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  • PIBE:A Personalizable Image

    Browsing Engine

    Ilaria Bartolini, Paolo Ciaccia, and Marco PatellaIEIIT-BO/CNR – DEIS

    University of Bologna, Italy

    CVDB - Paris, June 13, 2004

  • Bartolini, Ciaccia, and Patella CVDB – June 13, 2004 2


    n Why Image Browsing?n Existing Browsing Systems n PIBE (Personalizable Image Browsing Engine)

    n Functionalitiesn Customizable Hierarchical Browsing Structuren Visual Examples

    n Experimental Evaluationn Conclusions & Future Work

  • Bartolini, Ciaccia, and Patella CVDB – June 13, 2004 3


    n Exploration of large image databases (DB’s) is a complex and tedious task

    n Difficulties in characterizing the image contentand in defining suitable comparison criteria

    n Effective interaction with large DB’s has to include not just querying but also browsingfacilities:n to determine a good starting point for searchingn to get an overall view of the DB contents

  • Bartolini, Ciaccia, and Patella CVDB – June 13, 2004 4

    Existing Browsing Systems

    n Several browsing systems existn Information considered to compute the similarity between

    images: n automatically extracted low-level features (e.g. color,

    texture, etc.)n manually extracted semantic conceptsn both

    n Typically, they provide an hierarchical view of the image DB

    n Problems that limit their applicability to large image DB’s:

    n based on static browsing structure n providing customization facilities that need to reorganize a

    large part of the DBn no persistent updating of the browsing structure

  • Bartolini, Ciaccia, and Patella CVDB – June 13, 2004 5

    PIBE (Personalizable Image Browsing Engine)

    n A novel adaptive image browsing enginen customizable hierarchical structure called Browsing

    Tree (BT)n graphical personalization actions to modify the BTn “local” reorganization of the DB

    n specific similarity criteria for each portion (sub-tree) of the BT

    n user customizations persist across different sessions

  • Bartolini, Ciaccia, and Patella CVDB – June 13, 2004 6

    PIBE Architecture

    n PIBE builds off linethe BT from the features




    FeatureDB BT


    Browsing Engine

    Browsing ProcessorVisualizer



    n At run timethe user interacts with the system by means of a GUI

    n Browsing Engine:n Browsing Processor

    manages requests to modify the BT

    n Visualizer displays the BT’s content

  • Bartolini, Ciaccia, and Patella CVDB – June 13, 2004 7

    Principles of PIBE

    n Three main ingredients behind the BT:n image descriptors (e.g. color histograms)

    n representable as points in a N-dimensional spacen (dis)similarity functions (e.g. weighted Euclidean)

    n instance of a parametrized class of functions to support personalization actions

    n clustering algorithms (e.g. k-means)n BT is a hierarchical structure derived from a hierarchical

    clustering algorithm or, alternatively, by recursivelyapplying a partitioning algorithm

    n PIBE is parametric with respect to the choices of above points. The combination of choices should guarantee:n scalability with respect to the cardinality of the image DBn suitable cardinality of each cluster

  • Bartolini, Ciaccia, and Patella CVDB – June 13, 2004 8

    Browsing Tree

    n PIBE uses:n 32-D HSV color histograms (p)n weighted Euclidean distances

    n k-means algorithm applied to the whole image DB and, recursively, to each of the derived k clusters producing a default BT (wi = 1)

    n each node of the BT corresponds to a cluster Cj of images and maintains then centroid c(Cj) of Cjn representative image p(Cj) of Cj defined as

    n local weight vector wj computed as





    −= ∑=


    i qpwd wqp

    2,, /1 ijijw σ∝

    { }jjjj CCcdCp ∈= pwp ););(,(minarg)(

  • Bartolini, Ciaccia, and Patella CVDB – June 13, 2004 9

    Browsing Tree Example (k=3)

    p(C1) p(C2) p(C3)

    p(C4) p(C5) p(C6)

    p(C13) p(C14) p(C15) p(C19) p(C20) p(C21)

    p, s q r



    C4 C6

    C13 C14 C19

    v, u


    n = number of images to be clusteredO(kn logkn)

