philippine herbal

Post on 24-May-2015






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Uses of the plants medicine


Bernadeta Tan GaleaDivision of Taguig and Pateros

Pateros DistrictSto.Rosario Elementary School


There are many other Philippine medicinal plants, herbs and trees found in the country but are actually rarely used as herbal

medicine. These are the more widely used and popular medicinal plants:

Akapulko or Acapulco• Benefits & Treatment of Akapulko:• • • External Use:• Treatment of skin diseases:

Tinea infections, insect bites, ringworms, eczema, scabies and itchiness.• Mouthwash in stomatitis

• Internal use:Expectorant for bronchitis and dyspnoea• Alleviation of asthma symptoms• Used as diuretic and purgative• For cough & fever• As a laxative to expel intestinal parasites and other stomach problems.

Akapulko or Acapulco• Preparation & Use:• • • For external use, pound the leaves of the

Akapulko plant, squeeze the juice and apply on affected areas.

• As the expectorant for bronchitis and dyspnoea, drink decoction (soak and boil for 10 to 15 minutes) of Akapulko leaves. The same preparation may be used as a mouthwash, stringent, and wash for eczema.

• As laxative, cut the plant parts (roots, flowers, and the leaves) into a manageable size then prepare a decoction Note: The decoction looses its potency if not used for a long time. Dispose leftovers after one day.

• The pounded leaves of Akapulko has purgative functions, specifically against ringworms.

Note: A strong decoction of Akapulko leaves is an abortifacient. Pregnant women should not take decoction of the leaves or any

part of this plant.

It should be noted that the pounded leaves of this plant may be applied thinly on the affected part twice a day. Marked improvement may be expected after two to three weeks of continuous application to the affected area(s) where the prepared Akapulko leaves were applied.

Avocado Nutrition Information(Persea americana)

• Avocado is a fruit and a tree. It often said to be the most nutritious fruit in the world - and it is. Avocado provides more than 25 essential nutrients such as protein, potassium, vitamin E, C, B-vitamins, folic acid, iron, copper, phosphorus and magnesium, just to name a few. Avocado also provides calories for energy and beneficial phytochemicals such as beta-sitosterol, glutathione and lutein.

Avocado• Avocado contains fat, that is why it is a good source of energy, but

the fat in avocado is mostly monounsaturated. What should be avoided or reduced is saturated fat that is present in most dairy and animal products. In fact, avocado helps in the absorption of nutrients that are fat-soluble such as alpha and beta-carotene and lutein, when food containing this nutrients are eaten with avocado. Avocado is also high in fiber that is good for the digestive system and the heart.Overall, avocado is considered a complete food. With vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, calories and fiber with no cholesterol and is sodium free. Avocado is ideal for growing up children, adults and even for babies, especially when blended with other fruits. For athletes, avocado is a nutritious energy booster to rev up the body's strength.Avocado can be eaten as is, mixed with other fruits, as salad, a shake, baked in breads and even made into a dip. In the Philippines, ripe avocado is often eaten as a snack by scooping from flesh from the skin then mixed with a some sugar and milk or cream. It is simply delicious!

Gumamela (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn)

• About Gumamela• Gumamela is a shrub that

grows from one meter up to 4 meters high. Gumamela is also known as: Hibiscus, China Rose and Shoeflower. In the Philippines, gumamela is cultivated as an ornamental plant. The gumamela flower comes in many colors: red, yellow, orange, white, purple, pink and other color combinations.

Gumamela leaves, usually blended with Rose Hip has long been used in the Middle East and Okinawa as herbal tea. Today, the use of gumamela tea is gaining worldwide popularity - including Asia. Gumamela (Hibiscus) is associated with longevity.

• Gumamela as Herbal Medicine• As herbal medicine, gumamela

flower, leaves and roots are used. Gumamela has the following medicinal characteristics: expectorant, diuretic, emollient, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, anodyne and refrigerant.

