phonya vol 47janfebmar 2016 screen - phen dhe · 7 happy...

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Newsletter of PhenDheLingTibetan Buddhist Centre

Vol 47 January / February / March 2016

Continuing extracts from ‘My Spiritual Autobiography’ by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, 2009. Personal Reflections, Teachings and Talks collected by Sofia Stril-Rever, Translated by Charlotte Mandell.

My Lives Without Beginning or End continued The Dalai Lama’s private secretary, Tenzin Taklha, summons me as His Holiness, with a gesture of his hand, invites me to join him without any further ado in the interview room. The large bay windows invite the sky’s infinity into the long, soberly furnished room, its walls covered in thangkas, paintings on cloth representing the great compassionate figures of Enlightenment. When the Dalai Lama talks about himself in private, it is with the same jovial, spontaneous simplicity as on the international stage. His infectious cheerfulness can very quickly give way to sadness when the world’s sufferings are mentioned: “Many Buddhas have come among us, and yet humanity continues to suffer. That is the reality of samsara. It is not the failure of the Buddhas, but of human beings, who have not put the teachings into practice.”

To be continued

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Dharma Teachings

Tsog offering / Guru puja

Twice a month, based on the lunar calendar, the practice of tsog offering / Guru puja is done. It is a commitment for those practising tantra to restore and reaffirm their vows and pledges. However, anyone and everyone is welcome to attend this ritual of making extensive offerings to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, thus accumulating the positive energy needed to progress along the spiritual path. Everyone is welcome to attend.

January: 4, 19 (not at centre) February: 3, 17March: 4, 18

Time: Please arrive at 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start. Cost: By donation Offerings of food or flowers are welcome

Guided Meditation on Tuesdays

Visualisation meditation is a unique Tibetan Buddhist technique to develop concentration, to purify your negative energy and to enhance your positive energy.Buddha and Green Tara meditations are held on alternate sessions at the Centre. Everyone is welcome to attend.

March: 8, 22

Time: 7.00pm. Cost: By donation

3Dharma Teachings, continued

General Meditation on Sundays

Genla will be teaching meditations based on compassion, respect and happiness. These meditations will include techniques such as focusing on the breath and visualisations.All welcome: Suitable for both beginner and more advanced students.

February: 7March: 8

Time: 10.00am. Cost: By donation

Sunday Meditation at Gidgegannup

Morgan has kindly opened her house to hold meditation sessions at 54 Waterford Drive, Gidgegannup.

The meditation will be led by Ven. Thupten Lodey. Genla will teach meditations based on compassion, respect and happiness using techniques such as focusing on the breath and visualisations. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Please join us for morning tea afterwards. Any queries please call Morgan on 9574 6186 / 0439080586

February: 28March: 27

Time: 10.00am. Cost: By donation

4Dharma Teachings, continued

Solitary Hero Yamantaka Commentary

Recommencing February: Gen La Thupten Lodey will be continuing a commentary on the short Solitary Hero Yamantaka Sadhana.

Please note: all participants must have received a Yamantaka Initiation to attend.

February: Thursday 18, 25March: Thursday 3, 10

Time: 7:00pmCost: By donation

5Dharma Teachings, continued

Teaching Nagarjuna's “Letter to King Satvahana”

Nagarjuna (1st - 2nd century A.D.) wrote his celebrated poem Letter to a Friend as a letter of advice to his friend King Gautamiputra/Satavahana.

This advice gives a concise and comprehensive introduction to the entire path and practice of Buddhism. It guides both householders and the ordained onto the path leading to liberation and enlightenment. The instructions are of special interest to those who wish to take up spiritual activity while continuing to live and work in society; they are meant

to convey the whole meaning of the Dharma to the ordinary person in a language and style that are easy to understand.

Despite its short length (only 123 verses), it covers the whole Mahayana path with unusual clarity and memorable imagery; thus it is widely quoted by Tibet's great masters and scholars in the many commentaries they have written on the Buddhist path.

