phrases in serbian

Post on 05-Oct-2015






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Marina Petrovic


  • Fraze na srpskom

    Sastavila, snimila i povezala


    Serbian Phrases by Marina Petrovi Page 1

  • Sadraj

    Meeting people =upoznavanjeGreetings = pozdraviArranging a meeting = dogovaranje sastanka

    Expressions of politeness=izrazi utivostiHolidays = prazniciSmall talk = razgovor posle upoznavanjaSightseeing = razgledanje gradaAt the hotel = u hoteluAt the doctor's = kod lekaraAt the airport = na aerodromuGiving directions = davanje uputstavaAt the exchange office = u menjaniciAt the customs = na cariniAt the restaurant = u restoranuAt the internet cafe = u internet kafeuShopping = kupovina

    Click to the underlined / linked title above the phrases you are interested in in order to watch these phrases on Youtube !

    If want to come back to this content page, click on the heading at the top of the page.


    Serbian Phrases by Marina Petrovi Page 2

  • MEETING PEOPLE Click on the underlined topics to watch the phrases via Youtube channel for free. Make sure that you have the latest Adobe Acrobat Reader in order for the link sto be clickable!

    Upoznavanje Introductions

    Zovem se Ana My name is Ana

    Ja sam Ana I am Ana

    Kako se Vi zovete ? What's Your name ? (formal)

    Kako se ti zove ? What's your name ? (informal)

    Drago mi je Nice to meet you (too)

    Moemo da preemo na "ti" We can use the informal way of addressing each other :)

    If you are interested in buying "Phrases in Serbian " with additional speaking exercises, interactive dialogues and written exercises with instant feedback. Watch the video instructions !

    Upoznavanje prijatelja Introducing friends

    Ana, ovo je Zoran. Ana, this is Zoran. (informal)

    Ana, dozvoli da te upoznam sa Simom. On je moj kolega.

    Ana, let me introduce you to Sima. He is my colleague. (formal)

    elim da upozna moju baku. I'd like you to meet my granny.

    Bako, ovo je moja devojka Ana. Granny, this is my girlfriend,Anna.

    Drago mi je.Drago mi je.

    Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you too.

    Next page - Pozdravljanje posle upoznavanja

    Meeting people - click on the heading in order to get back to the content page

    Serbian Phrases by Marina Petrovi Page 3

  • Pozdravljanje posle upoznavanja Saying goodbye after meeting

    ao mi je ali moram da krenem sada Im afraid I must go now.

    Drago mi je da smo se upoznali It was nice meeting you.

    I meni. Takoe. It was nice meeting you, too.

    Pozdravi sve! Say hello to everyone!Send my regards to everyone!

    Vidimo se uskoro! See you soon!

    Once you enroll Serbian Phrases course, you'll have access not only to The list of phrases read slowly and at normal speedThe Serbian Cyrillic script version read slowly

    But also A complete dialogue based on the phrase list Dijalogue A - you act out the responses of the role BDijalogue B - you start the conversation and practice the role of the person AVideo lessons with Jeremija asking all the questions you might havePossibility to ask me a question in the discussion form to the right of the video lesson

    Possibility to get the video lessons regularly via an e-mail

    If you are interested in buying "Phrases in Serbian " with additional speaking exercises, interactive dialogues and written exercises with instant feedback.Watch the video instructions !

    Pozdravljanje posle upoznavanja

    Serbian Phrases by Marina Petrovi Page 4

  • Link to Youtube video with pronunciation - Greetings

    POZDRAVI ---> kada dolazite

    GREETINGS ---> when arriving

    Zdravo! Hello!

    ao! Hi !

    Dobro jutro! Good morning !

    Dobar dan ! Good afternoon !

    Dobro vee! Good evening !

    POZDRAVI ---> kada odlazite

    GREETINGS ---> when leaving

    Dovienja! Goodbye!

    ao! Zdravo ! Bye !

