivelul amplasamentului de instalatii nu vor fi prevazute cu podeste.

    Sunt permise tevi din otel sau tevi din aluminiu cu aripioare. Daca nu sunt prevazute sorturi de protectie, tevile din aluminiu cu aripioare vor fi protejate prin grilaje care permit accesul (de ex. din otel de constructii).

    Pentru intretinerea sistemelor de actionare a racitoarelor de aer vor fi prevazute podeste (distanta dintre podest si sistemul de actionare cca. 1,80 m). Greutatea fasciculului tubular poate fi de max. 7,0 t. Amplasarea racitoarelor se va face pe cat posibil pe orizontal. Din motive de spatiu se va utiliza spatiul de deasupra estacadelor de conducte sau, la condensatoarele de abur (unde este posibila si montarea in diagonala), se va utiliza spatiul de deasupra salilor masinilor. In acest caz, la estacadele cu conducte care transporta produse lichide, va fi prevazut un perete despartitor deasupra conductelor, din cauza pericolului de izbucnire a incendiilor (vezi Norma Petrom OMV 204).

    Air coolers must be installed so that they do no mutually influence each other. Elevated air coolers for which heavy and/or frequent dirtying on the product side is expected must each be equipped with a platform at least 1 m wide to allow for cleaning out of the pipes. Air coolers installed at the plant level do not receive platforms. Steel aluminum finned pipes are permitted. If no slats are provided and aluminum finned pipes are used, these must be protected by grates suitable for walking on (e.g. steel construction grate). Platforms must be provided for maintenance of the fan drives (spacing of the platform from the drive approx. 1.80 m). Bundle weights may not exceed 7.0 t. The air coolers should be set up in a horizontal design as much as possible. For space reasons, the space above pipe bridges or for steam condensers (slanted setup is also possible for these) the space above the machine housings must be used. In this case, for pipe bridges with lines carrying liquid product, a separating wall must be planned in above the pipelines due to the increased risk of fire (see Petrom OMV standard 204).

    4.4 Rezervoare (rezervoare sub presiune verticale si orizontale)

    4.4 Vessels (vertical and horizontal pressure vessels)

    Rezervoarele vor fi amplasate intre strada si estacadele de conducte.

    Pentru calcularea distantelor intre rezervoare respectiv pentru amplasarea lor pe schele si constructii metalice sunt valabile aceleasi criterii ca si la schimbatoarele de caldura.

    Gurile de vizitare vor fi pozitionate pe cat posibil pe directia catre strada si vor fi accesibile prin podeste si scari. Capacele de la gurile de vizitare vor fi prevazute cu dispozitiv de rabatare.

    Podestele si scarile vor fi astfel construite incat sa se asigure accesul la indicatoarele de nivel de umplere, la regulatoarele de nivel si la armaturi

    Variantele de golire in sistemul de colectare a reziduurilor sau in sistemul de canalizare

    The vessels shall be built between plant roads and pipe bridges. The same perspectives apply to the spacing between containers or installation in frames and steel structures as for the heat exchangers. Manholes must be situated as far in the direction of the plant road as possible and accessible with ladders and platforms. Manhole covers must be equipped with pivot mechanisms. Platforms and ladders must be designed so that the accessibility of level indicators, level regulators and valves is ensured. Drainage options into the slop system or sewer system must be provided according

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    vor fi adaptate in functie de continutul rezervorului. Daca acesta contine medii de tip namol sau vascoase, vor fi prevazute dispozitive suplimentare de golire.

    to the container contents. For sludge-like or viscous media, additional provisions must be created for emptying.

    5.0 GRUPA PRINCIPALA G - Pompe, compresoare

    5.0.COMPONENT GROUP G - pumps, compressors

    5.1 Pompe si alte utilaje mici 5.1 Pumps and other smaller machines

    In faza de proiectare se va stabili care pompe vor fi prevazute cu o pompa de rezerva.

    Pompele vor fi amplasate in zona estacadelor de conducte. Sistemul de actionare va fi amplasat pe directia estacadei de conducte iar pompa in exteriorul acestuia, pe directia rezervoarelor si coloanelor.

