photo adjustment testing

Post on 23-Jun-2015






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Photo Adjustment Testing

Firstly our group gathered some location shots, this was relatively easy as we had a clear understanding of what we needed- industrial areas. These locations will be used when we are filming the male characters scenes. These locations will polarize with the locations of the female characters scenes because we need to see them being totally different- nature vs. industrial. For our advertisement we will need appealing images with links to our product and an interesting colour pallet; that is why we have decided to use Photoshop in order to control the quality of the image. Below is the image we have chosen to manipulate so that we can learn best ways to create an attractive image.

Firstly we adjusted the brightness to 65 and the contrast to -8. This stated to bring the image to life and what where dark coves seem more discernible. As you can see sections to the bottom left have started to become more visible. The puddles are now reflecting where as before they only seemed to mildly shimmer. The decrease in contrast has made the bottom left stand out now, catching the audience’s eye and making them notice the footprints in the sand.

This is the image with the brightness and contrast manipulated, now we will manipulate the ‘colour balance’. This will make the image tint- I will change the ‘Shadows’, the ‘Midtones’ and the ‘Highlights’. I will try and make the image a mix of blues, browns and reds- the highlights will make the image more pop more therefore I shall use a lighter blue. To the left I will place the settings I have allocated for the image.

Firstly I raise the amount of red to 42 which gave the sand a deeper colour, I also dropped the magenta in order to -32 to make the clouds more interesting. The blue on the ‘Shadows’ has been raised to +12 so that the sky is deeper.

Secondly I tried to make the darkening of the shadows look more natural by slightly lowering the ‘Midtones’. Cyan is positioned at -16, magenta -46 and yellow -52. These changes made it where so the sand regained more of a brown colour.

The highlights made the image more striking- the Cyan has give the image a light bright layer. Cyan -49, Magenta remains almost the same, +15 and so does the blue +13. The over all image compared to the original version is more interesting and more eye catching.

The images used here also account for our recce shots- we are intending to use the industrial backdrop within our filming of character one – the location for character two will be Ward Jackson park, this will give the two characters a juxtaposing location and help with the clarity of the narrative.

The main issue with filming with industrial backdrop will be the lighting- if we get the shots recorded in the daytime we won’t have the proper mise en scene. d

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