• Preparation & Use of Gumamela:• There are two ways to utilize

gumamela as herbal medicine. One is dried and the other is fresh. For Dried gumamela, collect the flower, leaves and/or roots. Wash, then cut into small pieces and sun dry. To use as decoction, boil the dried gumamela parts (1/4 cup dried gumamela in 1 glass of water)

To make a decoction from fresh gumamela, Wash gumamela flower and/or leaves, cut into small pieces and boil (1/3 cup in 1 glass of water), let cool and drink.

Use Gumamela as Poultice:Poultice is the use or fresh or dried herbs that is mashed, crushed or pounded - often heated (boiled in water to soften and heat the herb) and applied directly to the skin. A clean cloth or gauze can be used to help the poultice stay in place.

Gumamela is used for the treatment of: • Bronchitis - as an expectorant• Coughs, sore throat• Fever - as refrigerant drink• Treats dysentery • Urinary tract infection, bladder infections• High blood pressure• Prevention of constipation• Headaches• Boils, swelling & abscesses, mumps

Application & Use of Gumamela:• Decoction is used to treat: Bronchitis, coughs, fever, dysentery, urinary and bladder infections, high blood pressure and constipation.• Poultice is applied externally on the afflicted area. This is used to treat: headaches (on the forehead), boils, swelling, abscesses and mumps.• Intake of gumamela (alone or mixed with papaya or papaya seeds) specially in large quantities can be an abortifacient.

Lagundi Lagundi• (scientific name: Vitex negundo) is a shrub that

grows in the Philippines. It is one of the ten herbal medicines endorsed by the Philippine Department of Health as an effective herbal medicine with proven therapeutic value. Commonly known in the Ilocos region as dangla, lagundi has been clinically tested to be effective in the treatment of colds, flu, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, and pharyngitis. Studies have shown that Lagundi can prevent the body's production of leukotrienes, which are released during an asthma attack. Lagundi contains Chrysoplenol D, a substance with anti-histamine and muscle relaxant properties. Even in Japan, lagundi is becoming recognized as an effective herbal medicine, especially since researches have shown that it contains properties that make it an expectorant and it has been reported to function as a tonic as well. More than that, most of the parts of the lagundi plant have medicinal value.

Lagundi• The roots of this shrub are also used

as treatment for rheumatism, dyspepsia, boils, and leprosy. The leaves, flowers, seeds, and root of Lagundi can all be used as herbal medicine. A decoction is made by boiling the parts of the plant and taken orally. Today, Lagundi is available in capsule form and syrup for cough. For its part, the flowers are recommended as a cardiac tonic, as cure for liver diseases, and other internal disorders such as diarrhea and cholera. The lagundi plant also has anti-inflammatory functions, and its cooling effects are ideal as treatment for skin diseases such as leprosy.

Plant Description: The Lagundi plant can grow up to five meters tall. It can be described as a cross between a shrub and a tree with a single woody stem (trunk). One of Lagundi's distinctive features is its pointed leaves with five leaflets set like a hand.

• Herbal Benefits of Lagundi: • Relief of asthma & pharyngitis

• Recommended relief of rheumatism, dyspepsia, boils, diarrhea • Treatment of cough, colds, fever and flu and other bronchopulmonary disorders• Alleviate symptoms of Chicken Pox • Removal of worms, and boils

• Preparation & Use: • • Boil half cup of chopped

fresh or dried leaves in 2 cups of water for 10 to 15 minutes. Drink half cup three times a day.• For skin diseases or disorders, apply the decoction of leaves and roots directly on skin. • The root is specially good for treating dyspepsia, worms, boils, colic and rheumatism.

A decoction (boiling in water) of the roots and leaves of Lagundi are applied to wounds, and used as aromatic baths for skin diseases. Boiled seeds are eaten in order to prevent the spreading of toxins and venom from bites of poisonous animals. Juice extracted from the flowers of Lagundi plant is taken in as an aid for disorders like fever, diarrhea, liver disorders, and even cholera. While a decoction of the plant leaves is suggested to be taken by individuals to help increase the flow and production of milk, as well as to induce menstruation.