    Fig. 4 indica montarea pompelor de diferite

    dimensiuni, montaj posibil intre fundatiile estacadei de conducte, la 6 m distanta, ca si la distantele minime, pentru deservire, si variantele de acces A, B si C, pentru montare si demontare.

    Pentru amplasarea utilajelor vezi si punctul 9.0.

    Accesul B intre postamentul pompei si alte aparate, ca si accesul C intre postamentele pompelor trebuie sa fie de min.2 m si sa aiba o inaltime de gabarit de 3 m. La pompele mai mari, inaltimea de gabarit va fi adaptata la necesitatile de montaj.

    Daca este necesar ca latimea

    postamentelor sa fie mai mare de 2 m, distanta B si C va fi astfel conceputa incat sa fie cel putin egala cu latimea postamentului.

    In plus, pentru agregatele mari vor fi prevazuti suporti de demontare.

    Pompele de noroi de la coloane nu vor fi

    amplasate sub coloane.

    Pompele care transporta gaz lichefiat si cele care transporta medii cu continut de H2S vor fi racordate la sistemul de colectare a reziduurilor petroliere sub presiune..

    It must be determined during the project planning phase which pumps are provided with reserve pumps. Pumps should be set up in the area of the pipe bridges.The pumps should drive in the direction of the pipe bridges and the pumps outside the pipe bridges in the direction of the containers and columns. Fig. 4 shows the setup of pumps of various sizes possible between the pipe bridge foundations with 6 m spacing and with the minimum distances for operation and access routes A, B and C for the installation and removal. For arrangement of the machines, see also item 9.0. Access route B between the pump foundations and other units as well as access route C between the pump foundations must be at least 2 m wide and have a clear height of 3 m. For larger pumps, a clear height must be provided according to the installation requirements. If the required foundation width is greater than 2 m, the distances B and C must be designed so that they are at least the foundation width. In addition, beams must be provided to assist in removal. Sump pumps at columns may not be set up under columns. Pumps transporting liquified petroleum gas and pumps that transport media containing H2S must be connected to the pressure slop system.

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    5.2 Compresoare, statii de compresoare 5.2 Compressors, compressor halls

    In functie de dimensiunea si numarul compresoarelor respectiv.compactoare se va decide daca trebuie sa se realizeze montarea in aer liber, cu capac de protectie fonica sau intr-o statie de compresoare.

    Capacele de protectie la zgomot trebuie sa

    se poata demonta usor. Statiile de compresoare vor fi realizate in

    constructii metalice, acoperisul si peretii trebuind sa fie prevazuti cu o constructie usoara, antifonica.

    Trebuie avuta in vedere asigurarea unei bune ventilatii. Vor fi prevazute palane electrice si o cale de rulare pentru macara, pentru demontare si montare. Forta portanta va fi calculata dupa componenta cea mai grea a utilajului.

    Pentru componentele mari vor fi prevazute

    suprafete de lucru si de depozitare, in vederea executarii lucrarilor de revizie. Macaraua trebuie sa poata fi adusa pana in exteriorul platformei compresorului, astfel incat piesele sa poata fi incarcate direct in camion sau in trailer.

    Inaltimea de gabarit a incintei trebuie sa fie

    astfel calculata incat rezervorul-turn cu lichid (ulei) de etansare si rezervorul de evacuare in caz de urgenta sa poata fi amplasate in incinta.

    Sunt de preferat utilajele cuplate direct, fara transmisie.

    Se va acorda atentie posibilitatii de

    extragere a fasciculului tubular ale racitoarelor ca si posibilitatii de golire si umplere in bune conditii a sistemelor de ulei (accesibilitate, transport rezervor de ulei etc).