  • Bartolini, Ciaccia, and Patella CVDB – June 13, 2004 10


    n Visualizer and Browsing Processor implement the navigation mechanismn images displayed in a 2-D screen (spatial

    visualization technique) using relative distancesn to display images p and q the weighted Euclidean

    distance corresponding to the most specific cluster containing both images is used

    n Two modalities:n vertical: the user selects a representative image on

    the display and zooms in the cluster contentn horizontal: the user explores regions of the space

    where no representative image is present

  • Bartolini, Ciaccia, and Patella CVDB – June 13, 2004 11


    Browsing Examples

  • Bartolini, Ciaccia, and Patella CVDB – June 13, 2004 12


    Browsing Examples

  • Bartolini, Ciaccia, and Patella CVDB – June 13, 2004 13

    Personalization Facilities

    n PIBE provides graphical facilities allowing the user to move a “source” cluster representative image p(Cs) on a “target” one p(Ct)

    n Asymmetric operations n Ct is the “leader”

    n Two different actionsn “moving image”

    n p(Cs) is considered as single imagen “moving cluster”

    n p(Cs) represents the whole cluster Cs

  • Bartolini, Ciaccia, and Patella CVDB – June 13, 2004 14

    Updating the BT

    n Browsing Processor is in charge of the BT updates (we consider the more demanding case of moving cluster action)n wt is recomputed (Ct = Ct ∪ Cs) n Cs is deleted from the BTn k-means algorithm is recursively applied on the updated

    Ct = Ct ∪ Cs using wt (O(k |Ct| logk|Ct|))n representative images of clusters that contained Cs need to be

    updatedn if Ct and Cs have the same parent Cp,

    p(Cp) does not changen if Ct and Cs have different parents Cpt and Cps

    (but the same grand-parent Cgp), only p(Cpt) and p(Cps) have to be updated

  • Bartolini, Ciaccia, and Patella CVDB – June 13, 2004 15

    Experimental Evaluation

    n 2,000 color images of IMSI-PHOTOS data setn Goal: “given a set G of target images

    (in our experiments, 51 “fishes”), evaluate how PIBE is able to reflect user’s needs in localizing them”

    n Scenarios involved:n Default: this strategy uses the default BTn PIBE: a customized version of the BT is considered, following

    two ways to insert the target images of G into a single target cluster Ctn Top-down (Ct is an internal node that contains a large

    number of target images) n Bottom-up (Ct is the leaf node containing the highest

    number of images in G)

  • Bartolini, Ciaccia, and Patella CVDB – June 13, 2004 16


    n Computed as precision (P) of the target cluster Ct with respect to the set G of target images

    n P is the the number of target images in Ct over the cardinality of Ct




    P (%)

    n. relevant images

    n. images

    n. actions

    Top-down strategy (k=11)





    P (%)

    n. relevant images

    n. images

    n. actions

    Bottom-up strategy (k=11)

    P = | Ct ∩ G|/| Ct |

  • Bartolini, Ciaccia, and Patella CVDB – June 13, 2004 17


    n Computed as time (T) of a browsing session, i.e. number of mouse clicks needed to reach all target images by means of the PIBE GUI

    n We computed the saved-time (ST) as

    ST = (1 - TPIBE/TDefault)*100

    where TPIBE is the time needed using a customized BT, whereas TDefault is that associated to the default BT



    ST (%)TPIBETDefaultstrategy


  • Bartolini, Ciaccia, and Patella CVDB – June 13, 2004 18

    Conclusions & Future Work

    n PIBE as a new solution to image browsing:n personalization graphical actionsn hierarchical structure (Browsing Tree) n persistent and local customizations

    n We are investigating several issues:n variable fan-out for Browsing Tree nodesn “split” actionsn integration of semantic concepts extracted

    by textual descriptors (using lexical ontologies, e.g. WordNet)

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