    Laku no ! Good night!

    DODATNE FRAZE kada odlazite ADDITIONAL PHRASES when leaving

    Vidimo se ! See you !

    Pozdravi sve! Send/give my regards to everyone!

    Srean put! Have a safe journey !

    Sreno! Good luck! / Best of luck !

    Greetings = pozdravi

    Serbian Phrases by Marina Petrovi Page 5

  • ARRANGING A MEETING Formal Phrases (formalne fraze)


    Da li ste slobodni u petak ? Are you free on Friday ?

    Koje vreme Vam najvie odgovara ? What time suits you best?

    Kada moete da zakaete sastanak ? When can you make an appointment ?

    Da li bi mogli da doete sutra? Could we meet tomorrow ?

    Kada ste slobodni ? When are you free ?


    + Da, mogu u petak u deset.

    = Yes, I can make it on Friday at 10.

    + U redu.

    = All right.

    + Odgovara mi

    = It suits me fine.

    + Dogovoreno.

    = Its a deal.


    ekaj da mi je, ne mogu tada.

    Let me check I am afraid, I cant then.

    ao mi je, ali tada sam zauzet/zauzeta... Im sorry, Im busy then.

    ta kae da se vidimo neki drugi dan ? What do you think about some other day ?


    Zna da smo se dogovorili da se sretnemo u petak ? Moram da odloim sastanak.

    You know that we agreed to meet on Friday? I have to cancel the meeting.

    ao mi je, neto je iskrslo. Da li moemo da odloimo sastanak.

    Im sorry, something came up.

    Izvini, ali ne mogu da stignem u pet. Da li si slobodan/slobodna u est ili moda sutra ?

    Im sorry, but I cannot make it at five. Are you free at six, or maybe tomorrow ?

    Arranging a meeting = dogovaranje sastanka

    Serbian Phrases by Marina Petrovi Page 6

  • Expressions of Politeness = Izrazi utivosti

    Opti izrazi General Expressions

    Da Yes

    Ne No

    Tano True

    Sigurno Sure

    Naravno Sure

    Svakako Certainly

    Mislim da je tako I think so

    Znam I know

    Ne znam I dont know

    Moda Maybe

    Moda Perhaps

    Verovatno Probably

    Videu Ill see

    Zavisi It/that depends

    Izrazi utivosti Expressions of politeness

    Molim ? (I beg your )pardon ?

    Izvinite! Excuse me !

    ao mi je / Oprostite mi / Izvinjavam se Sorry

    Molim Vas, recite mi... Please, tell me (formal)

    Molim Vas, pokaite mi.. Please, show me

    Da li bi bili ljubazni da ... Would you please be so kind to...

    eleo bih... elela bih... I would like to ...

    Hvala Vam/ti Thank You (formal)

    Hvala ti unapred Thank you in advance

    Nema na emu / Molim Don't mention it / Not at all You're welcome

    Veoma ste ljubazni You are very kind

    Veoma sam zahvalan I am very grateful

    Ne brinite / ne brini (informal) Don't worry

    Nadam se da ete mi oprostiti I hope you will forgive me

    Sledea strana

    Expressions of politeness = izrazi utivosti

    Serbian Phrases by Marina Petrovi Page 7

  • Oslovljavanje Ways of addressing people

    Gospodin, g-din, Mr.

    Gospoa, g-a, Mrs.

    Gospoica, g-ica Miss.

    Dragi/draga/potovani... (u pismu ) Dear ... (in a letter)

    "S potovanjem" ili "iskreno Va(a)/tvoj(a)"

    Sincerely/faithfully yours


    Serbian Phrases by Marina Petrovi Page 8

  • Praznici i posebni dogaaji Holidays and Special Occasions

    Srean rodendan! Happy birthday!

    estitke ! estitamo ! Congratulations!

    estitke na prinovi! Congratulations on your new baby !

    Srean Boic! Merry Christmas!