    Vor fi luate masurile de protectie la incendii, atat a cladirii cat si a utilajelor. Daca nu pot fi indeplinite dispozitiile de protectie a personalului, vor fi planificate masuri secundare de protectie la zgomot. La trecerile prin zidarie si la orificiile de ventilatie vor fi prevazute amortizoare de zgomot. Alimentarea cu aer pentru ventilatie se va face din zona neexpusa riscurilor de explozii

    Depending on the size and number of compressors, it must be decided whether to set them up in the open, with noise protection shells or in a compressor building. Sound protection shells must be easy to remove. Compressor buildings must be designed as steel structures, whereby lightweight sound-insulating construction methods should be used for the roof and walls. Attention must be paid to sufficient ventilation. Electric winches and crane rail must be provided for installation and removal. The carrying capacity must be dimensioned according to the heaviest machine part. Work areas and resting areas for larger machine parts must be provided for overhaul work. The crane must also be movable outside the compressor platform so that parts can be loaded directly onto trucks or low loaders. The clearance height should be dimensioned so that elevated sealing oil containers and emergency collection containers can be situated underneath the roofing.

    Directly coupled machines without gearing are preferred.

    Consideration must be given to removal of the cooler bundle as well as to easy filling and emptying of the oil systems (accessibility, oil drum transport, etc.). Fire protection measures must be provided on building structures as well as on the machines. If the employee protection ordinances cannot be complied with for machines, secondary sound protection measures must be planned in. Holes in masonry and ventilation openings must receive sound absorbers. Ventilation air must be drawn from the explosive-free zone.

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    Fig.4 Instalarea pompelor Fig. 4 Pump setup

    Kabeltrog fr MSR_Kabel Canale cabluri pt. cabluri AMC Measurement &control cable Nchster Apparat Urmatorul aparat E cable trough Rohrbr.Mind. 2m Min. 2m Pipe bridge Kabeltrog fr E-Anspeisung Canal de cabluri pt. alimentare cu

    electricitate Cale trough for electricity supply

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    6.0 GRUPA PRINCIPALA H - Conducte si armaturi

    6.0 COMPONENT GROUP H pipelines and fittings

    Dirijarea conductelor de la si catre aparate se face pe estacade de conducte de max.3 etaje. Pe etajul cel mai de sus vor fi amplasate conductele de gaz (de ex.gaz de cracare, gaz de aprindere etc) si conductele de abur de mari dimensiuni, pe etajul 2, conducte de gaz si gaz lichefiat de dimensiuni medii iar pe etajul de jos, conductele de mici dimensiuni pentru gaz si produse ca si conductele de agenti de exploatare

    Pentru a putea poza conducta cu gaz de

    aprindere (flacara) cu panta catre rezervorul de descarcare, pe etajul superior al podului se poate monta un reazem din otel.

    La etajul superior de pe estacade de conducte

    vor fi montate pasarele respectiv podeste pentru grupele de ventile de siguranta (vezi si Norma Petrom OMV H 1002 si H 3002). Vor fi prevazute dispozitive auxiliare pentru demontare si transport.

    Grupele de ventile de siguranta vor fi amplsate in asa fel incat sa se asigure accesul la ele. Cele cu diametre nominale mai mari (cca. peste DN 150) vor fi amplasate in zona estacadei de conducte, la nivelul amplasamentului de instalatii.

    Pentru sistemele insotitoare de incalzire cu abur si apa fierbinte, vezi Norma Petrom OMV H 2401. Amplasarea repartitoarelor de abur si a colectoarelor de condens va fi facuta de asa maniera incat sa nu impiedice efectuarea in bune conditii a intretinerii si repararii instalatiei (amplasarea va fi reprezentata printr-o eticheta).

    In masura in care este posibil, conducta principala de abur, ca si conductele de agenti de exploatare vor fi montate pe partea exterioara a podului de conducte.

    Pentru sistemele insotitoare de incalzire electrica vezi Norma Petrom OMV N 3005.

    Piesele de conducte, cum ar fi armaturile si altele, vor fi astfel amplasate incat sa fie posibila termoizolarea intregii conducte, pentru protectie la intemperii si umiditate.

    Conductele de apa de racire vor fi prevazute cu armaturi de inchidere pe partea cu reteaua rafinariei.