Oregano (Origanum vulgare)

• Oregano (Scientific name: Origanum vulgare) is also known as Wild Marjoram, Mountain Mint, Origanum, Wintersweet and Winter Marjoram. This erectly spreading plant has strong aromatic characteristics, with leaves and stems that are fleshy. The leaves of oregano are heart-shaped, with toothed edges, and which, grow for up to 9 meters in length. In other countries, the plant is primarily used as a culinary ingredient. However, in countries like the Philippines, Oregano is a known herbal medicine for its strong anti-oxidant properties. Oregano contains a rosmarinic acid compound, thymol, and carvacrol that are responsible for its anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties. Oregano also contains flavinoids, triterpenoids, sterols, vitamin C, and vitamin A. Its anti-bacterial properties have been proven by recent studies to treat infections of the reproductive tracts, and which make it ideal to be given to women who have just given birth.

Oregano (Origanum vulgare)• The volatile oils in oregano

and its properties are believed to be responsible for slowing the process of spoilage of food and thus minimizing the risk of ingesting harmful bacteria, parasites and fungi.

• The anti-oxidant properties of oregano helps fight free radicals in the body that cause cellular damage and accelerate ageing. Free radicals are believed to be involved with many degenerative diseases like osteoarthritis, atherosclerosis and heart diseases, to name a few.The most useful parts of this plant are its leaves. The extracts and juices of such are used for asthma, dyspepsia, chronic coughs, bronchitis, and rheumatism. Ear aches have also been proven to be cured by the infusion prepared from its leaves. The leaves relieve painful swellings, boils, and sprains, when their poultices are applied directly to the affected area.

oregano• Health Benefits of Oregano:• • Good for cough and cold relief

• Helps prevent degenerative arthritis• Has Anti-aging properties• Helps relieve rheumatism and osteoarthritis• Bronchitis herbal remedy• Ease asthma attacks• Relieves upset stomach• Treatment of urinary tract problems• Relief for dyspepsia or indigestion• Healing wounds, insect bites & stings• Cure for sore throat• Avoid infections caused by childbirth by taking decoctions of the leaves by the recent mother.• For general good health

• Preparation of Oregano Leaves:•

• • Boil one cup of fresh leaves in 3 cups of water for 10 to 15 minutes. Drink half a cup 3 times a day for common colds.• For a concentrate, juice the oregano leaves and take 1 tablespoon every hour to relieve chronic coughs, rheumatism, bronchitis, asthma, and dyspepsia.• For Insect bites, wounds and stings, apply the leaves as a poultice directly on the afflicted area.• For sore throat, boil 2 tablespoonfuls of dried oregano leaves in a pint of water, take 2 hours before or after meals.• To prevent degenerative arthritis & for general good health drink oregano decoction daily.

Guyabano / Soursop ( Scientific name: Annona muricata Linnaeus )Also known as Guanabana & Graviola

• Guyabano/Soursop Fruit Nutrition• Guyabano belongs to the family

of Annonaceae, (A. muricata L.). The flesh of the fruit consist of a white edible pulp that is high in carbohydrates and considerable amounts of Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Potassium and dietary fiber. Guyabano is low in cholesterol, saturated fat and sodium. No only is guyabano a good health food, it also taste delicious. The tree and fruit is known in various names: Guyabano in Filipino, Soursop in English, Graviola in Brazil, and Guanabana in Spanish.

The guyabano tree is relatively small. It usually grows from 8 to less than 20 feet high and is sensitive to very cold temperatures. The guyabano tree requires a lot of water, warmth and humidity and is usually grown in the tropics. It is cultivated commercially in Central & South America, West Africa, Asia and South Florida in limited numbers.

Guyabano• Medicinal Uses of

Guyabano• Guyabano has been used as

folkloric herbal medicine in many regions thought the world. It is considered to be antispasmodic, sudorific and emetic. A decoction (boiling in water) of guyabano leaves is used to kill bedbugs and head lice.

To reduce fever, a decoction of leaves can be taken internally or the leaves added to bathing water also has the same effect. The crushed fresh leaves are also applied on skin eruptions for faster healing. A poultice of young guyabano leaves is applied on the skin to alleviate rheumatism and other skin infections like eczema. Applied during the healing of wounds, this can result in less or no skin scars. The decoction can also be used as a wet compress on swollen feet and other inflammations.