    Srena Nova godina! Happy New Year!

    Hristos se rodi! Merry Christmas!

    Hristos Vaskrse! Srean Uskrs! Happy Easter!

    Srean praznik! Have a good holiday!

    Nazdravlje! iveli! Cheers!

    Srean Dan ena! Srean osmi mart!

    Happy womens day!

    Srean Dan zaljubljenih! Happy Valentines Day!

    Sreno! Neka je sa sreom! Good luck ! / Best of luck !

    Moje iskreno sauee. My sincere condolences!

    Holidays = praznici

    Serbian Phrases by Marina Petrovi Page 9

  • Safe topics = Sigurne teme posle upoznavanja


    Da li ste imali problema da nas naete ? Did you have problems finding us ?

    Kako ste doli do nae firme/kole ? How did you get to our company/school ?

    Kakav je bio let/put ? What was your flight/journey like ?


    Odakle ste? Where are you from?

    Gde ivite u Americi ? Where do you live in America ?

    Kako Vam se svia ivot u L.A. ? How do you find life in L.A. ?

    U kom delu grada ivite ? Which part of the city do you live in ?


    Da li ste ikada bili u Srbiji / Beogradu / Kikindi ?

    Have you ever been to Serbia /Belgrade / Kikinda ?

    Kako Vam se svia hrana/priroda/vreme ?

    How do you like food/countryside/weather ?

    Kako Vam se sviaju ljudi/restorani / muzeji ?

    How do you like people / restaurants/ museums ?


    Da li radite ili studirate ? Do you work or study ?

    Gde radite ? Where do you work ?

    Da li putujete na posao ? Do you commute ?


    Kakvo je bilo vreme kada ste krenuli ?

    What was the weather like when you left ?


    Da li pratite sport? Are you into sports ?

    Koji je Va omiljeni teniser ? Who is your favourite tennis player ?

    Small talk = razgovor posle upoznavanja

    Serbian Phrases by Marina Petrovi Page 10

  • Sightseeing = Razgledanje grada


    Da li bi eleli/voleli da ... Would you like to ... ?

    Da li bi Vam/ti smetalo da odemo do centra (grada) ?

    Would you mind going to the city centre ?

    ta misli da odemo na bazen? What do you think about going to the swimming pool ?

    Hajde da idemo na bazen! Let's go to the swimming pool!

    Hajmo na bazen! Let's go to the swimming pool!

    Hoe li da odemo u kafanu ? Shall we go to a cafe ?


    Da, to je super ideja. Yes, it's a great idea.

    Slaem se. I agree.

    Zvui super. It sounds great.

    Da, hajde (da to uradimo). Yes, let's do it.

    Super! Vai! U redu! Super! OK! All right!


    ao mi je, ali moram da uim / imam da ...

    I'm sorry, but I have to learn.

    Izvini, ali ne mogu danas. Sorry, but I cannot make it today.

    Izvini ali ne svia mi se ta ideja. I'm afraid I don't like that idea.

    Hmm, ne znam ba. Hmm, I don't think so.

    Nema anse da idem tamo. No way I'm going there.

    Ne, hvala. No, thanks.

    Sightseeing = razgledanje grada

    Serbian Phrases by Marina Petrovi Page 11

  • At the hotel = U hotelu

    1) Prijavljivanje u hotel 1) Checking In

    a. Dobrodoli u Park hotel. Kako mogu da Vam pomognem ?

    a. Welcome to the Park hotel! How can/may I help you?

    b. Imam(o) rezervaciju za dvokrevetnu sobu na ime Sam Petrovi.

    b. We have a reservation for a double room. My name is Sam Petrovi.

    c. Moete li mi rei/ ponoviti Vae ime, molim Vas ?

    c. Can you tell me/ repeat your name, please?

    d. Moete li se potpisati ovde, gospodine Petrovi? Ovo je vaa kartica. Vaa soba je 1313.

    d. Could you sign your name here, Mr. Petrovic? This is your keycard. Your room number is 1313.