    De preferinta, conductele de apa de racire vor fi pozate suprateran, pe nivelul cel mai de jos al podului de conducte. Daca acest lucru nu este

    Running of the pipelines from and too the units and machines shall take place on pipe bridges of no more than 3 levels. The large gas lines (e.g. cracked gas, flare gas, etc.) and the large steam lines must be run on the top level; on the 2nd level the medium-sized gas and liquefied gas product lines; and on the lowest level the small gas and product lines and operating media lines. In order to run the flare gas line with an incline toward the exhaust container, a steel support can be placed on the top pipe bridge level. The walkways and platforms for the safety valve groups must be situated on the top level of the pipe bridge (see also Petrom OMV standard H 1002 and H 3002). Aids for removal and transport must be provided. The regulating valve groups must be situated such that they are easily accessible. Regulator valve groups with larger diameters (roughly as of DN 150) must be situated in the area of the pipe bridge at plant level. On heaters with steam and hot water, see Petrom OMV standard H 2401. The steam distributors and condensate collectors must be arranged so that maintenance and servicing of the plant is unhindered (depict by sticking something on the model). The main steam line as well as operating media lines should be situated on the outer sides of the pipe bridge as far as possible. On electric heaters, see Petrom OMV standard N 3005. Pipeline parts such as fittings, etc. must be situated so that the seal can be protected against weather and moisture over the entire length of the pipeline. Cool water lines must be equipped with shut-off valves against the refinery network. The cool water lines should preferably be laid above-ground, on the lowest level. If this is not possible, they should be laid 1.6 m below

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    posibil, ele vor fi pozate la 1,6 m sub nivelul amplasamentului de instalatiii (ca si largirile de fundatie), pentru a nu impiedica dirijarea conductelor de mici dimensiuni, a celor de reziduuri petorliere, a celor de canalizare sau a traseelor de cabluri.

    Se vor lua masuri pentru ca, in general, conductele de apa sub presiune (pentru apa de stingere incendii, pentru apa de racire) sa fie asezate cu talpa (postamentul) pe muchia inferioara a fundatiei invecinate. Aceasta masura este necesara pentru ca in cazul unei spargeri de teava, sa se impiedice erodarea postamentului.

    the plant level (just as with the foundation widening) in order not to disrupt the running of the small lines, slop, sewer and cable troughs. It must be ensured that pressurized water lines (fire extinguishing lines, cool water lines) come to rest with their base generally above the bottom edge of the adjacent foundations. This measure is required to prevent washing under the foundations as much as possible in the event of a pipe break.

    7.0 GRUPA PRINCIPALA J - Constructii metalice

    7.0 COMPONENT GROUP J steel structures

    Estacadele de conducte vor fi executate cu max. 3 etaje. Rezerva de estacade de conducte va fi adaptata la conditiile locale de exploatare si la conceptul general de instalare si va fi stabilita inainte de inceperea derularii proiectului.

    Inaltimea etajelor estacadelor de conducte va fi de preferinta 4,5 - 6,5 - 8,5 m pentru estacadele care nu traverseaza strazile amplasamentului si de 5,5 - 7,5 - 9,5 m pentru cele care traverseaza aceste strazi.

    Adaosul de inaltime la estacadele care se intersecteaza trebuie sa fie de min. 1,0 m. Se vor evita estacadele de conducte cu latimea sub 4,0 m (cai de acces si spatiu pentru intretinere si reparatii)

    Se vor evita estacadele de conducte cu latimea peste 8 m, daca este necesar se va planifica un reazem central (pe mijloc), din motive de stabilitate. In montarea instalatie se va tine cont de crearea posibilitatii de acces sub estacadele de conducte, cel putin cu un utilaj de ridicat de capacitate redusa, de ex. un motostivuitor. Pentru dirijarea conductelor de aprindere (flacara), a conductelor de transfer etc pot fi prevazute, daca este nevoie, reazeme individuale pe estacada de conducte.

    Armaturile si grupele de ventile de siguranta vor fi accesibile prin podeste.

    In calculul de stabilitate vor fi luate in considerare fortele de reactie ale ventilelor de siguranta care fac descarcarea. Pasarelele si acoperirile de la schelele pentru aparate fi concepute de regula pentru o incarcare de 5 kN/m2 .