• The juice of the fruit is taken orally as a herbal remedy for urethritis, haematuria and liver ailments.

Studies are underway by leading medical institutes, universities and pharmaceutical companies of the healing properties of guyabano against cancers. Initial findings show that certain compounds and chemicals extracted from guyabano leaves, seeds, fruit and bark appear to kill cancer cells while leaving normal cells remain unaffected.

• Other uses of Guyabano• Pulverizing the guyabano seeds

and mixing it with soap & water is used as effective spray against caterpillars, armyworms and leafhoppers on plants.

The guyabano leaves are believed to have a tranquilizing and sedative properties. In the Netherlands Antilles, the leaves are placed inside pillows or placed on top of the mattress to induce a good night's sleep.

Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.)• Mangosteen is the name referred to the

evergreen mangosteen tree and the mangosteen fruit. The tree is slow growing (6-24 meters high) and is indigenous to Southeast Asia. The mangosteen fruit is round in shape, dark-purple, 2 to 3 inches in diameter and contains 4 to 8 segments of snow-white, delicious soft flesh. The fruit may or may not contain seeds. Encasing the flesh is a purple skin 6 to 10 cm thick. Because of its taste and medicinal properties, the mangosteen is often called "The Queen of Fruits". For centuries, the mangosteen has been honored and cherished by the peoples of Southeast Asia.

Mangosteen as Herbal Medicine

Recent studies shows that the rind (skin) has anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-tumor properties. Initial results also reveals that mangosteen have anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory medicinal properties. The active therapeutic compound found in mangosteen is called "Xanthones".

Xanthones provides many times more anti-oxidants than Vitamin C & E. Xanthones have been receiving much attention lately from researchers and scientist for its medicinal value. It appears to benefit every organ of the body. The whole mangosteen fruit is the single, best source of Xanthones.

The strong anti-oxidant properties of the mangosteen fruit fights free radicals in the body. This helps strengthen the immune system, promote joint and cartilage function, helps support a strong respiratory system and helps maintain good health.

• Medicinal Benefits of Mangosteen: • • Anti-tumor & anti-cancer

• Anti-inflammatory properties• Prevents & treats infections• For treatment of diarrhoea, cystitis, eczema, gleet and gonorrhoea.• Anti-proliferative activity against human breast adenocarcinoma cell line.• Anti-micro bacterial activity• Inhibitory activity against histamine release

• • Dried and powdered mangosteen rind (skin) is given to cure dysentery. The powder can be made into a cream and applied to skin to treat eczema and other skin disorders.• A decoction of the rind (boil in water) is cure for gonorrhoea, cystitis, diarrhoea and gleet.• A decoction of the whole fruit, bark and leaves of the mangosteen tree can also be used.• Eat the flesh of the mangosteen fruit for overall good health.

Malunggay (Moringa oleifera Lam.)

• The malunggay plant is known to different parts of the world under various names including, but not limited to, horseradish tree, drumstick tree, and dool in some regions. It is one of the more popular and publicized plant that is acknowledged to have nutritional, as well as, medicinal value. It is rich in vitamins A, B & C, minerals such as iron and amino acids. Fortunately, the plant is easily accessible as it can be found not only as part of the wild life, but also in the backyards of many Filipino homes. Malunggay proves to be a low-maintenance plant to grow, and is able to propagate in almost all kinds of soil. Most of the parts of the malunggay had been proven to be useful, both for consumption and for its preparation as a medicinal plant. Its flowers, leaves and young pods are associated and perceived to be important because of the health benefits that it provides.

Malunggay• The malunggay plant, which belongs

to the Moringaceae family, can grow as high as nine meters. The bark of this tree has a gummy quality in it, and when peered closely, is comprised of white wood that is soft in nature. It derives one of its names, horseradish, from the taste of its roots. The malunggay leaves, which are used in certain Filipino viands, have a very distinct shape that makes it easily recognizable. They are circular, thin sheets that are attached to a main stalk. The malunggay flowers are white fragrances that produce the pods, which are also used for medicinal purposes.