    2) Mogui problemi 2) Possible problems

    Mogu li dobiti drugu sobu, molim Vas, ova ....

    Can I have another room please, this one is ... .

    ... nije ista ...not clean

    ... je suvie buna ...too noisy

    ... je pokvaren. The ... is broken.

    klima air conditioner

    tu shower

    televizor television

    fen za kosu hair dryer

    prozor window

    friider fridge

    pegla iron

    3) Odjavljivanje 3) Checking Out

    a. eleli bi da se odjavimo. a. We'd like to check out now.

    b. Bilo nam je divno, ali sada je vreme da se ide kui i da se radi

    b. We had a great stay, but now it's time to go home and get back to work.

    c. Nadamo se da ete moi da ponovo doete i odsednete/ boravite kod nas sledei put!

    c. Well, we hope you'll have the chance to come back / stay with us again in the future.

    d. Sigurno. Svakako. d. Yes, sure. / Of course

    At the hotel = u hotelu

    Serbian Phrases by Marina Petrovi Page 12


    Korisne fraze Useful phrases

    Kako se oseate ? How do you feel ?

    U emu je problem ? What's the matter ?

    Lekar, doktor Doctor

    Bolest Illness, disease

    Groznica, temperatura Fever

    Zubobolja Toothache

    Glavobolja Headache

    Nesvestica Dizziness

    Nesanica, insomnia Sleeplessness

    Znojenje Sweating

    Kijavica, kijanje Sneezing

    Krvarenje Bleeding

    Nazeb, prehlada Cold

    Osip Rash

    Opekotina Burn

    Povraanje Vomiting

    Bronhitis Bronchitis

    Kaalj Cough

    Oseam se slabo I feel week.

    Alergija na lek Allergy to medication

    Alergian sam na penicili

    I am allergic to penicillin

    Slededa strana

    At the doctor's = kod lekara

    Serbian Phrases by Marina Petrovi Page 13

  • Korisne rei Useful vocabulary

    Lek Medicine

    Pilula Pill

    Melem, mast Ointment

    Kapi Drops

    Injekcija Injection

    Bolnica Hospital

    Leenje Treatment

    Klinika Clinic

    Apoteka Pharmacy

    Apotekar Pharmacist

    Hirurg Surgeon

    Medicinska sestra Nurse

    Kod lekara - vokabular

    Serbian Phrases by Marina Petrovi Page 14


    Putovanje avionom Travelling by Plane

    elim da rezerviem let za ... I want to book the flight for...

    Koliko kota karta za ...? How much is a ticket for ... ?

    Kada polee avion za ... ? When does the plane for...take off ?

    Kada moram biti na aerodromu ? When do I have to be at the airport

    Avion za ... kasni jedan sat. The plane for... is one hour late

    Let za ... je odloen. The flight for ... is delayed

    Let za ... je otkazan. The flight for... is cancelled

    Gde je ... Where is ...

    Aerodrom * airport

    Sala za dolaske *departure hall

    ekiranje * check in

    Pult za ekiranje *check in desk

    Pult sa informacijama *information desk

    Sala za ekanje * departure lounge

    Tabla sa informacijama * information board

    Carina *customs

    Djuti fri / djuti fri prodavnica *duty free shop

    Izlaz (bukvalno kapijaka avionu) * gate

    Ulaz * entrance

    Izlaz * exit

    Bezbednosna provera *security check

    Avion * plane

    Sedite * seat

    Pojas za vezivanje * seat belt

    Toalet, wc * toilet

    Sala za dolaske * arrivals hall

    Pokretna traka (za prtljag) * baggage claim

    Taksi stanica * taxi rank / cab stand

    At the airport = na aerodromu

    Serbian Phrases by Marina Petrovi Page 15

  • GIVING DIRECTIONS - click to watch the video


    IDITE PRAVO (DO) go straight to...