    Daca se utilizeaza alte valori (decat 5 kN/m2), acest lucru va fi marcat printr-o placuta indicatoare.

    Platformele rotunde (circulare) la coloane vor fi concepute in general pentru 2,5 kN/m2 .

    Pipe bridges shall be designed with max. 3 levels. The pipe bridge reserve must be adapted to the local conditions and the overall concept and determined before the start of planning. The pipe bridge level heights are preferably 4.5 6.5 8.5 m for pipe bridges that do not cross plant roads and 5.5 7.5 9.5 m for pipe bridges that cross plant roads. The gap between crossing pipe bridges must be at least 1.0 m. Pipe bridge widths under 4.0 m should be avoided (pathway and space for maintenance and service). Pipe bridge widths over 8 m should be avoided; if necessary, a middle support should be planned in for structural reasons. The accessibility under the pipe bridges for at least small lifting equipment, such as a forklift, must be considered in the system construction. If necessary, individual supports can be placed on the pipe bridge for the running of flare gas lines, transfer lines, etc. Fittings and safety valve groups must be made accessible by platforms. The reaction forces of the blowing safety valves must be taken into consideration in the structural analysis. The walkways and grating floors over the equipment housings must in general be designed for a load of 5 kN/m2. Deviations from this design (5 kN/m2) must be indicated with signs. Round platforms on columns should in general be designed for 2.5 kN/m2.

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    Vezi Normele Petrom OMV J 1001 si J 3001. See Petrom OMV standards J1001 and J3001.

    8.0 GRUPA PRINCIPALA K - Dispozitive de masurare si reglare

    8.0 COMPONENT GROUP K measurement and control equipment

    Alegerea echipamentelor AMC si montarea acestora in statia de masurare si in instalatie se vor efectua conform Normei Petrom OMV K 1001.

    Pozarea cablurilor in instalatie se face de

    preferinta in jgheaburi de cablu. Adancimea de pozare a cablurilor este de min. 80 cm sub nivel (vezi Norma Petrom OMV K 3292/ K 1303).

    Pe constructiile metalice, pozarea cablurilor se face suprateran in trasee de cablu.

    Cablurile individuale vor fi pozate in tevi Stapa

    In dirijarea traseelor pentru cablurile de alimentare cu energie si a cablurilor echipamentelor AMC, o atentie deosebita se va acorda fenomenului de dispersie. Acesta apare mai ales in cazul ghidarii in paralel a cablurilor. Daca acest tip de ghidare nu poate fi evitat, se va mentine o distanta intre cabluri de min. 1m. In cazul incrucisarilor intre cablurile de alimentare cu energie si cablurile echipamentelor AMC, aceasta distanta va fi min.50 cm.

    Toate cablurile trebuie sa fie rezistente la influentele de natura fizica.

    In cazul in care cablurile sunt pozate in zone in care pot sa apara contaminari cu substante chimice, mantaua cablurilor trebuie sa fie etansa si rezistenta la aceste substante.

    Aparatele AMC si traseele cablurilor aferente vor fi astfel montate incat acestea sa nu fie expuse direct la influentele din mediul inconjurator ( de ex. fulger, intemperii etc). Rezervele pentru reechipare (conductori, spatiul pentru marcarea sistemului de impamantare in dulapurile auxiliare, in instalatia de alarma, in sistemul de indicare a temperaturii, in aparatele de alimentare din retea) vor fi limitate la 20 %. Daca se considera ca nu va fi necesara o reechipare, se va pastra o rezerva de 10 %. Daca instalatiile sunt achizitionate la pachet("Package Units"), se va avea in vedere ca echipamentele AMC sa fie executate conform normelor Petrom OMV. Abaterile vor fi convenite cu specialistii OMV Petrom responsabili cu tehnica AMC.