March: 24, 31

Time: 7:00pmCost: By donation

6Message from Venerable Thupten Lodey

Dear Members and friends,My best wishes to all of you. I hope you have a wonderful festive season and a very Happy New Year, and that this coming year will be productive and full of joy and happiness and bring an abundance of harmony and peace within all communities.May you fulfil all your mundane and spiritual aspirations.

I would like to thank Morgan for organising the Fete and to all volunteers who helped with giving their time and effort into a very successful fundraising fete.

Also thank you to all the committee members for their time and dedication to continue to provide direct benefit to all the participants in the Centre and indirectly to all living beings.

I dedicate all our positive deeds to the well being for all sentient beings.Thank you

Genla. Thupten Lodey


May all beings have peace and be happy.


Happy New Year 2016 Happy Tibetan New Year 2143

(Fire Monkey)

Losar - Tibetan New Year Celebration

Traditionally, Tibetan New Year, or Losar, (Lo means year and sar means new) is a 15 day festival. On the first day of the New Year, people dress in new clothes, which symbolises a new beginning, and spend the day with family. Prayers for purification and offerings are made in the home and special foods are eaten. People also visit the local monasteries and offer khatas.In the monasteries a protector deity puja is done in the very early hours of the first day to ensure an auspicious start to the year. All the monks offer khatas to their teachers and to the monastery abbot. The khatas are given straight back, then later the monks offer all the khatas to His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s throne. Losar will be celebrated at the Centre with Green Tara Puja.

Please bring a plate to share after the puja.

Date: Tue 9th FebruaryTime: 6:30pm

8 Special Events,

Chotrul Duchen: Day of Miracles

This is one of the four major festivals in a year which relate to the life of Buddha Shakyamuni. The Buddha had been challenged by six heretical teachers. To overpower these teachers, Lord Buddha displayed miraculous powers for 15 days. He defeated the heretical teachers and introduced everyone in the audience to the Dharma. The Day of Miracles celebrates the final day of the miraculous display.

SHRAVASTI where Buddha Shakyamuni performed the miracles over 15 days - (Phendheling pilgrimage November 2011)

It will be celebrated at PhenDheLing with Medicine Buddha Practice in the evening.

Date: Monday 22 FebruaryTime: 7.00pmCost: By donationOfferings of food/flowers are welcome

10Recent Events

Hello everyone,

The fete organisers would like to thank everybody who made the fete possible this year. We raised in excess of $3150.00. This money will go towards funding future projects, the expected 2017 visit from Ven. Jhado Rinpoche in particular. Our thanks begin with the busy bee a week before, thanks to Paul, Anita and Mataji. It was a very hot 37 degree day with strong hot winds. Your help was greatly appreciated. Thank you to all who donated goods to sell. This year we had several delicious cakes, jams, lime pickle, marmalade, fudge, hand turned wooden pens and a beautiful wooden vase made by Ulrich and lovely paintings of the Buddha and Tara, by Kathy, were also on sale. Our thanks too to all who donated clothing, plants, and the fantastic array of raffle prizes. Thanks to Joan for donations of clothing and for taking the unsold clothing items. They will now be sold to "provide over 1000 meals a week for the families and children and supports the 80 orphans and 300 school kids". Special thanks to Alison and Sandy. This year the Tibetan goods stall, coordinated by Alison, donated all income to the fete.

So an abundance of thank-yous to everyone who helped (too many to mention with limited newsletter space ) and everyone who came to our 2015 fete. Thank you to Genla for generously hosting the event at his home and centre. It was a wonderful day that flowed through the open hands of all who gave.

Best wishes,

Phendheling fete organisers

9Special Events, continued

White Tara Day Retreat

White Tara is manifestation of all the Buddhas compassion and longevity energy. She also heals the physical and mental sickness of all the beings.White Tara practice is for long life for the benefit of yourself and all sentient beings; To purify disease, spirit harm, obscurations, and negative karma.