    KOD... SKRENITE at ... turn...

    SKRENITE LEVO turn left

    SKRENITE DESNO turn right

    ... JE SA DESNE STRANE ... is on the right side

    ... JE SA LEVE STRANE ... is on the left side


    IZVINITE, KAKO DA STIGNEM DO... Excuse me, how do I get to...

    IZVINITE, GDE JE CRKVA ? Excuse me, where is the church?


    ..excuse me, where to go to get to Pali ?


    prodavnica = supermarket centar grada = downtown

    gradska kua = city hall trg = square

    ulica = street ugao, oak = corner

    palata = palace dvorac = castle

    tvrava = fortress toranj = tower

    most = most spomenik = monument

    muzej = museum izloba = exibition

    pozorite = theatre bioskop = cinema

    park = park crkva = church

    manastir = monastery groblje = cemetery

    biblioteka = library kola = school

    pijaca = market pota = post office

    apoteka = chemists, pharmacy knjiara = bookshop

    trni centar = shopping centre robna kua = department store

    prodavnica hrane= grocers mesara = bucher's

    pekara = bakers poslastiarnica = sweet shop/ confectionery

    Giving directions = davanje uputstava

    Serbian Phrases by Marina Petrovi Page 16



    Izvolite. Mogu li Vam pomoi ? 1. Can I help you ?

    Koju valutu imate / Koja valuta Vam treba ?

    2. What currency do you have / need ?

    Ne primamo sitan/ metalni novac.

    3. We don't accept coins!

    Dananji kurs je 100 dinara za 1 evro.

    4. Today's exchange rate is 100 Dinars to the Euro.

    Koliko novca elite da razmenite ?

    5. How much money would you like to change ?


    eleo bih da razmenim novac. 1. I'd like to change some money.

    Da li menjate australijske dolare? 2. Do you change Australian dollars?

    eleo / hteo bih da razmenim 100$. 3. I'd like to change $100.

    Imam novanicu od $500, moete li mi razmeniti samo $200, molim vas ?

    4. I have a $500 bill. Can you change only $200 please?

    Da li naplaujete proviziju ? Kolika je provizija ?

    5. Do you charge commission ? How much is commission ?

    At the exchange office = u menjanici

    Serbian Phrases by Marina Petrovi Page 17



    Carina Customs

    Carinik Custom officer

    Da li imate neto da prijavite za carinjenje ?

    Do you have anything to declare?

    Da li su ovo Vai koferi ? Are these your suitcases ?

    Pokaite mi Vae kofere. Show me your suitcases.

    Moete li otvoriti ovaj kofer? Could you open this suitcase, please?

    Da li je ovo Vae ? Is this yours ?

    Izvolite Here you are.

    Da li dolazite poslom ili na odmor ?

    Are you here for business or pleasure ?

    Imate li povratnu kartu ? Do you have a return ticket ?

    Koliko dugo ete ostati u Srbiji ? How long will you be staying in Serbia ?

    Pokaite mi Va paso, molim Vas. Show me your passport, please.

    Molim Vas, paso. Your passport, please.

    Dobrodoli u Englesku! Welcome to England!

    At the customs = na carini

    Serbian Phrases by Marina Petrovi Page 18



    Restoran Restaurant

    Kafe Caf

    Kafi Caf, pub

    Jelovnik Menu

    Predjela Appetizers=Starters

    Glavna jela Main dishes

    Jela sa mesom Meat dishes

    ivinsko meso Poultry

    Riba Fish

    Riblji specijaliteti Fish speciality

    Divlja Game

    Jela sa povrem Vegetable dishes

    Prilog, sos Sauce

    Pie Drink

    Supa Soup

    Jelo Meal

    Salata Salad

    Hleb bread

    Dezert Dessert

    Slatkii Sweets

    Kafa Coffee

    Voe Fruit

    Povre Vegetables

    eer Sugar

    So Salt

    Biber Pepper

    Pepeljara Ashtray

    akalica Toothpick


    At the restaurant = u restoranu

    Serbian Phrases by Marina Petrovi Page 19

  • Narudbina Order

    Naruiti To order

    ta biste eleli da naruite? What would you like to order?

    ta biste eleli da pijete? What would you like to drink?

    ta biste preporuili ? What would you recommend ?

    ta biste eleli da jedete? What would you like to eat?