    The selection of measurement and control equipment and its installation in the measurement station and in the plants must take place according to Petrom OMV Standard K 1001. The laying of cables within the plant should preferably take place in cable troughs. The laying depth of the cable must be at least 80 cm below level (see Petrom OMV standard K 3292 / K 1303). On the steel structures, the cables shall be run above-ground in cable ducts. Individual cables in rigid steel conduit. Special attention should be paid to interference in the running of cable routes for energy and measurement and control cables. This applies in particular when these are run in parallel. If parallel lines cannot be avoided, a spacing of at least 1 m must be observed. At crossings of energy and measurement and control cables, a minimum distance of 50 cm must be observed. All cables must be capable of withstanding the physical conditions. If cables are laid in plant areas in which chemical substances can escape, the cable shielding must be sealed and resistant to these. Measurement and control equipment and the associated cable routes should be laid so that they are not exposed to direct influences from the environment (e.g. lightning strike, high winds, etc.). Reserves for subsequent installations (cable wires, space for information on the grounding system in cabinets, in the alarm system, in the temperature selection system, in mains equipment) must be limited to max. 20%. A reserve of 10% is sufficient of no subsequent installation is foreseen. When purchasing plants as package units it must be ensured that the design of the measurement and control equipment satisfies the Petrom OMV standards. Deviations must be coordinated with the competent measurement and control engineers.

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    La achizitionarea in sistem Package Units, interfetele AMC vor fi convenite in detaliu si se va intocmi o documentatie speciala pentru acest lucru. Echipamentele de protectie AMC sunt reglementate in Norma Petrom OMV K 1002 sau vor fi convenite cu specialistii OMV Petrom responsabili cu tehnica AMC.

    The measurement and control interfaces for package units must be coordinated in detail and associated documentation created. Measurement and control equipment protection is specified in the Petrom OMV standard K 1002 and must be coordinated with the competent measurement and control engineers.

    9.0 GRUPELE PRINCIPALE N, S-Echipamente electrice-Electrotehnica si telecomunicatii

    9.0 COMPONENT GROUPS N, S electrical and communication equipment

    Instalatiile de comanda si distributie vor fi amplasate in afara zonelor expuse riscului de explozii, in statii de comanda (vezi Norma OMV N 3402).

    Conform Documentului de zonare Ex intocmit de inginerii tehnologi, echipamentele electrice din aceste zone vor fi realizate cu tipul de protectie corespunzator.

    In instalatiile noi, cablurile de alimentare si

    cablurile de comanda pentru sistemele electrice si de telecomunicatii vor fi pozate ingropate in nisip, in jgheaburi de cablu acoperite, amplasarea acestora fiind facuta de preferinta sub estacadele de conducte.

    Dirijarea cablurilor catre consumatori si catre punctele de comanda va fi facuta prin tuburi de protectie care ies in afara jgheaburilor de cablu.

    La pozarea cablurilor in tuburi de protectie,

    vor fi prevazute, la anumite distante, camine de vizitare a cablurilor (vezi Normele Petrom OMV A 3003 si norma Petrom OMV N 3004). Jgheaburile si caminele de vizitare a cablurilor vor fi acoperite cu pavaj cu pavele profilate UNI sau blocuri de beton. Rosturile vor fi inchise etans cu masa turnata (bitum fierbinte sau chit siliconic).

    Vor fi evitate incrucisarile intre cablurile echipamentelor AMC si traseele de alimentare cu energie respectiv sunt permise doar daca se pastreaza distanta indicata (vezi indicatiile de la Grupa principala K).

    Pentru pozarea cablurilor din sistemele de telecomunicatii vor fi respectate, de asemenea, distantele fata de cablurile de energie.

    Dirijarea cablurilor de alimentare cu energie si de comanda pe constructiile metalice va fi realizata in priciuri de cablu respectiv tevi Stapa. In punctele cu risc mare de explozie se vor lua masuri de protectie la nivelul traseelor supraterane. Pentru toate traseele de cablu se vor planifica rezervele

    Electrical switching and distribution systems must be installed outside of the areas at risk to explosion in distribution stations (see OMV standard N 3402). The protection class of the electrical equipment installed in the respective explosion zone must be selected according to the Explosion document established by Process Engineering. The supply and control cables for electrical and communications equipment must be run in cable troughs embedded in sand and covered for new systems, whereby the situation of the cable troughs under pipe bridges is preferred. Cables to consumers or the control station shall be run in cable conduit exiting from the cable trough.