Health Benefits of MalunggayAs have been mentioned earlier, there are various parts of the malunggay plant which are being used for health reasons. For one, the leaves of this plant proved to be a good source of calcium, iron, ascorbic acid and phosphorus. Its other parts such as the seeds, the young pods, and the flowers have been established to benefit individuals as far as anti-oxidant, anti-diabetic, circulatory stimulations, and such other activities that are most beneficial to mankind, are concerned. There have been claims that malunggay can be used to lower blood pressure, aid in pains caused by rheumatism, headaches and migraines, as well as its being an anti-tumor plant. Malunggay is also used for purgative and anti-fungal purposes, as well. All these prove the claim that this plant is indeed multi-purpose.

There are various ways to derive the benefits from malunggay plant. Aside from the natural and direct means, wherein one is going to prepare the concoctions at home by picking the necessary parts from the plant itself, one can also purchase the commercial extractions of malunggay. There are malunggay capsules that are now available in the market, which contain 250mg dried young leaves of the malunggay plant. In the same way, there are commercial oil extracts of the malunggay flowers which are also in the market. Because of the popularity that has been associated with this plant, commercial establishments have exploited the malunggay’s marketable qualities. For simple preparations however, as when the concoction would be used for uncomplicated ailments like hiccups, as a means to end constipation, or as wound cleanser, one may eat the cooked leaves of the malunggay plant during his last meals of the day. This should be accompanied by water, especially when the ailment to be addressed is constipation. Now, as wound cleanser, the leaves may be crushed and applied to the affected area directly. In all instances, cleanliness should be observed to avoid complications.

Tanglad | Lemon Grass(Andropogon citratus DC)

• Tanglad or lemon grass is a commercially-viable plant that is cultivated mainly for the fragrance that it produces. It can be easily found in most Asian countries, and is widely cultivated in tropical areas. By nature, tanglad is a permanent or perennial plant, and the benefits of which are not restricted to its fragrance. The utility of tanglad basically lies in its leaves, where all the benefits are derived. What can be seen of this plant are mainly its leaves, which allows easy access to the main part that is needed in order to enjoy tanglad's health benefits. It constitutes most of what appears of this plant above ground, as the leaves grow up to one meter in length, and are flat in shape.

Health Benefits of Lemon Grass | Tanglad

Studies show that tanglad helps ease stomach discomforts and aids in lessening, if not totally curing, the pain caused by toothache and sprain. Lemon grass also displays anti-bacterial activities and anti-fungal properties, thus, eradicates ring worms. Like malunggay, lemon grass can also be applied to sprains for easy healing. In order to enjoy these benefits of tanglad, one needs to prepare a liniment. This can be done by chopping four ounces of the leaves and roots of tanglad and boiling them, along with fresh coconut oil. If it is infusion that an individual wishes to achieve, use one pint of water to boil the tanglad leaves with. The lemon grass plant may also serve as an insect repellant, particularly of mosquitoes. One can achieve an effect to this end either by applying liniment, or by placing crushed tanglad leaves in strategic places at home including the window sills. It is also an option to plant tanglad around the house so that placement of crushed leaves would no longer be needed.

Tanglad | Lemon Grass(Andropogon citratus DC)

Tanglad | Lemon Grass(Andropogon citratus DC)

• Like saluyot, exposure of an individual to the benefits of tanglad is greatly increased because of the nature with which it can be used. As saluyot can be taken in as part of one’s usual viand and dish, tanglad’s properties on the other hand, allows it to be used as food flavorings. Lemon grass is incorporated in a multitude of Asian cuisines and dishes, and in the Philippines it is even made part of commercial beverages. So aside from the oil that can be extracted from lemon grass leaves, the fluid that is obtained from the boiled leaves of this plant proves to have medicinal purposes as well. Such lemon grass leaves can also be used in its raw form by mixing directly with the food before it is served. Such dishes include, and are especially good, when the primary ingredient is fish or poultry. Besides the health benefits, tanglad balances the chili flavorings in dishes, which makes eating a more enjoyable experience.

