"philippine disaster risk reduction and management act of 2010"

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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Republic Act 10121 s 2010

THE NEW DRM LAW1. Formulation of a National Disaster Risk Reduction

and Management Framework and the National Disaster Risk Reduction Plan

2. NDCC became National Disaster Risk Reduction and Mgt. Council with;1. DND Sec - Chair,

1. DILG Sec - Vice Chair for disaster preparedness 2. DSWD Sec – Vice Chair for Disaster Response3. NEDA – Vice Chair for Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery4. DOST –Vice chair for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation

2. Membership expanded3. Framework for Climate Change Adaptation &

Disaster Risk Reduction and Management


4. RDCC,PDCC,C/MDCC into Local Disaster Risk Reduction & Management Councils

5. OCD directors as Chair of the Regional Disaster Risk Reduction & Management Council with Regional DSWD,DILG,DOST & NEDA as V-Chairs except Mindanao where the Regional Gov acts as Chair and OCD as secretariat of the RDRRMC

6. BDRRMC integrated with the Barangay Development Council


7. Creation of the Local Disaster Risk Reduction & Management Office

8. Accreditation, mobilization and protection of Disaster Volunteers & National Service Reserve Corp, CSO’s and the Private Sector

9. Integration of Disaster Risk Reduction Education into school curricula & SK Programs as well as Mandatory Training for Public Sector Employees

THE NEW DRM LAW14. Local Disaster Risk Reduction &

Management Fund not less than 5% of the IRA for risk management but not limited to preparedness, training, purchasing medicines, equipments, post disaster activities etc..

– 30% of the LDRRM Fund shall be allocated for quick response fund or stand-by fund

– 70% is allocated for pre-disaster activities including training, purchasing life-saving rescue equipment, supplies and medicines, for post-disaster activities, and for the payment of premiums on calamity insurance etc

Quick Response Fund (QRF) or stand-by fund for relief and recovery programs (30%)

Activities CO MOOE TOTAL1. Relief

a. Relief/food commoditiesb. Medicinesc. Other relief support

servicesd. Fuels and lubricantse. Emergency transportation

servicesf. Communication servicesg. Other MOOE

1. Recovery programs a. Housing materialsb. Seeds and other farm

inputsc. Monitoring and evaluationd. Repair and reconstructione. Other works or services


Other Disaster Risk Management Activities such as, but not limited to, Pre-Disaster Preparedness Programs

including training, purchasing life-saving rescue equipment, supplies and medicines, for post-disaster

activities, and for the payment of premiums on calamity insurance etc. are as follows:

(The 70%)

Activities CO MOOE TOTAL1. Trainings, conferences and

emergency meetings

1. Purchase of life-saving equipment, emergency/disaster preparedness, special vehicles, rubber boats and other equipment.

1. Supplies and medicines1. Insurance premiums1. Warning equipment and

services1. Communication equipment

and facilities

1. Rehabilitation (agri, engineering, livestock, fisheries, fowl, forest and minor forest, coconut, etc)

1. Emergency field investigation 1. Risk mapping1. Other MOOESUB-TOTALGRAND TOTAL

• Under Section 21 of RA 10121, The present Local Calamity Fund shall henceforth be known as the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund (LDRRMF). Not less than five percent (5%) of the estimated revenue from regular sources shall be set aside as the LDRRMF to support disaster risk management activities such as, but not limited to, pre-disaster preparedness programs including training, purchasing life-saving rescue equipment, supplies and medicines, for post-disaster activities, and for the payment of premiums on calamity insurance. The LDRRMC shall monitor and evaluate the use and disbursement of the LDRRMF based on the. LDRRMP as incorporated in the local development plans and annual work and financial plan. Upon the recommendation of the LDRRMO and approval of the sanggunian concerned, the LDRRMC may transfer the said fund to support disaster risk reduction work of other LDRRMCs which are declared under state of calamity.

• Of the amount appropriated for LDRRMF, thirty percent (30%) shall be allocated as Quick Response Fund (QRF) or stand-by fund for relief and recovery programs in order that situation and living conditions of people In communities or areas stricken by disasters, calamities, epidemics, or complex emergencies, may be normalized as quickly as possible.


15. Unexpended LDRRMF shall accrue to a special trust fund solely for the purpose of supporting disaster risk reduction& management activities in the next 5 years after which it shall revert back to the General Fund

The new law enabled the Philippine Disaster Management System to be more proactive

1. Permanent office overseeing disaster risk management at the local level

2. Preparedness Mitigation issues3. Funding Issues were addressed

Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office

1. The LDRRMO shall be under the office of the governor, city or municipal mayor, and the punong barangay in case of the BDRRMC.

2. The LDRRMOs shall be initially organized and composed of a DRRMO to be assisted by three (3) staff responsible for: 1. administration and training; 2. research and planning; and3. operations and warning. The LDRRMOs and the BDRRMCs

shall organize, train and directly supervise the local emergency response teams and the disaster volunteers.

Coordination During Emergencies

1. The LDRRMCs shall take the lead in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from the effects of any disaster based on the following criteria:a. The BDC, if a barangay is affected;b. The city/municipal DRRMCs, If two (2) or more barangays

are affected;c. The provincial DRRMC, if two (2) or more cities /

municipalities are affected;d. The regional DRRMC, if two (2) or more provinces are

affected; ande. The NDRRMC, if two (2) or more regions are affected.

Declaration of State of Calamity1. The National Council shall recommend to the President of

the Philippines the declaration of a cluster of barangays, municipalities, cities, provinces, and regions under a state of calamity, and the lifting thereof, based on the criteria set by the National Council.

2. The President's declaration may warrant international humanitarian assistance as deemed necessary.

3. The declaration and lifting of the state of calamity may also be issued by the local sanggunian, upon the recommendation of the LDRRMC, based on the results of the damage assessment and needs analysis.

Workshop 1

a. Draft the duties & responsibilities

of your Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction Management Committeeb. List down the composition of BDRRMC Members

Workshop 2

a. Draft the duties & responsibilities of Disaster Control Group.

b. List down the composition of DCG Members.

Workshop 3Proposed Budget Breakdown of the 5% local DRRMC fund

– 70% Pre-Disaster Activities

Particulars MOOE Capital Outlay


Workshop 4Proposed Budget Breakdown of the 5% local DRRMC fund

– 30% Quick Response Fund

Particulars MOOE Capital Outlay


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