    When laying cable in cable conduit, cable drawing shafts must be situated at specific intervals (see Petrom OMV standards A 3003 and Petrom OMV standard N 3004). Cable troughs and cable drawing shafts must be covered with UNI composite plastering or concrete sheets. The joints must be sealed tightly with sealing compound (hot bitumen or silicone putty). Crossings of measurement and control cables with energy supply lines should be avoided and is only permitted with appropriate spacing (see component group K). For communications cabling, the distances from energy cables must also be observed. The running of energy and control cables on steel structures shall take place in covered cable trays or rigid steel conduit. At locations at particular risk to fire, precautions for fire protection must be taken on cable routes run above-ground. Appropriate reserves (space, etc.) must be planned in for all cable routes

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    constructive corespunzatoare (vezi punctul 8.0).

    In instalarea mai multor motoare care se

    diferentiaza prin A, B, C si D se vor respecta urmatoarele:

    Utilajul A, C va fi pozitionat in sud respectiv

    in vest, utilajul B, D va fi pozitionat in nord respectiv in est.

    Impamantarea va fi executata ca o retea

    buclata, trebuind sa fie asigurate numarul si tipul corespunzator de legaturi cu instalatiile invecinate.

    In traseele respectiv jgheaburile de cablu

    pentru echipamentele AMC nu vor fi pozati conductori de legare la pamant.

    Dispozitivele de semnalizare a incendiilor vor

    fi amplasate in punctele importante pentru alarmarea incendiilor si in locuri usor accesibile si vor fi interconectate in sistemul central de alrma la incendii (vezi Norma Petrom OMV 204).

    (see item 8.0). When positioning multiple motors for an item number that are differentiated as A, B, C, D, the following must be observed: The A, C machines are in the south and west, the B, D machines are in the north and east. The grounding system must be designed as a mesh grounding network, whereby connections of sufficient number and design must be established to neighboring plants. No ground wires may be run in measurement and control cable routes or troughs. The fire alarms must be situated at the locations of a process plant that are important for reporting fires and easily accessible and integrated into the fire alarm system of the site (see Petrom OMV standard 204).



    Instalatiile sau piesele achiztionate in sistem PACKAGE UNIT vor fi verificate sub aspectul indeplinirii conditiilor impuse prin normele Petrom OMV aferente. Daca apar abateri (de ex. in cazul furnizorilor din afara Europei), se va verifica daca acestea pot fi acceptate si daca producatorul nu poate renunta la standardele proprii. O deosebita atentie se va acorda interfetelor echipamenteleor achizitionate in sistem Package Units si compatibilitatea cu restul instalatiilor. Trebuie sa va asigurati de faptul ca aceste interfete vor fi compatibile si pentru o viitoare extindere a instalatiilor (PROCES VERBAL).

    Purchased PACKAGE UNIT plants or parts must be inspected for agreement with the applicable Petrom OMV standards. If necessary deviations arise (e.g. for suppliers outside of Europe), these must be inspected for acceptance if the manufacturer cannot deviate from his standard. Special attention must be paid to the interfaces of package units to the rest of the plant. It must be ensured that such interfaces are taken into account in further planning (PROTOCOL).

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    Anexa 1 - Norme si reglementari Annex 1 - Standards and regulations

    Norme Petrom OMV Petrom OMV standards 202 Instalatii tehnologice; Tehnica de siguranta 204 Instalatii tehnologice; Protectia la incendii 206 Instalatii tehnologice; Principii de proiectare

    locala A 3001 Constructii supraterane si subterane; Executie A 3003 Tuburi de protectie cabluri, camine de vizitare cabluri si jgheaburi de cablu; Proiectare si executie H 1001 Conducte din otel si otel turnat. Principii de constructie si proiectare H 1002 Ventile de siguranta; Conceptie H 2401 Sisteme de incalzire cu abur respectiv apa fierbinte; Conceptie si executie H 3001 Conducte din otel supraterane; Executie H 3002 Ventile de siguranta; Executie J 2001 Constructii metalice; Conceptie si executie K 1001 Masurare, comanda, reglare (AMC);