Another health benefit which can be derived from tanglad, is the calming effect derived from its scent. Thus, lemon grass can aid an individual if such person is suffering from insomnia or stress. The plant also has therapeutic value, which allows it to be used by women who are suffering from menstrual problems or dysmenorrhoea, and from usual bouts of nausea. Tanglad also has cleansing properties, which makes it a good option to detoxify the various internal organs, like the liver. Lemon grass reduces the level of uric acid and of other toxins, as it detoxifies the body. This can result to better blood circulation and better digestion, as excess fats and cholesterol are cut down from the body. When taken in, tanglad affects the tissues in such a manner that there would be a significant reduction and avoidance of acne and pimples. Also, it tones the muscles and the tissues, and thus makes the skin firmer.

Tanglad | Lemon Grass(Andropogon citratus DC)

Pansit-Pansitan (Peperomia pellucida Linn.) a.k.a. Ulasiman-Bato

• The leaves and stalk of pansit-pansitan are edible. It can be harvested, washed and eaten as fresh salad. Taken as a salad, pansit-pansitan helps relive rheumatic pains and gout. An infusion or decoction (boil 1 cup of leaves/stem in 2 cups of water) can also be made and taken orally - 1 cup in the morning and another cup in the evening.

Pansit-pansitan (family: Piperaceae) is an herbal medicine also known as Ulasiman-bato, olasiman-ihalas & tangon-tangon in the Philippines. English name: peperomia. It is a small herb that grows from 1 to 1 1/2 feet. Pansit-pansitan can be found wild on lightly shaded and damp areas such as nooks, walls, yards and even roofs. Pansit-pansitan has heart shaped leaves, succulent stems with tiny flowers on a spike. When matured, the small fruits bear one seed which fall of the ground and propagate.

For the herbal treatment of skin disorders like abscesses, pimples and boils, pound the leaves and/or the stalks and make a poultice (boil in water for a minute or two then pounded) then applied directly to the afflicted area. Likewise a decoction can be used as a rinse to treat skin disorders.For headaches, heat a couple of leaves in hot water, bruise the surface and apply on the forehead. The decoction of leaves and stalks is also good for abdominal pains and kidney problems. Like any herbal medicine it is not advisable to take any other medication in combination with any herbs. Consult with a medical practitioner knowledgeable in herbal medicine before any treatment.

Pansit-pansitan is used as an herbal medicine for the treatment of:• Arthritis• Gout• Skin boils, abscesses, pimples• Headache• Abdominal pains• kidney problems

Saluyot or Jute (Corchorus capsularis L.)

• Saluyot, also known as jute, is a green leafy vegetable that is rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron and potassium. It has also been determined that 100 grams of saluyot contains an ample amount of Vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin, ascorbic acid, and is also rich in fiber. With these facts alone, we can appreciate the benefits that can be derived from eating and incorporating saluyot in one’s diet. This vegetable also assures safety of intake even for pregnant mothers. Unlike other plants with medicinal benefits like makabuhay, it is safe to be eaten even by those which are medically considered to be in a weak state. Saluyot can be found basically everywhere. From warm, tropical countries like the Philippines to tropical deserts and wet forest zones, saluyot is abundant. It does not require much attention and care, and thus, thrives without cultivation the whole year round.

Preparation and Health Benefits of


• Because the saluyot or jute plant is by nature a vegetable, it is easy to prepare and can be incorporated to various dishes that would allow individuals to benefit from its vitamins and mineral content. Since it can be found easily, there are a lot of local viands and/or dishes that use saluyot as an ingredient. For instance, the Ilocanos use saluyot in their preparation of dinengdeng and bulangbulang. Fried saluyot are also mixed with sautéed bamboo shoots and dried beans. Other dishes include, but are not limited to chicken viands, wherein saluyot are mixed in either sautéed or pureed form. It is also integrated in mongo dishes, and in soups.

Although some dislikes the slimy character of saluyot, its benefits are worth enduring the slimy character of this vegetable. Its vitamin content is good for eyesight, as the vegetable contains beta-carotene. Its iron and calcium content necessarily aids a person in maintaining strong bones and teeth, and a healthy count of red blood cells. Saluyot has been used to reduce wrinkles, as it also contains anti-oxidant substances. Studies have also shown that saluyot can be used for anti-inflammatory treatment. It is to be noted that saluyot has been used traditionally to address concerns related to inflammation and pain, and the results of recent studies confirmed the validity of such traditional practice. In the same manner, saluyot has also been connected with curing the chronic inflammation of the urinary bladder. To prepare its medical decoction, an individual is advised to eat dishes and soups that contain saluyot. As to the dosage or the amount of intake that one should have, recent studies have not been able to establish this yet.