    Kako biste eleli da platite? How would you like to pay?

    Raun Bill

    Baki Tip

    Platiti Pay

    Mogu li da dobijem raun, molim Vas? Can I have the bill, please ?

    Raun, molim Vas. A bill, please.

    Platiu gotovinom / keom. Ill pay with cash.

    Platiu kreditnom karticom. Ill pay with a credit card.

    U redu. Keep the change.

    Doruak Breakfast

    Ruak Lunch

    Veera Dinner


    Serbian Phrases by Marina Petrovi Page 20

  • At the internet caf = U internet kafeu


    Treba mi internet kafe. I need an internet cafe.

    Imate li kompjuter sa slualicama i mikrofonom ?

    Is there a computer with a headset?

    Ne vidim MSN/Skype... I cannot see MSN/Skype...

    Kako naplaujete ? How do you charge ?

    Koje je minimalno vreme koje naplaujete?

    What is the minumtime you charge?

    Imate li "happy hour" ? Is there a "happy hour" ?

    Koliko sam duan ? / Koliko treba da platim ?

    How much do I have to pay ?

    Treba mi I need

    Mikrofon Microphone

    Skajp Skype

    slualice sa mikrofonom Headset

    At the internet cafe = u internet kafeu

    Serbian Phrases by Marina Petrovi Page 21


    Pekara Bakery

    Knjiara Bookstore

    Mesara Butcher's

    Prodavnica slatkia Candy Shop

    Prodavnica odee Clothing Store

    Prodavnica kompjutera Computer shop

    Prodavnica hrane Grocery

    Robna kua Department Store

    Hemijska istiona / istionica Dry Cleaner

    Pijaca Market

    Tezga sa voem Fruit stand

    Benzinska pumpa Gas Station

    Prodavnica poklona Gift Shop

    Apoteka Pharmacy

    Agencija za nekretnine Real Estate Agency

    Supermarket, samousluga Supermarket

    oping centar Shopping centre

    Prodavica telefona i moblinih Telephones, cellshop

    Turistika agencija Travel Agency

    Kupovina 2. deo

    Shopping = kupovina

    Serbian Phrases by Marina Petrovi Page 22

  • Kupovina - fraze

    Prodavac Shop Assistant

    Mogu li Vam pomoi ? Can I help you ?

    ta elite ? What would you like ?

    Mogu li da Vam pomognem ? Can I help you ?

    Koju boju elite? Which colour would you like ?

    Koliko komada elite? How many items would you like?

    Koju koliinu elite ? How much would you like ?

    Koju veliinu elite ? What size would you like?

    elite li da probate ? Would you like to try it on?

    Kupac Customer

    eleo / elela bih... I'd like ...

    Treba mi... I need ...

    Hou/elim da kupim I want to buy

    Video / videla sam... u izlogu I saw ... in the shopping window

    Da li imate...? Do you have...?

    Potrebna mi je veliina... I need size...

    Mogu li da probam ? Can I try it on?

    Gde mogu da ... probam? Where can I try it on?

    Da li imate neto... Do you have something....

    ...jeftinije ... cheaper

    ...vee ... bigger

    ... manje ...smaller

    ... svetlije ...brighter

    ... tamnije ...darker

    Mogu li da promenim ? Can I change it ?

    Kupiu (ga/je/ih). I'll take it.

    Ovde fali / nedostaje ... There is ... missing

    Kupovina 2. deo

    Serbian Phrases by Marina Petrovi Page 23

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