    Conceptie K 1002 Sistem de semnalizare, comanda si protectie K 1303 Separarea cablurilor si tuburile de protectie

    a cablurilor in gheaburile de cablu; MuR

    N 3004 Cabluri de curent tare N 3005 Sisteme de incalzire electrica; Executie N 3402 Extinderea instalatiilor de comanda de joasa

    tensiune si a repartitoarelor existente in Rafinaria Schwechat; Executie

    202 Process Plant; Safety Equipment 204 Process Plant; Fire Protection 206 Process Plants; Local Planning Principles A 3001 Above- and Below-Ground Construction;

    Implementation A 3003 Cable Conduits, Cable Drawing Shafts and

    Cable Troughs; Planning and Implementation

    H 1001 Pipelines of Steel, Above-Ground; Design H 1002 Safety Valves; Design H 2401 Heating with Steam or Hot Water; Design

    and Construction H 3001 Steel and cast steel pipelines;

    implementation H 3002 Safety valves; construction J 2001 Steel Structures; Design and

    Implementation K 1001 Instrumentation and Process Automation;

    design K 1002 Emergency Shutdown System K 1303 Cable Separation and Cable Conduits in

    Cable Troughs; Measurement and Control N 3004 Cables for High Voltage N 3005 Heating, Electric; Design N 3402 Expansion of existing low-voltage

    switchgear and distribution units for Schwechat Refinery; implementation

    EU DIRECTIVE/EN SR - H.G 1058/2006 Preluarea Directivei EU 99/92 - SR EN60079-10-2003"Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmosphere, Part 10:Classification of Hazardous Areas(IEC 60079-10:2002)"

    EU DIRECTIVE/EN SR - H.G 1058/2006 Overtaking of EU Directive 99/92 - SR EN60079-10-2003 "Electical apparatus for explosive gas atmosphere, Part 10:Classification of Hazardous Areas(IEC 60079-10:2002)"

    Reglementari VE L 20 Pozarea cablurilor de alimentare cu energie, de comanda si de masura

    VE regulations L 20 Laying of energy, control and measurement cables

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    Anexa 2 - Punctele ce trebuie sa fie stabilite inainte de incredintarea contractului

    Annex 2 - Summary of definitions to be agreed before contract award process

    Punct 2.1 Amplasarea cladirilor 2.2 + Fig.1 Accesul cu masinile de pompieri 2.3 Stabilirea nivelului amplasamentului de instalatii 2.4 Sistemul de canalizare 2.4.1 Lungimea rigolelor si a gurilor de scurgere Stabilirea granitei pentru Sistemul Verde 2.4.2 Stabilirea granitelor pentru Sistemul Rosu, statia de pompare, verificarea hidraulica 2.4.3 Executia si materialele utilizate pentru drenaje de apa din cuvele de cuptoare 5.1 Numarul de pompe de rezerva 5.2 Capace de protectie la zgomot sau statie de compresoare 7.0 Rezerva de estacade de conducte 8.0 + 9.0 Rezerva de cabluri

    Item 2.1 Building construction 2.2 + Fig. 1 Access with firefighting vehicles 2.3 Determination of the plant level 2.4 Sewer system 2.4.1 Length of the trenches and individual

    inlets, determination of the delivery border for the green system

    2.4.2 Determination of the delivery border

    for the red system, pump station, hydraulic inspection

    2.4.3 Implementation and materials for the furnace tank drainage

    5.1 Number of reserve pumps 5.2 Sound protection shells or

    compressor building 7.0 Pipe bridge reserve 8.0 + 9.0 Cable reserve

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    REVIZII REVISIONS 0/Mai 2006 Preluare si adaptare norma OMV 201/01.12.1995 1/Dec.2006 Schimbare format 2/June 2007 Modificare pct 2.1 si 2.4

    0/May 2006 Processing and adapting of OMV norm 201/01.12.1995 1/Dec.2006 Change format 2/June 2007 Changes in pct 2.1 and 2.4

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