Oṃ Tāre Tuttāre Ture Mama Ayuḥ Punya Jñānā Puṣtiṃ Kuru Svāhā

Date: Sunday 13 March

Time: 9.00am - 4.00pm

Cost: $35 members / $45 non-members, includes vegetarian lunch. Bookings essential: Please contact Alison on 93375845 or email to register for the retreat.


The King of Prayers... Continued from last newsletter

But to read or hear this king of prayersWith great intention to achieve supreme Buddhahood

And faith shining in one’s heart for even an instantGives birth to a far more superior merit.

Should anyone recite this aspiration of sublime waysThey will pass beyond all states of sorrow

Rise above all inferior beings and gain A vision of Amitabha, Buddha of Infinite Light.

Even in this very lifetime Achieved all their mundane and supreme objectives

Similar are the experiences of the all-sublime Samantabhadra

Without obstructions, they will quickly be theirs.

... To be continued


General News

PhenDheLing Annual Picnic

Sunday 14 February 4:00pm at Manning Park

Bring a picnic blanket and plate to share

Zamser Tibetan shop has unfortunately closed down due to circumstances, however, if any one needs to buy any Dharma objects, incense and prayer flags , etc., please contact Alison at: or 0424961174.

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General News, continued

Favourable Days for Hanging Prayer FlagsJanuary: 5, 13, 15, 20February: 3, 8, 12, 19, 26March: 3, 10, 19, 26

Unfavourable Days for Hanging Prayer FlagsJanuary: 7, 22February: 18, 29March: 17, 26

Newsletter by Email

In order to save costs and the earth’s resources we encourage you to receive PhenDheLing’s newsletter by email. If you would like to receive a pdf copy of the newsletter b y e m a i l , p l e a s e c o n t a c t t h e C e n t r e a t :


General News, continued

New Members

New members are always welcome at the PhenDheLing Tibetan Buddhist Centre. If you would like to become a member or a friend of the centre please complete the subscription form enclosed in the newsletter or email May your connection with the PhenDheLing Tibetan Buddhist Centre be of benefit to you and all sentient beings.

Spiritual Consultation

Genla Thupten Lodey is available for Spiritual consultations and House Blessings (ritual cleansings), Baby Blessings, Wedding Blessings, and Funerals. If you would like to arrange a time to meet with Genla, please call Alison on 93375845 or email

15Event Calendar




Event Calendar, Continued.


Contact Details for Phendheling

Spiritual consultations : secretary@phendheling.orgMembership and accounts: treasurer@phendheling.orgNewsletter and General enquires: info@phendheling.orgEvent bookings and registrations:

Pho-nya means messenger. PhenDheLing means place of benefiting others and happiness

Tue 19th Tsog / Guru Puja Not at Centre

Wed 3rd 7:00pm Tsog / Guru Puja

Sun 7th 10.00am Meditation

Tue 9th 6.30pm Losar Green Tara Puja

Sun 14th 4.00pm Phendheling Annual Picnic

Wed 17th 7:00pm Tsog / Guru Puja

Thu 18th 7:00pm Commentary Yamantaka Sadhana

Mon 22nd 7:00pm Day of Miracles Medicine Buddha

Thu 25th 7:00pm Commentary Yamantaka Sadhana

Sun 28th 10:00am Meditation at Gidgegannup

Thu 3rd 7.00pm Commentary Yamantaka Sadhana

Fri 4th 7.00pm Tsog / Guru Puja

Sun 6th 10.00am Meditation

Tue 8th 7:00pm Meditation

Thu 10th 7.00pm Commentary Yamantaka Sadhana

Sun 13th 9.00am White Tara Day Retreat

Fri 18th 7.00pm Tsog / Guru Puja

Tue 22nd 7.00pm Meditation

Thu 24th 7:00pm Teaching Nagarjuna’s letter to the King

Sun 27th 10.00am Meditation at Gidgegannup

Thu 31st 7:00pm Teaching Nagarjuna’s letter to the King

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