The Philippine Department of Health advises the public to increase their intake of this particular vegetable, to include malunggay and banana as well, in order to build resistance against the threat of swine flu. The DOH encourages this because its vitamins and mineral content, as have been mentioned earlier, would fortify one’s defenses against communicable diseases, which includes the widespread and dreaded disease. It is a good thing, therefore, that no other separate preparation is needed in order to experience and enjoy saluyot's benefits.

Balanoi also called as Sweet Basil (Ocimum Basilicum                                                                                          Good alternative cure for cough and dizzinessPreparation and use:  For dizziness, crush enough fresh leaves with our fingers and sniff them.  As a decoction for cough, boil eight tablespoons of fresh leaves in two glasses of water for 15 minutes or until the liquid is reduced to half.  Divide the decoction into eight parts and take of part, three times a day.


1. 5 fresh individual leave of Bangka-Bangkaan2. 5 fresh flower of Bangka-Bangkaan3. 6 glasses of fresh water4. Strainer5. Heating or Electric PotCooking Procedure:1. First, Wash and clean 5 leaves and flowers of Bangka-Bangkaan.2. Prepare 6 glasses clean and fresh water in the container.3. arrange the leaves and flowers in the pot and pour the 6 glasses of fresh water.4. Allow 25 to 30 minutes to boil in normal heat.5. After the given minutes, you have now the perfect Bangka-Bangkaan Herbal Tea.6. And you can now transfer the Tea in the container with the used of strainer and let it cool.7. Then after 5 minutes you can now serve and drink the Bangka-Bangkaan Herbal Tea.Note: You can take 3 to 5 regular glasses a day and consume it within 15 to 18 hours only.Thank you so much for reading this article and feel free to give comments and suggestion below.

Bangka-Bangkaan Herbal Medicine Tea Recipe:Ingredients and Materials:

Oyster Plant Scientific Name: Tradescantia Spathacea Sw. Tagalog Name: Bangka-bangkaan

• MEDICINAL USE:• Colds, sore throat and whooping cough.• Nasal bleeding.• Bacillary dysentery.• Bleeding stools.• Anti-inflammatory.• HOW TO USE:• The decoction of the flowers and leaves is

recommended for colds, sore throat, whooping cough, nasal bleeding, bacillary dysentery and blood in the stools.

• A poultice made from the crushed or ground leaves may be applied externally to reduce inflammations or swellings.

PARTS USED:    The leaves and flowers. DOSE:    Normal.

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The Oyster Plant, (bangka bangkaan)also called the purple-leaved-spider-wort or the Boat lily, is a fleshy or succulent perennial garden herb belonging to the plant family Commelinaceae. The plant grows to a height of 30 to 60 cm. and the simple leaves that form a rosette are sword-like. They are 3 to 5 cm. wide and 15 to 45 cm. long. The plant can be easily identified by the dark green color on the upper surface of the leaves and the reddish purple color on the under surface. The stem is thick and unbranched. There are numerous tiny white flowers that are clustered at the leaf axils and lodge inside the boat shaped bracts. The flowers are open in the mornings. This plant is an ornamental plant and found in many tropical countries. Being a succulent and hardy plant, it can survive floods as well as droughts.

Gulasiman • Parts utilized· Whole plant. · Harvest when the vegetative parts are well-developed. · Cut off the roots, steam, sun-dry. · May also be used fresh.

• Uses Edibility / Culinary - Plant has been used as medicine, vegetable and spice since ancient Egyptian times. - Leaves are succulent; used as a vegetable component in salads.- Condiment for fish and meat. - Excellent source of calcium and iron; also, vitamin C and ash.- Used as alterative pot herb, particularly as an article of diet for scurvy and liver diseases.

Folkloric· Pounded leaves and stems for tumors, swellings, bruises, gout and erysipelas.· Decoction of leaves used as a wash for skin diseases.· Poultice of leaves and tops used as anti-hemorrhagic, also used for burns, cuts and wounds.· Juice used for dysmenorrhea, dysuria, dysentery, and for expelling worms.· Leaves are used for poulticing tumors, bad wounds and ulcers; also for blenorrhagia and leucorrhea. · The seeds have also been used as antilymphocyte; also used for dysentery and mucous diarrhea.· In Punjab, used as vermifuge.· Infusion of leaves and tops used as diuretic beverage.· Decoction of seeds used as diuretic.· For diarrhea: boil dried drug 20 to 40 gms in a cup of water to a concentrated solution and drink; fresh materials, use 40 to 100 gms.· Poisonous bites or snake bites: get the fresh plant, wash thoroughly, add salt and crush, then cover the affected part with the preparation.

Family • BasellaceaeAlugbati

• UsesEdibility / Nutrition- Common market product, a popular leafy and stew vegetable, and a good substitute for spinach.- The green and purple cultivated varieties are preferable to the wild ones.- Both the young shoots and stems are eaten.- Excellent source of calcium and iron; good source of vitamins A, B, and C, with a high roughage value.Folkloric- Roots are employed as rubefacient.- Poultice of leaves used to reduce local swelling.- Sap is applied to acne eruptions to reduce inflammation.- Decoction of leaves used for its mild laxative effects. - Pulped leaves applied to boils and ulcers to hasten suppuration.- Sugared juice of leaves useful for catarrhal afflictions in children.- Leaf-juice, mixed with butter, is soothing and cooling when applied to burns and scalds.

OthersCosmetic: Fruit used by women as rouge for cheeks and lips; also as a dye. Dye: With the anthocyanin content, it makes for a natural food colorant. Fruit provides a dark violet color as food colorant.Veterinary: Ground leaves rubbed on the human hand to introduce the preparation into the animal vagina every morning for the treatment of sterility. Pharmaceuticals: Plant mucilage has been proposed for applications in medicine and cosmetics. The mucilage has also been proposed as thickener, water-retention agent, gelling agent, suspending agent and film former.

General infoZamioculcas is a genus of flowering plant in the Araceae family, with the single species Zamioculcas .BotanyZu zu plant is an evergreen plant that grows from a stout underground, succulent water-storing rhizome, attaining a height of 45 to 60 centimeters. Leaves are pinnate, 40 to 60 centimeters long, with 6-8 pairs of leaflets 7 to 15 centimeters long, smooth, shiny and dark green. Flowers are small bright yellow to brown on bronze spadix 5 centimeters long, partly hidden among the leaf bases.Distribution - Common pot cultivation in the Philippines.- Introduced.- Native to eastern Africa, from Kenya to northeastern South Africa.- Wide scale commercial propagation by Dutch nurseries around 1996.

UsesFolkloric • No reported folkloric medicinal use in the Philippines.• In the jungles of Ghana, leaves used by shamans to relieve stomach ache. Others • Considered to have air-purifying property; included in the list of "Plants that Detoxify the Air."Caution !All parts of the plant are reported poisonous if ingested.

Can plants control indoor air pollution? Recent reports in the media and promotions by the decorative houseplant industry characterize plants as "nature's clean air machine", claiming that National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) research shows plants remove indoor air pollutants. While it is true that plants remove carbon dioxide from the air, and the ability of plants to remove certain other pollutants from water is the basis for some pollution control methods, the ability of plants to control indoor air pollution is less well established. Most research to date used small chambers without any air exchange which makes extrapolation to real world environments extremely uncertain. The only available study of the use of plants to control indoor air pollutants in an actual building could not determine any benefit from the use of plants69. As a practical means of pollution control, the plant removal mechanisms appear to be inconsequential compared to common ventilation and air exchange rates. In other words, the ability of plants to actually improve indoor air quality is limited in comparison with provision of adequate ventilation. While decorative foliage plants may be aesthetically pleasing, it should be noted that over damp planter soil conditions may actually promote growth of unhealthy microorganisms. (3)

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